Ideal Protein Weight Loss

[Pages:8]Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal Protein weight loss plan was developed in France over 25 year ago

WbhyeDthr.eTrraitniTsieCnhrCihstamnha.s, Thanksgiving or Easter, getting ? Dr. TratnhTroieungChhtahneh developed the plan for

athletes, including the French Olympic team, who were coming back into

Lettrsaitnainlkg asebaosuotns. oHme weawnateyds tthoeemnjtooylotsheewseeiaghsot nquwiciktlhyowuitthout sacrificing muscle mass. compromising your goals.

? We have been in Canada over 12 years and are Canadian owned and operated. Our Head Office and our manufacturing plant are located in Quebec.

? We manufacture our own products in a licensed pharmaceutical facility by Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal Protein weight loss plan was developed in France over 25 year ago

Dboy nDro. TtrapnlaTnienoCnhacnhhe. ating, not even just a little

? Dr. Tran TieIfnyCohuanphlaisnaoSnpcohrtesaPthinygsi,ciyaonuawndilol.riginally developed the plan for

athletes, including the French Olympic team, who were coming back into

If yotruaianriengthseinaksoinng. H"eit'wsajuntsetdotnhceematyoeloasre" wanedighytoquudicekslyewrviethiotut sacrificing tmuurnsctlehamtaasrso. und to thinking "It's just one day" and I deserve to get to my goal, it's about me.

? We have been in Canada over 12 years and are Canadian owned and

Iofpyeoruatheadv. eOuargHoeoadd pOlfafincecahnadncoeusr maraenyuofauctwuroinng'tpclahnetaatr.e located in


? We manufacture our own products in a licensed pharmaceutical facility by Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's


TbhyeDIrd. eTraaPlnPlraToinetenianChhweaenaihgdh. talonssdpblaen









Take the time to really think and make a plan for

would you

? atmDrtauhr.islneTci?rhtnlaeeoTgnsawm,skTeieayniaesocasnsluou.bCnadoh.ritneaHtglnigeenhtosohwitnfeseagPanaFedtrtSeleolopednhfogctaarrhhtinnsbeOdoomPlleythwtmtysloieostpihclocioicifaaastwlennesiiawainctmneueeda.i,hgtwoohiorsthintgqoesiusn.wsiaceglklriylefytdcweoivmtehlioonupgtebsdaactchkrieifnicptilonasgnufgorgest?

? If you are going for dinner at another home offer to

? We hbarvinegbaeecnouinplCeaonfadiashoevse,rm1a2yybeeaarssaanladdaarnedCaronaasdtieadn owned and

operated. OveugreHteaabdleOs,ftfhiceenajnudstoaudrdminanthuefatcuturkreinyg. plant are located in

Que?bHeacv. e an IP food before you go so you're not hungry.

? We m?aWnuhfaecntudreealoinugr owwitnh psorocdiaul cptrseisnsuarleicseynosuedcapnhsaarym: aceutical facility by Therapeutic "PIr'omdfuucltl"D, "irIehcativoena(lTlePrDg)ieosf",H"eI'amlthdrCivainagd"a. or you can simply say "I would appreciate your support".

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal Protein weigGhet ltosCsrpelaantwivaes developed in France over 25 year ago

byHDorw. Tcraann yToieunsCuhbastnihtu.te your holiday favorites with Ideal

What would

Protein-friendly alternatives?

Chef Verati


Dr. Tran Tien Chanh is a Sports Physician and originally developed the plan ?aWthhleatteas,bionucltuGdrinegenthBeeFarneCnachssOerloymle?piCcoteoakmso, mwehofrwesehregrceoemning back into


btreaainisn,gansedaisnosnte. aHdeowfaunstinedg Cthaemmpbtoello'ssCerweaemighotfqMuiucskhlyrowoimthout sacrificing

muSsoculepm, uasses.Ideal Protein Cream of Mushroom Soup and

substitute some Ideal Protein Southwest Cheese Curls for the

? We have been in Canadfarieodveorn1io2nyse.ars and are Canadian owned and operated. Our Head Office and our manufacturing plant are located in Quebec. ? Use the IP Chicken Soup for gravy.

? Make puree of celery root or cauliflower instead of mashed ? We manufacture our ownpportoadtouecst.s in a licensed pharmaceutical facility by

Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.

What else can you think of?

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal ProteinMwienigihmt liozses palaSnliwpasUdpev...eloped in France over 25 year ago

byEvDer.nTwrainthTtihene bCehsatnohf. intentions sometimes a slip up can happen. The most important thing to remember is you need to ? miDnri.mTirzaenitT.ieIfnyCohuahnahveisaalSitptloertnsibPbhlyesoicfiasnomanedthoinriggiunnailnlytednedveedloped the plan for

adtohnle'ttetsh,ininkcltuodyinogurtsheelfF"rwenecllhI Oblleywmpiti,cItmeaigmh,twashowwelel ereatcoams ing back into traminiuncghsaenadsownh. aHteevwearnItwedantht eamndtsotalortseagwaeinigthotmqouricroklwy "w. ithout sacrificing muscle mass.

The more calories and carbs you consume the longer it will take ? We have been ifnoCr aynoaudtaoogveetrb1a2ckyeoanrstraanckd.are Canadian owned and

operated. Our Head Office and our manufacturing plant are located in Quebec.

? We manufacture our own products in a licensed pharmaceutical facility by Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal Protein weight loss plan was developed in France over 25 year ago

by Dr. Tran Tien CChhanahn. ge Your Focus

W? e Dter.nTdraton tThieinnkCohfatnhhe ihsoaliSdpaoyr'stsinPhteyrsmicisaonfafnododoraingdinbalelyvedreavgeelso.ped the plan for athletes, incluOdkinagy,tahnedFsroemncehtiOmlyems ppriecsteenatms.,..who were coming back into training season. He wanted them to lose weight quickly without sacrificing

Lemt' focus to what it is really about, spending time with family and friends.

? We have been in Canada over 12 years and are Canadian owned and

operated. OWurhHaeatddOoffiycoe uanldoooukr mfoanruwfaactrudrintog plant are located in Quebecd. uring the holidays that isn't food ? We manufactureaonudr obwenvperoradugcetsrinelaalticeedns?ed pharmaceutical facility by

Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal Protein weight loss plan was developed in France over 25 year ago

by Dr. Tran Tien WCharnithe. Out Your Why

? It Disr.imTrpaonrtTaiennt,CthhiasnthimiseaoSfpyoeratrs(Pahsyasliwciaayns)antodroermigeinmabllyerdwevheyloped the plan for athletes,, who were coming back into

Wtrritaeinitindgoswenas, omna.kHeeitwparnettetydatnhdemputtoitloesveewryewighhetrqeu. iBcaktlyhrwoiotmhout sacrificing mmirruosrc,lreemfriagsesr.ator, a note in your wallet you can look at when

you need the reminder. ? We have been in Canada over 12 years and are Canadian owned and

operated. Our Head Office and our manufacturing plant are located in Quebec.

? We manufacture our own products in a licensed pharmaceutical facility by Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

ASbuocuctesIdseDaul Prirnogtethine Holiday's

? The Ideal Protein weight loss plan was developed in France over 25 year ago

by Dr. Tran Tien CThAanhL. K TO YOUR COACH

? Dr. Tran Tien Chanh(NisOa SMpoArTtsTEPRhyWsicHiaAnTanPdHoArSigEinYaOllyUd'ReEveIlNop)ed the plan for

athletes, including the French Olympic team, who were coming back into training season. He wanted them to lose weight quickly without sacrificing muscle mass.

? We have been in Canada over 12 years and are Canadian owned and operated. Our Head Office and our manufacturing plant are located in Quebec.

? We manufacture our own products in a licensed pharmaceutical facility by Therapeutic Product Direction (TPD) of Health Canada.


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