Ex: Who will help me? (Quem me ajudar¨¢?)

Forma Afirmativa

O Simple Future ¨¦ formado pelo verbo auxiliar Will e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, sem a

part¨ªcula to. O Simple Future, assim como o Simple Past, possui apenas uma forma para todas as pessoas sem exce??o. O auxiliar Will ir¨¢ conjugar o

verbo principal no que equivale ao futuro do presente

em portugu¨ºs. Observe a conjuga??o de dois verbos

no Simple Future na tabela abaixo:

Usa-se o Simple Future ou Futuro Simples para

a) expressar fatos e acontecimentos que certamente ocorrer?o.

Ex: He will travel tomorrow. (Ele viajar¨¢


b) indicar decis?es tomadas no momento da


Ex: The phone is ringing. I will answer it. (O

telefone est¨¢ tocando. Eu atenderei).

c) oferecer ou pedir ajuda.

to work = trabalhar



I will work

I¡¯ll work

You will work

You¡¯ll work

He will work

He¡¯ll work

She will work

She¡¯ll work

It will work

It¡¯ll work

We will work

We¡¯ll work

You will work

You¡¯ll work

They will work

They¡¯ll work


I will study

You will study

He will study

She will study

It will study

You will study

We will study

They will study

de contra??o na forma negativa entre o verbo auxiliar

will e a part¨ªcula de nega??o not: sujeito + ¡®ll + not

ou sujeito + won¡¯t (will + not). Observe a tabela abaixo, com a conjuga??o de dois verbos.

Forma Negativa

Para se formar frases negativas no Simple

Future, basta acrescentar a part¨ªcula de nega??o not

depois do verbo auxiliar Will. H¨¢ duas possibilidades

to work = trabalhar


Forma Contra¨ªda

I will not work

I¡¯ll not / I won¡¯t work

You will not work You¡¯ll not /You won¡¯t work

He will not work

He¡¯ll not / He won¡¯t work

She will not work

She¡¯ll not / She won¡¯t work

It will not work

It¡¯ll not / It won¡¯t work

We will not work

We¡¯ll not / We won¡¯t work

You will not work You¡¯ll not / You won¡¯t work

They will not work They¡¯ll not / They won¡¯t work

to study = estudar


Forma Contra¨ªda

I will not study

I¡¯ll not / I won¡¯t study

You will not study

You¡¯ll not /You won¡¯t study

He will not study

He¡¯ll not / He won¡¯t study

She will not study

She¡¯ll not / She won¡¯t study

It will not study

It¡¯ll not / It won¡¯t study

We will not study

We¡¯ll not / We won¡¯t study

You will not study

You¡¯ll not / You won¡¯t study

They will not study They¡¯ll not / They won¡¯t study

to work = trabalhar

Will I work ?

Will you work?

Will he work?

Will she work?

Will it work?

Will we work?

Will you work?

Will they work?

Forma Interrogativa

Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a posi??o do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo

auxiliar will e incluir o ponto de interroga??o no final

da frase. Observe a conjuga??o de dois verbos na

forma interrogativa na tabela a seguir.

Editora Exato

to study = estudar


I¡¯ll study

You¡¯ll study

He¡¯ll study

She¡¯ll study

It¡¯ll study

We¡¯ll study

You¡¯ll study

They¡¯ll study


to study = estudar

Will I study ?

Will you study?

Will he study?

Will she study?

Will it study?

Will we study?

Will you study?

Will they study?


Short Answers (Respostas

to work =

Short Answer


¨C Sim

Will I work ?

Yes, I will.

Will you work? Yes, you will.

Will he work?

Yes, he will.

Will she work? Yes, she will.

Will it work?

Yes, it will.

Will we work?

Yes, we will.

Will you work? Yes, you will.

Will they work? Yes, they will.

to study =


Will I study ?

Will you study?

Will he study?

Will she study?

Will it study?

Will we study?

Will you study?

Will they study?

Short Answer

¨C Sim

Yes, I will.

Yes, you will.

Yes, he will.

Yes, she will.

Yes, it will.

Yes, we will.

Yes, you will.

Yes, they will.

bos. Por¨¦m, na alternativa b, o verbo principal est¨¢ na

forma do passado (com a termina??o ED). Ent?o, a

alternativa correta ¨¦ a letra d.


Short Answer

¨C N?o

No, I won¡¯t.

No, you won¡¯t.

No, he won¡¯t.

No, she won¡¯t.

No, it won¡¯t.

No, we won¡¯t.

No, you won¡¯t.

No, they won¡¯t.


Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente

a frase ¡°Solar energy __________ an alternative

in the future¡± no Simple Future.

a) will to be.

b) will be.

c) will is.

d) will are.

Resolu??o: A frase precisa do verbo auxiliar

will e do verbo principal na forma do infinitivo sem

to. O auxiliar est¨¢ presente em todas as alternativas.

Ent?o, falta apenas localizar o infinitivo sem to do

verbo principal. O verbo pincipal em quest?o ¨¦ o verbo to be. O infinitivo desse verbo sem a pat¨ªcula to ¨¦:

be. Assim, a alternativa correta ¨¦ a letra b.

Short Answer

¨C N?o

No, I won¡¯t.

No, you won¡¯t.

No, he won¡¯t.

No, she won¡¯t.

No, it won¡¯t.

No, we won¡¯t.

No, you won¡¯t.

No, they won¡¯t.


Express?es usadas no Simple Future

As express?es de tempo mais usadas no Simple Future s?o:

soon ¨C logo

tomorrow ¨C amanh?

tonight ¨C hoje ¨¤ noite

next ¨C pr¨®ximo(a)


Marque a alternativa cuja frase n?o esteja no

Simple Future.

a) They didn¡¯t watch TV.

b) She will watch TV tonight.

c) We will travel next week.

d) I will study for the test.


Qual ¨¦ a alternativa que completa corretamente a

frase ¡°I ________________ free time tomorrow¡±

no Simple Future?

a) will to have.

b) have will.

c) will have.

d) have.


Complete a frase ¡°The stores ___________ early

this afternoon¡± com o verbo no Simple Future e

depois marque a alternativa correta.

a) will closing.

b) will closes.

c) will closed.

d) will close.


Qual ¨¦ a forma negativa da frase ¡°Paul will paint

the house¡±?

a) Paul not will paint the house.

b) Paul won¡¯t paint the house.

c) Paul not will painted the house.

d) Paul won¡¯t painted the house.



Quando ¨¦ usado o Simple Future em ingl¨ºs?


Como ¨¦ formada a afirmativa do Simple Future?


Como ¨¦ a forma negativa e a interrogativa do

Simple Future?



Qual ¨¦ a alternativa que completa corretamente a

frase ¡°I¡¯m sure she ___________ me¡± no Simple


a) recognizes.

b) will recognized.

c) recognize.

d) will recognize.

Resolu??o: O Simple Future ¨¦ formado por

dois verbos: o verbo auxiliar will e o verbo principal

na forma do infinitivo sem a part¨ªcula to. Por elimina??o, apenas as alternativas b e d possuem dois verEditora Exato





Qual ¨¦ a forma interrogativa da frase ¡°The computers will decide our future¡±?

a) The computers will decide our future?

b) The computers won¡¯t decide our future?

c) The will computers decide our future?

d) Will the computers decide our future?


SPAM = ¡°Spam¡±, mensagem eletr?nica


One in every three messages on the Internet

is spam.

Uma em cada tr¨ºs mensagens na Internet ¨¦


Qual alternativa corresponde ¨¤ transforma??o da

frase ¡°They don¡¯t have the usual signs¡± para o

Simple Future?

a) They won¡¯t have the usual signs.

b) They will have the usual signs.

c) They have the usual signs.

d) They having the usual signs.

Na d¨¦cada de 90, essa palavra foi adotada para indicar aqueles e-mails que infernizam a vida de

milh?es de pessoas. S?o mensagens, geralmente publicit¨¢rias, que o internauta recebe sem ter dado autoriza??o para que uma empresa desconhecida entupa

sua caixa postal com propaganda. As pessoas que

mandam as mensagens s?o chamdas de spammers e o

procedimento ¨¦ spamming.


Estudo dirigido


O Simple Future ¨¦ usado para expressar fatos e

acontecimentos que certamente ocorrer?o, indicar

decis?es tomadas no momento da fala e oferecer

ou pedir ajuda.


A forma afirmativa do Simple Future ¨¦ formada

pelo verbo auxiliar will e pelo verbo principal no

infinitivo, sem a part¨ªcula to. O Simple Future

possui a mesma forma para todas as pessoas sem

exce??o. Esse tempo verbal equivale ao futuro do

presente em portugu¨ºs. Exemplo: She will arrive

tonight. (Ela chegar¨¢ hoje ¨¤ noite).


Para se formar frases negativas no Simple Future,

basta acrescentar a part¨ªcula de nega??o not depois do verbo auxiliar will. H¨¢ duas possibilidades de contra??o na forma negativa entre o verbo

auxiliar will e a part¨ªcula de nega??o not: sujeito

+ ¡®ll + not ou sujeito + won¡¯t (will + not). Para

formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a

posi??o do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo auxiliar will e incluir o ponto de interroga??o no final

da frase. Exemplos: She will not (won¡¯t) arrive

tonight (Ela n?o chegar¨¢ hoje ¨¤ noite). Will she

arrive tonight? (Ela chegar¨¢ hoje ¨¤ noite?).














Editora Exato



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