left000 Schools Risk Assessment 2019Undertaken by Emily Robins (Learning Officer)Date: 8/3/2019Part One: IBCC General Risks This covers the general risks for a typical school visit. Special events at the IBCC may have different risks and will be highlighted in advance. We have Public Liability insurance covering up to 5 million pounds. A defibrillator, fluids kit and first aid kits are located on site Area/ ActivityHazardsControl MeasuresCar Park Cars/trafficMembers of the publicGetting lost The Learning Officer (LO) will meet all groups from the coach Museum Spaces (including Mezzanine Gallery)Pupils getting lostSlips, Trips and Falls Pupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultTeachers bring a register and take regular head counts Volunteers and LO to guide and help school groupsFireFire and evacuation covered in Welcome briefingFire extinguishers throughout the siteFire exits clearly markedFire alarm system in place and regularly checkedVolunteers/ LO to lead evacuation Contact with the general public Pupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultPupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the day First Aid All injuries recorded in the accident bookStaff or LO to call an ambulance for seriousInjuriesDefibrillator, Fluids Kit and First Aid kits available on site ShopStock falling on pupilsFreestanding unitsPupils to visit shop in small groups Toilets Visitor queues for toiletsPupils getting stuck in the toiletsFlood caused by leaving the taprunningSlips, Trips and FallsPupils to visit toilets in small groups with a responsible adultTeachers to remind pupils about taps and check cubicles after useToilets to be checked and cleaned regularlyLiftsPupils getting stuck in the lifts Pupils with access requirements to use the lift with adult supervisionStairs Slips, Trips and FallsSpillagesPupils to use stairs in single file under adult supervision.Encourage use of hand railPart Two: The Spire, Memorial Walls and Peace GardensThe Spire tour led by volunteers is a key part of the School visit and takes place outside. Area/ActivityHazardsControl MeasuresGeneral Grounds Getting lostAllergiesWeather Members of the Public Staff and volunteers in uniform and easily recongnised Pupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultPupils advised to be dressed appropriately- warm coats in winter, sun hats in summer Teachers to be aware of any allergies before visit Pupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the dayOutside Balcony Slips, Trips and FallsBalcony is built to Health and Safety standards and there are no footholds.Volunteers to supervise and teachers to remain vigilant Outside StairsSlips, Trips and Falls Pupils to use stairs in single file under adult supervision.Encourage use of hand railGravelSlips, Trips and FallsCuts and bruises Pupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultPupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the dayCathedral Sculpture Trapped FingersPupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultPupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the dayRibbon of Remembrance Slips, Trips and FallsPupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultPupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the dayMemorial Walls/ The SpireSlips, Trips and FallsCuts and BruisesStaff and volunteers in uniform and easily recognisedPupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultPupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the dayPlants and grasses Allergies Wildlife Equipment Teachers to be aware of Allergies before visit Pupils to be given clear instructions and guidance given by LO on boundaries Pupils divided into small groups with a responsible adultOutdoor grassed area for lunches and play AllergiesSlips, Trips and FallsBumps and Collisions Teacher to exercise due care and attention. Pupils to listen to and adhere to clear instructions and guidance given by LO on boundariesSchools are advised tofollow their usual off-site procedures to ensure safety.Amphitheatre Slips, Trips and FallsBumps and Collisions Splinters Seats are designed for adult visitors and are securely bolted to the floor Rows are situatedon a gently sloping decline, which is made clear on entry Part 3: The ExhibitionPart of the School visit involves time in the Exhibition, covering three galleries.Operation Bomber Command: This is a highly interactive, audio visual gallery featuring the Lancaster crew challenge, four short films, talking heads and an immersive cinema experience. The immersive features loud noises and low light levels. Home Fronts/ Remembering Bomber Command: These are two connecting galleries on the second floor, with a mezzanine balcony looking out onto the shop. These galleries feature ‘dial-a-story’ telephones, The Knight of the Skies, RAF Slang interactive, Talking heads and a ‘Magic Mirror’ Interactive Area/ActivityHazardsControl MeasuresGalleries Low level lighting Continuous staringat digital screenscould cause eyestrain andheadachesMembers of the public Pupils and teachers are briefed on entry of low light levels. Pupils are rotated around activity spaces, not spending longer than 45 minutes in the AV gallery Pupils reminded about appropriate behavior throughout the dayVolunteers and LO on hand to supervise Exhibit CasesCuts and bruisesCollisionsThe Centre adheres to stricthealth & safety rules includinguse of safety glass.Puzzle interactiveFinger traps Regular maintenance and safety checks Pupils to use interactive individually with a responsible adultVolunteers to supervise in galleriesFiling cabinets Finger traps Cuts and bruises Regular maintenance and Safety checks Volunteers to supervise in the galleries Lancaster Crew challenge Overcrowding Electric Shocks Regular maintenance and safety checks Pupils to use interactive individually with a responsible adultVolunteers to supervise in galleries Immersive experience Low level lightingLoud noises Archival footage Pupils who are sensitive to noise to be identified on booking formPupils to wear glasses to view screen as neededStairs to second floorSlips, Trips and FallsSpillages QueuesMembers of the public Pupils to use stairs in single file with adult supervisionEncourage use of hand railBalcony Mezzanine Slips, Trips and FallsPupils reminded of appropriate behavior Volunteers to supervise and teachers to remain vigilantMezzanine is built to Health and Safety standards and there are no footholds Fact Finding Activity Slips, Trips and FallsCollisionsPapercuts LO to supervisePupils reminded of appropriate behaviorMaterials maintained and checked regularly Interactive telephones Finger traps OvercrowdingElectric shocks Regular maintenance and safety checks Pupils to use interactive individually with a responsible adultVolunteers to supervise in galleriesSlang interactive Choking hazardOvercrowding Regular maintenance and safety checks Pupils to use interactive individually with a responsible adultVolunteers to supervise in galleriesMagic Mirror Interactive Electric shockOvercrowding Regular maintenance and safety checks Pupils to use interactive individually with a responsible adultVolunteers to supervise in galleriesKnight of the Skies OvercrowdingSlips, Trips and Falls Pupils reminded of appropriate behavior.Volunteers to supervise in galleriesLearning Space The Learning Space is compromised of two rooms on the first floor of the building. This is a self-contained, secure space (access by staff swipe card only) with its own accessible toiletIt is comprised of two rooms, with a connecting door. The smaller room known as ‘The Break Out Room’ is where object handling workshops take place. The larger room ‘The Suite’ is where schools are briefed on the plan of the day and H&S procedures. This is also used as a lunch room during winter months/wet weather, as well as a place to store coats and bags. Area/ActivityHazardsControl MeasuresStairs to learning space Slips, Trips and Falls QueuesMembers of the public Pupils to use stairs in single file with adult supervision Encourage use of hand railCupboardsFinger trapsFalling objectsLO to ensure cupboard doors are closed Teachers to remain vigilant and remind pupils not to touch Doorway between learning spaces Finger trapsCuts and bruises Bumps and Collisions The door will be either open or closed, this will beprepared in advance by the LOTeachers to supervise pupils at all timesSocketsElectric shock from fingers in socketAll equipment and sockets tested regularly Pupils rarely required to use but will be given clear instructions and guidance given by LO on safe use of equipment.FlooringCarpet Burn Spillages Slips, Trips and Falls Pupils to be supervised by adults and told not to runFlooring to be regularly cleanedEating/Drinking during set times Sink area FloodingTap left on Slips, Trips and Falls Sink area to be covered by a shutter when not in useTeachers to remain vigilant and remind pupils not to touch WindowsCollisions Temperature to be controlled with air-conditioningTeachers to remain vigilant Windows to be kept closedTables and chairs (including stacked chairs) Falling Limbs stuck in table legs Furniture storedaccording to safety standards.Tables and chairs to be set out in advance Due care and attention from teachers andpupils.Lecture stand Stand running over feet Brakes to be kept on and stand moved out of the way Speakers and microphoneElectric shock Loose cablesCables to be kept tidy and out of the wayRegular maintenance and testing Food and DrinkAllergies Spillages Teachers to be aware of Food Allergies before visit and responsible for any allergy medication needed by pupils Food waste cleared into binsTeacher to alert LO/volunteer of any spillages Spill/Fluids Kit to be kept in Learning Space Movement in the Learning SpaceSlips, Trips and FallsCollisionsListening to instructions given by the LOTeachers to remain vigilant and intervene if needed Dressing upEntanglement in clothingLoose items (buttons)HygienePupils use dressing up with instruction from LORegular cleaning and repairingObject handling Finger TrapsCuts and Bruises Pupils to listen to and adhere to clear instructions and guidance given by the LO on safe handling of objects.Teachers to supervise pupilsObjects regularly checked and cleanedOriginal archivalmaterialPaper cutsOvercrowdingRisks of damage to collectionsPupils to view or handle archival material under instruction from the LOMaterials to have protective covers and supports as neededMobile phones/ iPadsDistractionsPhoto consentTeachers responsible for photo consentPhones on silent Arts and CraftsMinor cuts andbruisesTeachers to supervise Pupils follow instructions from LO/Session leader LO to check supplies regularly Pupils with disabilities Injury to children with specialEducational needs or physical disabilitiesChildren may need to be supervised by a Carer on a one-to-one basisDisabilities to be identified on booking form. Activities can beadapted in advance ................

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