
1.1 Definitions:

The Scientific Method

|Term | |Definition |

|Biology | |The Study of living things (organisms) |

|Control | |Standard for comparison |

|Data | |Measurements or observations or information gathered from an experiment |

|Double blind | |[Technique in which] neither the tester nor the person being tested knows which is the real pill and |

| | |which is the placebo. |

|Hypothesis | |Educated guess based on observation |

|Placebo | |Control used in drug testing |

|Principle or | |A proven theory |

|Law | | |

|Replicate(s) | |Make a duplicate(s) of an experiment or procedure |

|Theory | |A proven hypothesis |

1.1 The Scientific Method

A definition is provided. Write in the correct term.

|Term | |Definition |

| | |The Study of living things(organisms) |

| | |Standard for comparison |

| | |Measurements or observations or information gathered from an experiment |

| | |[Technique in which] neither the tester nor the person being tested knows which is the real pill and |

| | |which is the placebo. |

| | |Educated guess based on an observation |

| | |Control used in drug testing |

| | |A proven theory |

| | |Make a duplicate(s) of an experiment or procedure |

| | |A proven hypothesis |

1.1 The Scientific Method

Complete the answers for each term.

|Term | |Definition |

|Biology | | |

| | | |

|Control | | |

|Data | | |

| | | |

|Double blind | | |

| | | |

|Hypothesis | | |

| | | |

|Placebo | | |

| | | |

|Principle or Law | | |

|Replicate(s) | | |

| | | |

|Theory | | |

| | | |


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