Name ...

Name: __________________________________________________ Period: _________


Developing Through the Life Span

1. Define each of the following and explain its role in development.

|Term |Definition/Application |

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|Zygote | |

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|Embryo | |

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|Fetus | |

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|Teratogen | |

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|Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | |

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|Maturation | |

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|Schemas | |

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|Assimilation | |

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|Accommodation | |

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|Object Permanence | |

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|Theory of Mind | |

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|Egocentrism | |

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|Autism | |

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|Stranger | |

|Anxiety | |

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|Attachment | |

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|Critical Period | |

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|Imprinting | |

2. List and describe the stages of Piaget’s theory of development, the age that it occurs, and the major developments of each stage.

|Stage |Age |Description and achievements |

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3. Describe Harry Harlow’s Monkey Study and why it was significant.

4. Describe the three child-rearing styles which have been most heavily researched, and the typical implications of each.

|Style |Description/Implications/Outcomes |

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5. What are the differences between primary and secondary sex characteristics?

6. Outline Lawrence Kohlberg’s Levels of Moral Development in the table below.

|Level |Age |Description of Level |

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7. Outline Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial development in the table below.

|Stage |Age |Description of Stage |

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8. Explain menopause and how it affects behavior.

9. What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?

10. How are memory and intelligence affected as people age?

Sensation and Perception

11. Explain the difference between sensation and perception.

12. Explain bottom-up processing and present an example.

13. Explain top-down processing and present an example.

14. What is meant by “absolute threshold?”

15. Briefly explain signal detection theory.

16. What is Weber’s Law? Be sure to include an explanation of “just noticeable difference” in your answer.

17. Explain sensory adaptation and present an example.

18. What is selective attention? How does it relate to the “Cocktail Party Effect?”

19. Explain the concept of change-blindness.

20. What is transduction?

21. What is the difference between hue and intensity as they relate to human vision?

22. What is hypnosis?

23. Define posthypnotic amnesia.

24. Can a person under hypnosis be forced to do something against their will? Explain.

25. How is hypnosis useful as therapeutic tool?

26. What is a posthypnotic suggestion?

27. Discuss the research of Ernest Hilgard and the concept of divided consciousness.

28. Explain how each of the following relate to human vision.

|Term |Role played in vision |

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|Iris | |

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|Pupil | |

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|Lens | |

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|Rods | |

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|Retina | |

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|Optic Nerve | |

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|Fovea | |

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|Blind Spot | |

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29. What is the difference between near-sightedness and far-sightedness?

30. Explain parallel processing.

31. Explain the Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory.

32. What is Opponent-Process Theory and how does it relate to the After Image Effect?

33. Explain and provide an example of color constancy.

34. Explain how each of the following influence hearing.

|Structure/Concept |Role in Hearing |

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|Audition | |

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|Frequency | |

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|Pitch | |

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|Outer Ear | |

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|Middle Ear | |

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|Inner Ear | |

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|Cochlea | |

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|Auditory Nerve | |

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35. Explain Place Theory.

36. Explain Frequency Theory.

37. What is the difference between a conductive hearing loss and a sensorineural hearing loss?

38. Name the four primary skin sensations.

39. What is the gate-control theory?

40. Describe phantom-limb sensation.

41. Name the five basic sensations that make up taste.

42. What is sensory interaction? How is the concept applied in relationship to taste and smell?

43. What are olfactory receptors?

44. What is the difference between kinesthesis and vestibular sense?

45. What illusion occurs when looking at a Necker Cube?

46. How does the concept of Gestalt explain how perception is organized?

47. Explain each of the following concepts, indicating M for monocular cue or a B for binocular cue.

|Concept |Monocular? |Description |

| |Binocular? | |

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|Figure-Ground | | |

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|Proximity | | |

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|Similarity | | |

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|Continuity | | |

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|Depth Perception | | |

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|Visual Cliff | | |

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|Retinal Disparity | | |

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|Convergence | | |

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|Relative Size | | |

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|Interposition | | |

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|Relative Clarity | | |

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|Texture Gradient | | |

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|Relative Height | | |

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|Relative Motion | | |

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|Linear Perspective | | |

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|Light and Shadow | | |

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48. What is the Phi-Phenomenon?

49. Explain Perceptual Constancy.

50. Explain the concept of Light/Brightness Constancy.

51. Explain Perceptual Adaptation.

52. How does perceptual set influence what we see?

53. How does the relationship of schema and concept affect what we see?

54. What is a Parapsychologist and in what sort of work are they engaged?

55. What is hypnosis?

56. Define posthypnotic amnesia.

57. Can a person under hypnosis be forced to do something against their will? Explain.

58. How is hypnosis useful as therapeutic tool?

59. What is a posthypnotic suggestion?

60. Discuss the research of Ernest Hilgard and the concept of divided consciousness.

Learning and Memory

61. Offer a definition of “learning” from a psychological perspective.

62. Offer a definition of “conditioning” from a psychological perspective.

63. Explain the primary differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

64. Explain the pioneering work in classical conditioning done by Ivan Pavlov.

65. Draw a chart or diagram illustrating the steps in classical conditioning, being sure to label each step.

66. Define the following three concepts, and give an example that incorporates all three:

a. Acquisition

b. Extinction

c. Spontaneous recovery

67. What is the difference between “discrimination” and “generalization”?

68. Describe John B. Watson’s “Little Albert” experiment, and how it demonstrated classical conditioning.

69. What contributions to the field of psychology were made by B.F. Skinner?

70. What is an operant chamber?

71. How does operant conditioning relate to Thorndike’s Law of Effect?

72. Describe each of the following reinforcers and reinforcement schedules.

|Type |Definition/Appropriate Use/Example |

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|Primary Reinforcer | |

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|Secondary or Conditioned Reinforcer | |

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|Continuous Reinforcer | |

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|Intermittent Reinforcer | |

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|Fixed-ratio Schedule | |

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|Fixed-interval Schedule | |

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|Variable-ratio Schedule | |

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|Variable-interval | |

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|Punishment | |

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73. What is latent learning?

74. Define extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, as well as the overjustification effect. How are these concepts related?

75. Be able to explain the work conducted by Albert Bandura, especially in the area of observational learning. Be sure to define modeling and include it in your discussion.

76. What are the effects of television and other media on observational learning?

77. Name and define the three primary steps of memory formation.

78. What is a flashbulb memory?

79. Define/explain the following concepts.

|Concept |Definition and Application |

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|Sensory | |

|Memory | |

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|Short-Term | |

|Memory | |

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|Long-Term | |

|Memory | |

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|Automatic | |

|Processing | |

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|Effortful | |

|Processing | |

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|Spacing | |

|Effect | |

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|Visual | |

|Encoding | |

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|Acoustic | |

|Encoding | |

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|Semantic Encoding/ | |

|Meaning | |

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|Declarative/Explicit Memory | |

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|Procedural/Implicit Memory | |

80. What is the difference between iconic and echoic memory?

81. Define “mnemonic” and give an example of one.

82. What is chunking? Give an example.

83. What role does the hippocampus perform in memory?

84. What is long-term potentiation?

85. What is priming (as it relates to retrieval)?

86. How does context affect our ability to retrieve information? Include a discussion of state-dependent memory.

87. Define storage decay and give an example

88. Discuss the difference between proactive and retroactive interference.

89. What is the misinformation effect?

90. What was Sigmund Freud’s belief on “forgetting” painful experiences? What is the controversy about repressed vs. constructed memory?

91. What is source amnesia (sometimes called source misattribution)?

92. What is the “forgetting curve?” Who did the research that identified this idea?

Thinking and Language

93. Define each of the following:

|Term |Definition |

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|Heuristic | |

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|Insight | |

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|Fixation | |

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|Mental set | |

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|Functional fixedness | |

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94. Define and provide and example of confirmation bias.

95. What is the difference between availability heuristic and representative heuristic?

96. How do heuristics influence thinking?

97. What is the psychological definition of overconfidence? What is its adaptive value?

98. What is framing? How does it potentially influence decision and judgment?

99. Define and discuss belief bias and belief perseverance. How do they affect our risk for error?

100. Explain the difference between phonemes and morphemes.

101. List the five stages of language development, the age at which they occur, and briefly describe each.

|Stage |Age |Description |

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102. Define and discuss the differences between grammar, semantics, and syntax.

103. Who is Noam Chomsky? What significant contributions to the field of linguistics did he make?

104. Summarize the discussion about animal thinking and language.


105. Define intelligence.

106. What is meant by the factor-analysis approach to measuring intelligence?

107. What was Charles Spearman’s theory about intelligence?

108. Explain Howard Gardner’s theory of “multiple intelligences.”

109. What is a savant and how do they relate to intelligence studies?

110. List and define the three types of intelligence identified by Robert Sternberg.

111. What is emotional intelligence? Summarize the discussion of it found in the text.

112. How are creativity and intelligence related?

113. Outline the contributions of Alfred Binet and Lewis Terman to our understanding intelligence.

114. What does IQ stand for? Give the standard formula for determining a person’s IQ.

115. What is the difference between and aptitude test and an achievement test?

116. How is the concept of standardization related to testing?

117. What is the difference between reliability and validity in testing? Why are these considered when creating a test?

118. How stable is intelligence over the life span?

119. What is the difference between fluid and crystallized intelligence?

120. What have researchers learned about intelligence from studying twins?

121. How is the concept of heritability applied to the understanding of intelligence?

122. What does research find about the similarities and differences on intelligence tests between different ethnic, racial, and gender groups?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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