Homework 1.1

Homework 1.1Aviation History and Relevant RegulationsName: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: _________Fill in the Blank___________________ proposed that Propulsion would be needed for flight in the air to be possible.The first aircraft was a _________________, but was impractical because there was no control over the speed or direction of the aircraft itself.The Wright Brother’s mechanic, __________________, is arguably the most influential inventor of modern day aviation, creating the Wright Brother’s propulsion system.The ___________ ___________ trained World War I pilots in Cross Country Flying.The governing of Aviation was originally placed under the ________________ ___ _______________ in 1926, but was placed under the Department of Transportation in 1966. Under which part of 14 CFR can we find definitions? _____________Under which part of 14 CFR can we find how to get a certain certificate? _____________A _____________ is a large classification of aircraft. (e.g. Airplane, Rotorcraft, Lighter-than-air, etc.)A _____________ is a classification of aircraft with similar operating characteristics. (e.g. Multi-Engine Land, Single-Engine Land, Multi-Engine Sea, etc.)A __________ is a specific model or make of an aircraft. It is only required for certification purposes if the airplane is over _____________ pounds, is a ______________ aircraft or is determined by the FAA to have ______________ ______________ ___________________.True or False:_______ I need a Student Pilot Certificate before I can learn to fly._______ A 4 year-old can learn to fly._______ I need to be a Recreational Pilot to be a Private Pilot._______ I can fly in furtherance of business as a Student Pilot._______ I can fly in furtherance of business as a Private Pilot._______ A commercial pilot can be paid to fly, even when not working for an operator._______ I need to be 23 years old to be an ATP pilot._______ To fly a Tailwheel Airplane I need a special certificate.Highlight and Tab the relevant sections as you answer the questions:61.23: A First Class medical is good for _____ calendar months (under 40) and _____ calendar months (over 40) and must be obtained to exercise the privileges of an ______ certificate.61.23: A Second Class medical is good for _____ calendar months (under 40) and _____ calendar months (over 40) and must be obtained to exercise the privileges of a _____________ certificate.61.23: A Third Class medical is good for _____ calendar months (under 40) and _____ calendar months (over 40) and must be obtained to exercise the privileges of a ____________ certificate.Please Highlight 61.23(b): Operations not requiring a medical certificate.61.31: A complex airplane is one that has ___________, a ____________ ________ propeller and _____________ ___________ ______.61.31: A high performance airplane is one that has _____________________________.61.31: A high altitude endorsement is needed for any airplane that can fly over _______________.The lowered minimums for the Private Pilot course at Coast Flight Training can be found in ______ __________ ___.61.83: I must be _______ years old to obtain a Student Pilot Certificate.61.85: I can get a Student Pilot Certificate from an _______ or a ____________.61.87(b): Before I solo I must pass a test that covers parts ____ and ____, ___________ rules and procedures, and ____________ ____________ and ______________ ______________ of the aircraft to be flown.61.89(a): A student pilot may not act as PIC of an aircraft that is carrying a ___________, that is carrying ________ for compensation or hire, for compensation or hire, in ______________ of ____________, when the visibility is less than _______ (day) and ________ (night), when flight cannot be made with ________________________, or in a manner ______________ to _______________ in the pilot’s logbook.141 App. B:Indicate all of the required flight training times to receive your Private Pilot Certificate:____ hours of training if the course is for an airplane.____ hours of flight training from a certificated flight instructor on the approved areas of operation in paragraph (d)(1) of this section that includes at least—____ hours of cross-country flight training in a single-engine airplane;____ hours of night flight training in a single-engine airplane that includes—One cross-country flight of more than _____ ___ total distance; and___ takeoffs and ___ landings to a _____ _____ (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.____ hours of flight training in a single engine airplane on the control and maneuvering of a single engine airplane solely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight; and____ hours of flight training in a single-engine airplane in preparation for the practical test within 60 days preceding the date of the test.Physiology and Aeronautical Decision MakingName: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: _________Fill in the BlankThe primary method for orientation is the _________ system.The ______ are primarily used at night and are highly sensitive to light. These contain rhodopsin, or “Visual Purple.”The ________ consist of red, green and blue types that are responsible for color vision.The vestibular system consists of three ______-__________ _______ within the ________ ____ that correspond to the different axes in an aircraft.The illusion of ______-_______ ________ occurs at night when there is nothing for which the eye to focus. The eyes will be forced to see only 4 feet in front of them.An upsloping runway makes a pilot appear too ______ and the pilot will fly a _______ than normal approach. A downsloping runway make a pilot appear too _____ and the pilot will fly a __________ than normal approach.Flying into ______ creates a pitching up illusion, making the pilot fly lower.Fight in the vicinity of ________ will make objects appear further away, making the pilot fly a lower approach because he feels higher.The best way of coping with illusions is to _______________ them and to rely on ____________.Good stress is known as ________. A pilot should wait ______ hours after scuba diving before going above 8000 feet._________ hypoxia is caused by relatively less blood in the systemic flow of the coronary system.A pilot can experience ___________ hypoxia if he flies after drinking.__________ hypoxia is caused by nothing other than fewer oxygen molecules entering the bloodstream due to the lower pressures at high altitudes.__________ hypoxia is caused by the stagnation of blood within the body. ________ ___________ ________________ is the utilization of one or more crew members and/or outside resources to accomplish a certain task while flying. Highlight and Tab the relevant sections as you answer the questions:61.15: A conviction for the violation of any Federal or State statute relating to drugs is grounds for _________ of an application for a period of up to ____ year.61.15: You may have your certificate ____________ or ______________ for a conviction for violating a Federal or State drug statute.61.15: A motor vehicle action means:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.61.15: Each person holding a certificate under this part shall provide a written report to the FAA AMC-700 not later than _____ days of a Motor Vehicle Action.61.16: Refusal to submit to a test of your Blood Alcohol Concentration is grounds for ___________ or ______________ of any certificate issued under this part.91.17: No person may act as PIC of an aircraft within _______ hours of consumption of an alcoholic beverage, while _______ the __________ of alcohol, or with a BAC of ________ or greater.91.17: Except in an _________________, a pilot cannot allow a person who appears to be ___________________ to be carried in an aircraft.91.17: A crewmember shall submit to a breath or blood test for Blood Alcohol Concentration when asked to do so by a ______ _____________ _________ authorized under State or local law and when he is investigating a suspected violation of ________ or __________ law, or whenever the FAA has _________ ________ to believe this subsection has been violated.91.19: No person may carry ______________ on a civil aircraft.91.211: Oxygen is required for only the crew after 30 minutes above ___________. Oxygen is required for the crew at all times above ______________. Oxygen is required for all occupants of the aircraft above _____________.Fill in the relevant information for IMSAFE self-checklist:I - __________M - ______________S - ____________A - ____________F - ___________E - __________ Write down each illusion within ICEFLAGGS and describe the illusion:I - __________: C - ___________: E - ___________:F - _____________:L - ___________:A - _____________:G - ________________:G - ______________:S - _________________: ................

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