Scottish Clinical Coding Standards ICD-10 - Information Services Division

National Services Scotland

Scottish Clinical Coding Standards ICD-10


June 2017

ICD-10 Consolidation

How to use this document

This document has been compiled to enable coders to quickly identify coding standards for ICD-10. All discharges from 1st April 2017 should adhere to the guidance given in this document and subsequent publications of the Scottish Clinical Coding Standards. Standards are indexed in order of the ICD-10 chapter to which they mostly apply. Some may be repeated in more than one chapter. They appear alphabetically within the chapters. General Standards ? those which are not chapter specific ? are at the start of the document. This document is not intended to be printed out, but to be easily accessed by pinning to a PC menu or desktop. Clinical coding staff should ensure that their ICD-10 Fifth Edition 2016 books are updated to reflect ALL valid standards. If you require this document in an accessible format, please contact the Terminology Services Helpdesk on 0131275 -7283 or NSS.terminologyhelp@

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ICD-10 Consolidation, June 2017

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ICD-10 Consolidation

General Standards Accidental cuts/perforations during procedures Acute on Chronic Conditions Allergies Cause of death Comorbidities Coding ("Other conditions" coding on SMR01) Dagger and asterisk coding Diseases/diagnoses "with" other conditions Errata ? ICD10 Version 5

Last coding position ICD-10 Past history in a recurrence of the same condition Presumptive Diagnoses Sequelae codes Test Results and their use in SMR01 coding

CHI Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Carrier of viral hepatitis Conditions caused by an infectious agent E Coli 0157 Helicobacter infection Helicobacter positive HIV disease, coding in ICD10

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infections (or carrier status) Measles with febrile convulsion MRSA (Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) Neutropenic sepsis Viral associated wheeze Zika Virus Infection ? coding on SMR01 and SMR02

SCCS5 Mar 14 CG2 Jan 99 CG13 Jan 03 SCCS2 July 13 CG21 Nov 07 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS11 Sep 16 SCCS13 Sep 16 SCCS14 Apr 17 CG13 Jan 03 CG25 Apr 10 SCCS2 July 13 CG20 June 07

SCCS13 Sep 16 SCCS14 Apr 17 CQ2 Feb 97 SCCS2 July 13 CQ3 May 97 CQ1 Nov 96 CQ2 Feb 97 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS13 Sep 16 CG17 Jan 06 SCCS14 Apr 17 CG31 Sep 12 CG25 Apr 10 SCCS12 May 16

ICD-10 Consolidation, June 2017

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ICD-10 Consolidation

CHII Neoplasms Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (AINIII) History of TCC bladder Intramucosal carcinoma (of the gastrointestinal tract) Malignant pleural effusion Multiple primary neoplasms Paraneoplastic syndrome Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, Grade III (PIN III)/High grade glandular intraepithelial neoplasia of the prostate (HGIN) Recurrent cancer breast, colorectal, melanoma of skin (5th digits) Secondary neoplasm or metastases from haematological malignancies Transitional cell carcinoma (papillary) of urinary tract

CHIII Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism Anaemia due to neoplasm or lymphomas Factor V Leiden Raised INR

CHIV Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases Cystic fibrosis with manifestations Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS)/Hyperosmolar nonketotic state (HONK) in diabetes mellitus MCAD deficiency Patient with Type 2 diabetes treated with Insulin Uncontrolled diabetes

CHV Mental and behavioural disorders Alcohol excess Alcohol-related conditions Chronic schizophrenia Current smoker/current heavy smoker - advised to give up E-Cigarettes Ex-smoker F19.- Multiple identified psychoactive substances Heavy drinkers Learning Disability Low Mood Methadone Programme Mixed dementia or mixed vascular and Alzheimer dementia Overdose, patient transferred to psychiatric hospital Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Suicidal Ideation (SMR04) Toxic Confusional State

CHVI Diseases of the nervous system Pineal cyst

CG20 June 07 SCCS2 July 13 CG07 Nov 00 CG20 June 07 SCCS2 July 13 CG8 Feb 01 CG26 Oct 10 SCCS2 July 13

SCCS10 Sep 15 SCCS10 Sep 15 SCCS13 Sep 16

CG9 July 01 SCCS3 Sep 13 CG16 Aug 05

SCCS10 Sep 15 SCCS14 Apr 17

CG17 Jan 06 SCCS14 Apr 17 CG2 Jan 99

CG28 Mar 11 CG1 May 96 CG12 Sep 02 CG23 Sep 08 SCCS11 Mar 16 CG23 Sep 08 CG16 Aug 05 CG6 June 00 CG6 Jun 00 SCCS14 Apr 17 CG19 Sep 06 SCCS14 Apr 17 CQ3 May 97 CG6 June 00 SCCS14 Apr 17 CG2 Jan 99

CG14 Jan 04

ICD-10 Consolidation, June 2017

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ICD-10 Consolidation

CHVII Diseases of the eye and adnexa Juvenile/senile cataracts Posterior capsular opacification (after-cataract)

CHIX Diseases of the circulatory system Angina with ischaemic heart disease Arterial disease Cardiac arrest Chronic ischaemic heart disease and triple vessel disease DVT ( Deep vein thrombosis) caused by travel Heart Failure coding ? fifth digits and clinical outcomes Lymphoedema following a lumpectomy or quadrantectomy Mixed Arterial and Venous Ulcer of Lower Leg Myocardial Infarction and Unstable Angina ? STEMI & NSTEMI 5th Digits Old myocardial infarction Old Stroke Recording of NSTEMI ? do not use new v5 trails Small vessel disease and lacunar infarcts Stroke with hemiplegia, dysphagia and dysplasia Triple vessel disease Type 2 Myocardial Infarction

CHX Diseases of the respiratory system Acute asthma COAD/COPD + pneumonia COAD/COPD and associated conditions, coding of Influenza A (H1N1) [Swine Flu] Recurrent tonsillitis Respiratory failure

CHXI Diseases of the digestive system Barrett's oesophagus/ulcer Bile reflux into the Stomach and Biliary Gastritis Eosinophilic colitis Haemorrhoids and perianal venous thrombosis (K64) Haemorrhoids with bleeding Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Oesophageal web Rectal versus per rectal haemorrhage

CHXII Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue Cellulitis following a wound injury Leg ulcer with infection

CG12 Sep 02 CG31 Sep 12

CG13 Jan 03 CQ2 Feb 97 CG12 Sep 02 CG16 Aug 05 CG9 July 01 SCCS3 Sep 13 CG11 Apr 02 CG8 Feb 01 SCCS14 Apr 17 SCCS2 July 13 CG17 Jan 06 SCCS11 Mar 16 CG19 Sep 06 SCCS10 Sep 15 CG13 Jan 03 SCCS14 Apr 17

CG13 Jan 03 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS11 Mar 16 CQ2 Feb 97 SCCS11 Mar 16

SCCS2 July 13 SCCS14 Apr 17 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS11 Mar 16 SCCS11 Mar 16 SCCS2 July 13 SCCS2 July 13 CG30 Mar 12

SCCS2 July 13 SCCS14 Apr 17

ICD-10 Consolidation, June 2017

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