Curriculum Review Cycle Meeting Reflection DocumentationDate: January 16, 2013Team: MediaUtilize input from all members of your team to record responses to the following. Submit a copy by e-mail ( to Tammy Johnson by the Friday following your meeting.Team Members Absent:Susan Tomlinson, Sherri BornhoftAccomplishments:Mr. Darling informed us that all of our policies that we revised and wrote have been approved by the board.Group reflections/conclusions of Conceptual Learning.Group reflections/conclusions of: group discussion, readings and/or any other new learnings.What portions of today’s task were not completed and need added to the agenda next month? Additional goals for next meeting.Continue working on technology literacy indicators. We completed 5 out of 6 K-2 standards and benchmarks.Questions that went unanswered.How will we be able to provide the plagiarism training for all staff and students?One of our district goals is technology. Is there a way to include training during staff development for ALL teachers? Teacher quality seems to have limitations due to coaching, family, community, and personal obligations. At times there seems to be a gap between the teachers who NEED the computer skills but those aren’t the ones who have the DESIRE.Plagiarism guidelines/policies need to be included in the staff & student handbooksEarly fall presentation to staff – PK-12District Communication: 1 or 2 bullets to inform others of status of group’s progress.Plagiarism policy has been written – need to provide staff trainingWhat steps will your team members need to take before your next meeting? As facilitator lists the tasks that you will work on between now and the next meeting:In addition to the above what do you need (materials/resources) from Val or Tammy before your curriculum meeting next month?**Note: Curriculum Leaders Remember to complete the action steps that were accomplished during today’s meeting in the corresponding portions of the “Humboldt Community School District Curriculum Review Process Implementation Log” document and resend it to me. ................

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