I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary Christ The Lord ...

[Pages:2]I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary

Verse 1 There are things as we travel This earth's shifting sands That transcend all the reason of man But the things that matter The most in this world They can never be held in our hand

Chorus I believe in a hill called Mount Calv'ry I'll believe whatever the cost And when time has surrendered And earth is no more I'll still cling to that old rugged cross

Verse 2 I believe that the Christ Who was slain on that cross Has the power to change lives today For He changed me completely A new life is mine That is why by the cross I will stay

Verse 3 I believe that this life With its great mysteries Surely someday will come to an end But faith will conquer The darkness and death And will lead me at last to my Friend

CCLI Song # 20041, Dale Oldham | Gloria Gaither | William J. Gaither, ? 1968 William J. Gaither, Inc. (Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management)

Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Easter Hymn)

Verse 1 Christ the Lord is risen today alleluia Sons of men and angels say alleluia Raise your joys and triumphs high alleluia Sing ye heavens and earth reply alleluia

Verse 2 Lives again our glorious King alleluia Where O death is now thy sting alleluia Once he died our souls to save alleluia Where's thy victory boasting grave alleluia

Verse 3 Love's redeeming work is done alleluia Fought the fight the battle won alleluia Death in vain forbids Him rise alleluia Christ hath opened paradise alleluia Verse 4 Soar we now where Christ has led alleluia Following our exalted Head alleluia Made like Him like Him we rise alleluia Ours the cross the grave the skies alleluia

CCLI Song # 27965,Charles Wesley | Samuel Arnold ? Words: Public Domain, Music: Public Domain

He Lives

Verse 1 I serve a risen Savior He's in the world today I know that He is living Whatever men may say I see His hand of mercy I hear His voice of cheer And just the time I need Him He's always near

Chorus He lives He lives Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me and talks with me Along life's narrow way He lives He lives Salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives He lives within my heart

Verse 2 In all the world around me I see His loving care And though my heart grows weary I never will despair I know that He is leading Through all the stormy blast The day of His appearing Will come at last

Verse 3 Rejoice rejoice O Christian Lift up your voice and sing Eternal hallelujahs To Jesus Christ the King The Hope of all who seek Him The Help of all who find None other is so loving So good and kind

CCLI Song # 17597, Alfred Henry Ackley, ? Words: Public Domain, Music: Public Domain

Because He Lives

Verse 1 God sent His Son they called Him Jesus He came to love heal and forgive He bled and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove My Savior lives

Chorus Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives

Verse 2 How sweet to hold our newborn baby And feel the pride and joy he gives But greater still the calm assurance This child can face uncertain days Because Christ lives

Verse 3 And then one day I'll cross that river I'll fight life's final war with pain And then as death gives way to vict'ry I'll see the lights of glory And I'll know He reigns

CCLI Song # 16880, Gloria Gaither | William J. Gaither, ? 1971 Hanna Street Music (Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management)

CCLI License # 320284


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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