Identifying Sentence Fragments - TWood Tech

Identifying Sentence Fragments Name: ______________________________

A. Directions: Write an F on the line if the group of words is a fragment, or an S if it is

a sentence.

_____ 1. Available in a wide assortment of sizes and colors.

_____ 2. Undoubtedly, the largest and most impressive item in our fall catalog.

_____ 3. Order now.

_____ 4. Cannot be used in combination with other coupons or special offers.

_____ 5. Cartons waiting to be shipped from the warehouse.

B. Directions: Rewrite each fragment to make it a complete sentence. If the item is

already a complete sentence, write correct.

1. Jumped quickly from limb to limb.


2. Never had seen such odd animals before.


3. The people collecting the tickets.


4. A lengthy visit to the gift shop near the cafeteria.


5. A lion growled.


6. Feeding the seals at three o’clock every afternoon.


7. Two divers in orange scuba gear.


8. Visiting the zoo was a wonderful experience.


9. To see the reptile house?


10. Polar bears, larger than any bears they had ever seen before.


C. Directions: Rewrite the paragraph, changing all sentence fragments to complete


Could hardly wait to go to the fair! Carla, Jimmy, and all the children. Especially excited about seeing the animals. All kinds of baked goods and other wonderful things to eat. To go on all the rides. Slipped in the mud and dropped her cotton candy. Was helped by a tall man in a big straw hat and overalls. A booth that sold nothing but kites. Their mother, who is sometimes afraid of heights. Everyone in the family.













Identifying Run-On Sentences/Comma Splices Name: ________________________

A. Directions: Correct each of following run-on sentences. If a sentence needs no

changes, write Correct on the line.

1. The show starts at eight o’clock we don’t want to be late.


2. I have money for tickets, I just hope they’re still available.


3. We can get to the theater by train or bus, my friend’s father has offered to drive us.


4. Chuck, Linda, and Kerry all want to go but may not be able to afford tickets.


5. Almost everyone at school likes this band, some of my friends think that it is too loud.


6. Do you like soft rock, do you think hard rock is more interesting?


7. I liked their first album; the new CD is boring.


8. Go to the concert, but be home before midnight!


9. Everyone enjoyed the performance, we’re very glad we were able to go.


10. That was a wonderful concert, did you like it as much as I did?


B. Directions: Rewrite the paragraph, correcting all run-on sentences and comma-


Assyria was a powerful nation in Mesopotamia it was located in the northern part of present-day Iraq. The Assyrians were great conquerors they were famous for their superior weapons and military organization. To the south lay the ancient kingdom of Babylonia, the two kingdoms were constantly at war. Assyrian men wore tunics and sandals most men had long hair and beards. Nineveh, Assur, and Kalhu were the largest cities, most farmers lived in small villages, they grew barley and raised livestock. The buildings of Assyria were usually made of unbaked mud bricks, some of the foundations were made of stone, all the buildings had flat roofs. The early Assyrians decorated their buildings with wall paintings, later, they decorated palace walls with intricately carved slabs of stone. Assyria eventually came under control of the Babylonians, the empire collapsed completely more than 2,500 years ago.

















Missing Commas Name: _________________________________

A. Rewrite each sentence, adding any missing commas. If a sentence needs no commas,

write Correct.

1. We like butter maple syrup and powdered sugar on our pancakes.


2. We enjoyed a long relaxing vacation at the seaside resort.


3. Would you like some fresh green peppers from our garden?


4. Thomas Jefferson James Madison and James Monroe were all Virginians.


5. My sister a senior in college would like to get married buy a house and join a law


B. Write a sentence using each group of words below. Add commas where needed.

1. bluejays robins and sparrows.


2. tall thin dark-haired


3. who will pick up a book and read whenever she can


4. boiling hot


5. cow chicken and stables


Using Commas with Introductory Name: ______________________________

Words And Phrases

A. Write the introductory material in each sentence; follow it with a comma, and write

the word following the comma.

Example: With a determined expression she announced her plan.

Answer: With a determined expression, she

1. Before the next major snowstorm I will buy a jeep.


2. Trimming the front hedges Dad accidentally slipped.


3. In spite of the cool temperature the walk was pleasant.


4. Actually I’ve just completed the story “The One-Egg Cake.”


5. In the beginning of the story Gene has just returned to school.


6. Indeed he had made “a separate peace.”


7. Instead of waiting until tomorrow let us begin at once.


8. As always Grandma listened patiently to all I had to say.


9. Rushing to catch the bus Donald twisted his ankle.


10. After four or five days the boys had become great friends.


B. Rewrite the sentences, adding commas where appropriate. If a sentence needs no

comma, write Correct.

1. In a bold transaction the U.S. bought land from France.


2. From the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains this land spread.


3. Almost doubling the area of the country the land cost $15 million.


4. Finally word came that Spain had ceded the land to France.


5. Napoleon then sold the entire territory to the U.S.


C. In the following paragraph, add in commas where necessary.

In 1725 Peter the Great of Russia sent Vitus Bering to explore the North Pacific.

Oddly enough he wanted to know whether Asia was connected to North America by land.

On his second expedition Bering sighted the Alaskan mainland. After proving that Asia

and North America were not connected Bering returned to Russia. Establishing Russia’s

claim to Alaska a Russian fur trader began the first European settlement there in 1784.


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