FDA Expectations for Toxicology Support of Clinical Trials ...

FDA Expectations for Toxicology Support of Clinical Trials and Marketing

Tacey E.K. White, PhD Director of Operations and Senior Consultant

Nonclinical Toxicology Aclairo Pharmaceutical Development Group, Inc.



? Relevant ICH Guidelines ? Standard Development ? Small Molecules ? Cancer Indications ? Biologics - CDER ? Biologics and Novel Therapeutics - CBER ? Pediatric Indications ? time permitting

FDA Follows ICH Guidelines

? ICH M3(R2) - Guidance on nonclinical safety studies for the conduct of human clinical trials and marketing authorization for pharmaceuticals - Step 4 ? Describes the timing of all nonclinical studies needed to support each phase of clinical development and marketing

? ICH S9 ? Nonclinical Evaluation for Anticancer Pharmaceuticals ? Describes specific considerations for oncology products

? ICH S6 (R1) - Preclinical Safety Evaluation of BiotechnologyDerived Pharmaceuticals - Addendum (R1): Step 4 ? Describes additional considerations for Biologics - CDER

Drug Development Phases


Non-Clinical ? Toxicology, Safety Pharm, DMPK

Genetic Tox

Ames Test Mouse Lymphoma In vivo Micronucleus

Repeat Dose Tox

28 Day rodent 28 Day non-rodent

Phase I Healthy volunteers


Phase IIa / IIb Patients, Dose-ranging

Safety Pharmacology

Rat Irwin ? neurobehavior Rat Respiratory Non-rodent cardiovascular in vitro hERG assay

Phase III Patients, Definitive

Sub-chronic Tox

3-month rodent 3-month non-rodent

Chronic Tox

6 - month rodent 9 - month non-rodent


2-year rat 2-year mouse





EFD - rodent EFD - non-rodent


Male Fertility - rodent Female Fertility - rodent


Pre-/postnatal development - rodent

IND = Investigational New Drug application ? permission to dose people NDA = New Drug Application ? permission to market drug BLA = New Biologics Application ? permission to market biologic

Standard Duration of Nonclinical Toxicity Studies to Support Clinical Trials (ICH M3(R2))

Max Clinical Trial Duration

2 Weeks

Pivotal (Definitive) Toxicology Study Duration



2 weeks

2 weeks

2 Weeks to 6 Months Same as clinical trial Same as clinical trial

Greater than 6 Months

6 months

9 months (6 in EU)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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