
?Tuesday, March 17th Math:Overview:? Prime Numbers / Composite Numbers / Factors / Multiples?Estimated Time:?Approximately 45 minutes?Explanation:??Today you will create a set of number cards. You will also review prime and composite numbers, as well as complete activities using your knowledge of factors and multiples. ?Things to know:The following definitions can be used while completing the tasks for today.prime number – A prime number has only two different factors, 1 and posite number – A composite number has more than 2 different factors.factor – 12 can be divided exactly by 2. So, 2 is a factor of 12.multiple – A multiple of a number is the product of the number and any other whole number except zero. The worksheets needed for this can be found on our math OneNote which can be accessed via Teams. You should be able to edit these documents in OneNote. Tasks:Create a set of number cards. These cards will be used for various activities, so save them from day to day. As a suggestion, you could use 10 index cards, 10 post it notes, or even 10 sheets of similarly sized paper to make your number cards. Place one digit on each card (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Prime/Composite:Shuffle your set of number cards. Flip over one card at a time. Determine if the number on the card is a prime number of a composite number. Complete the PRIME/COMPOSITE T-Chart worksheet page. You may develop numbers on your own or use your number cards to create number to sort into each category.Factors:Locate 5 numbers in your house. Each number must be a two digit number. Fill in the Factors Chart for all 5 numbers. Multiples:Complete the Multiples worksheet by writing the next multiples of a chosen number. How is this assignment turned into the teacher? All work should be completed in Microsoft OneNote. READING: Overview: Reading Fantasy Novels / Creating InferencesEstimated Time: Approximately 45 minutesExplanation of Activity/Assignment: Today you will continue to read your fantasy book club novels that we have been reading in school. As you read you will be completing the Character Inference worksheet found on our reading OneNote. Quick things to know: -Inference: An inference is an idea or conclusion that’s drawn from evidence and reasoning. Use your background knowledge and clues from the text to generate an idea. Task:Read your fantasy novel for 30 minutes. You will be reading the rest of this book over the next two weeks, so you do not need to worry about what chapter or page you stop on. As you read fill out the Character Inference worksheet found in our reading OneNote located on Microsoft Teams. You will be looking for quotes or examples that reveal important or different aspects of your character. (15 minutes) Links/Activities: 5RD 3 Reading - 05 Notebook (Web view) WRITING: Overview: Opinion Writing Estimated Time: Approximately 30 minutesExplanation of Activity/Assignment: Today you will continue to follow the Writing Interface located on Teams. You will continue to follow all of the steps you have been taking in class to help grow your opinion writing flash draft. As you work through phases continue to sign up for a conference. There are a few options for us to conference using Teams chats. Quick Things to Know: Please email questions if you have them. You can also continue to sign up for conferences. I will try to get back to you in a timely manner. Task:Continue to follow the directions posted in the phase you are working on in the Writing Interface. All of this is located on Microsoft Teams. The work you are completing is a continuation of the work we have been doing in school. Your main goal is enhancing and growing the opinion flash draft that you already have completed.Links/Activities SCIENCE:Overview: Energy TransfersEstimated Time: At least 30 minutes, but could continue longer if desiredExplanation of Activity/Assignment: In science class we have been discussing different forms of energy and energy transfers. Today you will be creating a sequence of energy transfers like what we did with Minecraft in class. It is likely that most of your energy transfers will include gravitational and motion energy. If you need ideas you can search up Rube Goldberg Machine ideas online. Quick things to know: -Do your best to include as many forms as energy as possible.-Be safe and check with an adult to make sure you can use the materials you select. -Have lots of fun! Task:Using materials around your house build a model that shows energy in motion. Challenge yourself to include as many energy transfers as possible and use as many forms of energy as you can safely use. If you have the technology record a video of your model in action. If you do not have the technology, please draw a picture of your model or write about what it looks like and the forms of energy represented. Links:Please upload your video/picture/drawing/writing to the assignment located on our science team in Micrsoft Teams. You can locate this assignment here. ................

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