
The bombing of civilian and military targets was common throughout World War II and was conducted by both the United States and its allies as well as the Axis powers, however the use of atomic weapons against Japan represented an unconventional attack. The use of atomic weapons by the United States against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cannot be justified. At the time the bombs were dropped Japan was militarily and economically crippled and was looking to make peace with the allies. In addition, the environmental destruction as well as the decimation of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as the civilian cost lead one to conclude that the dropping of the atomic weapons was not justified.The most important reason that we consider the war unjustified is that the “Enola Gay” and “Boxcar” dropped the bombs on innocent people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The use of bombs was inhumane. This brutal activity took lives of thousands of civilians who didn’t have the rights to oppose their militaristic government, mostly woman and children. The casualties of the city of Hiroshima was more than Nagasaki. the atomic bombings killed 90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000–80,000 people in Nagasaki. More than half of the deaths occurred on the first day. The rest of the people died within three to four months after the bombing, because of the effects of the bomb, the air pollution that was caused by the bomb etc. This bombing brought so many costs for Japan and made it impossible for it to fight back against the United States.The second reason that we can refer to is the rights of using bomb during WW2. On September 39, 1938, the League of Nations, “under the recognized principles of international law,” highly emphasized that the use of bombs (Dropping bombs from the air) is illegal for all countries. Although some of the bomb supporters said that because America is not a part of the League of Nations so the roles would not affect it, but that is not the case. After the disbanding of the League of Nations, most of the civilians around the world disagreed to use bombs during the Second World War. So, Whether United States was a part of League of Nations or not, it didn’t have the authority to use bombs during the Second World War, and one of the worst results of using these bombs was that it led to the modern atomic age and the threat of nuclear warfare.The third and final reason that we can refer to is that the bomb was made for defensive only not offensive. The start of the Manhattan project goes back to the 1939, when Hungarian-born physicist had moved to the United States. During 1938 he became convinced of the use of nuclear chain reactions to create new, strong and powerful bombs. He and Albert Anstine improved on making the bomb, because they feared that Germany could make the atomic bombs as well based on its latest experiments results, and they would use it against anyone, including the United States without a warning. Bomb opponents argued that the bomb was made only as a defensive weapon, not offensive, but that wasn’t the case for the United States. Not only the United States used the bombs in defensive motion, he dropped these bombs as a revenge of the Pearl Harbour attack which only made the situation worse than before.In conclusion the dropping of the bombs was not justified for a number of reasons. It was unfair to the innocent Japanese people who suffered directly and indirectly as a result of the use of atomic weapons; whether they were killed instantly or suffered the effects of radiation poisoning that lasted a lifetime. The decision itself was fueled with immature justification as many saw it as an attempt to gain retribution for Pearl Harbour, and overall its effects were more harmful than beneficial for future events. ................

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