Technical Specifications for Construction and Management ...

Technical Specifications for Construction and Management of Sensitive Compartmented

Information Facilities


IC Tech Spec ? for ICD/ICS 705

An Intelligence Community Technical Specification Prepared by the

National Counterintelligence and Security Center

September 28, 2017

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SUBJECT: Technical Specifications for Construction and Management of Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, Version 1.4


Secretary of State, Department of State Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense Attorney General, Department of Justice Secretary of the Interior, Department of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce, Department of Commerce Secretary of Labor, Department of Labor Secretary of Health and Human Services, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation, Department of Transportation Secretary of Energy, Department of Energy Secretary of Education, Department of Education Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary of Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security Administrator, Executive Office of the President Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency Director, Office of Management and Budget United States Trade Representative Administrator, Small Business Administration Director, National Drug Control Policy Director, Central Intelligence Agency Administrator, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chairman, Federal Communications Commission Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission Chairman, Federal Reserve System Chairman, Federal Trade Commission Administrator, General Services Administration Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Archivist, National Archives and Records Administration Director, National Science Foundation Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director, Office of Government Ethics Chairman, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Chairman, Security and Exchange Commission Director, Selective Service System Commissioner, Social Security Administration Administrator, United States Agency for International Development United States Postal Service Chairman, United States International Trade Commission Director, United States Peace Corps Office of the Chief Administrative Officer


Change History

Rev. # Date 1.2 04/23/12 1.2 04/23/12 1.2 04/23/12

1.2 04/23/12 1.2 04/23/12

1.2 04/23/12

1.2 04/23/12 1.2 04/23/12 1.2 04/23/12 1.2 04/23/12

1.2 04/23/12

Page Cover 4 5 9-10 9-10


11 9-10 17-19 56


Change History


Banner Graphic, Version, Date

Added note to warn users of classification when associating threat information and facility location. Re-worded approval of CAs to

designate the AO as the primary approval authority of Compartmented Areas within SCIFs.

Changed "Type X Gypsum" to "wallboard" to remove the standard of fire resistant gypsum and permit use of other wallboard types. Changed references to wall design drawings to "suggested" wall types to enable variety of wall construction techniques to meet the security standards.

Added explanation to glue and screw plywood to ceiling and floor to clarify standard. Stud placement changed to 16

on center to match drawing and correct error.

Added statement to finish wall and paint from true floor to true ceiling in Walls B and C to clarify and equal Type A Wall. Replaced drawings to reflect "suggested" wall construction methods and remove references to "Type X gypsum wallboard". Replaced drawings to reflect "suggested" wall construction methods and remove references to "Type X gypsum wallboard". Updated Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) encryption standards and certification to remove a standard that could not be met by

commercial alarm systems.

Replaced FIPS 140-2 with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to remove a standard that could not be met by commercial alarm systems.







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