


Orrick, Heerrrington & Sutcliffe LLP 51 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019-6142

+11212 506 5000 orriicckk..cormn

Via Hand Delivery and E-Filing

Hon. Scott S. Harris Clerk of the Court Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543

E. Joshua Rosenkranz

E jrosenkranz@orrick.0c0om D +1 212 506 5380 F +1 212 506 5151

Re: MALppGleeInniuc.s vH. oVldirinegtsXLInLcC.,vL. eGidooosg,lIenLcL.,CN,oN. o1.92-823-1221

Dear Mr. Harris:

PTehteitpioentietiroMneLr,GAepnpiulesIHnco.l,dcinognseLnLtsCtocothnesefniltisntgootfheamfiilcinugs couf raimaeicburisecfsu,rianesubpripeofsr,t ionf esuitphpeorrptaorftyeiotrheorfpnaerityheorrpoafrtnye,iathtetrhepacretryt,ioartatrhiestcaegretioinratrhiestaabgoevien-rtehfeeraebnocveed-rceafseer.enced case.


E. Joshua Rosenkranz cc: JBerfifarneyMA. .WLialmlekne, nco, uconusenlsefol roRf reescpoornddfeonrtrGesopoognledeLnLt C(via email)

Kenneth D. Freundlich, counsel for Respondent LyricFind (via email)


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