MEL-Con Paragraph Outline Example

Remember that outlines use phrases, NOT SENTENCES. Each item represents ONE SENTENCE you will write in your paragraph.

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|Main idea/topic |  |

|Transition, Evidence/Example 1 |I. Dark chocolate |

|Link/explanation |    |

|Link/explanation | A. Dark better than milk choc. |

|Transition, Evidence/Example 2 |          1. Tastes better |

|Link/explanation |          2. Healthier |

|Link/explanation |B. Cook with it |

|Transition, Evidence/Example 3 |          1. Baked desserts |

|Link/explanation |          2. Cold desserts & drinks |

|Link/explanation | |

|Concluding points |C. Interesting when made |

| |          1. From cocoa bean |

| |          2. Visits to factories |

| |     D. Conclusion |

My favorite Food: Dark Chocolate

     One of my favorite foods is dark chocolate.  I like dark chocolate much better than milk chocolate.  I like the taste because it doesn’t seem as sweet, and also because it tastes more strongly like chocolate to me than milk chocolate does. It is healthier than milk chocolate because it has less sugar.  Another reason dark chocolate is one of my favorite foods is that it’s so easy to cook with it. When you bake, you can use chocolate in pies, cakes, cookies, and brownies.  Besides using chocolate in baking, you can also use it in making cold desserts, like mousse or pudding, and in drinks, like hot chocolate.   A third reason chocolate is one of my favorite foods is that the process of making chocolate is interesting to me.  It’s made from cocoa beans, which seems kind of strange.  I’ve visited the chocolate factories in Long Grove and in San Francisco, which fascinated me.   As you can see, I have many reasons to list chocolate as one of my favorite foods. It's delicious and versatile, and the process of making it is fascinating.

ASSIGNMENT: Your task is to write all of your arguments for your speech using the MEL-Con paragraph format. Use the MEL-Con paragraph outline form below to help you structure your response. Each of your responses, for a total of three, should contain the following components: *Main idea, *Evidence 1, *Evidence 2, *Evidence 3, and a *Conclusion.

MEL-Con Paragraph Outline Form

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|Main idea/topic | |

|Transition, Evidence/Example 1 |I. |

|Link/explanation | |

|Link/explanation |A. |

|Link/explanation | |

|Transition, Evidence/Example 2 |1. |

|Link/explanation | |

|Link/explanation |2. |

|Link/explanation | |

|Transition, Evidence/Example 3 |3. |

|Link/explanation | |

|Link/explanation | |

|Link/explanation |B. |

|Concluding points | |

| |1. |

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| |2. |

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| |3. |

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| |C. |

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| |1. |

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| |2. |

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| |3. |

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| |D. |


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