The Book Thiefby Markus ZusakCalendar: Read at your own pace! May 18th will be the last week I am putting assignments up for this book! But you know how I feel about spoilers…be aware of others who may not have read as far as you have!Assignments: Discussions will be posted on Padlet. There will be questions posted for each week, not necessarily relating to specific chapters or parts (as we will all be reading at a different pace). Think “big ideas” when responding! I will also be posting a video on Fliprid discussing the book. Look for links and videos on my page. I am waiting on my document camera to come in, so hopefully I can do show some of my quick writing to you guys. Writer’s Notebook: After reading each day (or each chapter, or part, etc.), please write about what you read. It can look however you want it to! Think about the writing we did in class this year…that is what I am looking for. I will be posting what my notebook looks like as well!Writer’s Notebook Ideas:Where and when this book takes place. Does it remind you of anything? Can you relate to anything happening in the book?Flash-forwards and Flashbacks. There is A LOT of time shifting taking place in this book, so it can be hard to track or recognize sometimes.***LOTS*** of figurative language! You could probably fill a whole writer’s notebook with how much of it Mr. Zusak puts into this novel. Pick and choose what stands out to you!Themes! Think theme topics, and then go from there! Listen to the characters, their actions, the plot, etc. to find theme!Symbolism…I will give you a hint, there is some in the prologue! Historical fiction with a touch of fantasy. Did I mention the narrator of this book is Death? Is he reliable? How would you describe him? Can you pull out the parts of the book that came directly from history?And probably the one thing most of ya’ll want to know…where is the quote that Ms. Long has on her arm? I will give a super special surprise to the student who finds it. Hint, you are going to have to read kind of far into the book…. ................

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