Monday Memo

Monday Memo

Mrs. Kelly

Nov. 10, 2014


This week at school…

Reading –Fiction Reading – students will focus on reading fiction texts and writing summaries to improve comprehension in both Guided Reading groups and independent reading. Students will begin Story wheel Book report by reading their choice of chapter books and completing a book report and illustration on their story wheel.

Writing – Grammar Lessons: Identifying parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs & types of sentences. New word lists and 2nd quarter Word Study Homework.

DLR quiz Thursday on parts of speech/types of sentences. Word Study test Friday

Virginia Studies – Introduction to Jamestown Unit: Reasons for English Colonization. Review VA Indian Study Guide for test on Wednesday, Nov. 12th.

Math - Multiplication: 2 digits by 1 digit multiplication, and 3 digits by 1 digit multiplication and Word problems. Math Quiz Friday & weekly multiplication timed tests. Practice Multiplication facts online with Reflex math.

Reminders – Attention Parents! If you are willing to help paint scenery for the “American Revolution” on Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 at 3:00pm, please contact Mrs. Padworski at Melinda.Padworski@. Our fabulous art teacher, Ms. Hanlon, has created the outline; all we need to do is paint! Thank you!!

Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day - Wear Red, White & Blue/ PTO Fundraiser at Papa Johns

Nov. 11 – Multicultural Planning Meeting: 3:00 in teacher’s lounge. Parents invited!

Nov. 12 – Report Cards sent home

Nov. 17 – Book Fair Week - 4th Grade: Nov. 19 – Our class time is 9:15 – 9:45 am

Nov. 18 – PTO Meeting 7:00 pm

Nov. 19 – Fourth Grade Musical at 1:30 and 7:00 pm

Nov. 26-28 – Thanksgiving Holiday – No school


Happy Birthday to Henry on November 15th! [pic]

If you have read this Monday Memo please draw a book in your student’s planner!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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