Introduction to Biology

Introduction to Biology

Review of terms for (Test #2)

|How the Cell Works | | |

| | |Know when stabilizing selection occurs. |

|phospholipids |How Populations Evolve and Species Emerge | |

|polar vs. nonpolar ends | |Know when directional selection occurs. |

|fatty acids |species |Know the primary reason for variation in |

|endocytosis: phagocytosis, and pinocytosis; |population |organisms to arise. |

|exocytosis |community | |

|hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic |directional, stabilizing and diversifying |What provides evidence that evolution led to the |

| |selection |development of modern species? |

|What part of the phospholipid is attracted to water? |genetic variation: what factors cause variation | |

| |mutation genes |When does reproductive isolation occur? |

|Know the molecules responsible for membrane |alleles | |

|transport. |allele frequency | |

| |Hardy-Weinberg principle | |

|Cell Division |microevolution | |

| |macroevolution | |

|cell reproduction: binary fission, mitosis and |ecological isolation | |

|meiosis |sexual dimorphism | |

|asexual vs. sexual reproduction |phylogentic gaps nonrandom mating | |

|haploid vs. diploid |migration | |

|chromosomes |selection | |

|homologous chromatids |gene interaction | |

|heterologous chromosomes |natural selection | |

|complimentary chromosomes |punctuated equilibria | |

|polyploidy chromosomes |coevolution | |

|monoploidy chromosomes |gradualism | |

| |genetic drift | |

|Know the various cell phases and what occurs in each.|isolation | |

| |parapatric | |

| |sympatric | |

| |allopatric | |

| |biogeographic | |

| |geographic isolation | |


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