811 yesu‘ pn Yah Shua 425 dein cn and 47a ’ezal vv go 698 tura nn ...

8:1 and Yah Shua goes to the mountain of Olives.* 811 yesu` pn Yah Shua 425 dein cn and 47a 'ezal vv go 698 tura nn mountain 545 zaita nn Olives

*this verse concludes Chapter 7.



And at dawn

1521 sapra nn dawn

425 dein cn and


he comes again to the priestal precinct 1854d tub adv again, repeat 219a 'eta vv bring, come

489 haikla nn priestal precinct, nave

and all the people come to him:

853a kul nn all, every, everywhere 1310b ama nn people, peoples

219a 'eta vv bring, come 940 lewat prp to, toward, unto

and when he is sitting he is doctrinating them:

793c kad adv when 814a yiteb vv sit, seat, establish

788a yilep vv doctrinate 486 hewa vv be, become, been, being

905 personal pronoun

3 and the scribes and Pherisa bring him a woman 219a 'eta vv bring, come 425 dein cn and 1227b sepra nn scribe

1474b perisa pn Pherisa, Sepratist 131 'antta nn woman

overtaken in adultery: 49a 'ehad vv take, hold, lease, overtake, withhold

346b gaura nn adultery

YAH CHANAN 8:and when they stand her in their midst,

793c kad adv when 1547a qam vv rise, stand 1028a mesata nn middle, midst


they word to him, Doctor,

111 'emar vv word

905 personal pronoun

788c malpana nn doctor, didactic

this woman was overtaken openly

500 hana pro this, these 131 'antta nn woman 49a 'ehad vv take, hold, lease, overtake, withhold 357e galyait adv openly

in the deed of adultery: 223d 'atra prp (there) (where) at, by, in, within

1218b surana nn deed, visitation 346b gaura nn adultery


and in the torah of Mosheh

1108 namosa nn torah

425 dein cn and

987 muse pn Mosheh

he misvahs us to stone such as these:

1441a peqad vv misvah 56a 'aik adv as

500 hana pro this, these 1638f regam vv stone


So what word you? 491 hakil cn so

1014e mana pro why, what 111 'emar vv word 130 'ant pro you


-- they word this when testing him

500 hana pro this, these

111 'emar vv word

793c kad adv when

1111f nasi vv test

905 personal pronoun

-- as accusing him: 56c 'aikana adv as, how, like, whereas 486 hewa vv be, become, been, being

905 personal pronoun 1559a qatreg vv accuse

-- and when Yah Shua stoops under 811 yesu` pn Yah Shua

425 dein cn and 793c kad adv when 1861a teheit adv prp under, below 340 gehen vv bow, stoop

and with his finger scribing upon the earth

899a ketab vv scribe 486 hewa vv be, become, been, being

1306a `al prp about, above, concerning, over, upon 209a ara nn earth

as though he hears them not.*

*Not in the Aramaic



And when they abide when asking him,

793c kad adv when

425 dein cn and 903 katar vv abide, continue

793c kad adv when 1712a sel vv ask, salute, question

905 personal pronoun

and he straightens himself and words to them, 1479a pesat vv straighten, stretch 111 'emar vv word 905 personal pronoun

Who of you, not having sinned, 61 'aina pro who

1014d men prp by, from, of, than 71a 'it vv had, has, have, having

906 la prp lest, not 601b heta nn sin

you cast the first stone upon her.

1538f qadmaya adj first 1731 seda vv cast, throw 1306a `al prp about, above, concerning, over, upon

819 kipa nn stone


And again, when he stoops,

1854d tub adv again, repeat

793c kad adv when

340 gehen vv bow, stoop


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