Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

Catholic Parish and School

June 12th, 2022 The Most Holy Trinity

Worship Centers: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 201 44th St S; Great Falls, MT 59405 Parish Office: Mon-Thur: 9:00-4, Fri: 9:00-noon 201 44th St S; Ph. 452-6491 Email: hsparish@ Website: Holy Spirit Catholic School 2820 Central Ave, Great Falls, MT 59401 761-5775; Principal: Melissa Hallahan Email: mhallahan@ Website:

Check out .

Mass Schedule: Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8:30 am (live stream) & 11:00 am Week day Masses: Monday 8:30 am Tuesday 5:15 pm Wednesday 8:30 am *2nd Wed. Park Place, 2:30 pm (suspended) *3rd Wed. Highgate, 1:30 pm (suspended) Thursday 8:30 am Friday 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am

Reconciliation: Saturdays 2-4 pm; Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 pm

Adoration: Sunday 7 pm -- Tuesday 5 pm

Parish Staff:

Fr. Doug Krings


Dcn Pete Woelkers Deacon

Aubrey Rearden

Parish Administrator


Cindy Eultgen

Christian Service

Nick Wingerter


Adult Formation

Joel Corda


Mary Moore-Wingerter Administrative Asst.

Elem. Formation

Molly Schmitz

Youth Minister

Tracy Tomich


"Rise, you who were lying fast asleep...Rise and hurry to the Church: here is the Father, here is the Son, here is the Holy Spirit." ~ St Ambrose

Baptism Preparation Sessions If you are expecting a child or recently had a

baby and would like that child baptized at Holy Spirit, you must attend our two Baptism Preparation Sessions. Our next sessions will be:

Sunday July 10 at 1:00 pm at Peter and Paul Sunday July 17 at 1:00 pm at Peter and Paul

As we continue our Annual Catholic Appeal, thank you for your prayers and your donations. For those of you who have given, your money is already being put to

work for our Catholic family in eastern Montana. Remember that we reap what we sow, and in giving blessings are returned. Please keep the appeal and the work of the Church in your prayers, and if you have not

yet given, please prayerfully consider giving your pledge today.

Weekly Happenings~

Mass Intentions:



Sat 6/11 --8:30 am Brandon Bliss (sp int) --4:30 pm +Gene and Alice Meyer

Sun 6/12--8:30 am +Gary Dalen 11:00 am +Adrienne Gue

Mon 6/13 - 8:30 am +Frank Timmerman

Tue 6/14 - 5:15 pm +Glenn Cook Wed 6/15 - 8:30 am +Jon LaFramboise

Thu 6/16? 8:30 am Dan and Deb Hudson (sp int)

Fri 6/17? 8:30 am +Karla Sokoloski

Sat 6/18? 8:30 am +Gene and Alice Meyer - 4:30 pm +Ted Olszewski

Sun 6/19? 8:30 am +Bill Hamilton - 11:00 am +Paul Kordonowy

Requested by J Bliss Meyer children

S Dalen McCabes Reagors

Andersons S & M Herzog

D Hudson M Keller Meyer Children M Olszewski D Hamilton N Frame

Readings for next week The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 1st Reading: Genesis 14:18-20 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Gospel: Luke 9:11b-17

Bus Schedule

Sunday, June 19 Roger & Kay Seilstad Sunday, June 26 Jan Olson and Laurie Kessler

Calendar of Events June 11-June 19


Sunday: Thursday:

Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

8:30 am Mass 4:30 pm Mass

8:30 & 11:00 Masses Adoration 7 pm

RCIA--7 pm 8:30 am Mass

8:30 am Mass 4:30 pm Mass

8:30 & 11:00 Masses Adoration 7 pm

Sts. P&P

Please join us to pray the Rosary at 1/2 hour before every Mass time. All are welcome to join us. If you can't join us, please pray the Rosary on your own.

Liturgical Ministers for June 18, 19

4:30 PM

8:30 AM

11:00 AM

Sub requested ~ log in to Web Terminal and accept the sub Holy Wash J Knutson

S Mohler

Sacristan J Gort


K Krattiger


A Fitzpatrick

T Gilligan

L McCain

P Hilgendorf K Reed

Cross Bearer

Altar Servers

D Schuler C Schuler


P Kolar

T Hansen T Hansen

A McKinney

Musicians Joel Corda

J Corda

Ministers of the Eucharist

P Woelkers C Morris

P Woelkers C Christiaens

Care for our Common Home!

The money from these recyclables goes directly to Holy Spirit School. Thank you for recycling and supporting our school.


3rd (June 17-23) 4th (June 24 - 30) 1st (July 1-7) 2nd (July 8-14)


OPEN D & P Birkenbuel K of C 9395 K. Weinheimer


C. Nowak R. Shipley C. Jernigan A. Fisher

Call Parish Office for information on RCIA, Adult Formation or Marriage Preparation

For all who seek to become Christian believers Call Nick at the office, ext 4, or come Thurs. at 7 pm in the RCIA room (Sts. Peter and Paul Center) all year round.

Youth Ministry

Molly Schmitz 452-6491 ext. 6 molly@

Molly has left Great Falls to attend training for her next adventure as a FOCUS (Fellowship Of Catholic University Students) Minister. Please pray for Molly as she begins this new chapter of her life.

Vacation Bible School

Mary Moore-Wingerter, mwingerter@

There are only a few spots left for our awesome TREASURED VBS! Log in on our website to register!

WE REALLY NEED A FEW ADULT HELPERS FOR VBS June 20-24! Please call Mary if you are interested!

Holy Spirit School

Melissa Hallahan, Principal, mhallahan@

Jackie Wike, Robin Verzuh Administrative Assistants

Jenifer Thomas, Development Director


The hallways are quiet, the lockers are empty, and the lights are off at Holy Spirit Catholic School as SUMMER IS HERE! There are still some souls left working each day at our beloved school.

We were so blessed to have had such an incredible school year this year! In the beginning of the year, we were still facing the challenges of Covid but by the end of the year were seeing our families' faces again. The biggest triumph for HSCS this year was the outpouring of Service lead projects this year. If there is a time to brag this is a time! HSCS gave back to our community with donating over 300 boxes of cereal to the Food Bank, donated cold weather gear to the Grace Home for Veterans, raised over $500 for St. Ann's Soup Kitchen, our Cat/Griz food drive brought in around 1,000 lbs of food, donated over 100 toys to the Children's Receiving Home, decorated the Grace Home for Christmas, raised over $200 for the Ukraine War Relief, to name a few. Our school is paying the foundation for future philanthropists.

We are looking forward to an even more outstanding Year! We are welcoming over 40 new students to Holy Spirit Catholic School. We are excited to offer new programs to our students this coming school year. 5th Graders will be exploring the science world through STARBASE Montana, our middle school will be delighting us with their culinary skills, and we are looking into adding more electives for our 6th--8th grade middle schoolers.

Want to join our school family? Then contact Jenifer Thomas at 406.761.5775 or jthomas@ for more information about Holy Spirit Catholic School.

Volunteers and Christian Service

Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 7


Father's Day is next week. The annual Echoz Pregnancy Care Center Campaign is coming to a close. If you have not picked up a baby bottle for your donation, please take one (found near the sacristy). Any donation is appreciated and welcome! Make checks payable to Echoz Pregnancy Care Center. Return donations on Father's Day, June 19th. Thank you for helping one of the Pro-Life resources in Great Falls!

Coffee & Conversation will

continue in June except the 22nd.

May Parish Relief Report:

Recycling: 60 lbs. cardboard St. Jude: 250 lbs. (Kids & Cans Baskets at the front office &

in the sanctuary for offertory)

St. Vincent de Paul: 383 lbs. of food

(wood bin at the front entrance)

Yellow Envelopes: $ 1,895 Electronic Deposits: $ 346 Disbursements: $1848.28. Breakdown: Emergency Housing $103.95, Rent $740, Emergency Food 1004.33, Plus St. Jude and regular $150 to each Echoz Pregnancy Care Center, St. Martin de Porres, Family Promise, and Rocky Boy. Plus $3000 to Opportunities Incorporated.

Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Donations: $5,961.19

There is no Bereavement team in June.

Grief Support group will be Tuesday June 28 at 4 pm in the parish

hall. All are welcome no matter how recent or long it has been.

Could you make a meal for a family on any of these dates: June 27, 29, or July 1? Please call Kathy Remington 799-3602 to explore volunteer opportunities with Family Promise.


Aubrey Rearden ?Worship Coordinator 452-6491 ex. 1 aubrey@ Mary Wingerter--Ministry Scheduler

It is already June, so it's time to look ahead to our next ministry schedule, July 1 through September 30. Please log into Ministry Scheduler and put in your unavailable dates. You can also make any other changes to your profile. The schedule will be run next week! Thank you!

Courtesy Announcements

The public is invited to the Boy Scouts of America International Scout Expo parade on Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 9:00am on Central Avenue. The parade will feature nearly 1100 Scouts and leaders representing eight states--Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, Oregon, California, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana and Canada. Please come support these Scouts!


Welcome to Jestin Ford who recently registered at Holy Spirit Parish. Welcome!

RELIQUARY OF ST. BERNADETTE~U.S. TOUR Coming to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Wednesday, June 22nd--Friday, June 24th, 2022 See the full schedule on the poster on the bulletin board.

Knights of Columbus Breakfast! June 12, 8:30-12:30 Free will offering. Proceeds go to the

Neocatechumenal Way Youth Pilgrimage to Israel. Knights of Columbus Hall, 906 Central Ave W.

Catechism Corner

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in the Church? (CCC 687-741) The Holy Spirit is the voice of God spoken through scripture (Law and Prophecy) and is the gift of Christ to his Church at Pentecost. The Spirit continues his work through the Church today in cultivating the Sacred Tradition, guiding the Magisterium, leading the faithful into divine encounters through the signs and symbols of the Liturgy, interceding in our prayers, inspiring charisms and ministries of the Church, witnesses to the world through the apostolic and missionary work of the Church, and manifests holiness in the world through the saints and their continued work for salvation of all (688). His mission is the mission of Jesus; "When the Father sends His Word, He sends His Breath" (689). Jesus enters the world by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit" (Luke 1:35) and as he departs the world "a cloud took him from their sight" (one of the 8 symbols of the Holy Spirit) (Acts 1:9). The joint mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit is perfected in the Church, in whom the Spirit is constantly preparing humanity for missionary evangelization, manifesting the risen Lord to them and recalling his words and deeds, making the mysteries of Christ present in our lives (chiefly in the Eucharist) and bringing them into communion with God (737). As a gift to humanity, the Holy Spirit is the source of grace through which faith, hope, and charity is possible in our lives. By the 7 Gifts (Is 11:2), born in us through our initiation, our lives, conformed to Christ, begin to bear much fruit as evident by the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) (CCC 733-36).

Sister's Corner

Praised by Jesus Christ...now and forever!

Dear friends in Christ...The celebration of Trinity Sunday is most particular, intentionally and specifically recognizing and contemplating the great mystery of the Trinity, three persons in one Most Holy God. As religious sisters we are consecrated to God through vows that last for all eternity, and thus our lives are to reflect a continual celebration of this mystery. It is a very special and significant experience of the bond of love. We are considered as `spouses of Christ,' Who lifts us to the Father's Heart, through the inspiration and action of the Holy Spirit. Much of our time in religious life is given to prayer where we lift our minds and hearts to God, entering ever more deeply into closer union with our Beloved. We all want to spend time with those we love, most especially our spouses. It is how we draw closer to one another. As we settle into a new life here in Great Falls, Sister Agnes and I are slowly reclaiming our "Horarium," our way, or schedule, of prayer. It offers a peaceful and life-giving rhythm, especially in contrast to the noise and busyness that surrounds us. It is important for everyone to set aside time to be with our Beloved Triune God, getting to know each person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is easy to establish a Horarium for yourselves and your families. Begin simply and add on as you start to develop a rhythm. Below is a general sample of ours.

-8:00 Angelus, Divine Office of Readings, Holy Hour, Lauds (Morning Prayer)

Holy Mass (silent prayer 15 minutes before and after) - 11:50 Spiritual reading - 12:15 Angelus, Sext (Noon Prayer), Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Stations of Cross-Friday -5:15 Holy Hour, Rosary, Angelus, Vespers (Evening Prayer) PM Compline (Night Prayer) (Silence until breakfast ) minutes Scripture reading daily Our prayer today: "Dear Father, help me to know You. Dear Lord Jesus, help me to know You. Dear Holy Spirit, help me to know You." Ask, and then quietly listen as each person of the Trinity makes Himself known to you. We look forward to hearing about your new Horarium! In amore Iesu Christi, Reverend Mother Mary Paul of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saint Michael Radio ~ *FM 97.1 "Sharing the Splendor of Truth"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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