a, ab from, away from, by

Abas 1. an Argive King 2. a friend of Aeneas

abdo put away, hide, shut up

abeo go away, depart, withdraw, deviate

abies spruce, fir

abluo wash off, purify; cleanse

abnuo refuse, decline, reject

abripio snatch away, snatch, seize

abrumpo break off, destroy, violate

abscessus departure, absence

abscondo put away, conceal, hide

absens absent, distant, left behind

absisto withdraw, depart from; cease;

abstineo hold back, refrain

abstrudo thrust away; hide

absum be absent or away from; be wanting

ac same as atque – and, and also

Acamas one of the Greeks at Troy

accedo come or draw near, go to, approach

accendo set on fire; inflame; arouse; inspire

accingo gird, equip, make ready

accipio receive, accept, admit, welcome

accumbo recline at, take one’s place at the table

accumulo heap up, honor

acer sharp, keen, fierce, violent

acervus pointed pile, heap

Acestes king of Sicily

Achates Aeneas’s constant companion

Acheron river of the underworld

Achilles greatest of the Greek heroes at Troy

Achivus Greek, pl. Greeks

acies sharp edge, battle line, keen vision

acutus sharpened, sharp, pointed, jagged

ad to, toward, near, at, by

addenseo thicken, pack densely

addo give in addition, put to, add, lend

adeo to that degree, so

adeo adire – go to, approach, reach visit, encounter, meet

adfligo shatter, cast down

adflo breath upon, inspire

adfluo flow to, come to

adfor address, speak to

adgredior approach, go to

adhuc hitherto, till now, as yet

adicio throw at, add

adigo drive to, drive, hurl, force

adimo take to oneself, take away, snatch away

aditus approach, audience, entrance

adiuro call to witness, swear by

adiuvo aid, assist, help

adlabor glide to

adloquor address, speak to

admiror wonder at, be surprised at

admoneo warn admonish, remind

admoveo move or bring to, offer

adnitor strive, lean on

adnuo nod assent, promise

adoro pray to, worship, adore

adquiro acquire, gain

adservo guard, watch

adsiduus constant, unceasing

adsisto stand by, attend; make a stand

adspecto look at, look towards, overlook

adspicio look at, observe, inspect

adsto stand near; be at hand, look on; stand up

adsum be present, be at hand, near

adsurgo rise up, stand up, rise

adultus adult, full grown

advena stranger, foreigner

advenio come to, come

adversor oppose, resist

adversus turned toward, opposing, facing, adverse

adverto turn toward, give heed, note, notice

advolo fly to, fly towards

advolvo roll to or toward

adytum sanctuary, shrine, tomb

Aeacides descendant of Aeacus, i.e. Achilles

aedes hearth; pl. apartments; house, dwelling

aedifico build, construct

aeger sick, diseased, weary, weak

aemulus rivaling, competing

Aeneadae followers of Aeneas

Aeneas hero of the Aeneid

Aeneius of Aeneas

aenum kettle, cauldron

aenus of bronze, brazen

Aeolia an island near Sicily, abode of Aeolus

Aeolides son or descendant of Aeolus

Aeolus god of the winds

aequaevus of the same or equal age

aequo make equal, adjust, equal, match, do justice to

aequor the sea, surface of the sea, a level surface

aequus even, level, just, fair

aer air, breeze, mist, cloud

aeratus made of or covered with bronze; brazen

aereus made of or plated with bronze; brazen

aerius airy, high, lofty, towering

aes copper, bronze

aestas summer, summer air

aestus heat, flame; tide, sea, flood

aetas age; old age; years, time

aeternus everlasting, eternal

aether upper air, ether; air; sky, heaven

aetherius of the ether, of heaven

aevum age, time; old age

Africa Northern Africa

Africus the southwest wind

Agathyrsi people of Scythia

Agenor a king of Phoenicia and ancestor of Dido

ager field, land

agger heap, mound; elevation; dike; rampart

aggero heap up, increase

agitator driver, charioteer

agito drive with violence; chase, torment, harass

agmen army (on the march), column, train, formation, rank, line

agnosco recognize

ago drive, do, pursue, conduct imp – Come!

Aiax one of two Greek heroes 1. son of Telamon 2. son of Oileus

ait says, asserts

ala wing, pinion

alatus winged

Alba Alba Longa, an ancient city of Latium

Albanus of Alba, Alban

Alcides descendant of Alcaeus, i.e. Hercules

ales winged, as noun-winged creature, bird

Aletes a friend of Aeneas

alienus another’s, foreign

aliqui some, any

aliquis someone, anyone

aliter otherwise

alius another, other, else

alligo bind, tie, fasten, imprison

almus nourishing, fostering, propitious, kindly

alo nourish, feed, encourage, strengthen, rear

Alpinus of the Alps, Alpine

altaria altar

alter one of the two, the other

alterno do by turns; waver, hesitate

alternus one after the other; in turn

altus high, lofty; deep, profound; as noun altum – the sea, heaven

alumnus nursling, foster-child, child, son

alvus belly, body

amarus bitter, unpleasant, unwelcome

Amazonis an Amazon

ambages turning, winding; riddle, mystery; details

ambio go around, surround, encircle, approach

ambo both; tow

ambrosius ambrosial, diving; immortal; lovely

amens senseless; frantic, distracted; amazed

amicio throw around; wrap, envelop

amictus cloak, mantle, robe; veil

amicus friendly; as noun - friend

amitto lose, send away; let go

amnis river, stream; torrent

amo love, cherish, like

amor love, affection, fondness; as person - Cupid

amplector enfold, embrace, wind about

amplus grand, roomy, spacious; splendid, glorious

Amycus king of the Bebrycians or friend of Aeneas

an or

Anchises Aeneas’s father

Anchisiades descendant of Anchises

ancora anchor

Androgeos son of Minos, king of Crete; or Greek hero slain at Troy

anguis serpent, snake

angustus narrow, as noun – narrow place

anhelus panting, heaving

anima breath, breath of life; life, existence; shade, soul spirit

animus soul, spirit, heart, courage, daring, feeling

Anna Dido’s sister

annalis annual, yearly

annosus aged, old

annus year

ante before, in front of, previously

antefero put before, carry before

Antenor Trojan leader, founder of Patavium

Antheus friend of Aeneas

antiquus of olden times, ancient, aged, former

antrum cave, cavern, grotto

aper wild boar

aperio open, uncover, disclose, reveal

apex tip, point, summit

apis bee

Apollo god of music and prophecy

appareo appear, be disclosed, be seen

appello drive to, bring to

apto fit, adjust, equip

aqua water

Aquilo the north wind, wind

aquosus watery, rainy, rain-bearing

ara altar

arbor tree, trunk, shoot

arboreus treelike, branching

arbos see arbor

Arcades Arcadians

Arcadius of Arcadia

arcanus secret, hidden

arceo bind, confine, keep off, debar

arcesso cause to come, call, summon

Arctos the North

arcus bow, rainbow, curve, bend

ardens burning, blazing, fiery, flashy

ardeo be on fire, burn, blaze

arduus steep, high, lofty, towering

argentum silver; silver plate

Argivus Greek, Argive

Argolicus of Argos, Greek

Argos Greek

arguo prove, reveal, betray

aridus dry, parched

aries ram, battering ram

arma arms, weapons; tools, equipment

armatus armed, equipped

armentum cattle for plowing; herd, drove

armiger armor-bearer

armo equip, arm

armus shoulder; flank

aro plow, till; inhabit

arrigo direct to, raise, uplift

ars skill, dexterity; art; practice

artifex artist, artisan, contriver

artus joint, limb, frame, body

arvum plowed land, cultivated field, field

arx citadel, fortress, stronghold; hill, peak

Ascanius Aeneas’s son

ascendo climb, mount, ascend

Asia Asia Minor

aspecto look at, gaze at; face

aspectus sight, view, appearance

asper rough; thorny, jagged; harsh

aspicio look at, look upon, behold; regard

asporto carry away; carry off

Assaracus former king of Troy, Anchises’ grandfather

ast but; yet, at least

astrum star; pl. heaven

asylum place of refuge; sanctuary

at but; yet, at least

ater black, dark, sable, dusky; gloomy

Atlas mt. in N. Africa; personified as giant

atque and, and also; but, than

Atrides descendant of Atreus, especially Agamemnon or Menelaus

atrium court, hall, atrium, room

attollo lift up, raise up; rear

attonitus thunderstruck; awed, amazed, dazed

attono thunder at, stun; strike with awe

auctor father, progenitor, producer

audens daring, bold, courageous

audeo dare, venture, risk

audio hear, listen to

aufero take away, carry off, withdraw, remove

augur seer, soothsayer, diviner, augur

augurium the observance of omens, augury

aula court, yard, inner court

Aulis town on the coast of Boetia

aura air, breeze, wind, blast

aureus golden, of gold

auricomus golden-haired, with golden foliage

auriga charioteer, driver

auris ear

Aurora morning, dawn, personified as goddess of morning

aurum gold

Ausonius Ausonian, Italian

auspex an interpreter of omens given by birds, diviner, augur

auspicium divination by the flight of birds, augury from birds

auster the south wind

aut or; aut…aut= either…or

autem however, on the other hand

Automedon Greek charioteer of Achilles

auxilium help, aid, assistance

avarus greedy, covetous

aveho carry away, take away

avello tear away, pluck, snatch away

Avernus a lake near Cumae (entrance to the underworld)

averto turn away, avert, remove

avidus eager, greedy, desirous

avis bird

avius out of the way, remote, trackless

avus grandfather

axis axle, heaven, open sky

bacchor celebrate the festival of Bacchus

Bacchus god of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele

balteus belt, sword-belt

barba beard

barbaricus foreign, strange, barbaric

Barcaei inhabitants of Barce, a town in Libya

beatus happy, blessed, fortunate

bellatrix female warrior

bello wage war, war

bellum war

bene well, agreeably

benignus kind, good, friendly, pleasing

bibo drink

bidens a sheep, (literally-having two teeth)

biformis of double form, two-shaped

bigae a team of two horses, a two-horse chariot

biiugus two yoked together

bini two by two, two each

bipennis a two-edged axe, double axe, battle-axe

biremis a ship with two banks of oars

bis twice, double

bonus good

Boreas the north wind, the North

bracchium arm; the fore-arm

brattea thin plate of leaf or metal; metal

brevis short, brief

bruma winter

brumalis wintry

bulla knob, stud, bubble,

Byrsa citadel of Carthage

cado fall, fall down, descend

cadus jar, urn

caecus blind

caedes killing, slaughter, carnage

caedo cut, cut down, strike, kill

caelestis of heaven, from heaven, as noun – the heavenly bodies

caelo engrave, carve

caelum sky, heaven, the heavens

Caesar Augustus or Julius

Caicus friend of Aeneas

Caieta town on the coast of Latium

calcar spur

caleo glow, be hot, be warm

calidus warm, hot

callis a path, mountain-path

calor heat, warmth, glow

campus field, plan, level place

candeo shine, glitter, glisten

canis dog

cano sing, sound, play

canorus melodious, harmonious

cantus song, singing

canus white, hoary

capesso seize eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of

capio seize, grasp, capture

capra she-goat

captivus prisoner, captive

capulus hilt

caput head, the summit, person

Capys friend of Aeneas or king of Alba

carbasus canvas, sail

carcer prison, jail

cardo hinge

careo lack, be free from

carina keel; ship

carmen song, poem, verse

carpo pluck, pick, tear away

carus dear, precious, valued

Cassandra daughter of Priam and priestess of Apollo

castigo correct, chastise, blame, chide

castra military camp

casus fall, falling-down, ruin, failure

caterva crowd, troop, throng

Caucasus chain of mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas

causa cause, reason, motive

cautes crag, pointed rock

caverna cave, cavern, grotto

cavo hollow out, excavate

cavus hollow, excavated

Cecropidae Athenians (descendants of Cecrops, founder of Athens)

cedo go from, remove, withdraw, abandon

celebro frequent, crowd, throng, practice, celebrate

celer quick, swift, speedy

celero quicken, hasten, accelerate

cella store-room, cell, sanctuary

celo hide, conceal from, elude, cover

celsus lofty, elevated, towering

centum 100

Cerealis sacred to Ceres

Ceres daughter of Saturn, goddess of agriculture

cerno separate, distinguish, discern, perceive

certamen contest, struggle, strife

certo fight, contend, struggle

certus determined, resolved, fixed, certain

cerva hind, deer (female)

cervix neck, nape

cervus stag, deer (male)

cesso delay, loiter, do nothing

ceteri the others, the rest

ceu as, like, just as

Chalcidicus of Chalcis, of Cumae

chlamys mantle, military cloak

chorus troop of dancers, chorus

cieo cause to go, move; rouse, stir, call

cingo equip, gird oneself; surround, encircle

cingulum belt, girdle

cinis ashes

circa around, round about, near

circum around, all around

circumdo surround, place around, encompass

circumspicio look about, observe

circumsto stand around, surround

circumvenio encircle, be around

circumvolo fly around

Cithaeron mountain sacred to Bacchus

cithara lute, cithara

cito quickly

citus quick, swift, rapid

civis citizen

clam secretly, covertly

clamo shout, call, cry out

clamor shout

clarus clear, bright, famous

classis fleet, division

claudo shut, close, enclose

claustrum bar, bolt, barrier

clipeus round shield

Cloanthus friend of Aeneas

Clonus Clonus, a craftsman

Cocytus river of the underworld

coeo come together, meet, assemble

coepi begin, commence

coetus assemblage, crowd, company

Coeus one of the Titans

cognomen surname, second-name, family-name

cognosco ascertain, understand, learn, know

cogo collect, compel, force, urge

colligo gather, collect; assemble

collis hill

collum neck

colo till, care for, cultivate; honor, love

colonus farmer, settler

color color, hue, tint

coluber snake, serpent

columba dove, pigeon

columna pillar, column, post

coma hair; foliage

comes friend, companion, comrade

comitatus escort, crowd, retinue

comitor accompany, attend, follow

commendo commit, entrust; command

comminus hand to hand, in close contest, near

commisceo mix, mingle together, unite

committo join, commit, fight, entrust, practice

commoveo shake, stir, trouble; displace, carry away

communis common, general, universal

como comb, arrange, braid

compages joint, structure

compello accost, address; reproach, rebuke

complector clasp, embrace, grasp

compleo fill, fill up, cram

compono collect, lay; put to rest, quiet

comprendo take hold of, seize, grasp

concedo withdraw; grant; permit

concha shell

concido fall, collapse

concilio bring together, unite

concio move violently, shake

conclamo shout, acclaim; call loudly

concludo close, shut up; restrain, limit, restrict

concresco grow together, harden; take form, grow

concurro assemble, gather, battle, fight

concursus throng, mob, tumult, concourse

concutio shake, agitate, shock

condensus dense, close, thick, crowded

condo found, establish, build

confido trust, confide, rely on

confio be arranged, be accomplished

confundo mingle, mix, blend; pour out

congero bring together, collect; construct, accumulate

congressus meeting, assembly, conference

conicio throw, hurl, thrust; conclude, infer

coniugium marriage, union

coniungo join, unite, gather

coniunx spouse, husband, wife

conlabor fall in ruins, crumble, sink

conor try, attempt, begin

conscendo climb, ascend, mount

conscius witnessing, privy, knowing, conscious

consido settle, sit down, sink down

consilium council, plan, stratagem

consisto stand still, halt, stop, make a stand

conspectus sight, view, presence

conspicio perceive, observe, look at

consterno strew, pave, cover

constituo decide, establish, determine

consulo reflect, deliberate, consider, resolve

consultum decree, decision; deliberation

consumo use up, eat, devour

consurgo rise, stand up, arise

contendo strain, hasten, press on; fight

conticesco fall silent, become still

contiguus bordering, neighboring, adjoining

contingo happen; touch, take hold of, seize, touch, concern

continuo immediately, without delay

contorqueo turn, twist, twirl

contra against, opposite, facing

contraho collect, assemble, accomplish

contrarius opposite, contrary, opposed

contundo beat, crush, pound

conubium marriage

convallis valley, ravine

convecto carry together, heap together

convello tear away, pull off, wrest, rend

convenio gather, assemble

converto turn round reverse; change, alter

convexum hollow, cavity, recess

convivium feast, banquet

convolvo roll together, roll around, fasten together

coorior stand up, arise, appear

copia plenty, supply, pl. troops

cor heart

coram in the presence of, openly

corneus of horn

cornu horn, antler; trumpet

corona garland

corpus body

corripio seize, snatch, grasp; attack

corrumpo destroy, ruin, lay waste; corrupt

corruo fall down, tumble, sink

corusco vibrate, tremble, shake, brandish

coruscus flashing, gleaming, glittering

costa rib

cothurnus hunting boot, buskin

crastinus tomorrow’s

crater mixing bowl

creber frequent, thick, close

credo believe, trust, confide in

crepito rattle, creak, rustle

crepitus rattling, creaking

cresco grow, increase, rise

Cresius Cretan

Cretes Cretans, people of Crete

Creusa Aeneas’s wife

crinis hair

crispo swing, brandish

cristatus crested, tufted, plumed

croceus yellow, golden, saffron-colored

crudelis cruel, unfeeling, hard

cruentus spotted with blood, bloody, stained

cruor blood, bloodshed, gore

cubile couch, bed, marriage-bed

cubitum elbow

culmen top summit, roof, gable

culpa fault, error, blame, guilt, failure

cum prep. with, conjunction when, since, although

Cumae town on the coast of Campania

Cumaeus of Cumae

cumulo heap, accumulate, pile, overload

cumulus heap, pile, mass, surplus

cunctor delay, linger, hesitate

cunctus all, entire, all together

cuneus a wedge

cupido desire, wish longing; as a person-Venus’s son

cupio long for, desire, wish

cur why?

cura anxiety, distress, care, concern

curo care for, take pains with, attend to

curro run, hasten

currus chariot, car, wagon

cursus running course, a run, journey

curvus crooked, curved, bent

cuspis point, spear, javelin, lance

custos guard, overseer, protector

Cyclopius of the Cyclops

cycnus swan

Cyllenius Mercury; mountain in Arcadia, his birthplace

Cymothoe a sea nymph

Cynthus mountain in Delos, the birthplace of Diana and Apollo

Cythereus of Cythera (island in the Aegean near Venus’s birthplace)

Daedalus famous artisan, father of Icarus

damno condemn, convict, blame

Danaus of Danaus (famous Greek king) pl. the Greeks

daps feast, banquet

Dardanides descendants of Dardanus, i.e. Trojans

Dardanius Trojan, of Dardanus

Dardanus of Dardanus, Trojan

Daunus early king of Apulia

de from, away from, down from; concerning, according to

dea goddess

debello subdue, quell, vanquish

debeo owe, be in debt; ought

decedo go away, withdraw, depart

decerpo pluck off, tear away, break

decet it is fitting, it is proper

decipio catch, ensnare, entrap; deceive

declino bend aside, tear away; deflect

decurro run down, hasten

decus grace, glory, honor

deduco lead away, escort, turn aside, drive off

defendo defend, protect

defensor protector, defender

defero bear, carry; report

defessus tired, weary, exhausted

deficio revolt, desert; fail

defigo fasten, fix, plant

defluo glide down, fall, descend

deformo disfigure, spoil, mar

defungor discharge, perform, finish

degener degenerate, unworthy

dehinc henceforth, hereafter, next, then

dehisco part, divide, split open

deicio throw down, cut down, destroy

deinde then, next, thence

Deiopea a nymph

Deiphobus son of Priam

deligo choose, select, designate

Delius of Delos; of Apollo

Delos island in the Aegean, birthplace of Apollo

delubrum temple, shrine, sanctuary

demens insane, demented, mad, raving, foolish

demitto let down, drop, let fall, shed

demo take away, take off, subtract

demum at length, at last, finally

deni ten each, ten at a time

denique and thereafter, at last, at length, finally

dens tooth

densus thick, close, dense, compact

depascor to eat up, feed on

deprecor avert by prayer, deprecate, seek to avoid

deripio tear off, tear away, pull down

desaevio rage, rave furiously

descendo go down, climb down, descend

descensus way down, descent

describo transcribe, write down; describe

desero leave, forsake, abandon, desert

deserta waste lands, wilderness

desertus deserted, solitary, lonely

desilio jump down, leap down, dismount

desino stop, desist, cease

desisto cease, desist from

despecto despise, look down on

despicio despise, look down on, disparage

destruo tear down, raze, demolish

desuetus disused, unfamiliar, obsolete

desum be away, be absent, fail, be missing

desuper from above, from overhead

detineo hold back, hold off, keep back, detain, check

detorqueo bend aside, turn off, twist

detrudo thrust away, push down, dislodge, dispossess

deus god, deity

devenio come, arrive, reach

devolo fly down

dexter right, to the right; skillful

Diana sister of Apollo; goddess of the moon and hunt

dicio dominion, sovereignty, sway, authority control

dico dicere - say, speak, sing, describe, name

dico dicare - dedicate, consecrate, devote

Dictaeus of Dicte, a mountain in Crete

dictum assertion, remark, saying

Dido queen of Carthage

dies day

difficilis difficult, hard, troublesome

diffugio fly apart, disperse, scatter

diffundo pour out, pour forth; spread

dignor deem worthy, honor, deign

dignus worthy, deserving, suitable, fitting, proper

digredior go apart, separate, part, go away, depart

dilabor go to pieces, melt away, dissolve, scatter, disperse

diligo value, esteem, prize, love; approve

dimoveo part, separate, divide

dirigo direct

diripio tear apart, ravage, spoil, plunder, pillage

dirus ominous, fearful, awful, dreadful, horrible

Dis Pluto, god of the underworld

discerno separate, divide; distinguish, discern

discessus departure, farewell, removal

discolor of another color, not of the same color; of different colors

discrepo differ in sound, be different, vary

discrimen interval, distance, distinction, difference; decisive moment, crisis

disicio drive asunder, scatter, route; ruin, destroy

disiungo sever, divide, separate, estrange

dispello scatter, disperse

dissimulo disguise; dissemble, hide, conceal, pretend

dissulto fly in pieces, break apart

distendo swell, stretch out, extend

diu for a long time, all day, continually

diva goddess

divello tear apart, separate violently, tear, wrest

diversus contrary, opposite, diverse, different

dives rich, wealthy, opulent

divido divide, force asunder, part, distribute

divinus divine

divus of a deity, godlike, divine

do give, appoint; grant, bestow; emit, utter

doceo teach, instruct, inform

doleo grieve, suffer, be in pain, lament

Dolopes a people of Thessaly

dolor pain, suffering, anguish, distress, grief, trouble

dolus trickery, artifice; guile, deceit, deception

dominor have dominion, domineer, rule

dominus lord, master, ruler, owner

domo domesticate, tame, break, subdue, conquer

domus house, home, dwelling, building

donec while, as long as; until, at length

donum gift, present

Doricus Doric; Grecian

dorsum back; cliff

dotalis of a dowry, dotal

draco serpent, large serpent, dragon

Dryopes people in Epirus

dubius doubtful, uncertain, wavering

duco lead, lead away, guide, conduct, prolong; choose

ductor leader, commander, general

dulcis sweet, agreeable, delightful, agreeable

dum while; with subjunctive=until

duo two

duplex twofold, double

duplicatus doubled

duro harden, solidify; wait, persevere, hold out

durus hard, harsh, vigorous; pitiless, unyielding

dux leader, guide, general

e, ex out of, from; of; since; according to

eburnus of ivory

ecce behold! look!

edax greedy, voracious, devouring

edo eat, consume

educo draw out, take away; bring up, rear

effero carry out, take away; bear, produce

efferus very wild, fierce, savage

efficio bring about, effect, cause, produce

effingo wipe clean; form, fashion, mould

effodio dig out, mine, excavate

effor utter, tell, speak out

effugio get away, escape; flee from

effundo pour out, pour forth; abandon

egenus needy, necessitous, destitute

egeo be needy, want, lack, have need

ego I

egredior to out, come forth, go away; disembark, land

egregius distinguished, excellent, eminent

ei oh! alas!

eicio eject, expel; banish, drive away

elabor slip away, glide off, escape

elephantus ivory; an elephant

Elissa another name for Dido

emico spring out, break forth, leap up

eminus aloof, at a distance

emitto send out; hurl, cast discharge

emo buy, purchase, procure

emoveo move out, move away, expel

en lo! behold! see!

Enceladus a giant

enim for, namely, that is to say

eniteo shine forth, gleam

eno swim out,; fly

ensis sword

enumero count out; recite, recount, describe

eo go, walk, ride, sail, move

Eous of dawn, eastern, oriental

Epeos one of the Greek fighters at Troy

epulae banquet, feast; sumptuous foods

epulor dine, feast, banquet

eques horseman, rider

equidem indeed, truly

equus horse

Erebus god of darkness; the underworld

ergo therefore, consequently, accordingly

eripio tear out, wrest, pluck tear; rescue deliver, free

erro wander, stray, roam; be in error

error wandering, winding, meandering, maze

erubesco grow red, blush, feel ashamed

eruo throw out, take; destroy completely

et and, also

etiam also, too, even; still

Etrusci the Etruscans

Euboicus of Euboea (an island in the western Aegean)

Europa Europe

Eurotas a river in Laconia

Eurus southeast or east wind

Eurytides son of Eurytus

evado get away, escape; disembark

Evander leader of the Arcadians; Pallas’s father

evanesco vanish, pass away, disappear

eveho carry out, proceed, advance

evenio come out; happen, result

eventus outcome, result end, consequence

everto overturn, turn upside down; overthrow, destroy

evinco overcome, conquer, subdue

evoco call out

ex out of, from

exanimus lifeless, dead

exaudio hear clearly, distinguish

excedo leave, depart, go out

excidium overthrow, demolition, ruin, destruction

excido excidere, excididi - cut out, hew out

excido excidere, excidi – fall out, slip out

excio call out, summon, rouse, awaken

excipio take out, withdraw; take up, catch, receive

exclamo call out, cry aloud, exclaim

excubiae watching, keeping watch, watchmen

excudo strike out, hammer out; prepare, make

excutio shake out, shake off; discard, remove

exeo go out, depart, withdraw; escape

exerceo employ, busy; occupy

exhalo breath out, exhale

exhaurio exhaust, empty; take away

exigo drive out expel; determine, ascertain

exiguus small, little, scanty

eximo take away, remove; free, release, deliver

exin then, after that, next

exitialis destructive, fatal, deadly

exitium destruction, ruin

exitus departure; death; conclusion

exordium beginning; introduction

exorior come out, rise, appear; begin

exosus hating, detesting

expedio extricate; explain, make clear; arrange

expendo weigh out, weigh; reckon, account; estimate, consider

experior try, prove, test, endure; know by experience

expiro breathe out

expleo fill up, fill, stuff; pass over, go through; satisfy, appease

exploro search out, investigate, explore

exposco beg, request, entreat, implore

expromo express, state; exhibit, show, display

exquiro seek out; implore

exsanguis bloodless, lifeless; pale, wan

exscindo extirpate, annihilate, destroy

exsequor follow; fulfill; relate, describe

exsertus bare, uncovered; projecting

exsilium exile, banishment

exsolvo deliver, free, set free, liberate

exspecto look out for, await, expect

exstinguo put out, quench, extinguish; abolish, destroy annihilate

exstruo pile, heap up; build up

exsulto leap up, jump up; boast, indulge

exsupero mount up, tower; pass over; excel

exta guts, internal organs

extemplo immediately, without delay

extendo spread, extend; lengthen; continue

externus external; foreign, strange

exterritus terrified, dismayed; made wild

exterus outside, outer

extremus outermost, utmost, farthest; remotest; tip

exuo take off, pull off; put away, lay aside

exuviae spoils; relics; skin

fabricator builder, contriver

fabrico build, make, construct, erect

facesso perform, execute, accomplish

facies appearance, form, shape

facilis easy

facio make, do, produce, build

factum deed, act, achievement

fallo trip, fall;err, mistake, deceive oneself

falsus deceptive, false, spurious, delusive

fama report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition

Fama personification of above

fames hunger

famula female slave, maid-servant

far type of grain; sacrificial meal

fas divine law; with est=it is lawful, it is permitted

fastigium top, summit; roof, battlement

fatalis fatal, decreed, ordained, destined

fateor confess, grant, acknowledge

fatigo tire, weary, fatigue, vex, harass

fatisco fall apart, tumble to peaces

fatum prediction; fate

faux throat; entrance

fax torch, flame

felix happy, fortunate; auspicious

femina woman, female

femineus womanly, feminine

femur thigh

fenestra window, opening

fera wild beast, wild animal

ferina venison, game; wild animal flesh

ferio strike, beat; kill

fero bring, carry, bear, wear; report; offer

ferox wild, bold, warlike

ferrum iron; iron tool; sword

ferus wild, untamed, uncultivated

ferveo glow, steam; burn, rage, rave

fervidus glowing, fiery, hot, vehement

fessus tired, fatigued, weary

festino hurry, hasten

festus festive, joyful, merry

fetus filled with, pregnant

fetus fetus, m. young, offspring; fruit, growth

fibula clasp, buckle, fastening, brooch

fictus feigned, fictitious, false

fides faith, loyalty, belief, reliance; trustworthiness

fiducia trust, confidence

fidus loyal, faithful, credible

figo fix, fasten; pierce

filius son

filum thread, string

fingo arrange, touch; suppose, think, conceive

finis end, boundary, limit; pl. territory

fio passive of facio – become, be made

firmus strong, steadfast, enduring

fissilis cleft, easily split, fissile

flamen priest; also wind, gale

flamma flame, blaze; flame of passion;

flammo kindle, inflame, blaze, burn

flatus blowing, breath, snorting

flavus golden, yellow, reddish yellow, flaxen-colored

flecto turn, bend, bow; avert; avoid

fleo weep, cry, lament, wail

fletus weeping, wailing, lamenting

floreo bloom, blossom, flower; flourish

floreus flowery

flos flower, blossom

fluctus wave, tide, billow, surge

fluentum stream, flood

flumen stream, river

fluo flow, pour, throng

fodio dig, dig up; stab

foedo make foul, defile, pollute

foedus foederis, n. alliance, compact; marriage contract

foedus foul, filthy, repulsive; disgraceful

folium leaf

fomes kindling-wood, tinder

fons fountain, spring, source

for speak, say; prophesy

foris door, entrance

forma form, shape; beauty

formica ant

fors chance, luck, fortune

forsan perhaps

forsitan perhaps, it may be that

fortis brave, strong, courageous

fortuna fortune, chance, luck

fortunatus lucky, happy, fortunate

foveo cherish, fondle, caress

fragor crashing, crash, noise; thunderclap

fragrans fragrant, sweet-smelling

frango break, shatter, fracture; crush, dishearten

frater brother

fraternus brotherly, fraternal

fraudo cheat, defraud, rob

fraus cheating, deceit, fraud

fraxineus ashen, of ash wood

fremo roar, resound, howl; applaud; grumble because of

freno curb, bridle, restrain, check

frenum bridle, curb, bit; restraint

frequens regular, constant, repeated; with a throng

fretus leaning, supported, relying

frigidus cold, cool, chilling

frigus coldness, cold, chilliness; cold shudder

frondens in leaf, becoming green, leafy

frondesco put forth leaves; shoot

frondeus covered with leaves, leafy

frons frontis, f., front, facade; forehead; expression

frons frondis, f., leafy branch, foliage, bough

frumentum grain, harvested grain

frustra in vain, for nothing

frustum piece, bit

frux fruit, produce

fucus drone

fuga flight, rapid motion

fugio flee, run away, escape

fugo cause to flee, put to flight

fulcio prop up, support

fulgeo flash, glitter, gleam, shine

fulmen lightning flash; thunderbolt

fulvus deep yellow, reddish yellow, tawny

fundamentum foundation

fundo fundere – pour, pour out, shed; spread

fundo fundare – found, begin; fix, confirm

fungor be engaged, perform, discharge

funis rope, cord

funus funeral procession, funeral rites, burial; death, murder

furiae the three goddesses of vengeance, the furies

furibundus raging, mad furious

furo rage, rave, be out of one’s mind

furor raving, rage, madness, fury, passion

furtim stealthily, secretly, furtively

furtivus stolen, secret, hidden, concealed, furtive

furtum theft, robbery; secret action, crafty deceit

Gaetulus of the Gaetuli, a N. African tribe

galea helmet

Gallus of Gaul, Gallic

Ganymes Ganymede, Trojan prince, made Jupiter’s cupbearer

Garamantis of the Garamantes, a N. African tribe

gaudeo rejoice, be glad

gaudium joy, delight

gaza treasure

gelidus icy cold, icy, frosty

geminus twin

gemitus groan, sighing, complaint

gemo groan, sigh, lament; bewail

gena cheek

genetrix mother

genitor father

gens race, clan; descendant, offspring

genu knee

genus race, stock, family; birth, noble birth; descendant

germana sister

germanus brother

gero bear, carry, wage

gesto bear, carry, wear, wield

gigno give birth to, produce, bear, bring forth

glacies ice

Glaucus Lycian ally of the Trojans

glomero collect; gather

gloria glory, fame, honor, praise

Gnosius of Gnosus, a city in Crete

gradior step, walk to, advance

gradus step, pace, gait, walk; pl. steps

Graius Greek

gramen grass; plant, herb

grandaevus aged, old

grandis full-grown, grown up, old

grando hail, hailstorm

grates thanks, thanksgiving

gratus dear, acceptable, pleasing, agreeable

gravidus filled, full, swollen

gravis heavy, weighty, burdened

gremium lap, bosom

gressus step, course, way

grex flock, herd, drove, swarm

Gryneus of Grynia, site of a temple of Apollo

gurges whirlpool, gulf

gusto taste, enjoy

Gyas friend of Aeneas

habena rein

habeo have, hold, support, carry; consider, regard

habilis manageable, suitable, fit, proper

habitus appearance, presence; dress, attire

hactenus thus far, to this place, so far; till now

haereo cling, stick, be fastened; linger, pause

Halaesus Halaesus, (Italian warrior, enemy of the Trojans)

halitus breath, exhalation

halo breathe, emit vapor, be fragrant

Hammon Libyan god identified with Jupiter

harena sand; shore, beach

harenosus sandy, full of sand

Harpalyce Thracian princess, famous huntress and warrior

harundo reed; arrow

hasta spear, lance, javelin

hastile spear-shaft, javelin-shaft

haud not, not at all, by no means

haurio drain, shed; pluck out, swallow, devour, consume

Hebrus a river in Thrace

Hecate goddess of the underworld

Hector Troy’s champion, son of Hector

Hectoreus of Hector

Hecuba Priam’s wife

herba grass, turf

heres heir, successor

heros hero, demigod

Hesperia Western Land, Italy

Hesperius western, Hesperian; Italian

heu alas !

heus hey! ho!

hibernus wintry, of winter

hic adv. here

hic, haec, hoc this, the latter

hiems winter, winter time

hinc from this place, hence; on either side

homo person, human being, man

honor honor, repute, esteem, distinction

honos same as honor

hora hour

horrendus dreadful, terrible, fearful

horrens bristly, shaggy, rough

horreo stand on end, bristle; tremble, dread

horresco rise on end, stand erect; shudder, tremble

horridus terrible, wild, savage

horror shaking, trembling, shudder; dread, terror, horror

hortor urge, press, incite, encourage, exhort

hospes host, guest, visitor, friend

hospitium hospitality, friendship

hospitus hospitable; strange, foreign

hostia victim, sacrifice, sacrificial animal

hostilis enemy’s, hostile

hostis enemy, foe, stranger

huc to this place, hither; to this point, so far

humilis lowly, humble, needy, poor

humo bury, inter

humus earth, ground, soil

hymenaeus wedding, marriage ceremony

Hyrcanus people near the Caspian Sea

iaceo lie, be prostrate, lie at rest

iacio throw, hurl, scatter

iacto throw out; consider, discuss; pronounce, utter, speak

iaculor throw, hurl

iam now, at this time, already; with a neg., longer, more

iamdudum long since, long before, for some time now

ianua door, entrance

Iarbas king of the Gaetuli

iaspis jasper (green precious stone)

ibi there, in that place; thereupon

ibidem in the same place

Icarus Daedalus’ son (flew too high)

ico strike, hit, stab, sting

ictus blow, stab, cut, wound

Ida mt. near Troy; also mt. in Crete

idem the same

ideo therefore, for that reason

ignarus ignorant, inexperienced, unaware

ignavus lazy, slothful, idle, sluggish

igneus fiery, on fire, burning-hot

ignis fire

ignobilis unknown, undistinguished; of low birth, ignoble

ignotus unknown, strange, unrecognized; unfamiliar

ilex oak, holm-oak

Ilia another name for Rhea Silvia, mother of Romulus and Remus

Iliacus of Ilium, Trojan

Ilias a Trojan woman

ilicet at once, immediately

Ilioneus spokesman for the Trojans

Ilium Troy

Ilius of Ilium, Trojan

ille that; he, she, it

illic there, in that place

illinc from that place, thence

illuc to that place, thither

Illyricus of Illyria, region east of the Adriatic

Ilus Ascanius’ previous name; also an early king of Troy

imago image; ghost, vision; reminder

Imaon an Italian friend of Halaestus

imbellis unwarlike, unfit for war

imber rain; the sea, water

immanis huge; monstrous, frightful

immemor unmindful, heedless

immensus immeasurable, boundless, huge

immergo dip, immerse, submerge

immineo overhang, command

immitis rough, harsh, severe

immitto send in, admit; let go, loose

immolo sprinkle with sacrificial meal

immotus motionless; unmoved, steadfast, firm

impar uneven, unequal; overmatched

impello strike against, strike, push; set in motion

imperditus not destroyed, not slain

imperium command, order; supreme power, sovereignty

impius irreverent, wicked, impious

implacabilis implacable, irreconcilable

impleo fill, sate, satisfy

implico entangle, entwine, embrace, grasp

impono place upon, put on

imprimo press upon, press against; emboss, engrave

improbus wicked, shameless, bad

improvidus off guard; reckless, careless

impune without punishment, with impunity

imus lowest, deepest, last

in acc. into, to; against; abl. in, on, upon

inanis useless, empty, meaningless

incautus incautious, inconsiderate, heedless

incedo advance, march, proceed

incendo set fire to, burn; rouse, incite

incertus unsettled, doubtful, uncertain

incessus walking, pace, gait; step

incesto pollute, defile

incido incidere, incisus – cut into, cut through

incido incidere – fall, sink, strike

incipio begin

includo shut up, confine, enclose

inclutus famous, renowned

incognitus unknown, untraced

incubo lie upon, rest on; brood over, watch jealously over

incultum wasteland, wilderness

incumbo lean press; bend to; oppress

incuso accuse, blame

incutio strike into, inflict; produce

indago surrounding, encircling

inde from there, thence; thereafter

indebitus not owed, not due

indigena native, indigenous

Indiges deified hero, patron deity

indignor deem unworthy, despise, resent

indignus unworthy, undeserving; shameful

indulgeo concede, grant, allow

induo put on assume; clothe, dress; pierce

inermis unarmed, defenseless

iners helpless, weak, unarmed

inexpertus without experience, untested

inextricabilis inextricable, not to be unraveled

infabricatus unshaped, rough, unwrought

infandus unspeakable, abominable

infectus not one, unaccomplished

infelix unfortunate, unlucky, miserable; barren

infensus hostile, inimical

inferior lower, further down; inferior

infernus lower, under; underground

infero bring to, carry in, wage; advance (refl.)

infestus made unsafe, disturbed; hostile, dangerous

infigo fasten, implant, affix; nail to

inflammo set on fire, kindle; inflame, excite

inflecto bend, bow, curb; change, affect, alter

infrenus unbridled

infundo pour in, pour upon; pour out, throw

ingemino redouble, repeat, reiterate

ingemo groan over, sigh at, lament, bewail

ingens huge, vast, enormous; extraordinary

ingredior advance, go forward; undertake

inhio gape, gaze, gaze at

inhospitus inhospitable

inhumatus unburied

inimicus hostile, unfriendly, hateful; damaging

iniquus uneven; unequal; hurtful

iniuria injustice, wrong; harsh treatment

inlabor glide in; flow in, penetrate

inlido dash against, push against

innecto twist, entangle, weave; bind; contrive

inno swim in, float upon; sail, navigate

innuptus unmarried; a virgin

inopinus unexpected

inops helpless, weak

inquit says, said

inreparabilis irreparable, irretrievable

inrito incite, excite, provoke

inrumpo break in, burst into

inruo rush in, invade

insania madness, folly

insanus insane, mad; outrageous, excessive

inscribo inscribe; mark

insequor follow after, come next; proceed, go on

insidiae snare, trap; artifice

insignis distinguished, remarkable, prominent

insinuo creep in; penetrate, enter

insomnium dream

insono resound; crack

inspicio look into, inspect; examine

inspiro blow upon, inspire; instill

instar image, likeness, in the form of

instauro establish, ordain; renew; celebrate; refresh

instituo put in place, fix, set; establish

insto stand upon, take a position; press, pursue

instruo draw up, array; prepare, equip

insuetus unaccustomed, unused

insula island

insum be in, be upon

insuper above, on top, overhead

insuperabilis insurmountable, invincible

insurgo rise up, pull (with oars)

intactus untouched, undefiled

intendo stretch out, extend; increase

intento aim, direct, wield

intentus attentive, intent, waiting, eager

inter between, among

interea meanwhile

interfor interrupt

interfundo flow between; pour between

interimo take away; destroy, slay, kill

interior inner, interior, middle

interpres interpreter, explainer; mediator

interrumpo break off, interrupt, break off

intexo weave in, interweave

intimus innermost, deepest, intimate

intono thunder; resound, rattle; cry out

intorqueo twist, wind about, wrench

intra within, during

intractabilis unmanageable, intractable

intro go into, enter; penetrate

intus inside, within, closer

inultus unavenged

inutilis useless, inexpedient

invado enter; assault, attack, invade

invalidus infirm, impotent, weak

inveho carry in; ride into; drive over

invenio find, meet with; discover

invictus unconquered, unsubdued; inexorable

invideo look askance at, envy; hinder, prevent

invidia envy, grudge, jealousy

inviso look after, visit

invisus hated, hateful, detested

invitus unwilling, reluctant

invius impassable, insuperable; inaccessible

involvo roll; cover, overwhelm; wrap, enfold, envelop

Iovis Jove, Jupiter

ipse himself, herself, itself

ira anger, fury, hate

Iris goddess of rainbow, also a messenger

is, ea, id he, she it

iste that (of yours) – often contemptuous

ita thus, as follows, in that way

Italia Italy

Italus of Italy, Italian

iter journey, passage, march, route, course

iterum again, a second time, once more

iuba mane; crest

iubar radiance, light, splendor

iubeo order, tell, command

iudicium judgment, sentence

iugalis yoked together; matrimonial; as noun - a team

iugo marry, bind

iugum yoke, collar; summit, ridge; bonds

Iulius name of a Roman clan

Iulus another name for Ascanius

iungo join, unite, connect

Iuno goddess of marriage; wife of Jupiter

Iuppiter Jupiter, king of the gods

iuro swear, take an oath; swear

ius right, justice, duty

iussus order, command, decree

iustus just, righteous; fair

Iuturna sister of Turnus

iuvenalis youthful, juvenile

iuvencus young bullock

iuvenis young, youthful; as a noun – young person

iuventa youth

iuventus youth; the young, young people

iuvo help, aid, assist, serve; delight

iuxta near to, next to; in like manner

Karthago Carthage, an ancient city in N. Africa

labefacio shake, loosen

labo totter, waver, shake

labor laboris – labor, toil, exertion; suffering, hardship

labor labi – slip, glide, slide, move; sink, fall

lacrima tear

lacrimo shed tears, weep

lacus opening, lake

laedo injure, hurt, wound, damage; insult

laena mantle, shawl, cloak

laetitia joy, happiness

laetus joyous, happy, delighted; pleasant, grateful

laevus left; unfavorable

lambo lick, touch

lamentabilis mournful, lamentable

lamentum wailing, moaning, weeping, lamentation

lampas light, torch, lamp

languidus languid, dull, sluggish; faint, feeble

Laocoon Trojan priest of Apollo

lapis stone

largior give bountifully, bestow, impart

largus abundant, copious, plentiful; flood

lassus faint, weary, tired

latebra hiding-place, retreat

lateo lie hid, be concealed; keep out of sight, escape notice

Latini the people of Latium

Latinus king of Latium, father of Lavinia

Latium district in Italy south of the Tiber

Latona mother of Diana and Apollo

latus adj. broad, wide, extensive

latus noun. side, flank

laudo praise, honor, extol

Laurens of Laurentum, a town in Latium

laurus a bay tree, laurel tree

laus praise, commendation, glory, fame

Lausus son of Mezentius (Turnus’ Etruscan ally)

Lavinia daughter of Latinus

Lavinium town in Latium

Lavinius of Lavinium

laxo extend; open, loose, release; relieve, free

laxus loose, open roomy; yielding

legifer law-giving

lego gather, collect, choose, pick; survey

Lenaeus of Bacchus, god of wine

lenio soften, mollify, soothe; appease, pacify

lenis soft, smooth, mild, gentle

lentus pliant, flexible; slow, lingering, lazy

leo lion

letalis deadly, fatal, mortal

letum death, annihilation

levis light, swift, quick; smooth

levo lift, raise, elevate

lex law, precept, regulation, principle

libo taste, sip; pour out, offer as a libation

libro poise, balance; brandish

Liburni people of N. Illyria

Libya region of N. Africa

Libycus of Libya

licet it is permitted, it is allowed

lignum wood, firewood, timber

ligo tie, bind

lilium lily

limbus border, hem, edge, fringe

limen threshold, door; house, dwelling

limes path, passage, road; boundary, limit

lingua tongue, language

linquo go away, leave, depart from, abandon

liquidus fluid, liquid; clear, bright, transparent

lito make an acceptable sacrifice

litus seashore, beach

lituus crooked staff; trumpet, cornet

loco place, put, lay; establish

locus place, spot; position

longaevus aged, ancient

longe far, far off; for a long period

longus long, extended

loquor speak, talk, say, tell; declare

lorica coat of mail, leather cuirass

lorum leather thong; pl. reins

lubricus slippery, slimy

Lucifer morning star

luctor wrestle; struggle, contend

luctor wrestle, struggle, strive, contend

luctus sorrow, mourning, grief

lucus sacred grove

ludibrium plaything, sport

ludo play; mock

lumen light; pl. eyes

luna moon

lunatus half-moon shaped, crescent-shaped

luo loose, wash away; atone for, expiate

lupa she-wolf

lustro review, observe, examine; illuminate

lustrum period of five years; wood, forest wilderness

lux light, brightness; pl. heavenly bodies

luxus excess, indulgence, luxury; splendor, magnificence

Lyaeus Greek name for Bacchus

Lycia region in SW Asia Minor

Lycius of Lycia

Lycus friend of Aeneas

Lydius of Lydia

lympha water, clear water, spring water

lynx lynx

Machaon one of the Greek fighters at Troy

machina machine, engine; device

macto honor, glorify, extol; kill, slaughter; offer, sacrifice

macula spot, mark, stain; blot

maculosus spotted, speckled

madeo be wet, drip, flow

Maeonius of Maeonia, a province of Lydia; Lydian

maereo mourn, grieve, lament

maeror mourning, sadness, grief

maestus sorrowful, dejected, despondent

magalia huts

mage more

magis more

magister master; pilot; captain

magistratus magistrate, public official

magnanimus great, high-minded

magnus large, great, huge, mighty; important

Maia Mercury’s mother, daughter of Atlas

maiestas greatness, majesty

malo prefer, rather

malus evil, wicked bad; hostile

mamma breast

mandatum order, command, charge

mando entrust, deliver; order, command

maneo remain, stay

manes departed spirit, ghost, shade

manifestus clear, plain, apparent

manus hand; band troop; handiwork

Marcellus 1. Roman war hero 2. Son of Octavia

mare sea

maritus husband, married man

marmor marble

marmoreus of marble, marble

Marpesius of Marpesia, a mt. in Paros

Mars god of war

Massyli the Massylians, a people of N. Africa

mater mother; native land

maternus maternal

maturo hasten, hurry

Maurusius of the Mauri, a people of N. Africa

Mavors Mars

Mavortius of Mars; warlike

meatus motion, movement

meditor consider, meditate, contemplate

medius the middle of, middle

medulla marrow

mel honey

membrum limb, member; pl. bodies

memini remember, recollect

Memnon king of Ethiopians, son of Tithonus and Aurora

memor mindful, remembering

memorabilis memorable, remarkable

memoro mention, recount, speak of, tell

Menelaus king of Sparta, Helen’s husband

mens mind, intellect; memory; feeling; heart

mensa table; meal

mensis month

mentior lie, cheat, deceive, pretend; lie about

mentum chin

mercor trade, purchase, buy

Mercurius messenger of the gods; son of Jupiter and Maia

mereo deserve, merit, be entitled to

mereor deserve, merit, be entitled to

meritum merit, service, kindness, benefit

meritus deserving, proper

meta end, boundary, limit; goal, turning post

metallum metal

metuo fear, be afraid

metus fear, dread, apprehension

meus my, mine

mico gleam, glitter, flash; shake tremble

migro depart, remove, migrate, go away

miles soldier

milia thousands

mille one thousand

minae threats; pinnacles

Minerva Roman name for Athena, goddess of household crafts

ministro attend, serve; provide, furnish

Minoius of Minos (king of Crete)

minor project; threaten, menace

Minotaurus the Minotaur, half man half bull

minus less

mirabilis wonderful, marvelous, amazing

miror wonder, marvel at, be astonished

mirus wonderful, marvelous, astonishing

misceo mix, mingle, intermingle

Misenus friend of Aeneas, a trumpeter

miser wretched, miserable, poor, sad

miserabilis miserable, pitiable

misereor fell pity, have compassion

miseror lament, commiserate; pity

missilis that may be thrown; as noun – javelin, darts

mitesco grow mild, be tamed, be civilized

mitra headband

mitto send, let go; throw; dismiss

Mnestheus friend of Aeneas

mobilitas activity, mobility

modo merely, only; just now, lately

modus measure; way, manner; method

moenia walls, ramparts; walled city

moles mass, weight; greatness; difficulty, labor, trouble

molior exert, strive toil; build; rouse

mollio soften, soothe; tame, restrain

mollis yielding, soft, tender, gentle

moneo advise, warn, admonish

monimentum same as monumentum

monitus warning, reminding, admonition

mons mountain, hill; mass, heap

monstro point out, exhibit, indicate, inform; urge, advise

monstrum divine omen, portent; monster, a horrible sight

monumentum monument, memorial; token, remembrance

mora delay, procrastination; obstruction, hindrance

moribundus dying, at the point of death

morior die, expire; decay, wither

moror delay, stay, remain, linger

mors death

morsus bite, biting

mortalis mortal, transient

mos practice, custom, habit; institution

motus movement, motion; moved

moveo move, remove, shake; excite, arouse, agitate

mox soon, afterwards

mugitus bellowing, lowing, mooing

mulceo soothe, soften, caress, flatter

multiplex manifold, far more; varied

multus much; many (pl.); great, high, abundant

munio fortify, build; guard, secure

munus service, office; burial

muralis of a wall, mural

murex purple dye; sharp stone

murmur murmur, roar, growling, grumbling, crash

murus wall, city wall

Musa a muse, one of the nine Muses

muto change, transform; exchange

Mycenae city of Argolis, where Agamemnon ruled

Myrmidones Myrmidons, people of Thessaly

nam for

namque for

narro tell relate, make known; describe, mention

nascor be born, begin life; proceed

nata daughter

nato swim, float

natus born, made, destined, intended; a son

nauta sailor, mariner

navigo sail

navis ship

ne not; do not; -ne – whether, or

nebula mist, vapor, fog, smoke

nec and not, also not; neither...nor

necdum nor yet, and not yet

nectar nectar, drink of the gods; honey

necto bind, tie, fasten; join

nefandus unspeakable, heinous, abominable

nefas sin, crime, wickedness

nego deny, say...not, refuse

nemus wood, grove, forest

Neoptolemus Pyrrhus, son of Achilles

nepos grandson, descendant

Neptunus Neptune, god of the sea

neque same as nec, and not, also not; neither...nor

nequiquam in vain, without reason

nescio not know, be ignorant

nescius ignorant, unaware

neu and not, and that not, lest

nexus death, murder, slaughter

ni if not, unless, that not

niger black, dark

nigrans black, dark

nihil nothing

nimbus rain storm, black cloud; cloud

nimium too much, too; greatly

niteo shine, glitter

nitidus shining, glittering, bright

nitor lean, support oneself; strive; rely

niveus snowy

nix snow; white hair

no swim, float; fly, sail

nocturnus nocturnal, by night

nodo tie in a knot

nodus knot; impediment

Nomas Numidian

nomen name; title

non not, by no means

nondum not yet

nos we, us

nosco know, learn

noster our; ours

notus known, famous, customary

Notus south wind; the winds

novem nine

novo make new, renew, renovate

novus new, young, fresh; novel

nox night; death

noxa hurt, harm, injury

nubes cloud, mist, vapor

nubila clouds

nudo lay bare, expose, uncover

nudus naked, bare, unclothed; destitute

nullus no, none; worthless; no one

num interrogative particle expecting a no answer

numen divinity, divine, power; a god or goddess

numerus number, quantity

Numidae Numidians, a people of N. Africa

numquam never

nunc now

nuntia female messenger

nuntio announce, declare, report

nuntius messenger, reporter; message, report, command

nurus daughter-in-law

nusquam nowhere, in no place

nutrimentum fuel, nourishment

nutrix nurse, wet-nurse

nympha nymph

o O! oh!

ob on account of, because of

obeo go, go to meet; travel; engage in; surround

obicio offer, present

obiecto oppose; expose, endanger

obiectus opposition; opposing

obitus setting; downfall, ruin, death

obliviscor forget

obmutesco be silent; become silent

obnitor struggle with, strain against

oborior arise, appear, spring up

obruo overwhelm; sink, submerge

obscurus dark, shady, obscure; unknown

observo watch, note; guard, observe

obsido beset, besiege

obstipesco become senseless, be struck dumb

obsto oppose, stand in the way

obstruo build up, block; stop, hinder, impede

obtestor call as a witness, appeal to, implore

obtutus gaze, contemplation

obverto turn towards, face

obvius in the way, meeting; against, opposite

occasus downfall, destruction; falling, setting

occido fall, perish; end, die

occulo cover, conceal

occulto hide, conceal

occumbo die

oceanus great sea, the ocean

ocior swifter

oculus eye

odi hate, dislike

odium hatred, ill-will

odor smell, scent, odor

odorus scented, fragrant

offero present, offer, show

Oileus father of Ajax

oleo smell, emit a smell

olim once, formerly; one day

olle same as ille

Olympus Mt. Olympus, home of the gods

omen omen, sign, portent

omnino completely, entirely

omnipotens almighty, omnipotent

omnis all, every, whole

onero load, burden, fill, weigh down

onus load, burden

onustus loaded, burdened, laden

opaco make shady, shade, provide shade

opacus shady, shaded; pl. shady places

operio cover, cover over

opertum secret place

opimus rich, abundant; spolia opima-arms won by a general from a general

opperior wait, wait for, attend

oppeto encounter; die

oppono oppose; expose

oppositus opposed, opposite

opprimo press down, crush

ops aid, help, assistance; means, wealth, resources

opto choose, prefer

opulentus wealthy, opulent

opus work, labor toil; structure artistic work

ora shore, coast; border, edge, rim

orbis circle; world; shield

Orcus god of the underworld; the underworld

ordior begin, commence

ordo row, line, series; line, rank; troop, company

Oreas a mountain nymph

orgia orgies, night festival of Bacchus

Oriens dawn; east, the orient

origo beginning, start, birth

Orion a constellation

orior rise, appear; be born, originate; rise, come forth

ornus wild ash tree

oro beg, plead; pray, beseech; speak

Orontes friend of Aeneas

Orpheus famous mythological bard

ortus rising; sunrise

os mouth; face, expression

osculum kiss

ostendo show, point out, display

ostento exhibit, show; hold up

ostium door; mouth, entrance

ostrum purple

otium leisure, free time; rest, repose, quiet

ovo exult, rejoice, triumph

pabulum food, food for cattle, fodder

paciscor agree, stipulate; bind

Pallas Greek goddess Athena

Pallas ally of Aeneas, son of Evander

palleo to grow pale, pale, blanch

pallidus pale, colorless

palma palm, flat hand; palm tree, palm

palus swamp, marsh

pando spread out, extend; open, lay open

Paphos city in Cyprus

par equal, even; well-balanced

Parcae the Fates

parco spare, use moderately; abstain, refrain

parens parent

pareo appear, be visible; obey, submit, comply

pario give birth, produce; create, accomplish

Paris Helen’s abductor; son of Priam

paro prepare, arrange, make ready

pars part, portion; side

partior share, distribute, divide

partus birth, delivery

parum too little, insufficiently

parvulus very small, little; young

parvus small; short, brief

pasco feed, nourish; graze

Pasiphae wife of Minos and mother of the Minotaur

passim spread, scattered, in every direction

pastor shepherd, herdsman

Patavium Patavium, the modern Padua

patefacio lay open, throw open; disclose

pateo be open, stand open

pater father, sire

patera bowl, saucer

patesco be opened; stretch out, extend

patior bear, support, suffer, endure

patria native land, own country; home

patrius fatherly; traditional

pauci few

paulum a little, somewhat

pavidus trembling, fearful, timid

pavor trembling, shaking, terror

pax peace, reconciliation

pectus breast, chest, heart

pecus pecudis, f., a head of cattle, beast

pecus pecoris, n., cattle; drones; flock

pedes foot soldier

pelagus sea

Pelides son of Peleus, Achilles

pellis hide, skin, pelt

pello beat, strike, knock; drive out

pelta light shield, half-moon shaped shield, pelt

Penates household gods, gods of the state

pendeo hang, be suspended; loiter

pendo suspend, weigh; ponder, consider

penetrabilis penetrable, piercing

penetralia inner rooms, inner parts

penetralis inward, inner

penetro penetrate, enter; pierce

penitus inwardly, deeply; thoroughly

penna feather, plume; pl. wings

Penthesilea queen of the Amazons

peplum robe, mantle

per through, along; throughout, during; by means of

perago thrust through, pierce; review; accomplish

peragro wander through, travel, pass through

percutio strike through, pierce, transfix; slay, kill

pereo perish, pass away, be destroyed

pererro wander through, roam over; survey

perfero bring home; reach the mark; carry, bring; report; bear

perficio accomplish, achieve; execute, complete

perfidus dishonest, treacherous, perfidious

perflo blow over, blow through

perforo bore through, pierce, perforate

perfundo pour over, drench; scatter over, besprinkle

Pergama Troy

Pergameus Trojan

pergo proceed, go on, hasten

perhibeo bring forward; say, assert; call, name

periculum danger, peril, risk

perimo annihilate, destroy, prevent

Periphas a Greek

perlabor slip through, glide over

perlego examine thoroughly, survey, peruse

permisceo mix together, mix thoroughly; mingle

permitto hand over, entrust, surrender; allow

pernix nimble, swift; persistent

perpetuus continuous, unbroken; forever

perrumpo break through, force a way through

persentio feel deeply; perceive clearly

persolvo unravel, solve; render thanks; fulfill

persono resound, reecho

pertaedet it wearies, disgusts, makes sick

pertempto prove thoroughly, test; try severely, overwhelm

perterritus terrified

pervenio reach, arrive; attain

pes foot; sheet

pestis destruction, ruin, plague; curse, bane

peto seek, aim at; attack; scan

phalanx phalanx, compact armed formation, battalion

pharetra quiver

Phoebeus of Phoebus (Apollo)

Phoebus Apollo

Phoenices Phoenicians

Phoenissa of Phoenicia; as noun - Dido

Phoenix Greek leader

Phryges Trojans, Phrygians

Phrygius Phrygian, Trojan

Phthia district of Thessaly

piaculum offering, sacrifice; remedy

picea pitch-pine, pine

pictura painting, picture

pietas devotion, dutiful conduct, sense of duty

piget it irks, pains, grieves

pineus piney, pine

pingo paint, represent, depict

pinguis fat, juicy

pinifer pine-bearing

pinna feather, plume

piscosus full of fish

pius devoted, dutiful, devout, conscientious

placeo please, give pleasure; impers. it is agreed

placidus calm, gentle, quiet

placo soothe, assuage, appease, reconcile

plaga region; net, snare

plangor striking, beating

planta sprout, shoot; sole, sole of the foot

plenus full, filled

pluma feather, plume

plus more, in greater number

poena penalty, punishment

Poeni Carthaginians

Polites son of Priam

polliceor promise, offer

Pollux half brother of Castor, son of Jupiter and Leda

polus pole; sky, heavens

pondus weight, consequence, load

pone behind

pono put, place; establish; lay down

pontus sea

poples knee

populo lay waste, ravage; destroy, ruin, mutilate

populus people, nation

porta door, gate; avenue, entrance, outlet

porticus colonnade, arcade, gallery, portico

porto carry, bear

portus port, harbor

posco ask, beg, demand, request

possum be able, can

post after, behind; afterwards

posterus following, next; after; last

posthabeo place after, esteem less

postis post, doorpost; door

postquam after, when

potens powerful, mighty; ruling

potior acquire, take possession of, have, hold

potius rather, preferable, more

praeceps headlong, in haste

praecipio obtain beforehand, anticipate; advise, admonish

praecipito throw down; rush, sink rapidly, drop

praecipuus special, chief, excellent, distinguished

praeclarus famous; bright, brilliant, excellent

praecordia breast, heart

praeda plunder, pillage, booty, spoil

praeficio put in charge, appoint

praefixus tipped, pointed

praemitto send ahead

praemium reward; advantage; prize

praepes of good omen, favorable; a bird of good omen; swift

praeruptus broken off, steep, rugged

praesaepe hive

praescius prescient, foreknowing

praesens present, in person; prompt, efficacious

praesentio feel beforehand, presage, perceive in advance

praesideo be in charge, guard, watch, preside

praestans superior, excellent, distinguished, extraordinary

praesto stand out, be superior, it is better

praetendo hold out, extend, present; simulate, pretend

praeterea besides, moreover

praetereo to go by, go past, pass by; go beyond, outstrip

praeterlabor glide by, flow by

praetexo weave; cover, conceal

praeverto go before, outrun; anticipate, prevent

pravus crooked, distorted, deformed; improper, wrong

precor ask, beg, entreat, request

premo press, pursue; overpower; bury; conceal; restrain

prendo grasp, snatch, seize; hold, stop

pretium price, value, worth

prex prayer, request

Priamus Priam, king of Troy

primus first; chief, excellent

princeps leader, chief, founder, originator

principium beginning, origin

prior former, previous, prior, first

priscus ancient, former, of old

pristinus early, original, pristine

prius before, sooner, first, previously

priusquam before

pro for; before, on account of; instead of

probo approve commend; recommend, show; prove

procedo go forward, proceed; advance, elapse

procella violent wind, storm,

procul in the distance, far, from afar

procumbo fall forwards, fall prostrate

prodeo go forth, come forward; advance

prodo produce, propagate; report; reveal

produco lead forward; bring forth, produce

proelium battle, combat

proficiscor set out, depart, march

profor speak out, speak

profugus fugitive; banished, exiled

profundus deep, profound; of the underworld, infernal

progenies descent, lineage, race, family; descendants

progigno beget, bear, bring forth

progredior go forward, advance; progress

prolabor glide forward, slide along, slip

proles offspring, children, descendants

promereor deserve, merit, earn, be worthy

promitto promise, hold out, assure, expect

promo take out, give out, produce

pronuba bride’s attendant

pronus bent over, leaning; rushing; prone

propago offspring, descendant

propero hurry, hasten, move quickly

propior closer, nearer

proprius special, peculiar, individual; lasting

propter on account of, because of

propugnaculum rampart, fortress, protection

prora prow, bow

prorumpo break out, rush forth, attack, burst

prosequor pursue, follow up, chase

Proserpina wife of Pluto and queen of the underworld

prospectus view, prospect

prospicio look forward, look out, look, see, discern

protendo extend, reach out, lift

protinus forward, onward; continuously, without pause

proveho move along, advance, lead on, proceed

proximus nearest, closest; next

pubes young men; groin

pudor decency, modesty, propriety; shame

puella girl

puer boy

pugna fight, battle

pugno fight, combat, contend

pugnus fist

pulcher beautiful, handsome; fine, noble

pulso strike, beat, hammer, batter

pulverulentus dusty, covered with dust

pulvis dust, powder

Punicus Punic, Carthaginian

puppis stern, poop; ship

purpureus purple, dark red

puto think, consider, regard; judge, believe

Pygmalion Dido’s brother

Pyrrhus Achilles’ son

qua where? how? in any way

quaero seek, look for, ask for

qualis what sort?; of such a kind, such as

quam how, how much; than

quamquam although, however

quando when?

quantum as much as, so much as

quantus of what size, how much, as

quasso shake violently; shatter, batter

quater four times

que enclitic, and

quercus oak, oak tree

querela complaint, accusation

queror express grief, complain, lament

qui who, which; what; that

quia because

quicumque whoever, whatever, whosoever

quidem indeed, in fact

quies rest, repose, peace

quiesco rest, repose, keep quiet

quietus at rest, inactive, in repose

quin why not?; but, indeed

quinquaginta fifty

quippe of course, obviously; indeed

Quirinus another name for Romulus

quis who? what?

quisquam any, anyone

quisque whoever, whatever; each one everyone

quisquis whoever, whatever; everyone who

quo where; at which time

quod because; that, in that; wherefore

quondam once, at some time, at one time; sometimes

quoniam since, because, whereas

quoque also, too

quot how many?

quotannis every year, annually, yearly

quotiens how often?; as often as

rabidus raving, mad, enraged; inspired

rabies rage, madness, frenzy; anger, fury

radius staff, rod; a geometer’s rod; beam, ray

radix root, foundation

ramus branch, bough, twig

rapidus fierce; rushing, swift

rapio seize, snatch, tear, pluck; drive

rapto snatch, drag, hurry away

rarus loose, with large mesh; scattered, dispersed

ratio reason; account, calculation; course, conduct

ratis raft, boat

raucus hoarse; ringing; hollow-sounding

rebellis insurgent, rebellious

recedo fall back, withdraw, recede

recens fresh, young, recent

recidivus falling back; rising again

recipio receive, take back; recover, rescue

recludo open, disclose, reveal; draw

recondo put back, put away; plunge

rectus right, correct; direct, straight

recurso return persistently, keep recurring

recutio shake again, shock

reddo drive back, restore; reply, answer

redeo go back, return

redimo buy back, redeem, ransom; release

reditus return, returning; circuit

redoleo emit scent, smell of, be redolent of; breathe, exhale

reduco lead back, bring back

refello disprove, refute, repel, expose

refero bring back, carry back; recall, speak, say

reflecto bend back, turn back

refringo break up, break open

refugio flee back, escape, avoid

refulgeo flash back, glitter, glisten

refundo pour back, make flow back

regina queen

regio region, area; direction; boundary line

regius royal, regal, kingly

regnator ruler, sovereign

regno rule, reign, govern

regnum kingdom; royalty

rego rule, control; direct, guide

reicio throw back, hurl back

relinquo leave, abandon, relinquish

reliquiae remainders, remnants

remigium rowing, oarage

remitto send back, drive back; loosen, relax; give up

remordeo bite again; vex, torment

removeo move back, drive away, remove

remugio bellow back; resound

remus oar

Remus Romulus’s brother

renovo renew, restore; repeat

reor think, believe, suppose

repello drive back, drive away, repel

rependo ransom; repay; balance

reperio find again, find, discover

repertor discoverer, inventor (Jupiter)

repeto attack again; seek again, demand back; retake, recall

repleo fill again, refill, fill up

repono put back, restore; stretch out; lay aside, store

reprimo keep back, check, curb, restrain, refrain

requies rest, repose, respite

requiro seek again, search for; demand; require

res thing, incident, matter; state; pl. exploits, world

reservo keep back, save up, reserve

resido sit down, settle; subside

resigno unseal, open; reveal

resisto remain, continue; oppose, resist

resolvo loosen, release, relax; dispel

resono resound, ring

respicio look back, gaze at, look for

respondeo reply, respond, answer

responsum reply, answer, response; advice

resto withstand, resist, oppose; remain

resupinus bent back, lying on the back

resurgo rise again, appear again

rete net

retego uncover, bare, open; disclose, reveal

retorqueo twist back, turn back; change, alter

retracto undertake anew; consider; withdraw

retro backward, back; formerly

revello pull away, tear off; violate

reverto turn back, return

reviso look back; revisit

revoco recall, call again

revolvo revolve, turn again; unroll, repeat; return

rex king

Rhesus Thracian leader

rideo laugh; ridicule

rigeo be stiff, stiffen; bristle, harden

rima crack, fissure

ripa bank, margin

rite solemnly, ceremonially; rightly, fitly

ritus ceremony, rite

robur hardwood, oak; tree trunk; oak tree

rogus funeral pyre

Roma Rome

Romanus Roman

Romulus first king and founder of Rome

roscidus wet with dew, dewy; moistened

roseus rose-colored, ruddy

rota wheel; chariot

rudens roaring, bellowing

ruina fall, crash, ruin

rumor rumor, report; murmur

rumpo break, burst, rupture; break through

ruo rush, hurry; fall down, tumble

rupes rock, cliff

rursus again, in turn

rus the country, fields

Rutuli Rutulians, Turnus’ tribe

Sabaeus Sabaean (Arabian group)

sacer holy, sacred

sacerdos priest, priestess

sacra sacrifices

sacro consecrate, dedicate, devote

saeculum generation, age; a lifetime

saepe often, frequently

saepio hedge in, enclose, encircle; surround; protect

saevio rage, rave

saevus savage, fierce, ferocious; terrible

sagitta arrow, shaft

sal salt water, the sea

saltem at least, at all events, anyhow

saltus leap, leaping; forest, woodland

salum the open sea, the deep

salus health, welfare, prosperity; greeting

Samos island off Asia Minor

sanctus holy, sacred; revered

sanguineus bloody, blood-red

sanguis blood; bloodshed, slaughter

sanies gore, bloody matter

sanus whole, healthy, well; sober, sane

Sarpedon ally of the Trojans, Lycian king

sat enough, sufficient, adequate

sator father, creator

Saturnius of Saturn, Saturnian

Saturnus Saturn, father of Jupiter, king of Latium

saucius wounded, hurt, injured

saxum large stone, boulder, rock

scaena stage, scene; theater; space

scando climb, rise, ascend

sceleratus polluted, profaned; wicked, impious

scelero pollute, defile, desecrate

scelus wicked deed, crime, sin, wickedness

sceptrum scepter; kingdom, rule, authority

scilicet to be sure, indeed

scindo cut, tear, rend, split, divide

scintilla spark, glimmer, trace

scio know, understand

scopulus rock, cliff, crag, ledge

scutum shield, protection, defense

Scyllaea of Scylla

Scyrius of Scyros (an Aegean island)

se himself, herself, itself, themselves

secessus separation; ravine, hiding-place

seco cut, reap, carve; operate, divide

secretum mystery, hidden thing, secret

secundus favorable; second

securis ax, hatchet

securus carefree, composed; cheerful, serene

secus otherwise, differently

sed but

sedeo sit; hold court

sedes seat, dwelling-place; foundation

sedile seat, bench, stool, chair

seditio insurrection, mutiny; dissension, quarrel

seduco take apart, lead away; divide, part

segnis slow, tardy, slack; sluggish

semen seed, beginning; cause

semianimis half-alive, half-dead

seminex half-dead

semino sow; produce

semita path, lane

semivirus half-man; effeminate, unmanly

semper always, ever, continually

senatus senate

senecta old age, senility

senex old, aged

seni six each

senior older

sensus observation, feeling, sensation; way of thinking

sententia opinion, judgment, decision

sentio perceive, note; understand

sentus thorny, rough

sepelio bury; place on a funeral pyre; destroy, suppress

septem seven

septemplex sevenfold

septeni seven each

sepulchrum burial place, tomb, grave

sequor follow, pursue; accompany

sereno calm, make clear

serenus calm, clear

Serestus friend of Aeneas

Sergestus friend of Aeneas

sermo speech, conversation; talk, report, rumor

sero engage; sire, produce

serpens snake, serpent

serpo crawl, creep; creep in

sertum garland, wreath

servio serve, work for

servitium slavery, bondage

servo save, guard, keep

sese same as se – himself, herself, itself, themselves

seu or, or if; whether...or (same as sive)

sex six

si if, when

sibilus hissing

Sibylla Sibyl, prophetess

sic thus, in this way

sicco dry; mild dry

siccus dry; thirsty

Siculus of Sicily; Sicilian

sido perch, settle, sit down

Sidonius of Sidon

sidus constellation, group of stars; the sky, heaven

signum sign, indication; standard; figure

silentium silence, stillness

sileo be silent, be still; suppress

silex flint, granite

silva wood, forest

similis similar, like, resembling

Simois river near Troy

simul at the same time, simultaneously

simulacrum likeness, image, statue

simulo pretend, feign simulate

sin but if

sine without

singuli one at a time, single; separate

sino allow, permit

Sinon the Greek who tricks the Trojans

sinuo curve, bend

sinus bay; fold; bosom

sisto set, set up, fix, plant; present; halt, stay

sitis thirst; drought

situs position, spot, place; neglect

sive whether; or if

socio associate; bind, unite

socius friend, comrade, ally

sol sun

solamen solace, consolation, comfort

soleo be accustomed; (usually)

solidus undivided, whole, complete; trustworthy

solium throne; seat

sollemnis solemn; sacred; accustomed

sollicito disturb, bother, trouble

solor console oneself for; cheer, comfort

solum ground, base, foundation

solus alone, only, single, sole

solvo loosen, relax; release, unfurl; dispel, dismiss

somnus sleep, slumber

sonipes charger, steed

sonitus sound, noise, din

sono resound, make a noise; speak, express

sonorus howling, roaring, resounding

sopor slumber, deep sleep

soror sister

sors fate, lot; prophecy; destiny, fortune

sortior cast lots, draw lots; share, divide; choose

spargo scatter, sprinkle, strew

Spartanus Spartan

spatior walk, wander around

spatium space, room; level; path

species sight, appearance; spectacle; resemblance

spectaculum sight, spectacle

spectator spectator

specula lookout, watchtower

speculor watch, keep watch; observe

spelunca cave

sperno scorn, disdain; reject

spero hope, look for, expect

spes hope

spira fold, coil

spiritus spirit, soul; breath

spiro breathe

spolio strip, uncover, bare; rob, plunder

spolium pl. arms stripped from an enemy; booty

spons free will, accord; abl. freely, willingly

spuma spray, froth, foam

spumeus foamy

spumo foam, froth

spumosus foaming, foamy

squaleo be filthy

squameus scaly

stabilis firm, steady, stable, fixed; firm, lasting

stabulum stall, stable; lair

stagnum swamp, standing water

statio resting place; anchorage

statuo set up, station; construct, build

stellatus studded; gleaming

sterno spread out; overthrow, level, flatten

Sthenelus Diomedes’ charioteer

stimulus spur

stimulo spur; prick, goad on

stipes trunk

stipo press, pack; fill, cram, stuff

stirps stem; lineage

sto stand; be built; linger, remain

stratum covering; bed, couch

strepitus din, clash, rustle, clatter

strideo make a harsh noise, hiss

stridor shrill sound, creak, grating, rattle

stringo graze, trim, strip

struo place together, heap up; prepare, devise

studium desire, exertion, endeavor; pursuit

stupeo be stunned, be amazed; wonder at

stuppeus hempen, made of hemp

Stygius of the Styx (river in the underworld)

Styx river of the underworld

suadeo advise, exhort, urge, persuade

sub under, beneath; at the foot of; acc. to, toward

subeo go under, enter; come up, advance; support; follow

subicio place under; set up, mount; ascribe

subigo drive on, propel; force

subito suddenly, immediately, at once

sublimis lofty, high, exalted; on high, lofty; eminent

submergo dip, plunge under, sink

submitto put down, lower; moderate; humble, yield

subnecto tie under, fasten beneath

subnixus leaning on; supported by

suboles child; offspring

subrideo smile

subrigo lift, raise

subsido settle down, subside

subsisto halt, take a stand, stop; oppose

subter beneath, under

subtraho withdraw; pass. fly beneath

subvolvo roll up

succedo go below, enter; ascend; succeed; approach; take up

successus success

succingo gird; equip

succumbo yield to, fall under

succurro help, relieve; succour

suffero submit to, under, suffer

sufficio suffuse, tinge; supply; be sufficient

suffundo pour in; suffuse

sulcus furrow; trench

sum be

summus uppermost, highest; loftiest, supreme

sumo take, lay hold of, assume; undertake; inflict

super above, over, on top of

superbus proud, arrogant, insolent

superemineo surpass, tower over

superi the gods

supero surpass, transcend; remain; excel, be superior

superstitio superstition, dread of the supernatural

supersum survive; remain; suffice

superus upper, higher

supinus lying on one’s back

supplex suppliant, beseeching, entreating

suppliciter humbly, suppliantly

supplicium punishment, penalty

suppono apply; put under

supra above, over

supremum for the last time

sura calf; leg

surgo rise, get up, stand up; ascend

suscipio take, catch, take up; have, get; undertake, undergo

suspendo hand, suspend

suspicio look up at, admire; suspect

suspiro sigh

suus his, her, its, their

Sychaeus Dido’s husband (slain by Pygmalion)

Syrtis Syrtis (shallow sandy bays on the coast of Africa)

tabeo be drenched

tabula board, plank

taceo be silent, say nothing

tacitus secret, unmentioned, silent

taeda torch; nuptial torch

talaria sandals

talis such, of such a kind

tam so, so very

tamen however, nevertheless, still

tandem at last, finally; pray now

tango touch; border on, reach

tantum so much, so greatly

tantus so great, so much, such

Tartara Tartarus, the underworld

taurinus a bull’s; of a bull

taurus bull; bullock

tectum house, dwelling; roof;

tegmen covering, cover

tego cover, cover over, hide; shelter; dissemble, keep secret

tellus earth, globe, land, ground; personified Earth

telum spear, shaft, javelin; weapon

tempero restrain oneself, abstain, keep from; soothe

tempestas storm, tempest; disturbance; multitude

templum temple, sanctuary, shrine

tempto try, attempt; tempt

tempus time; occasion, opportunity

tenax tenacious, griping, clinging

tendo stretch, extend; present; aim; exert, strive

tenebrosus dark, gloomy

Tenedos island near Troy

teneo hold, keep, have; occupy; hold back, detain; reach

tentorium tent

tenuis slim, thin; little, slight; low

tenus up to, as far as

ter three times, thrice

terebro bore into, pierce

teres smooth, polished

tergum back, rear; hide, leather

termino end; limit

ternus triple

tero graze, touch; wear away, waste

terra earth, land, soil; personified Earth

terreo frighten, terrify

terribilis dreadful, fearful

terrifico terrify

territo terrify, frighten

tertius third

testor call to witness; swear by

testudo tortoise shell; roof

tete intensive form of te

Teucer 1. first Trojan king 2. half brother of Ajax

Teucri Trojans

Teucria Troy

thalamus inner room, chamber; marriage bed

theatrum theater

thesaurus treasure

Theseus king of Athens

Thessandrus Greek warrior at Troy

Thoas Greek warrior at Troy

Threicius Thracian, of Thrace

Threissa a Thracian woman

Thybris Tiber River

Thyias Bacchant, Thyiad

Thymoetes a Trojan

thymum thyme

Tiberinus of the Tiber

tigris tigress, tiger

Timavus river in northeastern Italy

timeo fear, be afraid of

timor fear, dread, anxiety

Titan Titan, name given to the god of the sun

togatus wearing a toga

tollo lift, raise; erect; extol, exalt

tonitrus thunder

tormentum machine for hurling

torqueo twist, bend, turn

torreo roast

torus sofa, couch, bed

torvus stern, grim

tot so many, such a number of

totidem just so many, just as many

totiens so often, as often

totus entire, all, whole

trabs beam, timber, rafter

tractabilis tangible, manageable, yielding

traho draw, drag; lead, bring; sweep along; spend, prolong

traicio throw across; strike; pass through, penetrate

trano fly over; swim across

tranquillus calm, tranquil

transeo go across, go over; pass by

transfero carry across; transfer

transfigo pierce

transmitto send across; transfer

transverbero transfix

tremefactus shaken

tremesco tremble, quake, shudder

tremo tremble, shake, quake

tremor trembling

trepido tremble, shake

trepidus restless, agitated, anxious

tres three

tridens with three teeth; trident

trietericus biennial (triennial in Roman system)

triginta thirty

Trinacrius Sicilian

tristis sad, sorrowful, dejected; dismal, gloomy

trisulcus three-forked

Triton sea-god, son of Neptune

triumphus triumph

Trivia another name for Diana

Troia Troy

Troianus Trojan

Troilus one of Priam’s sons

Troius Trojan

Tros Trojan

trucido kill, butcher

trudo push

truncus body, trunk

trux harsh, fierce, wild

tu you

tueor look at, behold, watch; keep in mind; care for

tum then, at that time, in those times; further

tumeo swell, be swollen

tumidus swollen, tumid; puffing up

tumultus uproar, commotion, disturbance, tumult

tumulus sepulchral mound, grave; heap of earth

tunc the

tundo beat, strike, thump; pound, bruise; stun

turba uproar, commotion; crowd, throng

turbidus confused, disordered; troubled, violent

turbo turbinis, m. whirlind, tornado

turbo turbare – disturb, make an uproar

Turnus leader of the Rutulians, Aeneas’s enemy

turpis ugly; filthy, disgraceful

turris tower, citadel

tus incense

tutus safe, secure

tuus your

Tydides son of Tydeus=Diomedes

tyrannus tyrant

Tyrius Tyrian, of Tyre

Tyros Tyre

Tyrrhenus Tyrrhenian

uber rich

ubi where?; where, when

ubique everywhere, anywhere

ulciscor avenge

Ulixes Ulysses (Odysseus)

ullus any, any one

ulterior farther, more remote

ultimus last; furthest

ultra beyond, on the other side

ultro on the other side, beyond

ululatus wailing, howling

ululo howl, yell, wail

umbo boss

umbra shadow, shade

umbrifer shade-giving

umecto moisten, wet

umens moist, dewy, wet

umerus shoulder, upper arm

umidus dewy, watery

umquam ever

una at once, together, at the same time

unanimus sympathizing, agreeing

uncus hooked, crooked

unda wave

unde from which place, whence

undique from all parts, on all sides, all around

undosus billowy

unguis fingernail

unguo smear, anoint

unus one, only, alone

urbs city

urgeo press, force, urge; drive

urna urn

uro burn

usquam anywhere, any place

usus use

ut how?; as, when

uterque each, either, each one; pl. both

uterus womb; belly

uti how?; as, when

utor use, profit; spend; perform, practice

uxorius uxorious, devoted to one’s wife

vacca cow

vaco be free

vacuus empty, vacant, clear; free, free from

vado go, walk

vadum shallow place, ford

vagina sheath

vagor wander, roam; spread

valeo be well, be strong; say goodbye

validus strong, powerful, robust

valles valley, vale

vanus empty, void; fruitless; false, deceptive

varius various, variegated; changing, variable; fickle

vasto pillage

vastus unoccupied; vast, immense, huge

vates seer, prophet

ve enclitic – or, or if you will

veho carry, bear; bring, usher in

vel or, or indeed; certainly

velivolus sail-winged

vello tear, pluck

velo cover, wrap

velox swift

velum sail

velut just as, even as, like

vena vein, artery; pl. heart

venabulum hunting spear

venatrix huntress

vendo sell

venenum poison; drug

venia indulgence, kindness, favor; permission

venio come, arrive; go

venor hunt

ventus wind

Venus goddess of Love, Aeneas’s mother

verbum word

vereor fear

vero in fact, in truth, truly

verro sweep

verso whirl

vertex whirlpool, vortex

verto turn, direct, change; twist; destroy

verus true, real, actual, genuine

Vesper the evening star

Vesta goddess of the hearth

vester your

vestibulum entrance

vestigium step, footprint, track; trace, mark, vestige

vestigo search

vestis clothing, attire, garments

veto forbid

vetus old, aged

via way, road, path; method, mode

vibro shake, brandish, wield; glimmer, gleam

vicissim in turn

victor winner, victor, conqueror

victus food

video see, perceive; understand; pass. seem, appear

vigeo thrive

vigil awake, alert; watchful, restless

vimen twig, stem

vincio bind, tie, fasten

vinco conquer, overcome, defeat; banish

vinculum chain, rope, fetter; bond

vindico claim; rescue

vinum wine

violo injure, dishonor; violate

vir man, male

vireo be green

virga wand; branch, twig

virgo young woman, virgin

viridis green

virtus strength, courage, excellence; character, virtue

vis force, violence; pl. strength

viscum mistletoe

viscus flesh; organs

visus sight, vision; appearance

vita life

vitalis vital, of life

vitta band, fillet, braid

vivo live, be alive; linger

vivus alive, living

vix scarcely, barely; just

voco call, name; invite; invoke

volatilis winged

volo velle - wish, want, desire

volo volare - fly

volucer winged, flying

volumen coil; fold

voluntas will, wish, choice, desire; purpose

voluto roll, turn; weigh, ponder, consider

volvo turn, roll; ordain, decree; glide

voro swallow

vos you

vosmet emphatic form of vos

votum vow, solemn pledge; a votive offering

voveo vow

vox voice, cry, call; word, saying

vulgo make known, spread abroad

vulgus crowd, throng; rabble

vulnus wound, injury

vultus face, appearance; expression

Xanthus river near Troy

Zephyrus west wind


a, ab from, away from, by

ac same as atque – and, and also

ad to, toward, near, at, by

Aeneas hero of the Aeneid

agmen army (on the march), column, train, formation, rank, line

aliquis someone, anyone

alius another, other, else

altus high, lofty; deep, profound; as noun altum – the sea, heaven

amor love, affection, fondness; as person - Cupid

animus soul, spirit, heart, courage, daring, feeling

ante before, in front of, previously

ara altar

arma arms, weapons; tools, equipment

arx citadel, fortress, stronghold; hill, peak

at but; yet, at least

atque and, and also; but, than

aura air, breeze, wind, blast

aurum gold

aut or; aut…aut= either…or

bellum war

caelum sky, heaven, the heavens

caput head, the summit, person

circum around, all around

classis fleet, division

coniunx spouse, husband, wife

corpus body

cum prep. with, conjunction when, since, although

cura anxiety, distress, care, concern

de from, away from, down from; concerning, according to

dea goddess

deus god, deity

dexter right, to the right; skillful

dico dicere - say, speak, sing, describe, name

dictum assertion, remark, saying

Dido queen of Carthage

divus of a deity, godlike, divine

do give, appoint; grant, bestow; emit, utter

domus house, home, dwelling, building

duco lead, lead away, guide, conduct, prolong; choose

dum while; with subjunctive=until

e, ex out of, from; of; since; according to

ego I

eo go, walk, ride, sail, move

et and, also

fama report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition

fatum prediction; fate

fero bring, carry, bear, wear; report; offer

ferrum iron; iron tool; sword

flamma flame, blaze; flame of passion;

for speak, say; prophesy

gens race, clan; descendant, offspring

hic adv. here

hic, haec, hoc this, the latter

hinc from this place, hence; on either side

hostis enemy, foe, stranger

iam now, at this time, already; with a neg., longer, more

ignis fire

ille, illa, illud that; he, she, it

in acc. into, to; against; abl. in, on, upon

ingens huge, vast, enormous; extraordinary

inter between, among

ipse himself, herself, itself

Italia Italy

iubeo order, tell, command

Iuno goddess of marriage; wife of Jupiter

labor noun – labor, toil, exertion; suffering, hardship

lacrima tear

latus adj. broad, wide, extensive

limen threshold, door; house, dwelling

litus seashore, beach

locus place, spot; position

longus long, extended

magnus large, great, huge, mighty; important

manus hand; band troop; handiwork

medius the middle of, middle

mens mind, intellect; memory; feeling; heart

meus my, mine

miser wretched, miserable, poor, sad

moenia walls, ramparts; walled city

multus much; many (pl.); great, high, abundant

natus born, made, destined, intended; a son

ne not; do not; -ne – whether, or

nec and not, also not; neither...nor

non not, by no means

noster our; ours

nox night; death

nunc now

o O! oh!

oculus eye

omnis all, every, whole

ora shore, coast; border, edge, rim

oro beg, plead; pray, beseech; speak

os mouth; face, expression

pars part, portion; side

pater father, sire

pectus breast, chest, heart

per through, along; throughout, during; by means of

peto seek, aim at; attack; scan

possum be able, can

premo press, pursue; overpower; bury; conceal; restrain

Priamus Priam, king of Troy

primus first; chief, excellent

que enclitic, and

qui who, which; what; that

quis who? what?

refero bring back, carry back; recall, speak, say

regina queen

regnum kingdom; royalty

res thing, incident, matter; state; pl. exploits, world

rex king

sanguis blood; bloodshed, slaughter

se himself, herself, itself, themselves

sed but

sequor follow, pursue; accompany

si if, when

sic thus, in this way

socius friend, comrade, ally

soror sister

sto stand; be built; linger, remain

sub under, beneath; at the foot of; acc. to, toward

sum be

summus uppermost, highest; loftiest, supreme

suus his, her, its, their

talis such, of such a kind

tandem at last, finally; pray now

tantus so great, so much, such

tectum house, dwelling; roof;

telum spear, shaft, javelin; weapon

teneo hold, keep, have; occupy; hold back, detain; reach

terra earth, land, soil

Teucri Trojans

tot so many, such a number of

totus entire, all, whole

Troia Troy

tu you

tum then, at that time, in those times; further

Turnus leader of the Rutulians, Aeneas’s enemy

tuus your

ubi where?; where, when

umbra shadow, shade

unda wave

unus one, only, alone

urbs city

ut how?; as, when

ve enclitic – or, or if you will

venio come, arrive; go

ventus wind

via way, road, path; method, mode

video see, perceive; understand; pass. seem, appear

vir man, male

vis force, violence; pl. strength

voco call, name; invite; invoke

volvo turn, roll; ordain, decree; glide

vox voice, cry, call; word, saying

vulnus wound, injury


Achilles greatest of the Greek heroes at Troy

aequor the sea, surface of the sea, a level surface

aequus even, level, just, fair

ago drive, do, pursue, conduct imp – Come!

ait says, asserts

ardeo be on fire, burn, blaze

arvum plowed land, cultivated field, field

ater black, dark, sable, dusky; gloomy

audeo dare, venture, risk

audio hear, listen to

averto turn away, avert, remove

bis twice, double

capio seize, grasp, capture

casus fall, falling-down, ruin, failure

causa cause, reason, motive

cavus hollow, excavated

centum 100

cerno separate, distinguish, discern, perceive

cingo equip, gird oneself; surround, encircle

clamor shout

comes friend, companion, comrade

condo found, establish, build

contra against, opposite, facing

corripio seize, snatch, grasp; attack

credo believe, trust, confide in

crudelis cruel, unfeeling, hard

cursus running course, a run, journey

Danaus of Danaus (famous Greek king) pl. the Greeks

dies day

dolor pain, suffering, anguish, distress, grief, trouble

donum gift, present

dulcis sweet, agreeable, delightful, agreeable

durus hard, harsh, vigorous; pitiless, unyielding

enim for, namely, that is to say

equidem indeed, truly

equus horse

eripio tear out, wrest, pluck tear; rescue deliver, free

erro wander, stray, roam; be in error

etiam also, too, even; still

extremus outermost, utmost, farthest; remotest; tip

facio make, do, produce, build

finis end, boundary, limit; pl. territory

fluctus wave, tide, billow, surge

fors chance, luck, fortune

fortis brave, strong, courageous

fortuna fortune, chance, luck

fuga flight, rapid motion

fugio flee, run away, escape

fundo fundere – pour, pour out, shed; spread

furo rage, rave, be out of one’s mind

furor raving, rage, madness, fury, passion

gemitus groan, sighing, complaint

genitor father

genus race, stock, family; birth, noble birth; descendant

gravis heavy, weighty, burdened

haud not, not at all, by no means

heu alas !

homo person, human being, man

iacto throw out; consider, discuss; pronounce, utter, speak

idem the same

imago image; ghost, vision; reminder

immanis huge; monstrous, frightful

imperium command, order; supreme power, sovereignty

imus lowest, deepest, last

incipio begin

insto stand upon, take a position; press, pursue

interea meanwhile

Iovis Jove, Jupiter

ira anger, fury, hate

iungo join, unite, connect

laetus joyous, happy, delighted; pleasant, grateful

Latium district in Italy south of the Tiber

lego gather, collect, choose, pick; survey

lumen light; pl. eyes

malus evil, wicked bad; hostile

maneo remain, stay

mare sea

metus fear, dread, apprehension

misceo mix, mingle, intermingle

mitto send, let go; throw; dismiss

mons mountain, hill; mass, heap

morior die, expire; decay, wither

mors death

murus wall, city wall

namque for

navis ship

neque same as nec, and not, also not; neither...nor

nomen name; title

nos we, us

notus known, famous, customary

novus new, young, fresh; novel

nubes cloud, mist, vapor

numen divinity, divine, power; a god or goddess

opus work, labor toil; structure artistic work

orbis circle; world; shield

Pallas ally of Aeneas, son of Evander

parens parent

paro prepare, arrange, make ready

pelagus sea

pono put, place; establish; lay down

populus people, nation

porta door, gate; avenue, entrance, outlet

pro for; before, on account of; instead of

puer boy

pulcher beautiful, handsome; fine, noble

puppis stern, poop; ship

quaero seek, look for, ask for

qualis what sort?; of such a kind, such as

quam how, how much; than

rapio seize, snatch, tear, pluck; drive

reddo drive back, restore; reply, answer

relinquo leave, abandon, relinquish

Romanus Roman

ruo rush, hurry; fall down, tumble

sacer holy, sacred

saevus savage, fierce, ferocious; terrible

saxum large stone, boulder, rock

scopulus rock, cliff, crag, ledge

sedes seat, dwelling-place; foundation

sese same as se – himself, herself, itself, themselves

sidus constellation, group of stars; the sky, heaven

silva wood, forest

solus alone, only, single, sole

somnus sleep, slumber

sors fate, lot; prophecy; destiny, fortune

spes hope

spolium pl. arms stripped from an enemy; booty

subeo go under, enter; come up, advance; support; follow

super above, over, on top of

supplex suppliant, beseeching, entreating

surgo rise, get up, stand up; ascend

tamen however, nevertheless, still

tantum so much, so greatly

tellus earth, globe, land, ground

templum temple, sanctuary, shrine

tempus time; occasion, opportunity

tendo stretch, extend; present; aim; exert, strive

tergum back, rear; hide, leather

tollo lift, raise; erect; extol, exalt

Troianus Trojan

turbo turbare – disturb, make an uproar

Tyrius Tyrian, of Tyre

ullus any, any one

umerus shoulder, upper arm

una at once, together, at the same time

vates seer, prophet

Venus goddess of Love, Aeneas’s mother

vertex whirlpool, vortex

verto turn, direct, change; twist; destroy

verus true, real, actual, genuine

vinco conquer, overcome, defeat; banish

volo velle - wish, want, desire

volo volare - fly

vultus face, appearance; expression


accendo set on fire; inflame; arouse; inspire

accipio receive, accept, admit, welcome

acer sharp, keen, fierce, violent

Achates Aeneas’s constant companion

adeo to that degree, so

adeo adire – go to, approach, reach visit, encounter, meet

adfor address, speak to

adloquor address, speak to

adsum be present, be at hand, near

adversus turned toward, opposing, facing, adverse

aeger sick, diseased, weary, weak

Aeolus god of the winds

aer air, breeze, mist, cloud

aeternus everlasting, eternal

aether upper air, ether; air; sky, heaven

agnosco recognize

ala wing, pinion

alter one of the two, the other

amicus friendly; as noun - friend

amitto lose, send away; let go

amo love, cherish, like

amplector enfold, embrace, wind about

an or

Anchises Aeneas’s father

anima breath, breath of life; life, existence; shade, soul spirit

Anna Dido’s sister

annus year

antiquus of olden times, ancient, aged, former

antrum cave, cavern, grotto

aperio open, uncover, disclose, reveal

Apollo god of music and prophecy

appareo appear, be disclosed, be seen

arbor tree, trunk, shoot

artus joint, limb, frame, body

Ascanius Aeneas’s son

aspicio look at, look upon, behold; regard

attollo lift up, raise up; rear

aureus golden, of gold

auris ear

Ausonius Ausonian, Italian

bonus good

cado fall, fall down, descend

caecus blind

caedes killing, slaughter, carnage

campus field, plan, level place

cano sing, sound, play

carus dear, precious, valued

cedo go from, remove, withdraw, abandon

celer quick, swift, speedy

certus determined, resolved, fixed, certain

cervix neck, nape

circumdo surround, place around, encompass

claudo shut, close, enclose

clipeus round shield

cogo collect, compel, force, urge

colligo gather, collect; assemble

coma hair; foliage

comitor accompany, attend, follow

compono collect, lay; put to rest, quiet

conubium marriage

cor heart

Creusa Aeneas’s wife

crinis hair

cruentus spotted with blood, bloody, stained

cunctor delay, linger, hesitate

currus chariot, car, wagon

Dardanius Trojan, of Dardanus

demitto let down, drop, let fall, shed

desero leave, forsake, abandon, desert

dirus ominous, fearful, awful, dreadful, horrible

dives rich, wealthy, opulent

doceo teach, instruct, inform

dux leader, guide, general

ecce behold! look!

effero carry out, take away; bear, produce

effor utter, tell, speak out

egregius distinguished, excellent, eminent

ensis sword

ergo therefore, consequently, accordingly

Eurus southeast or east wind

exanimus lifeless, dead

excipio take out, withdraw; take up, catch, receive

exuviae spoils; relics; skin

facilis easy

fallo trip, fall;err, mistake, deceive oneself

fas divine law; with est=it is lawful, it is permitted

fides faith, loyalty, belief, reliance; trustworthiness

fidus loyal, faithful, credible

figo fix, fasten; pierce

foedo make foul, defile, pollute

forma form, shape; beauty

foveo cherish, fondle, caress

frater brother

fremo roar, resound, howl; applaud; grumble because of

frustra in vain, for nothing

fulgeo flash, glitter, gleam, shine

funus funeral procession, funeral rites, burial; death, murder

geminus twin

gero bear, carry, wage

Graius Greek

habeo have, hold, support, carry; consider, regard

haereo cling, stick, be fastened; linger, pause

hasta spear, lance, javelin

Hector Troy’s champion, son of Hector

heros hero, demigod

hiems winter, winter time

honor honor, repute, esteem, distinction

huc to this place, hither; to this point, so far

iaceo lie, be prostrate, lie at rest

Iliacus of Ilium, Trojan

impello strike against, strike, push; set in motion

impono place upon, put on

inanis useless, empty, meaningless

incendo set fire to, burn; rouse, incite

incumbo lean press; bend to; oppress

infelix unfortunate, unlucky, miserable; barren

ingredior advance, go forward; undertake

inimicus hostile, unfriendly, hateful; damaging

inquit says, said

insequor follow after, come next; proceed, go on

insignis distinguished, remarkable, prominent

is, ea, id he, she it

iste that (of yours) – often contemptuous

iterum again, a second time, once more

Iulus another name for Ascanius

Iuppiter Jupiter, king of the gods

ius right, justice, duty

iuvenis young, youthful; as a noun – young person

iuvo help, aid, assist, serve; delight

Karthago Carthage, an ancient city in N. Africa

labor labi – slip, glide, slide, move; sink, fall

letum death, annihilation

lex law, precept, regulation, principle

Libya region of N. Africa

Libycus of Libya

linquo go away, leave, depart from, abandon

loco place, put, lay; establish

loquor speak, talk, say, tell; declare

lucus sacred grove

lustro review, observe, examine; illuminate

lux light, brightness; pl. heavenly bodies

maestus sorrowful, dejected, despondent

magis more

manes departed spirit, ghost, shade

mater mother; native land

memini remember, recollect

memor mindful, remembering

memoro mention, recount, speak of, tell

miror wonder, marvel at, be astonished

miseror lament, commiserate; pity

modus measure; way, manner; method

moles mass, weight; greatness; difficulty, labor, trouble

molior exert, strive toil; build; rouse

mollis yielding, soft, tender, gentle

monstro point out, exhibit, indicate, inform; urge, advise

mora delay, procrastination; obstruction, hindrance

moror delay, stay, remain, linger

mortalis mortal, transient

mos practice, custom, habit; institution

moveo move, remove, shake; excite, arouse, agitate

munus service, office; burial

murmur murmur, roar, growling, grumbling, crash

nam for

nemus wood, grove, forest

nequiquam in vain, without reason

nullus no, none; worthless; no one

nympha nymph

obscurus dark, shady, obscure; unknown

Olympus Mt. Olympus, home of the gods

omnipotens almighty, omnipotent

ops aid, help, assistance; means, wealth, resources

opto choose, prefer

ostium door; mouth, entrance

pando spread out, extend; open, lay open

par equal, even; well-balanced

parvus small; short, brief

pateo be open, stand open

patior bear, support, suffer, endure

patria native land, own country; home

patrius fatherly; traditional

pax peace, reconciliation

Penates household gods, gods of the state

pendeo hang, be suspended; loiter

penitus inwardly, deeply; thoroughly

Pergama Troy

pergo proceed, go on, hasten

pes foot; sheet

Phoebus Apollo

Phrygius Phrygian, Trojan

pietas devotion, dutiful conduct, sense of duty

pius devoted, dutiful, devout, conscientious

poena penalty, punishment

pontus sea

portus port, harbor

posco ask, beg, demand, request

post after, behind; afterwards

postquam after, when

precor ask, beg, entreat, request

prior former, previous, prior, first

procul in the distance, far, from afar

proles offspring, children, descendants

pugna fight, battle

Pyrrhus Achilles’ son

qua where? how? in any way

quando when?

quin why not?; but, indeed

quisquis whoever, whatever; everyone who

quo where; at which time

quondam once, at some time, at one time; sometimes

quoque also, too

rapidus fierce; rushing, swift

recipio receive, take back; recover, rescue

reduco lead back, bring back

regius royal, regal, kingly

rego rule, control; direct, guide

remitto send back, drive back; loosen, relax; give up

repono put back, restore; stretch out; lay aside, store

respicio look back, gaze at, look for

reviso look back; revisit

robur hardwood, oak; tree trunk; oak tree

Rutuli Rutulians, Turnus’ tribe

sacro consecrate, dedicate, devote

seco cut, reap, carve; operate, divide

sedeo sit; hold court

septem seven

sermo speech, conversation; talk, report, rumor

servo save, guard, keep

seu same as sive

Sibylla Sibyl, prophetess

simul at the same time, simultaneously

sine without

sino allow, permit

sinus bay; fold; bosom

sive whether; or if

solum ground, base, foundation

solvo loosen, relax; release, unfurl; dispel, dismiss

sono resound, make a noise; speak, express

spero hope, look for, expect

spumo foam, froth

sterno spread out; overthrow, level, flatten

strideo make a harsh noise, hiss

superbus proud, arrogant, insolent

taurus bull; bullock

tego cover, cover over, hide; shelter; dissemble, keep secret

tempestas storm, tempest; disturbance; multitude

tempto try, attempt; tempt

ter three times, thrice

terreo frighten, terrify

thalamus inner room, chamber; marriage bed

torqueo twist, bend, turn

torus sofa, couch, bed

traho draw, drag; lead, bring; sweep along; spend, prolong

tremo tremble, shake, quake

tristis sad, sorrowful, dejected; dismal, gloomy

Tros Trojan

tutus safe, secure

uterus womb; belly

valeo be well, be strong; say goodbye

varius various, variegated; changing, variable; fickle

vastus unoccupied; vast, immense, huge

vel or, or indeed; certainly

velut just as, even as, like

vestigium step, footprint, track; trace, mark, vestige

vestis clothing, attire, garments

vetus old, aged

vinculum chain, rope, fetter; bond

virgo young woman, virgin

virtus strength, courage, excellence; character, virtue

vita life

vos you


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