Chapter 10 – Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Using the ...

Chapter 10 – Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Using the Sign Test

Know and Be Able to Do

1. You should be able to define the terms in the “Important Terms” section of this chapter.

2. You should be able to state the essential features of the repeated measures design.

3. You should be able to explain what the alternative and null hypotheses are and the relationship between them.

4. You should understand the difference between directional and nondirectional alternative hypotheses, and the null hypotheses that go with each.

5. You should be able to explain the purpose of the alpha level.

6. You should know the decision rule for determining when to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

7. You should understand and be able to explain the process of evaluating the null hypothesis, beginning with H0 and H1 and ending with the possibility of making a Type I or Type II error.

8. You should understand why the sign test is appropriate to evaluate problems that involve the binomial distribution.

9. You should be able to use the sign test to evaluate problems that involve the binomial distribution for both directional and nondirectional H0’s.

10. You should understand why we always evaluate the tail result and not the exact result itself.

11. You should be able to answer the question, “Why do we evaluate H0 first and then indirectly H1, rather than evaluate H1 directly?”

12. You should be able to define Type I and Type II error.

13. You should understand why it is important to discuss Type I and Type II errors.

14. You should understand the relationship between Type I and Type II errors.

15. You should understand the relationship between the Alpha level and Type I and Type II errors.

16. You should understand when it is appropriate to do one- and two-tailed evaluations.

17. You should be able to do the illustrative example and practice problems for this chapter.

18. You should be able to explain the difference between “Significant” and “Important.”


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