1. Personal Data

Name: Dorgival CAETANO

Citizenship: Austarlian

Registered with the Medical Board of Australia (MED0001214752)

Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist (Member 6425) (International recognition)

International Member of the American Psychiatric Association

Honorary Member of the Academy of Medicine of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Mobile: 0437 056 080

E-mail: dcaetano@

2. Qualifications

PhD, University of Cambridge, England – U.K, under the supervision of Prof Sir Martin Roth; Specialisation in Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;

Médico (“Physician”), Medical School of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil.

3. Activities in Australia (September 2006 till now)

3.1 Clinical

2017: locum at Gold Coast and Newcastle University Hospitals

October 2017 - present private practice at Enmore Medical Centre and at Rozelle Medical Centre (Sydney)

February 2017 - present: private practice, including Tele-Psychiatry, at The Lawson Clinic, Gordon, NSW

August 2016 - June 2017: Senior Staff Specialist, Blacktown/Mount Druitt Mental Health Services (Western Sydney Local Health District)

22 November 2010 - August 2016: Medical Director, Blacktown/Mount Druitt Mental Health Services

4 February 2008 – 16 November 2010: Senior Consultant Psychiatrist (Level MS26), Wodonga (VIC) Adult Mental Health Service.

4 September 2006 - 28 January 2008: Community Principal Consultant Psychiatrist, Eastern Health, Melbourne:

3.2 University appointments

July 2011 - present: Conjoint Professor, Western Sydney University

2008 - present: Conjoint Associate/Professor, University of New South Wales

3.3 Royal Australian and New Zealand of Psychiatry (RANZCP)

2014/2015: Training Workshop, RANZCP NSW/ACT State Assessment Panel - Substantial Comparability Pathway Phase II.

2012- present: Supervisor and Assessor, Substantial Comparability Pathway (RANZCP)

2012 – (October 3 and 10): CBFP Supervisor Training Workshop, RANZCP, NSW Branch

July 2011/2015 - present: Member of the NSW/ACT State Assessment Panel, which assesses qualifications of overseas trained psychiatrists

2009: Member of the Panel which revised the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Practice Guidelines of Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia for Consumers and Carers

2006: 20th and 27th November - RANZCP Supervisor Workshop: Basic Training and Advanced Training, respectively.

3.4 Clinical Leaderships

3.4.1 Blacktown and Mt Druitt Mental Health Service:

Medical Superintendent: 30-bed acute inpatient facility (Bungarribee House), 6-bed Short-Stay Unit and a 20-bed Subacute Unit (Melaleuca).

Development and implementation of processes, procedures and protocols to improve clinical practice.

Assessment of patients for a second opinion, clinical supervision of Consultants for more complex (inpatient and outpatient) cases presenting a diagnosis, treatment or management challenge, review of patients for discharge appeal, and on-call rosters.

Several initiatives leading to development and implementation of projects and guidelines related to service quality improvement, e.g., nearly 100% of inpatients having a discharge summary on day of discharge, shortening the length of stay through more support from the community, physical care of mental patients (physical examination, routine screening tests, linking with GP), decrease in the number of unplanned readmissions within 28 days of discharge, decrease in the outpatient waiting list, increase in the number of follow-up appointments within 7 days of discharge, etc. Improvement in managing and monitoring clozapine clinics as for example joint Endocrinology/Psychiatric clinics for patients on clozapine who developed metabolic Syndrome/Diabetes.

3.4.2 Wodonga (Victoria): clinical leader for Community Mental Health Centre, Inpatients, Rehabilitation and Outreach. On-call roster and statutory review.

3.4.3 Melbourne: Waverley (Melbourne) Community Mental Health Centre: assessment and treatment of patients, clinical review, assessment for a second opinion, and clinical supervision of MO/Registrars. Box Hill Hospital (Melbourne): on call roster, and statutory review roster. Peer-review.

3.5 Teaching Experience

3.5.1 Australia

2010 - 2017: clinical supervision for undergraduate Medical students (Western Sydney University), accredited and unaccredited Registrars

2010 - 2017: together with the Scot planning and delivery of the registrars’ academic program activities (allocation, supervision, tutorials, grand round, journal club, etc.)

2007- 2010: clinical supervision for undergraduate Medical students, University of New South Wales, Rural Clinical School, Albury, NSW.

2006-2007: clinical supervision for RMO/Registrar and undergraduate Medical students at Eastern Health, Melbourne.

3.5.2 Brazil

Department of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatry, State University of Campinas, Brazil

1994 – till August 2006: Professor of Clinical Psychiatry

1989: Adjunct-Professor of Clinical Psychiatry

1986: Senior-Lecturer in Psychopathology

1974: University Lecturer

1974 – 2006: Teaching Medical Students and Psychiatry Trainees: Psychopathology, Clinical Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology, Biological Psychiatry, and Mental Health.

Coordinator of the Teaching Programs of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychiatry for Medical Students and Psychiatry Trainees.

1982 till 2006: Post-graduation teaching leading to a Master’s or Doctorate degree:

Scientific Methodology in Psychiatric and Mental Health Research, Affective Disorders, Diagnosis and Classification.

Member of the Committee for Post-graduate Program in Mental Health

Supervision of 6 Master’s and 11 Doctorate degree students.

3.6 Committees

2010 - 2016: Network Governance Committee (NGC). This Committee oversees training across a large area in NSW

I have participated in a number of committees, across Western Sydney LHD, related to clinical quality improvement, planning, training and education, research, safety, etc.

2006 (Melbourne): I sat on a number of committees including Leadership Committee (Directors and Senior Managers); Academic and Research Committee; Service Delivery Committee,; Early Psychosis Service Establishment Committee, etc.

7. Continuing Professional Development (CDP) over the past 5 years

a) National and International Symposia/Congresses Attended

2016, November: Technical Visit to the Centre of Psychiatry and Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2016, November: 1st Latin American Symposium on Patient Experience, Albert Einstein Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil

2016, June: presentation at the international meeting on 'Brain, Emotions and Behavior', Buenos Aires, Argentina

2015, October: presentation at Transcultural Psychiatry, 4th World Congress Global Challenges & Cultural Psychiatry, Mexico. .

2015, May: RANZCP 2015 Congress – Royal Australian and New Zeeland College of Psychiatrists, Brisbane, Australia

2014, September: presentation at Coimbra University (Portugal) on ‘Psychopathic Personality’.

2014, September: World Psychiatric Association - XVI World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain.

2014, May: Dynamics Psychiatry. Saint Petersburg, Russia.

2013, December: The Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research 2013 Conference.

2013, October: World Psychiatric Association International Congress, Vienna, Austria.

2013, August: Australasian Society for Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Conference, Melbourne.

2013, July: 21st World Congress on Social Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal.

2013, June: 11th Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Kyoto, Japan.

2013, January: World Psychiatric Association - Regional Meeting, Asuncion, Paraguay.

b) Workshops

2014/2015: Attended a number of training workshops, including leadership, basic financial management organised by HETI and Western Sydney Local Health District

2013, March: Implementation of the National Safety and Quality Standards in Health Service Standards (NSQHS) and EquIP National, NSW WSLHD

c) Publications

Eighty-seven peer-reviewed papers have been published in Brazil and abroad; six books and sixteen chapters of books in Brazil; and 26 Abstracts of papers presented at International Congresses. Please see publication list

4. Grants Brazil

4.1 Drug Clinical Trials

1997: Placebo-controlled Study of Tianeptine in Major Depressive. Publication No. 25

1996: A Random Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Paroxetine and Fluoxetine in the Treatment of Patients with Major Depression and Anxiety. Publication No. 34.

1995: Long-term Treatment of Psychotic Patients with Risperidone: an open Brazilian Multicentre Study. Publication No. 39

1994: Tianeptine in anxiety disorders. Publication No. 41

1990: Double-blind Comparative Study between Buspirone and Lorazepam in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Publication No. 54

1984: A Double-blind Study Comparing the Efficacy of Alprazolam with Bromazepam in Anxious Outpatients. Publication No. 75

4.2 Other Grants

Grant from the Brazilian Research Council to do PhD studies at Cambridge University

Most of my Post-graduate students (Master's and PhD) had grants from the Brazilian Research Council and their research findings were published (please see publication list).

5. Other past leaderships

2000: First Vice-President of the Brazilian College of Neuropsychopharmacology

1998-2000: President of the Society of Clinical Psychiatry of the State of Paulo

1998-1999: Regional Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Psychiatry

1994-1997: President of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Psychiatry

1993/94; 1995/96: Head (elected) of the Department of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatry of the State University of Campinas for two tenures

1992-1993: President of the Brazilian Association of Biological Psychiatry

1989: Member of the Committee for Ethics and Human Rights of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry

1987-1993: Secretary-General of the Brazilian Committee for Prevention and Treatment of Depression.

1986 - 1994: Head of the Psychiatric Unit of the University General Hospital

Collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO)

2014: Member of the Global Clinical Practice Network of the Internet-Based Field Studies for ICD-11

1988-1992; 2001-2003: Director of the WHO/Department of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatry Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health.

Director for one year of the WHO/Brazil Multisite Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health. The WHO/Brazil Multisite Centre had 9 sites.

Coordinator of the Field Trial Centres for Portuguese speaking countries of ICD-10 (Chapter V), two versions: a) Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines; b) Diagnostic Criteria for Research

Supervision and Technical Review of the Translation of ICD-10 (Chapter V): Pocket Guide to ICD-10 Classification and Behavioural Disorders, from English into Portuguese, published in 1977.

Collaboration with the Translation of Lexicon of Psychiatric and Mental Health Terms (WHO), from English into Portuguese, published in 1977.

Acknowledgment for collaboration in the publication "Essential drugs in Psychiatry" (1994), World Health Organization, J.M. BERTOLOTTE & G. GIROLÁMO.

Technical Consultant on "Glossário de Termos em Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental " (1996), J. M. BERTOLOTTE (Org. ) World Health Organization.

7. Affiliation to Scientific Associations

Honorary Member of the Academy of Medicine of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

International Member of the American Psychiatric Association

Member of the Schizophrenia International Research Society

8. Awards

Awarded the prize “Karl Jaspers” of Psychopathology sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine “Santa Casa de São Paulo”, and Roche Pharmaceutical Company.


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