
|Name:       |Date:       |


A symbol is anything that can stand for something else. The symbol may be an object, a person, animal, place, or situation. Symbols can suggest more than one interpretation. A symbol has a literal meaning. This is what it clearly stands for. A symbol can also have an additional meaning that you discover by thinking about it. This is its figurative meaning.

Directions: Read the poem, called “The Roller Coaster.” Then, fill in the chart and answer the questions.

The school bell rings, the teacher sings, “It’s time for class, my friends!”

And strapping in, the students cheer, the coaster ride begins.

Climbing, struggling, clicking-clacking, the carts go up the hill,

English-clink!, Math-clank!, Gym isn’t much a thrill…

But wait, what’s this, a moment’s bliss? We’re at the top, alas!

Hold on tight, we’re soaring down, it’s time for music class!

We sing, we clap, we dance, we snap! The cars, they whip and roar!

The ride’s not done, we’ve just begun, our voices rise and soar!

But, oh, what’s this? We’re slowing down, now music class is done.

We’re off the ride, but still we smile, cause’ boy, we’ve had such fun!

The school bell rings, the day’s complete, and out the doors we roam.

And climb inside the bumper cars, hop in, we’ll sing at home!

|Symbol |Literal Meaning |Figurative Meaning |

|The coaster ride | | |

|The top | | |

1. What does the speaker mean when he or she says “We’re off the ride”?

2. What do the bumper cars symbolize in the last line of the poem?

|Name:       |Date:       |


Directions: Read the poem, called “Black Cat.” Then, fill in the chart with information about the use of symbols. Then, answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

The black cat creeps across the sky

Chasing the orange ball of yarn out of sight

On its back, millions of tiny, shimmering diamonds

Producing a brilliant light.

Around its neck, a shining orb, suspended on a chain—

It takes if off and takes a rest. The yarn rolls by again.

|Symbol |Literal Meaning |Figurative Meaning |

|Black cat | | |

|Orange ball of yarn | | |

|Shimmering diamonds | | |

|A shining orb | | |

1. What daily event do the symbols in this poem depict?

2. What is the figurative meaning of the line “The yarn rolls by again”?

3. Why might the author choose to use a cat to symbolize a natural occurrence?


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