BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE CAMPUSMUSC B17A - Chamber SingersSpring 2021Director: Dr. Jennifer M. GarrettE-mail: jennifer.garrett@bakersfieldcollege.eduPianist: Patrick BenderE:mail: patrick.bender@bakersfieldcollege.eduOffice: PAC Room 5 (virtual now)Rehearsals: Monday 6:00-10:05 p.m.Office Phone: Use email or GroupMeLocation: Zoom/Outdoor TheatreStudent Hours: T/Th 1-3:00 pm; F. 1:30-2:30 pmCRN: 33384 Website: (this is a new address)Units: 1.5__________________________________________________________________________COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe Chamber Singers is a select choral group devoted to the exceptional repertory of music for mixed voices of all styles and genres. The auditioned singers come from various disciplines within the music major, as well as a variety of other major fields throughout Bakersfield College, and include alumnus from throughout the community. Chamber Singers performs a wide range of music and musical styles including folk songs, songs with sacred texts, songs in foreign languages and both serious and lighter music. Members of the choir are expected to have a basic knowledge of music and need to be prepared to learn music outside of class. The group generally performs in at least two concerts per semester. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMESUpon completion of the course, the student will be able to:Demonstrate aural skills that allow one to listen selectively and interdependently to various aspects of a musical performance, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, polyrhythm, pitch, scales, timbre, beat, pulse, meter, texture, form, genre, and style assessed through group performance.Demonstrate knowledge of sight reading by solfegging selected repertoire during rehearsal.Demonstrate knowledge of musicianship by completing short exercises in class. Demonstrate knowledge of universal and national styles assessed through performance.Perform selected repertoire memorized and in an appropriately professional manner. REQUIRED TEXT/MATERIALSMusic The music you are issued will be digital unless you already have it from previous semesters. You will find it on CANVAS. Please make sure you can access CS on CANVAS.Black choral music folder516064543370500Chamber Singers music needs to be kept in a black black choral folder every day. A black choral music folder with a strap on the outside for your hand is preferred but a black binder with no slip-cover will also work. 606806013909500Please bring the proper folder to rehearsal by February 1. 420116015875000Tuning fork and piano or Tuner App (I have TE Tuner)A440Hz Tuning Fork (QIYUN is $8.99 on Amazon) Pencil (with eraser) and water for every rehearsal. 2 types of electronic devices for recording and rehearsals.Zoom meetings may require blank paper, a pen or marker, and other common items. Those items will be posted in CANVAS and GroupMe in advance. If you have trouble obtaining any of the items please communicate with Dr. G or your section leader in advance.Casual attireEach student is responsible to purchase a “BC Choirs” t-shirt for $10. Place order with CS treasurer by February1. Chamber Singers also need a black polo shirt for $25 to wear to gigs and other events. Other clothing may also need to be purchased during the semester. These items will be used this semester for recording/filming/rehearsals.Payment will be due at pick up. Please pay for what you order. Performance attireEach student is responsible to purchase formal attire. The dresses and tuxes are yours to keep and wear for years to come. If purchasing the tux or dress is something you are unable to do, please let Dr. Garrett know. Tuxedo: Please order by February 813872916706100Tuxes (Friar Tux: 600 Coffee Road) . Black tux pants, black jacket, white tux shirt, bowtie, vest ($145.75). If you already have a tux you only need to go and buy the new vest to replace the cummerbund which is $25.95. 600 Coffee Road, 831-4400Black dress shoes (Friar Tux for $35.95)BLACK socks (Friar Tux for $4.00)Hair pulled away from faceNo cologne or heavy lotion/hairspray please! (deodorant welcome )Black dress: please order by February 8.33049815623800The dress sizes are not normal sizes. You can print a measuring tape by searching online or simply use a string or piece of yarn and measuring around your bust and then compare it to a ruler. Then apply it to the measurement chart online. The bust size is all you need to know. The CS wardrobe chair will be able to assist you if you have questions. Then contact Stage Accents () to purchase the dress called the “Laurent” without the flower. The dress costs $68 + shipping and tax.Dresses need to be hemmed. The wardrobe chair will provide you a list of possible places to get the dress hemmed.Jewelry (only need to purchase for this semester if you want to)The only jewelry worn with concert attire will be wedding rings, other non-obvious rings and single pearl earrings. Purchase pearl earrings at places such as Amazon, Target, etc.Black nylons or knee highs or thigh highs, etc.Black close-toed dress shoesHair pulled away from face Make-up: blush, mascara, lipstick/lip gloss (we want to see your “yes” faces!)No perfume or heavy lotion/hairspray please! (deodorant welcome )1514475762000038328601792700BC Chamber Singers 4 Main Goals of the Semester:Strengthen our Chamber Family (Ohana) as individuals and as a choirCome together to create projects we can be proud ofIncrease our musicianshipServe othersThe assignments, projects, and rehearsals are all based on accomplishing the 4 main goals of CS562319713248200GRADING POLICYOverall Grading Scale:Rehearsals10 points per rehearsal x 14 rehearsals140 points Weekly Preparation/Sectional10 points per week x 15 weeks150 points Audio and Video ProjectsSee breakdown of points below300 pointsFinal Exam10 points 10 pointsTotal:600 pointsRehearsals: 10 points x 14 = 140In each rehearsal you have the potential to earn 10 points. Engagement in the various experiences of the day allows you to earn the needed points. Those daily experiences could include any or all of the following: 50075858814300Ice breakers and community building activitiesVocal TechniqueSight reading (with solfege hand signs) TheoryTheme of the week activities such as videos, discussions, writing, etc.Rehearsal of music for virtual projectsStudy of composers or other aspects of musicGuest SpeakersRecording You will receive all 10 points if you:4023360326500Attend on time (which means early!)Stay fully engaged throughoutCome prepared (practice, materials, etc.)Have video on—especially during community building and rehearsal. (If you have reasons that you cannot turn on video, they need to be discussed with Dr. Garrett in advance.)Stay supportive and positiveWeekly Preparation/Sectional: 10 points x 15 weeks = 150 pointsEach week we will prepare the music for our next rehearsal. 5 points: Sectional—make sure to attend your weekly sectional. Sectionals are the key to our success—especially if we do not meet face to face that week.If you are not able to be there you need to watch the recording of the sectionals or work with the section leader so that you are prepared for rehearsal.5 points: Personal Preparation118110339725005 points: Personal Practice: this is your personal preparation for the next rehearsal which could include any and all of the following:Score preparation: measures numbered, solfege, marking the scoreListening posted in Canvas or GroupMeLearning notes, text, rhythms, movementMemorizationSight readingFlip grid video posting on a prompt to enhance musicianship Any other music related assignment for preparationSpring Projects: Our virtual concert called Of Things that Matter Most will take place on May 15 at 7 p.m . These include: 50 points:Scratch tracks for Let My Love Be Heard & Yonder Come Day50 points:Studio recordings of Let My Love Be Heard & Yonder Come Day50 points:Filming of Let My Love50 Points:Filming of Yonder Come Day50 points:Project with Mason 50 points:Service projectFebruary 22:Scratch Tracks of Let My Love & Yonder Come DayWe will meet together at Emmanuel Lutheran in two groups for social distancing and record a scratch track that we can practice to for the studio recordings we will do. We want to be as accurate as possible on these recordings but we know that they will not be flawless. We will work from these to improve and make our final recordings.March 15 & 22:Studio Recordings of Let My Love Be Hear & Yonder Come DayWe will each come to Emmanuel Lutheran (we hope) on one of the Monday’s listed to record with Steve Dias (husband of voice instructor Katherine Kiouses). We will each have one headphone to hear the scratch track and one to hear ourselves. We will be in one room and Steve & company will be behind glass. If you want to record with someone else you can!April 17:Filming of Let My Love Be HeardWe will leave Bakersfield early in the morning (around 4 or 4:30) to travel 45 minutes to the land owned by Katherine Kiouses’ parents. They are allowing us to film on their land and we are very grateful. We will discuss and decide what to wear. April 24:Filming of Yonder Come DayWe will film somewhere in Bakersfield. The time will be determined by the location because we need the best light to film. You will know the time as soon as we have the location which should be during the first few weeks of the semester. We will discuss and decide what to wearMason Edwards Recording489585069088000Mason Edwards was a Music Major at BC and a former member of Chamber Singers. He went with Chamber Singers when we toured Australia in July 2018. Since then he has been composing, performing, and is working with a manager and record label. He invited us to perform with him on one of the songs for the album. Details and dates will be coming soon.May 3:Chamber Singers Service ProjectWe are hoping to do a service project which will most likely involve the homeless in our community. Details will be coming soon. Final Exam: May 10, 6:00 pmWe will either perform with the BSO (virtual?) or do some service in the community with caroling. We will definitely have our traditional final event on the scheduled finals day. Please remember to prepare for your secret Chamber member.COURSE ATTENDANCE AND DROP POLICYBC policy states that professors may drop a student from a course when absences number the equivalent of two (2) weeks of class recorded from the first day of instruction. This is a course in skill development and therefore attendance is mandatory. Please let Dr. Garrett know if you are unable to attend rehearsal as she will worry about you and so will your fellow students.Important information for the first two weeks of class (staying enrolled)All absences require prior notification (email preferred). During the first two weeks an absence without prior notification will lead to an automatic drop. Special Note about AttendanceAttendance is of utmost importance to the development of a fine musical ensemble. When a person misses a rehearsal, two things happen: 1) he/she misses the unique experience of that rehearsal and everything in regards to the notes, rhythms, and text on the page, and 2) his/her voice is missing, causing the ensemble to be incomplete. Notes can be learned on one's own time if necessary; however, the development of choral fundamentals as well as intricate nuances of the choral art cannot be made up by an individual. Choral singing is a group experience and requires everyone to be present and invested at all times.If you are diagnosed with Covid-19: In the unfortunate event that you become ill during the course with Covid-19, with proper medical documentation, you could be eligible for a Medical Withdrawal from the course. Please speak with the instructor before dropping the course because of illness, as there may be a way for you to continue in the course.If you are called for Jury Duty:?Students who receive a jury duty summons during the semester are expected to defer their service to a week between semesters. To defer service, choose the week you would like to serve then call the number on your summons and click through the menu items until you are asked if you would like to defer your service.SYLLABUS SUBJECT TO CHANGEAll material, assignments, and deadlines are subject to change. All changes will be clearly announced. However, it is your responsibility to review the syllabus, check e-mail, and check CANVAS regularly. GroupMe and Dr. Garretts website: (this is a new address) (google “Dr. Garrett music”) are also good sources. If you have questions communicate with Dr. Garrett and/or section leaders.368046015367000REHEARSAL INFORMATIONDR. G’S TOP 12 REHEARSAL MUSTS!Arrive early to rehearsal. Before 6:00 p.m. prepare with your black folder with all music, pencil (with eraser), and water. No later than 5:55, click on the link and enjoy the amazing people in College Choir. (There may be other items you may be asked to bring such as paper).The rehearsal downbeat is 6:00 p.m. Even if Dr. Garrett has technical difficulties, everyone should be at their screens & ready for rehearsal. Be present and stay actively engaged throughout rehearsal. This is going to pose unusual challenges on Zoom. It is too easy to turn off the video and walk away. We only get to be together a total of less than 3 hours a week. Let’s put everything else out of our mind and just do us. When you walk away or turn off your video we miss you and you miss out. Please use the bathroom, make phone calls, send texts, etc. all before rehearsal. Reserve leaving for emergencies only. Furthermore, CC will still involve sitting, standing, writing, moving, small groups, sectionals, sight reading, games, and more. Be fully present. Put away the cell phones! (unless using it for the Zoom) Stay focused on what we are doing! Recording the Zoom should only be used for personal practice. Nothing on Zoom should go on social media without permission from Dr. G. Bring YOUR OWN music, & mark YOUR score. Write in measure numbers, breath marks, translations, IPA, ideas, things to rehearse, etc. No one can or should do this for you. Be mindful of the best time to talk and ask questions. We will play games, discuss, rehearse, etc. CC has over 60 members and if we all talk, no one will hear and zoom will go crazy. Talk and ask questions when invited. Use a physical or virtual hand raise before unmuting and speaking. Listen! We are going to try to rehearse on Zoom and hopefully Jamulus. It will involve really listening to the person you can hear or the voices you can hear through Zoom (or Jamulus). This is the key to a successful and enjoyable choral ensemble. Listen louder than you sing.Sit UP and stand UP. Proper singing posture is one of the keys to our success. Be prepared and practice. Complete the assignments given to listen, write in translations, solfege, etc. Use the part recordings! The more prepared each person is, the better the rehearsal.Stay involved when in sectional rehearsals and give complete respect to whoever is in charge. Sectionals are one of the keys to our success. They need to be productive, efficient, and enjoyable.Have a positive mindset and be patient. Stay positive, stay engaged, and encourage others to do so also. Be patient with yourself & others. “Be a force for real good.” –John ColtraneEnjoy the journey. “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” -Greg AndersonAdditionally, video and audio recordings need to be discussed in advance. You are encouraged to record for your own rehearsal and practice purposes but no video should be placed on social media without the direct permission of Dr. Garrett. If you are not respectful of the standards you may be asked to leave the choir.SECTIONAL REHEARSAL POLICIES (Breakout Rooms & in person + weekly sectionals)We hope to meet more in person this semester as this is far more effective and much more enjoyable. When Covid and safety require us to do a Zoom rehearsal, we will utilize breakout rooms assigned by Dr. Garrett. Dr. Garrett, Patrick Bender, assistant conductors, section leaders, and other invited members of CS will lead the sectionals. When we meet socially distant in the Outdoor Theatre we will not likely have sectionals because we want to remain outside and avoid moving around and interacting closely.We will also do weekly sectionals outside of Monday evening rehearsals. Regardless of when and where, please give anyone asked to run a sectional (especially your peers) your utmost respect. Your ideas are valued and important. Keep in mind that a sectional is a time to work hard and support the section and person running the sectional. Sectionals are crucial to our success and each section needs to come back to rehearsals prepared so that we can reach our potential. 549768463672900There will be many distractions during sectionals. Please make it a point to stay focused. Cell phones should ONLY be used for the Zoom itself or to record for personal practice use. Please eat prior to the rehearsal and have what you need when the Zoom starts so that we can avoid bathroom breaks, dinner, and more. Remember to enjoy the process—sectionals should not only be productive but exciting!ZOOM INFORMATION: Zoom Features GuideMute your mic: lower left corner of the screenTurn on or off your video screen: bottom left corner (leave it on—we want to see you!)Hand raise or clap: click on the icon labeled "Participants" at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the button labeled "Raise Hand" or “Clap” and your digital?hand?or clap will?raise.Changing your name: Click on “Participants” and then “More” and you can change your name—keep it appropriate.Chat feature: In your controls at the bottom?window, click?Chat . If you are on a mobile device, tap “Participants”, then?“Chat”. The?chat window?will open on the right side of your screen if you are not in full screen mode. If you are in full screen mode, it will open in a?window?that you can move around your screen.Virtual backgroundOpen the Zoom app and click the?Settings?button (gear symbol) in the top right corner.In the Settings panel, select?Virtual?Background?from the menu on the left.Select an image (or upload an image using the?plus+ button) to set your virtual background.52425908479400Private chat feature: you can select a specific person to send a message to. Share screen: Click the Share Screen button located in your meeting controlsSelect one of the screen share optionsIf you want everyone to hear the sound on your computer check the option on bottom left.221575417359400Zoom Professionalism & Etiquette998855950110012617452971800Wear clothes. Please.Wear pajamas, swimming suit, etc. Take a shower, brush your teeth, deodorant is your friend (no we cannot smell you through the screen, but good hygiene is just good for the soul)!Zoom from inside the covers of your bed!Be ready with music, pencil, water and any items requested 10 minutes ahead of rehearsal e without the necessary items for class (though we want you more than items!)Log on at least 5 minutes before rehearsal begins. “Early is on time and on time is late.” -Bo SchembechlerCome to the Zoom late (though no matter the time still log on)Participate. Speak up. Your voice matters!Have something to contribute but don’t. (Use the chat if you don’t feel as comfortable speaking).Sing when we rehearse! Find a space that makes this possible—this is so important. Mouth the words but not actually sing.Ask questions when appropriate.Wonder about something but don’t ask.Designate your workspace. Find quiet, clean space that has an appropriate background. Or, use a?virtual background.Zoom in a space where people will cross behind you. Or a space full of things that will distract you.Use mute! We can avoid feedback & extra noise.Keep mic on when noise is in background.Raise hand literally or use raise hand function. If you are not called on alert Dr. G in the chat.Talk or ask questions before called upon (unless instructed by Dr. G it is okay).Close unneeded applications on your computer to keep the video optimally functioning.Keep many application running on your computer so that Zoom will not work optimally.Use the chat feature. (If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.) Comments are public—please remember that.Make inappropriate comments in the chat that could hurt other people.Use the private chat feature.Use private chat to belittle or insult others.Use the reaction emojis during class If you must attend class during work, please notify Dr. G in advanceSchedule appointments, work, etc. during class. (try to avoid this)Use the video feature. We love to see your face! Nonverbal feedback is an important part of human interactions and we need that these days. Please keep your camera and video on when we meet. If you believe you have a legitimate reason not to have camera turned on, consult with Dr. G well in advance of rehearsal and we will discuss it together.Turn off the camera because you did not have a chance to get ready or overslept. (We love you no matter what—we love to see your face!)Turn on your camera when we move to breakout rooms. This improves everyone’s experience.Hide during small group work.Stay focused and 100% involved the whole time! Use cell phone or other devices to text, search on internet, or have other distractions during rehearsal.Find a stationary place for your computer or phone.Carry or move device around during Zoom. 4149725-17864600STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCEIt is expected that every student will commit to and possess:Professionalism in manner, attitude, and musicianship. A positive attitude towards learning and each other.The love of music Respect for yourself, other choir members, your collaborative pianist, and director. This means you are prepared! Lack of respect and preparation will result in counseling with the director. If the problem persists the student will be dropped from the choir. Rehearsals are sacred and precious and we do not ever have enough. Walk into rehearsal with that mindset and keep it throughout. Wasting time is simply not acceptable.The willingness to improve your voice by your attentiveness and dedication during warn-ups, rehearsals, and on your own outside of class.The willingness to notate your score during each rehearsal with your own sharp pencil and a functional eraser.The commitment to memorize music as required by the director.The development of personal and group pride in your singing and in your attitude.The willingness to train your ears to listen - not just hear.The sensitivity and professionalism not to talk or text in rehearsal during instruction. Talkers and texters will be asked to leave the rehearsal. The second time will result in an absence for that day or possible expulsion from the group. Your phone simply does NOT EVER come out in rehearsal.The willingness to participate consistently in weekly rehearsals with section leaders.The willingness to polish the music to the level of an artistic performance which is the product of daily on-time participation and all of the above.WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM YOUR DIRECTOR?I will give you everything I’ve got—every day without exception. I will come prepared with a plan for every rehearsal and be willing to change the plan for the benefit of the choir.I will select repertoire that helps us grow vocally, historically, physically, sociologically, cognitively, emotionally and spiritually (loose sense of the word).I will strive to create an environment where everyone feels safe, welcome, and that it is okay to make a mistake! A place where the rest of the world does not matter for a while.I will hold every rehearsal as sacred, striving for productivity, efficiency, and joy through the medium of music.I will strive to nurture each individual person’s talent into a combined musical effort in order to better understand and appreciate ourselves and our fellow choir members through the artful process of rehearsal and performance.I will encourage each student to look to and plan for the future. This includes helping you pursue career goals such as applying for scholarships, enrolling for appropriate classes, visiting a counselor, private conducting or vocal coaching, and whatever means appropriate to help you fulfill your dreams. I will be available to you as much as I possibly can—I want to get to know and help each of you.center6097600PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONTypes of Communication and ExpectationsDr. Garrett will initiate communication via Canvas announcements, discussions, Inbox, and GroupMe. Dr. Garrett will respond to messages via Canvas Inbox, BC email and GroupMe within 48 hours Monday-Friday but usually much faster. She will do her best to answer communication over weekends and holidays. Student hours will take place T/Th 1-3 pm; F. 1:30-2:30 pm. Dr. Garrett will be available for rapid email response. She will also have a Zoom meeting ready should you need to talk or work with her directly. Please try to let Dr. G know you will need a Zoom but if something comes up suddenly, she will be there.GroupMe AppCommunication outside of Chamber Singers is vital to our success. Dr. Garrett will use GroupMe for quick reminders, changes to the schedule, updates, and more. Section leaders and the CS Leadership Council will also make announcements and disseminate other information through GroupMe. If you download the app the messages will not come as text messages. Please download GroupMe right away and get the code for CS. It will be a crucial source of communication. Please remember that GroupMe is for announcements, information, affirmations, and well wishes. Avoid filling the space with a lot of social information and preventing members from finding the information they need. Dr. Garrett’s Website Information: (this is a new address)Dr. Garrett maintains a website at the address . It is for the express purpose of communicating with the Choirs outside of rehearsal and for part recordings. Part recordings can be found on the website for each of the selections we learn in class and for each part. Go to the website or google “Dr Garrett music” to locate the website. Select the Chamber Singers tab and look on the left side for part recordings. On the right side you will find a calendar and information of events. Please make good use of the part recordings. They can be used on the website or can be downloaded. Listening examples can also be found on the left-hand side of the College Choir page. Please take time to watch and listen. Email EtiquetteHere is a template for email communication (with all of your professors). Sometimes your questions or concerns will be longer or shorter but this provides a guide to communication in the professional world.Overall Tips:-Provide specific information in the subject line. -Be brief.-Use your school email account. -Be positive and friendly.-Greet your contact properly. -Don’t use acronyms.-Introduce yourself. -Proofread your email before sending it.430911073596500-Be polite. -Sign off politely9029702072100#bcchoirsstorytellersSTUDENTS HEALTH & SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR ON CAMPUS EVENTS/CLASSESDue to the current unprecedented times, all students are required to follow safety guidelines and protocols to ensure all members of the community are safe. Please understand that the guidelines are for the safety of everyone in the class, thus disregard of the guidelines may cause for removal and referral to the Director Student Life for disciplinary actions. The following guidelines are required for all students to adhere when partaking in activities on the physical campus.Upon arrival to campus property, students must properly wear a cloth mask or face shield at all times, including in public spaces like parking lots and walkways, covering both your mouth and nose.? Do not remove the mask until off-campus or in your car.Washing or sanitizing your hands properly and frequently is a must, including before and after class. Some classes may request washing/sanitizing every 15 minutes during class.Your body temperature will be taken at the beginning of each class. If you have a temperature of 100.4* or higher, you will be asked to go home. Notify your professor if you are unable to attend the class and ensure you get the materials missed from class.Maintain your social responsibility and practice reasonable distancing and behavior, including maintaining six-feet distance from each other while in class and not congregating in halls or common spaces.To ensure a clean and safe learning environment for you and the next class, you may be asked to help clean specialized equipment or workspaces within your classroom.Other guidelines or protocols set forth by the instructor of the course must be followed at all times.STUDENT CONDUCT STATEMENT Bakersfield College seeks an environment that promotes academic achievement and integrity, which is protective of free inquiry and serves the educational mission of the College. Similarly, the College seeks a community that is free from violence, threats, intimidation, and sexual misconduct; that is respectful of the rights, opportunities, and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and guests of the College, and that does not threaten the physical or mental health or safety of members of the College community.?Students are expected at all times to act in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct, which is set forth by the KCCD Board Policy 4F7. The Student Code of Conduct remains in place for all students whether engaging in co-curricular activities or in a course that is offered in-person, online, or remotely. Students shall respect constituted authority, including conformance to federal and state laws, board policy, college protocols, and applicable provisions of civil law. All forms of misconduct may result in one or more of the following consequences: removal from class, referral to the Dean of Instruction, and/or disciplinary actions by the Director of Student Life. A student’s failure to act in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion.ACADEMIC INTEGRITYCheating, fabricating or falsifying information or sources, improper collaboration, submitting the same paper for different classes without permission, and plagiarism are all forms of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism occurs when writers and speakers deliberately or unintentionally use another person's language, ideas, or materials and present them as their own without properly acknowledging and citing the source. Academic dishonesty?and/or plagiarism in this course will result in one or more of the following consequences: failure of the assignment, referral to the Dean of Instruction, and/or disciplinary actions by the Director Student Life. Cite sources carefully, completely, and meticulously; when in doubt, cite. Familiarize yourself with BC’s Student Code of Conduct and KCCD’s definitions of plagiarism and cheating (KCCD Board Policy 4F7D; pg. 115).STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES POLICY“Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) has transitioned to an online environment; this means that their staff members are available to assist you virtually or by phone. DSPS is here to provide accommodations to students with diagnosed learning, mental, physical, and/or health related disabilities. Students with disabilities needing accommodations, including those who had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, should make requests to the DSPS office via phone, email, or by visiting their Virtual Lobby. All requests for accommodations require appropriate advance notice to avoid a delay in services. After completing the intake process with DSPS, please provide your professors with a copy of your DSPS approved accommodation checklist so that you can work together to ensure your access and success at BC.DSPS methods of contact:Phone:?Main Campus: (661-395-4334) Delano: (661-720- 2000)Email:?dspsdesk@bakersfieldcollege.eduVirtual Lobby:? BC STUDENT SERVICES AND RESOURCES INFORMATIONRenegade Online Student Resources page: Go to this website for help with: CANVAS, Zoom, PDF scanning and uploading to CANVAS, and to register for “Succeeding in Your Online Course” webinar. Research Workshops: The Bakersfield College Library offers research workshops for students. The following workshops are especially helpful for students in this class: (1) Research Strategies, (2) Finding Periodical Articles Online, (3) Internet Evaluation and (4) Detecting Fake News. Visit the Library Research Workshop page to find the current schedule of workshops.Writing Center: Open to all students, the Bakersfield College Writing Center allows students to craft their writing process in all areas, from invention and structure to style and mechanics. The student-led sessions are facilitated by a degreed writing consultant who, along with the student, aims to identify strengths and weaknesses in the student work with the goal of gaining life-long skills for writing independence. Writing consultants are skilled in supporting you through the process of choosing your speech topics, narrowing your topics, organizing your ideas and developing your full-sentence outlines. Visit the Bakersfield College Writing Center page for their schedule and policies. Student Health and Wellness Center: If you get ill during the semester, make an appointment at the Student Health and Wellness Center. As a student, you are covered through by your student health fee. There are no copays and the doctor can provide you with proof of illness if you need a note as “proof of necessity”(see late work grading policies). In addition, students report that the Psychologist and/or Social Worker both support students through difficult times and help students stay on track even when in their lives are in crisis. Use these services to work through the difficulties of balancing college and work/family/finances, etc…Renegade Pantry: The Pantry is a student assistance program that exists to help maintain the health and welfare of Bakersfield College students through organized college, community sponsorship, and donations of nonperishable food, clothing and hygiene items. Your student ID card entitles you to use any of the services of the Pantry: Daily Bread, Tuesday Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Monthly Food Distribution, Clothing and Hygiene Products and referral to community resources. Visit The Renegade Pantry to learn more.center10604500CHAMBER SINGERS LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (CSLC)OfficeResponsibilityNamePresident & Assistant ConductorBegins rehearsal, makes announcements, runs rehearsal in director’s absence, oversees Festivals, help organize tourThea TanicalaVice-PresidentTakes over in absence of president, in charge of recruitment & retention, oversees set/strike, outside gigsJulia MaloneSecretaryDistributes & gathers attendance from section leaders, distributes & collects paperwork Natalia HaworthTreasurerFinances, cash box, fundraising money tracking, make sure we have people to take money, donations, etc.HistorianWebsite, Facebook, instagram, pictures, posters, arrange for videotaping of concerts, etc.Head of FundraisingOversees fundraising committee Wardrobe (female)Answer questions regarding formal attire, check formal attire, assist with t-shirtsWardrobe (male)Measure new women, answer questions regarding formal attire, gather info about hemming dresses, check formal attire, assist with t-shirtsMain Soprano Section LeaderAttendance, run sectionals in rehearsals, organize & run weekly sectional rehearsal, fills out note cards during rehearsal, meet with Dr. Garrett after each rehearsalAssistant Soprano Section LeaderAssist in sectionals, run sectionals when needed, send text of assignments for next rehearsal to all members of section; text absent members after rehearsals on Monday nights; check weekly assignmentsMain Alto Section LeadersAttendance, run sectionals in rehearsals, organize & run weekly sectional rehearsal, fills out note cards during rehearsal, meet with Dr. Garrett after each rehearsalAssistant Alto Section LeaderAssist in sectionals, run sectionals when needed, send text of assignments for next rehearsal to all members of section; text absent members after rehearsals on Monday nights; check weekly assignmentsMain Tenor Section LeadersAttendance, run sectionals in rehearsals, organize & run weekly sectional rehearsal, fills out note cards during rehearsal, meet with Dr. Garrett after each rehearsalAssistant Tenor Section LeaderAssist in sectionals, run sectionals when needed, send text of assignments for next rehearsal to all members of section; text absent members after rehearsals on Monday nights; check weekly assignmentsMain Bass Section LeadersAttendance, run sectionals in rehearsals, organize & run weekly sectional rehearsal, fills out note cards during rehearsal, meet with Dr. Garrett after each rehearsalDavid MadridAssistant Bass Section LeaderAssist in sectionals, run sectionals when needed, send text of assignments for next rehearsal to all members of section; text absent members after rehearsals on Monday nights; check weekly assignmentsEveryone should have responsibilities within Chamber Singers. Please sign up to help with various events.CHAMBER SINGERS SPRING CALENDAR 2021 (Subject to change)DateEventLocationTimeOtherJan. 16 & 18 Sat. & MSpring Virtual RetreatZoom6:00-8:00 p.m.Jan. 25 M.First official rehearsalZoom6:00-8:30 p.m.SectionalsFeb. 1 M.RehearsalZoom or at BC in sections if possible6:00-8:30 p.m.SectionalsFeb. 8 M.RehearsalZoom or at BC in sections if possible6:00-9:00 p.m.SectionalsFeb. 15 M.Socially Distant Rehearsal (we hope)Rehearsal in your 2 groups with overlapOutdoor Theatre?6:00-8:30 p.m.(TBD)SectionalsFeb. 22 M.Record scratch track (2 groups of 15)-Let My Love-Yonder Come DayEmmanuel Lutheran1900 Baker St. 933056:00-9:00 p.m.(You will get an exact time)SectionalsWear BC Choir polo or t-shirt (or black shirt) with jeans(BC face masks)Mar. 1 M.Rehearsal in small groupsOutdoor Theatre (hopefully)6:00-9:00 p.m.(specific times will be provided)Sectionals(use scratch track)Mar. 8 M.Rehearsal in small groupsOutdoor Theatre (hopefully)6:00-9:00 p.m.(specific times will be provided)Sectional(use scratch track)Mar. 15 F.Individual recordingsEmmanuel Lutheran6:00-9:00 p.m.(exact times will be given)SectionalsMar. 22 M.Individual recordingsEmmanuel Lutheran6:00-9:00 p.m.SectionalsMar. 29 M.Spring Break!Enjoy!Apr. 5 M.Make up class with Leslie Aldridge & prepare for filmingOutdoor Theatre? Zoom?6:00-8:30 p.m.Sectionals if needed for filmingApr. 10, Sat.Film Let My LoveKatherine Kiouses’ parents landLeave Bakersfield early in the morning.Attire TBDApr. 12 M.Prepare for filming!Outdoor Theatre? Zoom?6:00-8:30 p.m.(at most)Sectionals if needed for filmingApr. 17 Sat.Film Yonder Come DayBakersfield LocationTBDAttire TBD Apr. 19 MRehearsal if needed for Disney HallOutdoor Theatre? Zoom?6:00-8:00 p.m.No sectionalApr. 26 M.Rehearsal if needed for Disney HallOutdoor Theatre? Zoom?6:00-8:00 p.m.No sectionalMay 3 M.Service projectTBDTBDMay 10 M. Chamber Singers FinalTBDTime: 6:00-9:00 p.m.May 15 Sat.Virtual Concert PremierYouTube PremiereIf we can watch together we will!(We will also have a Zoom link)7:00 p.m.Everyone watch and commentOther gigs will be announced as soon as possible4410710578370049911010254200Bakersfield College Chamber Singers Important Dates—Mark your calendars!Spring 2021 (Subject to change)534988813662900Sat. & Mon., Jan. 16 & 18Chamber Singers Spring Virtual Retreat—deliveries will be made!Location: ZoomTime: 6:00-8:00 p.m. (both days)Monday, February 22Scratch Recording of Let My Love & Yonder Come DayLocation: Emmanuel Lutheran1900 Baker St. 93305 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (probably less time);(most likely we will record in 2 different groups for social distancing) Wear polos or t-shirts and jeansMon., March 15 & 22Individual Recordings (can be 2 people) Location: Emmanuel LutheranTime: between 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (you will have a specific time to come)Sat. March 30BC Music Department Open HouseThis is a recruiting event for high school and college students. We will have a session on the choirs and there will also be an Applied Voice session. If you can attend the choral session it would be really helpful.Location: ZoomTimes: TBD (the event will go from 2-5 or something like that)You would only be needed for 1 hour54452592479900March 27-April 4Spring BreakNo rehearsal—enjoy your break! Monday, April 5Make up class with Theatre Professor Leslie AldridgeLocation: ZoomTimes: 6:00 p.m.Saturday, April 10Filming of Let My Love Be HeardLocation: land outside BakersfieldTime: Leave around 4:30 a.m. and finish around noonWe would like to do lunch together after the shoot—it will depend on the state of thingsAttire is yet to be determined Saturday, April 17Filming of Yonder Come DayLocation: scenic location in BakersfieldTime: depends on the best time for light in our locationAttire is yet to be determined49935161131800Monday, May 3Hope to do a service project on this eveningLocation: TBDTime: 6:00-8:30 p.m.Monday, May 10Chamber Singers FinalLocation: ZoomTime: 6:00-9:00 p.m.Saturday, May 15BC Spring Choral Concert Premiere: Of Things That Matter MostLocation: YouTube PremiereTime: 7:00 p.m.*Face to face rehearsals and recordings will only be done if allowed and if we can keep everyone safe. Zoom will be an option if a student does not feel comfortable. ~The date to record with Mason Edwards will coming as soon as possible. (If this is still happening)~This schedule will likely go through revisions since we do not yet know what Covid will bring. Fingers crossed for possibilities.Bakersfield College Spring Virtual Choral ConcertOf Things that Matter Most5110643735600May 15, 2021, 7:00 p.m.(order is not set)Chamber SingersLet My Love Be HeardJake Runestad (1986)Yonder Come DayPaul John Rudoi (b. 1982)Renegade ChorusO LoveElaine Hagenberg (b. 1979)Wanting MemoriesYsaye M. Barnwell (b. 1946)College ChoirYou Do Not Walk AloneElaine Hagenberg (b. 1979)Music of LivingDan Forrest (b. 1978)3147060186690003880015801400right184150010858504889500154368513208000Important Dates for Bakersfield College Spring 2021DateEventExplanationJan. 29Last day for refund(semester length courses)Deadline to drop a class and qualify to?request a refund. Jan. 31Last Day to Add/Drop ClassesLast day that students on the?Waitlist?will be added to a class with approved add form. Deadline to?drop a class?and not have an entry in the permanent records or transcripts.Feb.. 12Lincoln’s Birthday HolidayAll campuses closed.Feb. 15Washington’s Birthday HolidaysAll campuses closed. March. 26Last day to withdraw & receive a “W”Final deadline to drop a class. “W” will appear on transcripts.March 29-April 3Spring BreakAll campuses closed.May 8-14Final ExamsCheck schedule onlineMay 14Last day to file for graduation for Spring 2021May 14CommencementIf you decide to withdraw from the class:??Before you withdraw, consider the consequences. If you don’t succeed in 67% of classes attempted you will not qualify for Pell Grants or Federal Financial Aid. Drops in the first 2 weeks of the classes (or the equivalent in compressed classes) do not count against your “course attempts”. However, if you fall below full-time and don’t replace dropped courses with additional coursework you will be expected to return or repay some financial aid. Besides, you matter and we are here to help in any way possible. The BC Chamber Singers is our ohana and that means family. 2988310122555003022604635500 ................

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