Adele’s Apples

Adele lived on a farm with her mom, dad, and her cousin Piper. Adele and Piper were cousins, but they were also best friends. They enjoyed doing everything together. Living on a farm meant that there were many chores to be done every day. Adele and Piper did not mind the chores because they could do them together.

One day, Adele’s mom asked Piper to pick apples from the trees on the other side of the creek. Before Piper left to pick apples, she looked everywhere for Adele. Piper wanted to find Adele before she left so she could help her pick the apples. Piper knew how much Adele enjoyed picking apples. It was Adele’s favorite chore. Piper could not find Adele in the barn or in the house. She even checked their climbing tree. Since she could not find Adele, Piper took her basket and went to the apple trees by herself.

Piper picked apples for most of the afternoon. She was about to put the last apple in the basket when she saw Adele running toward her. Piper could tell that Adele was upset because her eyes were filled with tears.

“I cannot believe you picked apples without me,” cried Adele.

“I am sorry, Adele,” said Piper. “I looked everywhere for you. I could not find you, so I went by myself.”

Adele picked up the basket of apples and dumped all the apples on the ground.

Piper could not believe what her cousin had just done. Her mouth dropped open and she stared at all of the apples rolling on the ground.

Adele turned on her heels and began marching back toward the house but stopped when she heard Piper crying. She turned around and looked at her cousin trying to gather all of the apples.

Adele ran back toward her cousin. “Piper, wait!” she called. Taking the basket from her cousin, she said, “I am so sorry I dumped the basket.”

Piper looked at her cousin and tried to smile. “I’m sorry too, Adele. I hate picking apples without you. I really did try to find you.”

“I know you did,” said Adele. The girls smiled at each other. They worked together to clean up the mess of apples on the ground.

Piper and Adele were cousins, but they were also best friends. Even though both girls had gotten their feelings hurt that day, they were able to forgive each other. Piper and Adele carried the basket of apples back to the house together.


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