IDAHO STATE SEARCH AND RESCUE ASSOCIATIONBYLAWS2007ARTICLE I - NAMEThe name of this corporation is “Idaho State Search and Rescue Association”.State headquarters shall be at 160 N 1st W., Paris, Idaho, 83261ARTICLE II - AIMS AND OBJECTIVESThe aims and objectives of the State Association shall be and are to:A.Associate search and rescue organizations in the State of Idaho, loyal to the United States and interested in recreation and public service.B.Serve the public welfare in any disaster, catastrophe or emergency.C.Render aid when called upon to local government law enforcement and governing agencies.D.Render aid and assistance to persons in difficulties or in distress when met on the road or in the field.E.Associate together in meetings, gatherings and in the field for the promotion of good fellowship.F.Coordinate search and rescue organizations to the end that techniques and applications are exchanged and/or consolidated to strengthen the local units as well as the State Association.G.Promote education, training and appropriate safety practices among the units and other agencies related to emergency services.ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS AND CLASSIFICATIONSA.In conformity with the aims and objectives of this State Association, any unit loyal to the United States and in good of the county in which the unit exists, shall be eligible for membership in the ISSAR Association provided all members have obtained majority, and the unit will actively participate in a majority of the state’s official activities. Prospective unit members shall be in good standing within their county unit.The Idaho State Search & Rescue Association will not impose any requirements and/or standards or any other restrictions for membership in the Association except as stated in the Bylaws under Article III - Membership Requirements & Classifications.A “unit” for purposes of association membership is defined as: the group of persons, en masse, as authorized by the sheriff(s) of a county or counties to conduct any or all phases of search and rescue operations within that county or counties.Membership in the ISSAR Association will be contingent on the sponsorship of the current sheriff.Any unit applying for membership in the State Association shall submit an Idaho State Membership application complete in its entirety and signed by their local sheriff. A current membership roster shall be enclosed with all applications. Any unit applying for membership shall have a representative attending the meeting when the vote is taken on their application. Members of a new unit shall be members of the Association for that calendar year.Each unit shall be represented at a majority of the ISSAR Association official functions.To retain their unit charter, each unit shall be required to keep their membership current each year by paying the required dues and meeting requirements as stated in Article III. If dues are not received each year by the due date (Article IV-Dues, Section B), the unit will be dropped from membership. To be reinstated in the Association, the unit must reapply for membership under Article III - Membership Requirements and Classifications. Each unit will be issued only one original charter. Units being reinstated shall receive a reinstatement letter from the Executive Board. If any unit does not fulfill membership requirements each year, their charter will be revoked.Any unit which shall be guilty of any act or acts reflecting discredit upon this State Association shall be expelled from the State Association by the Board of Directors, provided that no unit shall be expelled without a hearing at the next regular meeting of the State Association if so required and/or requested. When a unit is expelled, all of its members are automatically expelled. Any individual of an expelled unit can make application for membership under Article III - Membership Requirements and Classifications, Section B and/or C of these Bylaws.Any unit that is expelled from the Association shall turn in their official membership documents and all other Association properties to the State Association Quartermaster. All identification of the Association, decals, etc. shall be removed from any uniform and/or vehicle.Any member terminated from their local unit shall be automatically terminated by the State Association.Each unit shall be represented at a majority of the State functions.B.HONORARY MEMBERSHIP: Any person(s) loyal to the United States and who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in furtherance of the aims and objectives of this State Association may be elected to Honorary Membership by the Board. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall have no vote or interest in State Association property.C.ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Any person loyal to the United States and affiliated with search and rescue may apply for Associate Membership in the State Association. Associate members are approved by the Board. An Associate Member shall pay the same annual dues as members but will have no vote nor be eligible to hold a state office. They may be permitted to serve on special committees and shall have all other privileges as a regular member. Their uniform shall reflect their own identity.D.LIFE MEMBERSHIP: All State Commanders shall be awarded a lifetime membership at the end of their term in office and shall have this honor as long as they abide by these Bylaws as they apply. Past State Commanders shall not pay dues for this lifetime membership.ARTICLE IV - DUESA.The annual dues of this State Association shall be $5.00 per member and shall be due at the beginning of each calendar year.B.Dues for each unit shall be due January 1 of each year. Any unit delinquent in its dues or other indebtedness to this State Association for a period no longer than 30 days shall be dropped from the membership rolls by action of the Board of Directors after 15 days notice of delinquency and failure of the unit to pay the delinquent amount.ARTICLE V - OFFICERSA.The Executive Board shall consist of:mander2.First Vice Commander3.Second Vice Commander4.Secretary5.Treasurer/munications OfficerB.The business of the Association is to be handled by its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the State Association will consist of:1.Executive Board2.Past State Commanders that are still members of the Idaho S&R Association3.Idaho Sheriff’s Association liaison representative4.The commander of each charter unit.C.In all voting by the Board, a majority of those present and voting shall determine the results.ARTICLE VI - QUALIFICATIONS AND ELECTION OF OFFICERSA.Qualification of Officers:1.No member of this State Association shall be elected to any office unless an active member in good standing of a franchised unit.2.No member shall be elected to a state office unless present at the General Summer Meeting (convention) at which elections are held.3.There shall be no more than one State elective officer from each unit with the exception of the secretary, who can be elected from any franchised unit.B.Election of Officers:1.The election shall be held yearly at the General Summer Meeting (convention) which shall be held between the May 1st and the September 15th of each year at a time and place approved by the Executive Board.2.Votes at the time of election will be cast only by delegates who represent 10 members or major portions (five or more) of each franchised unit. The voting delegates shall be entitled to one vote for each office and each delegate must be in attendance at the convention with any registration fee paid.3.Voting shall be by secret ballot. The candidate receiving the majority of the vote is deemed elected. In the event no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, all but the two highest for such office shall be eliminated and the balloting continued by those in attendance. If the vote remains a tie after the second ballot, the election shall be decided by lot.C.Term of Office:1.The term of office shall begin each year at the installation of officers at the General Summer Meeting (convention) and shall end with the installation of officers at the following General Summer Meeting.2.The Treasurer-Quartermaster shall serve for a term of two years.ARTICLE VII - DUTIES OF OFFICERSA.The State Commander, as the Chief Executive of the State Association and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, shall:1.Preside over all meetings2.Appoint the chairmen of all standing committees and special committees except the Nominating Committee. Such appointments shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.3.Act as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Teller’s Committees.4.Appoint a parliamentary advisor.5.Be the delegate to National Search and Rescue Association official functions and other functions so designated by the membership.6.The State Commander can vote as any other member if voting is by ballot. In all other cases, the presiding officer can vote, either to break or to cause a tie.B.The State 1st Vice Commander shall serve in the absence of the Commander; perform the duties required in the management of the external and internal affairs of the State Association:1.Make all arrangements for the State Ride held during the Fall Meeting.2.Be Chairman of the Training Committee with responsibility for coordinating with the National Search and Rescue Association Training and Education Committees and for acting as liaison between other groups in regards to training and education.C.The State 2nd Vice Commander shall serve in the absence of the 1st Vice Commander, perform the duties required in the management of the external or internal affairs of the State Association, and:1.Act as the Idaho State Search and Rescue Association Public Information Officer (PIO) by publicizing the activities of the Association through releases to the press and other media.2.Direct all activities relating to recruitment, maintenance of membership and reinstatement of past members.3.Act as liaison between the National Search and Rescue Association Membership Committee and the Idaho State Association.D.The State Secretary shall perform all duties as listed.1.Have an accurate record of all meetings and custody of the Charter and other official documents.2.Have available at all meetings up-to-date copies of the Bylaws.3.Conduct the correspondence of the State Association in accordance with the direction of the Commander and/or the Board of Directors.4.In the absence of the Commander and Vice-Commander(s), call the meeting to order and preside until the election of a chairman pro tem, which should take place immediately.5.All voting shall be by roll call and recorded by the Secretary on each issue.E.The State Treasurer-Quartermaster shall:1.Have custody of all funds of the State Association and make disbursements only as authorized by the State Association, either by specific action or by adoption of a budget and by vote of the Board of Directors.2.Pay all approved bills.3.Prepare a detailed financial report to be presented at each official meeting and a complete financial report for their term of office. Said report shall be ready for audit at the time of the convention. An audit shall be done by three disinterested members of the State Association, two of whom shall represent different geographical regions.4.Shall be bonded in the amount of $1,000 with the expense borne by the State Association.5.Handle all properties, buying and disbursement by direction of the Board of Directors.F.The State Communication Officer shall:1.Maintain the state radio frequencies.2.Assist units with all phases of communication, to include but not limited to, radio and telecommunications.ARTICLE VIII – COMMITTEESA.The Standing Committees of the State Association shall include, but not be limited to, the Legislative and Training Committee.B.Special committees may be appointed when deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the State Association’s activities. The Chairman of any such special committee shall be appointed by the Commander, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.C.The Nominating Committee for the election of officers shall consist of a Chairman and two members appointed by the Commander at the Spring General Meeting. The Committee shall be dissolved immediately following the elections held at the General Summer Meeting.ARTICLE IX - MEETINGSA.There shall be three general meetings per year:1.The Summer Meeting will be designated the State Convention.2.The location of the meetings shall rotate throughout the State at even time intervals based on where the Fall Meeting is held.a.Location of the Fall Meeting will be at the prerogative of the State 1st Vice Commander.b.The State shall be divided into four districts (designated area map attached to these Bylaws) with each district deciding which county within itself will host the meeting for that part of the district.c.The location of the meetings shall be determined at the State Convention each year.B.The Executive Board shall hold a meeting prior and after all member meetings to discuss the business of the Association and have in proper order for the meetings agendaC.Registration fees will be paid as follows so long as funds are available. Funds will be considered available if the unencumbered balance in the State Treasurer is $1,000.00 or more.1.Registration fees for State Association elected officers will be paid by the Association to the three annual state meetings provided funds are available.2.The registration fee to the National Search & Rescue Convention shall be paid by the Idaho State Search & Rescue Association for the State designated delegate so long as the cost does not exceed $150.00.ARTICLE X - OFFICIAL PROCEDURERobert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Parliamentary procedure where the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are silent on the question.ARTICLE XI - AMENDMENTSA.Any Bylaw amendments and recommendations shall be voted on by the Association members present at the meetings, provided written notice of the proposed changes is distributed to all charter units 30 days in advance of the meetings. A 2/3s vote by the members present is required to pass an amendment or recommendation.B.If notification of a proposed Bylaw change and/or recommendation has not been submitted 30 days prior to the meeting and it is deemed necessary to vote on a proposed amendment, a unanimous vote may be taken by members present if notice was given at the previous meeting.ARTICLE XII - POLITICAL OR PERSONAL USE BY MEMBERSNo officer or member of the State Association shall use it as a means of furthering any personal, political or other aspirations, nor shall the State Association as a whole take part in any movement not in keeping with its real and established aims and purposes.ARTICLE XIII - DISSOLUTION OF STATE ASSOCIATIONA.Upon dissolution of this Association, an audit of the financial status shall be conducted by a committee of two appointed by the State Commander. After all bills have been paid, any remaining assets shall be equally distributed to county search and rescue units that are, at the time, members of the Idaho Search & Rescue Association and the units have 501 (c) (3) status of the Internal Revenue Code.ADOPTED:MAY 24, 1969APPROVED:MAY 24, 1969REVISED:JUNE 1, 1986APPROVED:JULY 19, 1986REVISED:MAY 3, 1988APPROVED:JUNE 6, 1988REVISED:APRIL 21, 1991APPROVED:JUNE 29, 1991REVISED:APRIL 21, 1994APPROVED:JUNE 19, 1994REVISED:JUNE 2, 1996APPROVED:JUNE 2, 1996REVISED:APRIL 28, 1998APPROVED:JUNE 14, 1998REVISED:FEBRUARY 21, 2004APPROVED: FEBRUARY 21, 2004REVISED: JUNE 19, 2005 APPROVED: JUNE 19, 2005REVISED: MARCH 24, 2007 APPROVED: MARCH 24, 2007 ................

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