
Curriculum DocumentOriginal Development: Spring 2013, revised Summer 2019Unit:Arts and Crafts Subject/Course:Diné Culture and LanguageGrade Level:Sixth GradeSchool Year:2019-20This section completed once per whole unit. (Its purpose is to clarify the unit’s big idea and connecting standards.)Big Ideas: Why is this learning important? What generalization or principle do you want to know/do? The big idea resides at the heart of the discipline, and has value beyond classroom. These may come from the cluster deconstructing process.Identify Diné Traditional Dances.Associate the Diné Traditional Dances with the appropriate season. Distinguish the seasonal traditional dances and the jewelry associated to traditional attire. Common Core Standards / State Standards 4th- 6th Diné Culture Standards, Diné Government Standards, Diné History StandardsContent Standard:including CODE + (Rigor)Standard: I will develop an understanding of Diné way of life.Concept 1: Nitsahakees – I will acknowledge and value my thoughts and personality.PO 2: I will organize and keep track of my personal belongings.PO 3. I will explain the significance of my cultural possessions. Concept 2: Nahat’a – I will apply and practice the Diné way of life through planning.PO 3: I will listen to and retell stories related to elements of nature.Standard: I will understand and apply the Diné Nation Laws (Traditional Law, Customary Law, Natural Law and Common Law).Concept 2: I will sustain myself through Diné teachings.PO 1: I will practice and follow the cultural teachings.Standard: I will understand historical/factual events, people and symbols that influence my family.Concept 2: I will understand connections between my culture, sacred sites and historical events. PO 2: I will demonstrate my cultural knowledge gained from my immediate family.Concept 4: I will understand the integrity of my culture, language and values that are protected and maintained by Diné.PO 1: I will practice my Diné culture teaching. PO 2: I will identify the teachings of Diné culture and history.AZ State World & Native Languages StandardsCommunicationInterpersonal Communication1. Participate in conversations on familiar topics by using simple sentences.2. Carry out short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.Interpretive Listening1. Understand the main idea in short, simple messages, presentations, and overheard conversations on familiar topics.Interpretive Reading1. Understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topic is familiar.Presentational Speaking1. Present information on familiar topics by using a series of simple sentences.Presentational Writing1. Write and share short messages about familiar topics using a series of simple sentences.Cultural CompetenciesCultures1. Recognize basic practices, products, and perspectives of cultures where the target language is spoken (e.g., greetings, holiday celebrations, body language, gestures, traditions).2. Participate in age-appropriate and culturally authentic activities such as celebrations, songs, games, and dances; recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, transportation, toys).Connections1. Identify and use familiar vocabulary and phrases in the target language supported by resources (e.g., maps, graphs, visuals, audio, digital media) to reinforce prior knowledge and make connections to new knowledge of familiar topics in other content areas (e.g., geography, history, arts, math, science).Comparisons1. Recognize and compare words, true and false cognates, sound patterns, and basic grammatical structures of the target language with his/her own language (as applicable).2. Identify and compare products and practices (e.g., celebrations, dances, oral stories, food) typical of the target culture with his/her own culture (as applicable).Communities1. Communicate using key words and phrases in the target language within the school setting (and beyond, as applicable).2. Participate in simple activities and cultural events within the school setting (and beyond, as applicable).Integration of Reading &Writing Anchor and/orMathematical Practicesincluding CODECollege and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge 9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Mathematical Practices(MP)Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them.Reason abstractly and quantitatively.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.Model with mathematics.Use appropriate tools strategically.Attend to precision.Look for and make use of structure.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.Technology Standard:including CODEET06-S2C3-01. Participate in communication at a distance with others of different cultures or geographic areas to gain different perspectives of topics.ELP Standard:including CODECompleted by SEI/ELP teachers (later)Clarifications of Content StandardAcademic Vocabulary: What academic vocabulary does the student need to know?Ye’ii bi cheii-(9 night Ceremonial Dance), Nidaa’-(Enemy Way), Joo’ashi-(Two-step), Iich’oshi-(Skip Dance), Nazhnoodahi-(Round Dance), Aliil bee azhish-(Fire Dance), Jish-(mask), Iich’oshi-(partner), Ats’os-(feathers), Diné k’ehgo ha’dit’eh-(traditional dress up)Declarative Knowledge: What concepts (facts, ideas, cause/effect) does the student need to KNOW?Students need to know the Academic Vocabulary Words in Diné bizaadStudents need to know the different types of traditional dancesStudents need to listen to a Diné oral story of traditional dance Students need to know that Diné dances coincide to the seasons Students need to know different dances require certain attireActivities Teachers may do with Students:Students will read articles about traditional dances. Students will watch videos about the traditional dances. Students will gather information on the purpose, the materials and what season these traditional dances are performed. Students will create an illustration of a traditional dances.Students will write a summary about the traditional dances. Students will participate in the traditional dances. (The dance appropriated for the season the unit is being taught.) Prerequisites: Use Hess’s Cognitive Rigor Matrix to “map” pre-requisite conceptual & procedure knowledgeConceptual Knowledge: What concepts does the student need prior to engaging in this standard?Students should…Know about other dances in generalKnow about traditional clothing Recognize art and craft materialsKnow about the seasonsBe familiar with various types of songsName dances such as pow-wow and song and danceProcedural Knowledge: What procedures does the student need prior to engaging in this standard?Students will write a summary using the Academic Vocabulary Wordsdemonstrate the proper way of dancing create a graphic organizer to sort seasonal dances, jewelry, and attireAssessmentsProvide one assessment item for each content standard(one standard per box). For each assessment include: 1) standard + descriptive title + (Rigor)2) an actual assessment item or quality description of the assessment 3) connection to Rdg, Wrtg, or Math Practice (if appropriate)Identify Diné Traditional Dances.Associate the Diné Traditional Dances with the appropriate season. Distinguish the seasonal traditional dances and the jewelry associated to traditional attire. Students will complete a summary about the traditional dances. Students will complete an illustration of the traditional dances. Students will complete a formative assessment. (refer to Diné Culture and Language Curriculum website)This section completed per whole unit. (Its purpose is to focus on integrating the standards through resources & instructional strategies that focus on unit big ideas.)UNIT Resources & InstructionSupplemental Text Connections: List other school-purchased curriculum resources.Other materials available: List other useful resources, teacher-created, online, etc.Book titles: Worksheet: Teacher made resourceIllustrations: Other Sources: Internet resource/Google, Diné Arts and Crafts, Leading the Way magazine, Navajo Times, CD-Traditional Navajo Songs by Various Artists (Jul 10, 2010)Teacher Instructional Strategies: Research-based strategies that “fit.”Robert Marzano Strategies: Identifying Similarities & Differences, Summarizing & Note Taking, Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition, Homework & Practice, Nonlinguistic Representations, Cooperative Learning, Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback, Generating & Testing Hypotheses, Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers.Kagan Strategy: Inside-Outside Circle, Jigsaw, Mix Freeze Group, Pairs Compare, Think-pair-share, BrainstormingLearning Keys: Cooperative Learning, Feedback & Effective Questioning, Identifying Similarities and Differences, Student to Student Feedback, Summarizing and Note takingMath RTI-FALCONS Strategy: Find the Question, Analyze the Question, Label Key Words, Construct a Picture, act Out the Question, Equation, Solve the ProblemSTAR Strategy: Search, Translate, Assess and ReviewFrayer Model: VocabularyDepth of Knowledge: Recall level 1, Skill/Concept level 2, Strategic Thinking level 3, Extended Thinking level 4. TAP system: Instructional RubricWhy Try?Integration of Reading & Writing Anchor Standards and/or Mathematics PracticesReading6.R.RL.07 The Highly Proficient student can compare and contrast and analyze the experiences of reading a story, drama, poem, to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text.6.R.RI.09 The Highly Proficient student can compare and contrast one author’s presentation of events with that of another and evaluate the effect and impact of the different presentations.6.RL.09 The Highly Proficient student can compare, contrast, and analyze/evaluate texts in different forms or genres in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.Writing6.W.05 The Highly Proficient student can produce clear and well developed writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.Math6.M.RP.A.03 - The Highly Proficient student can create and apply ratio reasoning to solve real-world problems including those involving percent or conversion of measurement units.6.M.SP.A.01.02.03 - The Highly Proficient student can create a statistical question given a context and develop a data set with a given measure of center, spread, and overall shape, and determine how additional data points impact these measures.Integration of Technology: Specific examples that apply the technology standards in the content.Refer to Diné Culture and Language Curriculum website: You Tube videoENO board/Promethium boardIntegration of ELP Strategies: (Language, Grammar, etc)Completed by SEI/ELP teachers (later)Exemplary Learning Activities (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box.Exemplary Scaffolding Strategy (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box. ................

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