
Group members: ____________________________________________________________Unit 3 ProjectOverview:This project is worth two GRADES for each group member (will count as the Unit 3 project and Unit 3 essay). ALL members must use their strengths to make this project successful for everyone in the group. Grades will be based on the work that students complete, both individually and collaboratively, within the group. Musical skills are not mandatory. Task:Create an original review video song (like the ones we have watched in class). You must submit;Original lyrics to a popular song or tune The link to the YouTube video must be shared with me. The video recording must include;The recording of your voices singing the songAt least 3 primary and/or secondary sources (visuals and/or text)A bibliography at the end of the video (with the list of sources and sites used to find the primary sources displayed in the video)*NOTE: If you are camera shy, you may choose to record your voices and solely display the primary sources in the video.**NOTE: You may ask a friend, teacher, family member… to help you with this project by playing a musical instrument, acting as a historical figure, dancing in the background…etc,; however, it is your voices that must be recorded singing the original song.***EXTRA CREDIT: include costumes, props, dance moves and make your video ‘stand-out’ as entertaining as well as informative, and you could earn up to 10 extra credit points!Action Plan:Step 1: Choose a TopicLouisiana PurchanseWar of 1812Monroe DoctrineAndrew Jackson (Nullification crisis, Spoils system, National Bank, Indian Removal Act)Mexican-American WarManifest DestinyGod rushWestward expansionSectionalism Abolitionist movement Causes of the Civil WarCivil WarStep 2: Find a Song and its lyrics Pick a song that you enjoy and print out the lyrics. Using the lyrics will help you write your own original version. Step 3: Write your original lyricsUse information from our class notes to create your lyrics that follow the same rhythm of the song you selected. While it doesn’t have to be perfect your song should easily flow with the music. Lyrics must be historically accurate You may use the Internet to widen your information about the topic you selected.Do not include curse words or sexual references on your song... (School policy—seriously!)Step 4: Record your songYou may use any medium you wish to record your song. Those of you who are “tech-savvy” use that skill to really impress me! Those of you who are like me—not an expert, you could use your cell phone or computer to record your voice and video.Save your video recording and then import it to Vimeo or YouTube. Or… Save your video recording (as mp4).Share the link to the video with me directly from Vimeo or YouTube or copy and paste in an email to IGonzalez@flhs.us before the due date.?Excellent100-90Good90-80Satisfactory80-70Poor70-50ContentStudents included significant details and explained the topic in depth.Includes no historical inaccuracies.Conveys superior analysis and knowledge of historical period or topic.Students included details to explain the topic. Includes minimal historical inaccuracies. Conveys adequate analysis and knowledge of historical period or topic.Students did not include enough details to fully explain the topic.Includes some historical inaccuracies. Conveys some knowledge of historical period or topic.Students did not explain the topic selected.Several historical inaccuracies present. Conveys little to no analysis and knowledge of historical period or topic.LyricsLyrics have a pattern/rhyme. They are catchy, memorable and easy to understand.Lyrics follow a pattern/rhyme but may not be very catchy. Lyrics are easy to understand. Lyrics do not rhyme at times and are difficult to understand. Lyrics do not rhyme and are impossible to understand. Primary& Secondary sourcesStudents identified accurate primary and secondary sources related to the topic. The video includes a bibliography with at least 3 sources.Students identified primary and secondary sources within the song. The video includes a bibliography with at least 3 sources.Students selected more secondary sources within the song than primary sources. The video includes a bibliography with less than 3 sources.Students did not include primary sources or included less than the required 5 within the song. The video includes a bibliography with less than 3 sources.CreativityOriginal, creative, engaging, entertaining, visually appealing.Original, creative, entertaining, visually appealing.Somewhat creative and entertaining. Video is not original. ................

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