| | | | |

|American Culinary Federation Education Foundation |English Language Arts Standards- |Demonstration of Proficiency |Maine Learning Results- |

|(ACFEF) |Reading, Writing, |(Possible evidence, project, performance |Guiding Principles |

|Duties, Skills, and Tasks |Speaking and Listening (CCSS) |assessment, etc.) |& |

| | | |Career and Education Development |

| | | |(optional) |

|1. Introduction to the Hospitality and Foodservice Industry |

|Define hospitality and the importance of quality |RST.5.11-12 Analyze how the text structures |-Tests/Quizzes |A clear and effective communicator |

|customer service within the hospitality industry. |information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, |-Research and report on career explorations |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|Trace growth and development of the hospitality and |demon-strating understanding of the information or |-Research and present on famous chefs |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|tourism industry. |ideas. |-Completing learning templates |and involved citizen |

|Describe the various cuisines and their relationship to |RST.7.11-12 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources |-Create cuisine based menus |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|history and cultural development. |of information presented in diverse formats and media|-Recipe or website comparisons |A1 Self-Knowledge and Self-Concept A2 Beliefs and Behaviors |

|Outline the organization, structure and functional areas|(e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order| |that Lead to Success |

|in various organizations. |to address a question or solve a problem. | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|Identify career opportunities and the personal traits |WHST.9.11-12 Draw evidence from informational texts | |A4 Career and Life Roles |

|for a variety of jobs in the industry. |to support analysis, reflection, and research. | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|Identify professional organizations and explain their |WHST.10.11-12 Write routinely over extended time | |the Global Economy |

|purposes and benefits to the industry. |frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter| |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|Compare and contrast industry trade periodicals and |time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a | |Century |

|other industry resources. |range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and | |B3 Education and Career Information C1 The Planning Process |

| |audiences. | |C2 Decision- Making |

| | | |C3 Influences on Decision-Making |

| | | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

| | | |Success |

|Sanitation & Safety |

|Identify microorganisms which are related to food |RST.2.11-12 Determine the central ideas or |-Tests/Quizzes |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|spoilage and food-borne illnesses; describe their |conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, |-ServSafe National Certification |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|requirements and methods for growth. |processes, or information presented in a text by |-Individual demonstration |A creative and practical problem solver |

|Describe symptoms common to food borne illnesses and how|paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate |-Daily activities |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|these illnesses can be prevented. |terms. |-Articles on food borne illness |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|Describe cross contamination and use of acceptable |RST.4.11-12 Determine the meaning of symbols, key |-Role playing activities as health inspector |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|procedures when preparing and storing potentially |terms, and other domain- specific words and phrases |or executive chef |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|hazardous foods. |as they are used in a specific scientific or |-Completion of HACCP/time and temperature |A4 Career and Life Roles |

|Demonstrate good hygiene and health habits. |technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and |charts or log and take corrective action if |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|List the major reasons for and recognize signs of food |topics |necessary |the Global Economy |

|spoilage and contamination. |RST.3.11-12 Follow precisely a complex multi- step | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|Outline the requirements for proper receiving and |procedure when carrying out experiments, taking | |Century |

|storage of both raw and prepared foods. |measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze | |B3 Education and Career Information |

|Describe disposal and storage of types of cleaners and |the specific results based on explanations in the | |C1 The Planning Process |

|sanitizers and their proper use. |text. | |C2 Decision- Making |

|Develop cleaning and sanitizing schedule and procedures |RST.8.11-12 Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

|for equipment and facilities. |and conclusions in a science or technical text, | |Success |

|Identify proper methods of waste disposal and recycling.|verifying the data when possible and corroborating or| | |

|Describe appropriate measures for insects, rodents and |challenging conclusions with other sources of | | |

|pest control. |information. | | |

|Recognize sanitary and safety design and construction |WHST.4.11-12 Produce clear and coherent writing in | | |

|features of food production equipment and facilities |which the development, organization, and style are | | |

|(i.e. NSF, UL, OSHA, ADA, etc). |appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. | | |

|Review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and explain | | | |

|their requirements in handling hazardous materials. | | | |

|Conduct a sanitation self-inspection and identify | | | |

|modifications necessary for compliance with standards.| | | |

|Identify the critical control points during all food | | | |

|handling processes as a method for minimizing the risk | | | |

|of food borne illness (HACCP system). | | | |

|List common causes of typical accidents and injuries in | | | |

|the foodservice industry and outline a safety management| | | |

|program. | | | |

|Discuss appropriate emergency policies for kitchen and | | | |

|dining room injuries. | | | |

|Describe appropriate types and use of fire extinguishers| | | |

|used in the foodservice area. | | | |

|Describe the role of the regulatory agencies governing | | | |

|sanitation and safety and protecting food safety. | | | |

|Business & Math Skills |

|Perform basic math functions used in foodservice |RST.3.11-12 Follow precisely a complex multi- step |-Worksheets |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|operations. |procedure when carrying out experiments, taking |-Business plan |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|Calculate food, beverage and labor costs and |measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze |-Recipe costs |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|percentages. |the specific results based on explanations in the |-Menu planning |and involved citizen |

|Demonstrate the process of costing for recipes. |text. |-Restaurant operations |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|Demonstrate the process of costing for recipe yield | RST.4.11-12 Determine the meaning of symbols, key |-Posters |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|adjustment. |terms, and other domain- specific words and phrases |-Use of invoices |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|Determine selling price of menu items. |as they are used in a specific scientific or | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|Describe the preparation of a guest check using current |technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and | |the Global Economy |

|technology (i.e. computers, calculators, POS, etc.) |topics | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

| | | |Century |

| | | |B3 Education and Career Information |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process |

| | | |C2 Decision- Making |

|Food Preparation |

|Demonstrate knife skills and proper cuts (i.e. Julienne,|RST.2.11-12 Determine the central ideas or |-Daily activities |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|Batonette, Brunoise, Paysanne, Small Dice, Large Dice, |conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, |-Production |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|etc;) emphasizing proper safety techniques. |processes, or information presented in a text by |-Competition |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|Identify and demonstrate proper and safe use of food |paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate |-Student demonstrations/performance |and involved citizen |

|processing and cooking equipment. |terms. |assessment |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|Demonstrate how to read and follow a standard recipe. |RST.3.11-12 Follow precisely a complex multi- step |-Project based assessments |A1 Self-Knowledge and Self-Concept A2 Beliefs and Behaviors |

|Utilize standard weights and measures to demonstrate |procedure when carrying out experiments, taking |-Create food requisition lists |that Lead to Success |

|proper scaling and measurement techniques. |measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze |-Reflection or summary of the kitchen |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|Demonstrate a variety of cooking methods including |the specific results based on explanations in the |experience |A4 Career and Life Roles |

|roasting, baking, broiling, grilling, griddling, |text. | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|sautéing, frying, deep frying, braising, stewing, |RST.4.11-12 Determine the meaning of symbols, key | |the Global Economy |

|boiling, blanching, poaching and steaming. |terms, and other domain- specific words and phrases | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|Identify and use herbs, spices, oils and vinegar’s. |as they are used in a specific scientific or | |Century |

|Identify and prepare various meats, seafood, poultry. |technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and | |B3 Education and Career Information C1 The Planning Process |

|Identify and prepare various stocks, soups and sauces. |topics | |C2 Decision- Making |

|Identify and prepare fruits, vegetables and starches. |WHST.4.11-12 Produce clear and coherent writing in | | |

|Identify and prepare salads, dressings and marinades. |which the development, organization, and style are | | |

|Identify and prepare a variety of sandwiches. |appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. | | |

|Identify and prepare a variety of types of appetizers. |WHST.5.11-12 Develop and strengthen writing as needed| | |

|Identify and prepare breakfast batters, meats, eggs, and|by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying | | |

|cereals. |a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most | | |

|Demonstrate food presentation techniques. |significant for a specific purpose and audience. | | |

|Discuss the applicability of convenience, value added, |WHST.9.11-12 Draw evidence from informational texts | | |

|further processed or par-cooked food items. |to support analysis, reflection, and research. | | |

|Write written food requisitions for production |SL.3.11-12 Evaluate a speaker's point of view, | | |

|requirements. |reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, | | |

|Prepare standardized recipes for menu production. |assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, | | |

| |word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used. | | |

|Garde Manager |

|Identify tools and equipment used in garde manger, |RST.2.11-12 Determine the central ideas or |-Presentation of product |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|emphasizing safety and sanitation procedures. |conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, |-Buffet presentation |C. A creative and practical problem solver A2 Beliefs and |

|Demonstrate basic garnishes. |processes, or information presented in a text by | |Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|Preparation of cold items to include soups, salads, |paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate | |C2 Decision- Making |

|sauces, dressings, marinades, relishes, sandwiches, |terms. | | |

|canapés and hors d’oeuvres. |RST.3.11-12 Follow precisely a complex multi- step | | |

|Prepare mousses and gelatins. |procedure when carrying out experiments, taking | | |

|Demonstrate food presentation techniques (i.e. platters,|measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze | | |

|bowls and plates, etc). |the specific results based on explanations in the | | |

|Produce decorative pieces to include fruit, vegetable |text. | | |

|carvings and accompaniments. | | | |

|Basic Baking |

|Define baking terms. |RST.2.11-12 Determine the central ideas or | -Production |A clear and effective communicator |

|Identify equipment and utensils unique to baking and |conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, |-Flash cards to identify tools |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|discuss proper use and care. |processes, or information presented in a text by |-Scavenger hunt to identify tools |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|Identify ingredients used in baking, describe their |paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate |-Compare/contrast store bought vs. home made |and involved citizen |

|properties and list the functions of various |terms. |-SKILLS USA competition |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|ingredients. |RST.3.11-12 Follow precisely a complex multi- step |-Self assessment writing |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|Demonstrate proper scaling and measurement techniques |procedure when carrying out experiments, taking | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|unique to baking. |measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze | |A4 Career and Life Roles |

|Participate in the production of crusty, soft and |the specific results based on explanations in the | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|specialty yeast products. |text. | |the Global Economy |

|Participate in the production of quick-breads. |RST.9.11-12 Synthesize information from a range of | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|Participate in the production of a variety of pies and |sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into | |Century |

|tarts. |a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or| |B3 Education and Career Information C1 The Planning Process |

|Participate in the production of a variety of types of |concept, resolving conflicting information when | |C2 Decision- Making |

|cookies. |possible. | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

|Participate in the production of creams, custards, |SL.2.11-12 Integrate multiple sources of information | |Success |

|puddings and related sauces. |presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., | | |

|Participate in the production of cakes and icings. |visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make | | |

|Discuss the application of commercial mixes and other |informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the| | |

|labor saving products. |credibility and accuracy of each source and noting | | |

|Prepare a variety of fillings and toppings for pastries |any discrepancies among the data. | | |

|and baked goods. |SL.4.11-12 Present information, findings, and | | |

| |supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct | | |

| |perspective, such that listeners can follow the line | | |

| |of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives | | |

| |are addressed, and the organization, development, | | |

| |substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, | | |

| |audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks. | | |

|7. Purchasing, Receiving, Inventory & Storage |

|Describe HAACP critical control points managed by the |RST.3.11-12 Follow precisely a complex multi- step | -Receiving an order (mock order or real |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|purchasing and receiving functions. |procedure when carrying out experiments, taking |order) |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|List factors that effect food prices and quality, which |measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze |-Daily production |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|may include market fluctuation and product cost. |the specific results based on explanations in the |-Food logs and charts |and involved citizen |

|Describe purchasing methods (i.e. bids, purchase orders,|text. |-Calibrating thermometers |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|phone, sales quotes, etc). |RST.4.11-12 Determine the meaning of symbols, key |-Worksheets |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|Explain regulations for inspecting and grading of meats,|terms, and other domain- specific words and phrases |-Tests/quizzes |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products, fruits and |as they are used in a specific scientific or |-Participating in class discussions |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|vegetables. |technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and | |the Global Economy |

|Examine written specifications for a variety of food |topics | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|products and describe their importance on food and labor|RST.9.11-12 Synthesize information from a range of | |Century |

|controls. |sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into | |B3 Education and Career Information |

|Describe proper techniques of receiving and storing |a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or| |C1 The Planning Process |

|fresh, frozen, refrigerated and staple goods. |concept, resolving conflicting information when | |C2 Decision- Making |

|Examine various inventory systems including perpetual |possible. | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

|and physical inventories and requisition systems for |RST.10.11-12 By the end of grade 12, read and | |Success |

|controlling costs. |comprehend science/ technical texts in the grades | | |

|Describe current computerized systems for purchasing and|11–12 text complexity band independently and | | |

|inventory control. |proficiently. | | |

|Explain proper receiving and storing of cleaning |SL.1.11-12 Initiate and participate effectively in a | | |

|supplies, chemicals and non-food products. |range of collaborative discussions (one- on- one, in | | |

|Discuss ethical issues as they relate to purchasing. |groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on | | |

| |grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on | | |

| |others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and | | |

| |persuasively. | | |

| |a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and | | |

| |researched material under study; explicitly draw on | | |

| |that preparation by referring to evidence from texts | | |

| |and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate| | |

| |a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. | | |

| |b. Work with peers to promote civil, democratic | | |

| |discussions and decision-making, set clear goals and | | |

| |deadlines, and establish individual roles as needed. | | |

| |c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to | | |

| |questions that probe reasoning and evidence; ensure a| | |

| |hearing for a full range of positions on a topic or | | |

| |issue; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and | | |

| |conclusions; and promote divergent and creative | | |

| |perspectives. | | |

| |d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; | | |

| |synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all| | |

| |sides of an issue; resolve contradictions when | | |

| |possible; and determine what additional information | | |

| |or research is required to deepen the investigation | | |

| |or complete the task. | | |

| |SL.3.11-12 Evaluate a speaker's point of view, | | |

| |reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, | | |

| |assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, | | |

| |word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used. | | |

| |SL.4.11-12 Present information, findings, and | | |

| |supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct | | |

| |perspective, such that listeners can follow the line | | |

| |of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives | | |

| |are addressed, and the organization, development, | | |

| |substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, | | |

| |audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks. | | |

|Nutrition |

|List food groups and recommended servings in USDA Food | |-Tests/quizzes |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|Guide Pyramid. | |-Worksheets |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|Discuss dietary guidelines and recommended dietary | |-Guest speakers |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|allowances. | |-Create alternative menus based off of |and involved citizen |

|Interpret food labels in terms of the portion size, | |certain diets |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|ingredients and nutritional value. | |-In class discussions |A1 Self-Knowledge and Self-Concept A2 Beliefs and Behaviors |

|Describe primary functions and major food sources of | | |that Lead to Success |

|major nutrients. | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|Discuss various diets (i.e. food allergies, alternative | | |A4 Career and Life Roles |

|dieting, vegetarian, etc). | | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

| | | |the Global Economy |

| | | |B2 Skills for Bacon Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

| | | |Century |

| | | |B3 Education and Career Information |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process |

| | | |C2 Decision- Making |

| | | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

| | | |Success |

|9. Dining Room Service |

| Demonstrate the general rules of table settings and |RST.6.11-12 Analyze the author’s purpose in providing|-Tests/quizzes |A clear and effective communicator |

|service. |an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing|-Comment cards from restaurant |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|Describe the rules and responsibilities of personnel al |an experiment in a text, identifying important issues|-Live work |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|dining service. |that remain unresolved. |-Feedback from customers |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|Describe the various types of service delivery, such as |SL.2.11-12 Integrate multiple sources of information |-Projects |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|quick service, cafeteria, buffet and table service. |presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., | |A1 Self-Knowledge and Self-Concept |

|Discuss various procedures for processing guest checks. |visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|Discuss sales techniques for service personnel including|informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the| |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|menu knowledge and suggestive selling. |credibility and accuracy of each source and noting | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|Explain inter-relationships and work flow between dining|any discrepancies among the data. | |the Global Economy |

|room and kitchen operations. |SL.3.11-12 Evaluate a speaker's point of view, | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|Develop an awareness of special customer needs including|reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, | |Century |

|dietary needs and food allergies. |assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, | |B3 Education and Career Information |

|Demonstrate an understanding of guest service and |word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used. | |C1 The Planning Process |

|customer relations, including handling of difficult | | |C2 Decision- Making |

|situations and accommodations for the disabled. | | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

| | | |Success |

|Menu Planning |

|List basic menu planning principles. |RST.4.11-12 Determine the meaning of symbols, key |-Create multiple styles of menus |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|Create menu item descriptions following established |terms, and other domain- specific words and phrases |-Read/review menus for specific criteria |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|truth-in-menu guidelines. |as they are used in a specific scientific or |-Critique differing types of menus |C. A creative and practical problem solver D. A responsible |

|Develop an understanding of basic menu planning and |technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and |-Compare/contrast prices, font, style, etc. |and involved citizen |

|layout principles. |topics |in various menus |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|Apply principles of nutrition to menu development. |RST.5.11-12 Analyze how the text structures | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|Describe the importance of proper menu planning to the |information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|overall operation of the foodservice facility. |demonstrating understanding of the information or | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

| |ideas. | |the Global Economy |

| |RST.9.11-12 Synthesize information from a range of | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

| |sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into | |Century |

| |a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or| |B3 Education and Career Information |

| |concept, resolving conflicting information when | |C1 The Planning Process |

| |possible. | |C2 Decision- Making |

| |WHST.4.11-12 Produce clear and coherent writing in | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

| |which the development, organization, and style are | |Success |

| |appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. | | |

| |WHST.5.11-12 Develop and strengthen writing as needed| | |

| |by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying | | |

| |a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most | | |

| |significant for a specific purpose and audience. | | |

|Human Relations Skills |

|Demonstrate effective communication skills and |WHST.7.11-12 Conduct short as well as more sustained |-Live work |A clear and effective communicator |

|interpersonal relationships. |research projects to answer a question (including a |-Daily activities |A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|Work as a member of a diverse team. |self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow |-Role playing interviews |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|Read, Write and speak effectively. |or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize |-Completing applications |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|Demonstrate professionalism and a strong work ethic. |multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating |-Self-performance evaluation |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|Discuss employment applications. |understanding of the subject under investigation. | |A1 Self-Knowledge and Self-Concept |

|Demonstrate interviewing skills. |SL.1.11-12 Initiate and participate effectively in a | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success |

|Conduct self performance evaluation. |range of collaborative discussions (one- on- one, in | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |

|Discuss methods of conflict resolution. |groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on | |A4 Career and Life Roles |

|Describe procedure to progressive discipline. |grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the Community, and |

|Discuss techniques for motivating employees. |others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and | |the Global Economy |

|Discuss methods of dealing with stress in the workplace.|persuasively. | |B2 Skills for Individual/Personal Success in the 21st |

|Demonstrate information technology communications (i.e. |a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and | |Century |

|emails, internet searches, e- letters, etc;). |researched material under study; explicitly draw on | |B3 Education and Career Information |

|Demonstrate information technology communications (i.e. |that preparation by referring to evidence from texts | |C1 The Planning Process |

|emails, internet searches, e- letters, etc;). |and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate| |C2 Decision- Making |

| |a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence Workplace |

| |b. Work with peers to promote civil, democratic | |Success |

| |discussions and decision-making, set clear goals and | | |

| |deadlines, and establish individual roles as needed. | | |

| |c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to | | |

| |questions that probe reasoning and evidence; ensure a| | |

| |hearing for a full range of positions on a topic or | | |

| |issue; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and | | |

| |conclusions; and promote divergent and creative | | |

| |perspectives. | | |

| |d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; | | |

| |synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all| | |

| |sides of an issue; resolve contradictions when | | |

| |possible; and determine what additional information | | |

| |or research is required to deepen the investigation | | |

| |or complete the task. | | |

| |SL.6.11-12 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and | | |

| |tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when| | |

| |indicated or appropriate. (See grades 11-12 Language | | |

| |standards 1 and 3 on page 54 for specific | | |

| |expectations.) | | |


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