Dear Parents,

At St Matthews we aim to work in partnership with all parents to reinforce and extend children’s learning. Our topic in Reception this term is:


The themes within this will: be myself, my family, my friends and my community. We will be focusing on how to be a good friend, keeping ourselves fit and healthy, exploring our senses, and special celebrations within our school community.

We would encourage you to support your child at home. Here are some ideas to get you started

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Books to read together

▪ Funny bones series

▪ Anthony Browne family stories

▪ Shirley Hughes family stories

▪ The Elmer stories

▪ The frog series of stories about friends

▪ Any factual books about the body particularly the senses, family, friends or festivals (Harvest, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Hanukah, and Christmas.)

Songs to sing together

• Head and shoulders

• Miss Polly had a dolly

▪ 1 finger 1 thumb keep moving

▪ Clap your hands and wiggle your fingers

▪ I jump out of bed in the morning

▪ Any other body or family related nursery rhymes

(For words see reverse of sheet)

Activities to do together

▪ Talk about your immediate and extended family. Talk to children about your earliest memory and what you liked to play with when you were a child. Talk to grandparents or an elderly relative about their earliest memory. Get your child to draw, paint or collage a picture of their family. Make a simple family tree.

▪ Encourage your child to be independent when getting dressed. Talk about the different fastenings of clothes and practise doing them up (especially putting on their school uniform). Talk about how we care for ourselves by washing hands after going to the toilet, cleaning our teeth, staying safe by holding hands when out walking.

▪ Get your child to learn their full name and their address. Can they recognise the numbers on the doors in their street? What do they notice about the numbers on one side compared to the other.

▪ Make a treasure box (a shoe box is a good size) which includes things that are important to your child. Some ideas: a handprint, a birthday badge, a favourite toy, a ticket from a cinema or theatre visit, photographs of their family, pets, or a holiday, a postcard, a favourite ribbon, or something in their favourite colour, a picture or empty packet of their favourite food, fruit or sweets, a party hat .Arrange them carefully in the box and let your child stick them in. Bring it in to share with us.

▪ Play I spy games (using the letter sounds, not names). Focus especially on s-a-t-p-i-n (the first 6 sounds of phase 2 of the letters and sounds phonics programme). Start with a small selection of objects, using a couple of letter sounds and gradually build up more letters over a period of time. If your child is familiar with these they may like to start putting the letters together to make simple CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words.

▪ Get your child involved in making healthy snack for their lunchbox. Draw (or photograph) and write your recipe. Bring it in, so we can put together a class recipe book and share our healthy ideas with everybody.

Places to visit

▪ The park or garden. Set your child simple challenges to improve their physical skills.(be careful to set realistic challenges and make it fun!) e.g. climb up 4 steps on the climbing frame, bounce the ball 4 times, run to the tree and back 3 times without stopping (each time you go try and match or beat the previous target!)

▪ Go on a scavenger hunt. Children really enjoy finding things e.g. 5 brown leaves, 2 stones, 3 twigs, etc (great fun and very good practice for counting) Encourage children to find up to 10 objects. Can they do this again using a different combination of objects?

▪ Go for a walk in the sun. Children love to look at and chase their shadows. Talk about the size of these and how these change.

▪ If you are at the doctors, health visitor or dentist talk about what they do, and the need to keep healthy, by eating fruit , vegetables, and drinking milk.

Resources we would appreciate:

*Any small boxes, tubs and materials for our junk modelling area. Also keys, paper clips, metal containers, milk bottle tops, pull tops from drinks cans, old coins, corks, buttons, yoghurt pots, balloons, straws, cotton, felt, fur and lace.

*Any used birthday cards, postcards, unused envelopes, pads of paper or notebooks for our writing area.

* Old mobile phones, cameras, garden tools, would be greatly appreciated.

* Comics or children’s magazines to put in our book corner. Thank you!

Please bring in a photograph of your child when they were a baby (clearly named on the back) so we can make comparisons of then to now.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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