
RIVERSIDE THEATRES PRESENTS BELVOIR THEATREBIOGRAPHIESANDREW O’KEEFEPerformerAndrew is the long-time co-host of Australia’shighest-rating weekend breakfast show,Weekend Sunrise, as well as the hugelypopular host of the iconic game-show Deal orNo Deal and now its successor, The Chase.Andrew’s television career started in 2003 asa character actor and writer for the ARIAnominatedsketch comedy series, Big Bite.Since then, in addition to Weekend Sunriseand eleven seasons of Deal, he has hostedtwo seasons of The Rich List and the chatshow, This Is Your Laugh. He has also cohostedthe historic tri-network tsunami appealReach out to Asia and the Logie Awards.Andrew trained as a classical singer andattained an A.Mus. A (Singing). His musicaltheatre debut was in the role of Herod in TheReally Useful Group’s 2013 sell-out nationaltour of Jesus Christ Superstar in which heperformed alongside Tim Minchin, Mel B andJohn Stevens. Since then, he has appearedas the Pirate King in The Harvest Rain TheatreCompany 2015 production of The Pirates ofPenzance, and in the Popinjay Productionscabaret of Flanders & Swann, Glorious Mud!Andrew also has extensive experience inimprovised comedy and was a memberof the Australian team that won the WorldImprovisation Championships at the Just ForLaughs Comedy Festival in Montreal in 2001.Andrew originally trained as a lawyer,following in the footsteps of his father, theesteemed former Supreme Court judge, BarryO’Keefe. Andrew worked for five years inintellectual property litigation with Allens ArthurRobinson. He is also lead Ambassador andpast-Chairman of the White Ribbon Campaign(to end violence against women) and wasa member of the expert Committee whichdrafted Australia’s National Plan to ReduceViolence Against Women and their Children.GLENN AMERPerformerA unique entertainer, Glenn has been workingwith singers since his first concert at the ageof eleven. He cannot remember how manysingers he has played for, but for many yearswas the exclusive accompanist to Rita Hunterand Horst Hoffmann. He also regularly appearswith David Hobson and Yvonne Kenny.Glenn is equally at home in the popular/jazzworld, having appeared with many artists suchas Su Cruickshank and Ian Cooper. In additionto his work as a pianist and conductor withvarious opera companies (Opera Australia,Opera Queensland and Pacific Opera) andThe Seven Sopranos, these days Glenn is alsofound touring the world presenting his onemanshow (he is a singer too, and has beendescribed as having ‘the fingers of Liberaceand the voice of Mario Lanza’)!He has featured on TV shows all overthe world, with broadcasts in Japan,Switzerland and New Zealand being amongsthis favourites, in addition to his regularbroadcasts in Australia.Glenn is a passionate collector of historic 78sand has approximately 25,000 of them.He is the only artist in the history ofrecordings to have made acousticallyrecorded Cylinders, Pianola Rolls andCompact Discs. Glenn was the youngestpianist to ever record pianola rolls – his firstrecordings were made for the MastertouchPiano Roll Company when he was 17.MELVYNMORROWWriter and DirectorMelvyn Morrow’s first scripts were in therecord-breaking TV comedy hit, The MavisBramston Show. Melvyn’s musicals (book& lyrics) include Morality!, Postcards FromProvence), Vroom Vroom, Mad LouisaLawson, Offenbach In The Underworld andWhen It Happens and the popular Christmaspantomime Santa Meets The Bushrangers.Melvyn’s TV credits include Star Searchand many ABC/Opera Australia simulcastsincluding the Tribute to Dame Joan Sutherlandand Richard Bonynge. His musical A SongTo Sing, O, the story of Gilbert and Sullivanand George Grossmith, was produced byDame Bridget D’Oyly Carte at London’s SavoyTheatre and directed by the author.Over the years, Melvyn has updated book andlyrics for Opera Australia’s The Gondoliers(four productions) and The Mikado, and forSimon Gallaher’s Gilbert and Sullivan trilogy,The Pirates of Penzance, The Mikado andH.M.S. Pinafore.With David Mitchell, Melvyn wrote themusicals Peter Dawson – Off The Record andHere Comes Showtime and the lyrics for thesong Lest I Forget (Rebel the movie starringMatt Dillon) Melvyn plays include Beating ARetreat, A Touch Of Paradise and Vice. He isthe co-writer of the national hits, SHOUT! andDusty – The Original Pop Diva.He devised and directed the cabaretsBroadway Bard, Tae Kwon Shakespeare,Mozart and ME and Shakespearean Idol,which won the 2006 Australian Writers’ GuildAward for Music Theatre.In 1996, Melvyn was nominated for a MoAward for Outstanding Contribution toAustralian Musical Theatre.His latest play, Acts of Faith, opens at the KingSt Theatre Newtown in July.REPERTOIREThe Mikado OvertureThe Judge’s SongTrial by JuryClimbing Over Rocky MountainThe Pirates of PenzanceMy Name is John Wellington WellsThe SorcererThe Curate’s SongThe SorcererWhen I Was A LadHMS PinaforeI Am A Pirate KingThe Pirates of PenzanceA Policeman’s LotThe Pirates of PenzanceWhen I Go Out Of DoorPatienceEntrance and March of the PeersIolantheThe Sentry’s SongIolantheWhen Britain Really Ruled the WavesIolantheNothing Venture Nothing WinIolantheDisagreeable ManPrincess IdaTit WillowThe MikadoThere is Beauty in the Bellow of the BlastThe MikadoThe Ghosts’ High NoonRuddigoreI Have a Song to Sing, O!The Yeoman of the GuardWe’re Called GondolieriThe GondoliersTake a Pair of Sparkling EyesThe GondoliersSome Seven Men Form an AssociationUtopia LimitedThe Roulette SongThe Grand DukeGrand Finale Medley of Gilbert and Sullivan AirsArranged by Glenn AmerRIVERSIDETHEATRESDIRECTORROBERT LOVEBUSINESS MANAGERPAMELA THORNTONMARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS MANAGERJONATHAN LLEWELLYNOPERATIONS MANAGERLINDA TAYLOREXECUTIVE PRODUCER,NATIONAL THEATRE OF PARRAMATTAJOANNE KEEPARTNER(GOVERNMENT)PARTNER(HOTEL)MAJORPARTNERPRINCIPAL PARTNER(GOVERNMENT) RIVERSIDE THEATRES/riversidetheatres/RiversideParra/riversideparra#RiversideParra ................

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