The book thief liesel and hans relationship quotes


The book thief liesel and hans relationship quotes

Literally, Hans is a painter and husband in Molching, Munich. He's a stepfather to Liesel and teaches her to become literate. He becomes the person Liesel turns to for everything. Hans is also not the typical German, while he applies to join the Nazi party, he does not agree with the Nazi's. "`Ninety percent of Germans showed unflinching support for

Adolf Hitler. That leaves ten percent who didn't. Hans Hubermann belonged to that ten percent". However, figuratively, Hans is much more than that. Hans steps in, and really helps to fill the empty spot in Liesel's life, left by the loss of her family. He becomes a father figure to her and makes her feel comfortable in her new home. "Liesel observed

the strangeness of her foster father's eyes. They were made of kindness and silver... Liesel , when seeing those eyes, understood that Hans Hubermann was worth a lot". He represents the people who stood up against Hitler and he believed in what he thought was right and not what he was told was right. "The Jew stood before him expecting another

handful of derision, but he watched everyone else as Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like magic". This shows us that although they had all been told that the Jews were evil and deserved everything that they got , that Hans decided that they didn't and took pity on the Jew standing before them , even as everyone

else around him just looked onwards. Hans relationship to Erik Vandenburg is a key component in Hans connection with Max. Hans made a promise to Erik's wife after Erik had passed to help her with anything she needed. "If there's anything you ever need...." "He slid a piece of paper with his name and address on it across the table." So that is how

he was pulled into hiding Max, Erik's son, who is also a Jew, in his basement. This relationship was the catalyst to Hans giving bread to the Jew in the street during the Death March. He felt the need to help the Jews because he was once saved by a Jew. "A Jew had once saved his life, and he couldn't forget that". This factor is also the reason why

Hans was hesitant to join the Nazi party.Another key relationship Hans possesses is with Liesel. Hans is a father figure to Liesel who becomes her source of comfort and teaches her to be literate. "She would have no trouble calling him papa" . Because of the bond the two formed from reading books Liesel found that stealing books was not a bad thing

as she learned so much from reading them. Hans taught her to read and write, enough so that she was able to write her own book, the event of this leading to her survival in the Molching Bombing. The most important symbol that surrounds Hans is the accordion. He learns to play the accordion from Max's father, Erik Vadenburg, who saved his life.

Liesel finds the sound of the accordion very pleasant which symbolises the fact that the presence of Hans is pleasant and soothing for Liesel." Sometimes I think my papa is an accordion. When he looks at me and smiles and breathes, I hear the notes". Hans major conflict in this story is the situation of hiding Max in his basement. He's a man who

keeps his promises so he could not decline Max's arrival, but the situation was difficult for Hans as if he got caught, him and his family would be in great danger and would most likely be killed. The situation was so serious and Hans felt that Liesel didn't fully comprehend what was happening so he had to threaten her, by saying he would burn all her

books and him and Rosa Hubermann would leave and never return. "Liesel, if you tell anyone about the man up there, we will all be in big trouble... at the very least mama and I will be taken away" Also within this situation the family form a strong relationship with Max, especially Liesel. Max's death would result in extreme sadness which they could

not express because no one can be aware of the fact they even had another guest in their house. Hans was continuously worrying about his family which in the grand scheme of things, was his major conflict. "In his letter the last words were obvious. Be careful" Hans is character who is kind and caring and he respects people for their differences. He

shows to us that there are people in the universe that are willing to help in any circumstances. Hans teaches us to respect people for the differences they have and to help people in need. For example; how he put his own family in danger to help Max, a Jew, by hiding him in his basement. `The Jew stood before him expecting another handful of

derision, but he watched everyone else as Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like magic'This idea is then reinforced when Hans helps a Jew on the street, by giving him a loaf of bread during a the Death March and he didn't think of the consequences. The author wants us to understand that sometimes we should go

out of our way to support others. Hans is also a character that expresses the idea that we should think for ourselves and not let anybody else do the thinking for us. `Ninety percent of Germans showed unflinching support for Adolf Hitler. That leaves ten percent who didn't. Hans Hubermann belonged to that ten percent' ? Page 65The author wants us

to understand that we should not let anyone rule us and make us do something that is not right, we should stand up for other people's and our own rights. Hans also shows us that sometimes we act without thinking of the consequences and it may be in a good or bad way. Overall, Hans is character who is willing to help anyone in any situation, even if

it's Nazi Germany 1939. `To most people Hans Hubermann was barely visible. An un-visible person' - Death, Page 34In the society the book is set in. Hans is not respected for the efforts he puts in to help people. For the society he `un-visible'which can show he is not important and not accorded the respects deserves and he still continues to help

people in any way he can. Through the presence of Hans in book we are able to understand that are people in this world that help people and are not respected for all their efforts but they still continue to help people. The author wants us to learn to respect people for their differences and always be willing to help others in need. Beginning;`To most

people Hans Hubermann was barely visible. A un visible person' - Death, Page 34`Liesel observed the strangeness of her foster father's eyes. They were made of kindness and silver... Liesel , when seeing those eyes understood that Hans Hubermann was worth a lot' ? Death , Page 34`She would have no trouble calling him papa' ? Page 36`Trust was

actually accumulated quickly, due primarily to the brute strength of the man's kindness, his thereness.' Page 37`Mistakes? I have made many mistake in my life but not joining the Nazi party isn't one of them'- Page 113`Ninety percent of Germans showed unflinching support for Adolf Hitler. That leaves ten percent who didn't. Hans Hubermann

belonged to that ten percent' ? Page 65Middle;`You had to love Liesel's papa' ? Page 365`Hans Hubermann was a hard man to catch out at work, it was there he was most alive'`The Jew stood before him expecting another handful of derision, but he watched everyone else as Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like

magic'`"I am stupid" Hans Hubermann told his foster daughter " And kind, which makes me the biggest idiot in the world. The thing is, I want them to come for me , anything is better than this waiting"'End;`He didn't think the hatred could last and it was a conscious decision not to follow Hitler'`You're lucky I like you Hubermann. You're lucky you're

a good man' Bons Schipper`Sometimes I think my papa is an accordion. When he looks at me and smiles and breathes, I hear the notes'`Papa. He was tall in the bed and I could see the silver in his eyelids. His soul sat up. It met me. Those kinds of souls always do- the best ones. The ones who rise up and say ` I know who you are and I am ready. Not

that I want to go, of course, but I will come'. Those souls are always light because more of them have been put out' ? Death

'The Book Thief' is a historical fiction novel, a made-up story that revolves around historically true events.The book, written by Markus Zusak, was published in 2005 and further adapted into a

film in 2013. The book was banned and challenged earlier as it made intricate claims about the Nazi rule.Markus Zusak wrote 'The Book Thief' in a unique format as 'Death' is the narrator of the story where he could easily comment on the inhumanity of humans. He writes in the end, "I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made

them right." The book consists of Liesel, the protagonist, and 'The Book Thief' who went against the Nazi trend of burning books, stealing from the bonfire so she could read. Following are a few important death quotes as well as the 'The Book Thief' quotes about Liesel and Hans, Max, Rudy Steiner quotes too that you will yourself say sometimes.For

more quotes, check out 'The Kite Runner' quotes and 'All The Light We Cannot See' quotes.Markus Zusak Quotes About Humans And Life From 'The Book Thief'Showing love for things like books and people without hesitation was something that the humans had to face every day during Nazi Germany. Markus Zusak tried to show the hardships that

everyone faced through the following quote-list.1. "A small fact: You are going to die..."- Narrator, 'Death And Chocolate'.2. "I guess humans like to watch a little destruction. Sandcastles, houses of cards, that's where they begin. Their great skill is their capacity to escalate."- Death, '100 Percent Pure German Sweat'.3. "If only she could be so oblivious

again, to feel such love without knowing it, mistaking it for laughter..."- Narrator, 'Champagne And Accordions'.4. "The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you."- Narrator, 'The Kiss'.5. "The impoverished always try to keep moving, as if relocating might help. They ignore the reality that a new version of the same old problem

will be waiting at the end of the trip--the relative you cringe to kiss."- Narrator.6. "Imagine smiling after a slap in the face. Then think of doing it twenty-four hours a day. That was the business of hiding a Jew."- Narrator, 'The Swapping Of Nightmares'.7. "The human heart is a line, whereas my own is a circle, and I have the endless ability to be in the

right place at the right time. The consequence of this is that I'm always finding humans at their best and worst."- Death, 'One Toolbox, One Bleeder, One Bear'.8. "She was saying goodbye and she didn't even know it."- Narrator, 'Confessions'.Stunning Quotes About Death From 'Book Thief'Death as a narrator shows the power of words throughout the

novel. All the people face death every time in some way or the other. This list below comes directly from the words of Death itself.9. "It kills me sometimes, how people die."- 'The Cardplayer'.10. "I am haunted by humans."- 'The Handover Man'.11. "I've seen so many young men over the years who think they're running at other young men. They are

not. They are running at me."- 'The Accordionist'.12. "He steps on my heart. He makes me cry."- 'The End Of The World (Part II)'.13. "I have to say that although it broke my heart, I was, and still am, glad I was there."- 'The End Of The World (Part II)'.14. "Even death has a heart."- 'The Floating Book (Part I)'.Important Quotes By Different 'Book Thief'

CharactersSometimes a word from the protagonist girl could give a new way to the other characters. This quote-list would get you to even like the other characters for their important quotes and words.15. "I have enough books at home... I'm rereading something else with my papa. You know, the one I stole from the fire that night."- Liesel, 'The

Gamblers'.16. "One was a book thief. The other stole the sky."- Narrator, 'The Sky Stealer'.17. "You're either for the F?hrer or against him--and I can see that you're against him. You always have been."- Hans Junior, 'A Short History Of Hans Hubermann Vs. His Son'.18. "It was the book she wanted... She wouldn't tolerate having it given to her by a

lonely, pathetic old woman. Stealing it, on the other hand, seemed a little more acceptable. Stealing it, in a sick kind of sense, was like earning it."- Narrator, 'The Whistler And The Shoes'.Markus Zusak Memorable Movie Quotes From 'Book Thief'Though death feels like it is haunted by humans, read these many quotes from the 2013 much-loved film

that shows different things and sides that best describe humans.19. "Words are life, Liesel."- Max.20. "Despite every effort, no one lives forever."- Narrator.21. "A person is only as good as their word, Liesel."- Hans.22. "Liesel: I don't understand. What did he do so wrong?Max: He reminded people of their humanity."- 'The Book Thief'.23. "Burn a book.

Go on, burn a book. Go on. I'll be watching both of you."- Franz.24. "I miss my dad. I don't even know if he's alive. I'm not ready. I want to grow up before I die."- Rudy.25. "While ten thousand souls hid their heads in fear, and trembled, a Jew thanked God for the stars that blessed his eyes."- Narrator.26. "You may find this hard to believe, but it's the

best thing I've ever thrown up."- Max.27. "To most people, Hans Huberman was barely visible. An unspecial person...not noticeable."- Narrator.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'The Book Thief' quotes then why not take a look at say ['The Hate U

Give' quotes] and ['A Fault In Our Stars' quotes].

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