The Catholic Pope Francis, told people on YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA Why a ...

The Catholic Pope Francis, told people on January 11, 2015...

"We usually pray to Jesus," Francis said. "When we pray the `Our Father,' we pray to the Father. But we don't pray so much to the Holy Spirit. It is so important to pray to the Holy Spirit," he said.

Catholics, as well as many Protestants, are teaching their followers they should worship and pray to three separate entities! This is totally unscriptural and is in fact, paganistic.

Where did the Trinity Doctrine come from?

Several hundred years after the Apostle Paul lived, the Catholic institution came up with the `Nicene' and `Athanasian Creeds' which forced believers to accept the unscriptural `Trinity Doctrine' or face condemnation, excommunication and worse.

These Catholic Creeds condemned all nonTrinitarian people! Because of these `creeds,' multitudes of people were tortured and put to death!

And for what reason? Because they held on to their belief that, "Yahweh is One" ...not three.

This fact alone should have `sounded the alarm' in the Christian world concerning this false doctrine!

What about the Protestant Church?

"At the time of the Reformation, the Protestant Church took over the doctrine of the Trinity, without serious examination." New International Encyclopedia; 1916 Ed.; Vol. 23; p 47, 477

When the `Trinity Doctrine' came... confusion came. People were confused about which person they should pray to; and what was His singular name since He was comprised of `three' persons?

Because of this confusion, His name `YAH-shua' is seldom, if ever used and has been replaced by the generic term `God'.


YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA What do these names mean?

YAH - is the Almighty Father's name. (Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Revelation 19:1-6 Hallelu-YAH)

YAH-weh - is the Almighty Father's name with a `descriptor' added. The descriptor 'weh' means, `The Self-Existent one' (I AM). YAH-weh means, `YAH - The Self-Existent one'.

YAH-shua - In the New Testament,YAH now combines His name with His highest descriptor `shua', which means `is salvation'. YAH-shua means, `YAH is Salvation'. This is the name above every name! (Philippians 2:9)

Why using His name `YAH-shua' and not the term `God' is important.

When we Believers, lift up and proclaim the name Yahshua, we are proclaiming allot! Not only in the eyes of our Savior, but to all the world around us! We are specifically, and correctly, identifying the one true Almighty of scripture.

When a person uses the name Yahshua, (YAH is salvation) they are proclaiming what that name means, that YAH, the Almighty Father, is our Savior who was manifested in flesh to die for our sins.

Sadly, when people use the generic term `god', they are completely eliminating YAH's name and the glory due Him as being our Savior. Furthermore, they are using the same generic term used by false religions around the world when speaking of their deities.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Believer's would start calling the Him by His Name and not the generic term `God'?

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Why a Christian should never

claim to be a Trinitarian

Things to ponder before we begin...

? Was Moses was a Trinitarian?

? When the Israelites prayed or heard the words,

"Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one,"

Don't you think they were expected to understand these words?

? If the Almighty was aware that his choice of language and imagery would lead generations of people to believe that He is one person, when He was not one person, wouldn't that make Him a deceiver?

? When the Almighty manifested Himself in the flesh on earth (1 Timothy 3:16), did He ever teach the doctrine of `the Trinity' to anyone?

? Did Paul, who wrote two thirds of the books in the New Testament, ever teach the doctrine of `the Trinity' to anyone?

? Did any prophet in the Old Testament, ever teach the doctrine of `the Trinity' to anyone?

? Has anyone in the entire Bible, from its beginning to its end, ever taught the doctrine of `the Trinity' to anyone?

? If the doctrine of the Trinity is so fundamental to Christianity, as Trinitarians claim, why is there a complete failure on the part of Yahshua, the prophets or apostles to articulate it anywhere?


Question: I was taught there is a `Trinity,' or `three persons' in heaven. My question is this. Was God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all in heaven and then God the Father, sent God the Son, to earth?

Answer: Trinitarians are taught that for `all eternity' there have been `three persons' who reside in heaven. These `three persons' are who make... `one' God.

The `three persons' are:

THE `FIRST PERSON' - God the Father is preeminent. He is the `first' person.

THE `SECOND PERSON' - The son, is the `second' person.

THE `THIRD PERSON' - The Holy Spirit is the `third' person.

Question: What is the basic difference between those who believe The Almighty is "one person"... and those who believe He is "three persons"?

Let's look at these basic differences.

1. Trinitarians believe that the Almighty consists of three persons; those who believe the Almighty is one person, simply believe that the Almighty is... well, one person and there are no `other' persons involved.

2. Trinitarians believe it was the `second person' of the three persons that became incarnated. Those believing the Almighty is one person, believe that the Father Himself "was manifested in flesh" as the Son of God. Trinitarians believe it was the `second person', not the Father, who became a man; while those who believe the Almighty is one person, believe that it was the Father Himself who became a man.

3. Trinitarians believe that the `second person' was the `Son of God' and has always been eternal. Those who believe the Almighty is one person, believe that the `Son of God' did not come into being until His birth and manifestation in flesh.


If you have ever tried to understand the Trinity Doctrine, forget it, it is scripturally unexplainable.

Over the years, endless books and articles have been written attempting to explain the `Trinity Doctrine'... but oddly... Yahshua, the prophets, Paul and the other inspired writers of Holy Scripture... never mention it!

It is a painful experience to watch people attempt to explain, what they invariably always end up calling, `the unknowable, unfathomable mystery of the Trinity.'

Example: This is an actual quote from an article, written by one who espouses and teaches the `Trinity Doctrine.'

"Trinity Doctrine - How Can We Comprehend It? The most difficult thing about the Trinity Doctrine is that there is no way to adequately explain it. The Trinity is a concept that is impossible for any human being to fully understand, let alone explain."

And another quote...

"Trinity Doctrine - A foundation of the Christian faith that's beyond human comprehension."

Is it any wonder why people struggle to teach and explain the `Trinity Doctrine.' They struggle because The Old Testament doesn't teach it; the New Testament doesn't teach it, Yahshua doesn't teach it; Paul doesn't teach it, nor has anyone in the Bible ever taught this Doctrine.

Who wouldn't struggle and be frustrated trying to teach people that the Almighty is "three persons" ....when the Almighty Himself has always taught His people He is one!

The Trinitarian doctrine is the main reason why Jewish people cannot, and will not, accept Christianity. Remember, the Jewish people were warned on more than one occasion by the Almighty Himself.

"Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one!" Deuteronomy 6:4


Why the `Trinity Doctrine' is so damaging to believers!

It is unscriptural and brings confusion!

1. Truth be told, the Trinity doctrine actually forces people to oppose the Almighty's written word regarding His number.

? The Almighty, His prophets and His word say one thing in the Holy Scriptures regarding His number. The `Trinity doctrine' teaches people something completely different.

2. It creates confusion for the believer. ? Is the Almighty one person or three persons'?

Who can understand or relate to one being with `three persons' in it? No one!

3. It keeps people from knowing and proclaiming the Almighty's name.

? If the Almighty is `three persons' ... and all three persons are gathered together as Trinitarian paintings depict... What is His singular name?

Trinitarians teach people to worship and pray to `three persons'

Here is an exact quote from a `Trinitarian' website:

"So our one God is present in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the doctrine of the Trinity. It is appropriate to worship all three, and we should be careful to ensure that our worship of one person of the Trinity does not overshadow our worship of any other person of the Trinity."

There are actually books telling people they need to make sure they pray to the `third person' too, and not to leave him out! The books tell people that this oversight on their part (not praying specifically to the `third person') is probably why their prayers aren't being answered. They have neglected and offended the `third person' of the `Trinity' and have not given him his due!



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