Life in Christ Jesus Yah'shua Final

Life is In Christ Jesus,

Life is In Yah'shua

It is about Him, not us !

Not in part, but All Life Is In My Son . In Him Is Eternal Life By

The Power of My Holy Spirit. Only He holds the keys unto Eternal Life

By My Divine Will and My Decree. He sits at the throne to My Right. There is great purpose in His Sovereignty. He has been given full dominion and is Lord over all. Who shall be King if not My Son? As it is written in the volume of The Word so it shall be done and completed through Him.

He Alone Is The Way. He that Is The Alpha and Omega. He that Was With Me before the beginning. Be ye followers of The Way, My Son Jesus Christ. ...Sayeth Our Father In Heaven.

If you have felt Him, you felt the touch of The Father. If you have heard Him, you have heard The Father. If you have seen Him, you have seen The Father.

He And They Are One Father, Son And The Holy Spirit !

They are the " Us " we seek, look for and to. They Are that which we long for...belonging & identity.

This... Their Table of unity has been set before us. Father God's Loving Hand sets all things good before us...

He sits above us and above all things. His Hand is at work in all things seen and unseen.

Our path, purpose and our dwelling is with Him, in His Hand.

Our Father extends His Loving Arms with His Endless Love abounding toward us.

Our rightful place with Him awaits us. His Desire Is Rightful, Good And Perfect. To be One With Them, to belong where we are welcomed with such an immeasurable, endless love and life eternal is truly The Desire of The Father for us from the beginning. Let us partake of the feast prepared at the table. Let us dine with Our Creator, Our Father. Let us partake of The Heavenly Manna.

Let us be fed of The Food Of Life !

Give us Life oh Lord. Give us all that we need for You Alone know our needs perfectly

as we know not our own. Give Us Your Love Everlasting for our parched, love starved hearts. We love and need You very much Lord.

Bring us closer to You Lord. Bring us home oh Mighty Father. Show us how we can Bless You.

Show us how to walk

With You Together As One.

Faith and trust go hand in hand. Patience and perseverance go hand in hand.

Hold My Hand and you will have these things.

Sayeth Your Lord to you My children.

Our Hand In His, His In Ours.

He In Us and We In Him,

His Body, The Body Of Christ everlasting.

We seek The True Unity In Christ Jesus, In Yah'shua. We seek the same joy as was set before Your Son

By You oh Heavenly Father as He Completed Your Work At The Cross for us to fulfill Your Good And Pleasing Will toward us Your children.

Show us What You See, What You Want, What You Desire. Just ask oh Lord that we might know and do all to do

Your Holy Will On Earth As It Is In Heaven.

We have not asked, nor truly seeked and heard

Your Voice From On High.

Who shall separate us from

The Love Of The Father ?

If He Is For Us, Who Shall Be Against Us For To Be Against Us Would Be To Be

Against The Holy High Will Of The Father. First And Foremost We Are To Glorify The Father In The Son That Is Christ Jesus, That Is Yah'shua.

The Lord sayeth... Curiosity born of impatience and a lack of My wisdom

is your door to satan's false dominion, his false reign in the earth.

You see not how subtly you follow him by your flesh. Why do you give him power in your choices, in your lives?

Your lives Are and Are to be Mine. I have paid the price in full.

Yes, I speak to all of you that are My children... Believers, non-believers, Jews and Gentiles alike.

There are those that worship in the synagogue of satan. They are many and you know not the depths to which You, My people have sunk.

You know no Safe Harbor, nor peace, nor rest. Your selfish motives and selfish decisions

yield your vessel, that which is to be My vessel unto the kingdom of darkness.

I ask you...where do you worship? Are you under My Dominion And Reign or are you worshipping someone or something other than Me?

Look closely at your lives. I say look at your life not those of others. What others do does not justify that which you do. You justify your lives lived by what is acceptable in the world. You have set and follow new standards steeped in compromise.

I Am The Same

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

I say those that do not know Me are not under My Dominion as they have not submitted unto My Sovereignty. I say to those not under My Dominion you are worshipping a false god, you are serving a false god. Your idols are plentiful and abundant. Yet you reap not plentifully or abundantly.


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