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NAPLAN YEAR 5Which exercises can you use to help your students prepare for NAPLAN?LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS1a. The Literacy Planet menu in each year level has Spelling exercises with a variety of games providing the learner with practise in spelling a large variety of words. You can choose words already entered into the program or create your own custom spelling list, then simply apply words to the following spelling programsFor a full list of available spelling exercises click here1b. Grammar and Punctuation exercises are found under each year level and these exercises provide the student with practise in applying the rules of grammar and punctuation in the English language.For a full list of available grammar and punctuation exercises click hereREADING COMPREHENSION2a. The Literacy Planet menu in each year level has Reading Comprehension exercises with a variety of texts providing the learner with practise in applying reading comprehension strategies. 2b. Reading fluency exercises are found under Reading in each year level and these exercises provide the student with practise at reading at a fluent rate with a variety of texts. 2c. For those readers that need to develop their accuracy skills through phonics instruction, there is a comprehensive Phonics program available in the Prep- Year 3 level menus.For a full list of available READING COMPREHENSION exercises click hereHow do these exercises help my students?The language conventions tests assess spelling, grammar and punctuation. Literacy knowledge and skills are essential to effective communication across all learning areas. However, the tools of language, including language conventions, are explicitly developed in the English learning of each state and territory curriculum, and the language conventions tests are underpinned by the?Statements of learning for English?(MCEECDYA 2005). National minimum standards describe some of the skills and understandings students are generally expected to demonstrate at their particular year of schooling. There are two sets of minimum standards for language conventions –?minimum standards for spelling, and?minimum standards for grammar and punctuation. This is because it is not possible to establish a single assessment scale for all these areas. The standards are intended to be a snapshot of typical achievement and do not describe the full range of what students are taught or what they may achieve.The NAPLAN reading tests measure literacy proficiency across the English learning area in line with the?Statements of learning for English?(MCEECDYA 2005).In the Reading tests, students are provided with a magazine containing a range of texts that illustrate different writing styles. Students read the texts provided then answer related questions in a separate booklet.The skills demonstrated in reading are dependent on the complexity and accessibility of the text. Typically students engage with more complex texts as their reading comprehension skills improve. There is a very wide range of reading ability levels at each school year level so the tests start with simple, short texts and get increasingly longer and harder.Types of skills and understandings that students are generally expected to demonstrate at their particular year of schooling are described in the?minimum standards for reading.Why LiteracyPlanet Spelling Exercises are (games) so effective?Similarly to other effective spelling programs like Words Their Way, we know at Literacy Planet that learning to spell is developmental. Our approach to spelling incorporates the development of phonological knowledge; morphemic knowledge and etymological knowledge about words. Our exercises provide students with practise in applying all of the essential skills that they require to become effective spellers. These include segmenting and blending letters phonemically as well as identifying the visual graphic patterns in words for easy recall. (Exercise descriptions below)Our spelling lists have been compiled together beginning with words with similar phonetic principles in the early years. Lists are then compiled to group together words with similar semantic connections including prefixes, suffixes, meaning patterns, homophones and compound words for the middle years. Finally, the lists in the upper levels are grouped together based on their derivations. Therefore, the lists of words compliment the development of spelling (see attached overview). Our program is aligned to the Australian curriculum and specifically correlates to the national minimum standards assessed in NAPLAN.We know that all learners develop at different rates. We understand that providing differentiated learning for students is a complex and demanding task for teachers. By using our teaching matrix, teachers can assign spelling tasks to their students that match their levels of spelling development.However, this is where we can provide schools with benefits that other programs can’t. We provide a paperless, engaging platform for your students to work in. We provide immediate feedback to students and we collate data for you to easily assess and track the progress of your students. Why are the LiteracyPlanet Reading Comprehension Exercises so effective?LiteracyPlanet’s comprehension section is organised into levels from Foundation to Level 9. The overlap in the levels will provide for a wide range of abilities within each year level. Every comprehension exercise available in Foundation and Level One comes with audio support.The content in each level has been graded as closely as possible to Reading Recovery levels, PM Levels, Fountas/Pinnell Levels, DRA levels, Rigby Literacy levels, Lexile and Wings Reading levels.The twelve comprehension strategies covered in the exercises can be categorised into three main areas of reading:READING THE TEXTREADING BETWEEN THE LINESREADING BEYOND THE TEXTMain IdeaFacts and DetailsSequencing Cause and EffectComparing and ContrastingPredicting Words in ContextConclusions and InferencesComparing and Contrasting PredictingWord in ContextConclusions and InferencesHow do LiteracyPlanet exercises for NAPLAN link to The Australian Curriculum?The following tables outline the National minimum standards for Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation that are assessed in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in NAPLAN. You can use this table to match the individual learner needs to the year level that that are operating at, and then choose the appropriate exercises to develop their skills in these areas.Matching LiteracyPlanet SPELLING Exercises to National Minimum StandardsNAPLANYear LevelNational Minimum StandardsAustralian Curriculum Content Descriptors and how to use Literacy Planet Exercises to personalise learning and match learner needs. Year 5In spelling, Year 5 students at the minimum standard generally identify and correct errors in most one- and two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and some less frequently used words with double letters.Students can correct identified errors in:frequently used one-syllable long vowel wordsfrequently used one-syllable words with irregular spelling patternscommon one-syllable verbs with tense markers high frequency two-syllable words.Students can identify and correct errors in:frequently used one-syllable wordshigh frequency compound wordsless frequently used multi-syllable words with double lettersYear 4: The Fluent Reader & WriterLearn to spell words using their knowledge of word families and various letter combinations to spell words. Recognise homophones and their correct spelling. ACELA1779ACELA1780Year 5: The Fluent Reader & WriterLearn to spell words using their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, uncommon plurals and irregular spelling. ACELA1513ACELA1514Year 6: The Independent Reader & WriterLearn to spell words using their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, uncommon plurals and irregular spelling. ACELA1526Matching LiteracyPlanet GRAMMAR Exercises to National Minimum StandardsNAPLANYear LevelNational Minimum StandardsAustralian Curriculum Content Descriptors and how to use Literacy Planet Exercises to personalise learning and match learner needs. Year 5In grammar and punctuation, Year 5 students at the?minimum standard?generally identify common grammatical conventions such as the correct use of conjunctions and verb forms. They typically recognise the correct use of punctuation in written English, such as the use of question marks and speech marks for direct speech.In grammar students can:identify the correct conjunction required to join a pair??of simple sentencesidentify the correct form of the verb required to complete??a sentenceidentify which adverb in a sentence describes how an??action took placeidentify the correct plural pronoun required to complete a sentence.In punctuation students can:identify direct speech that uses capital letters, question marks and speech marks.Year 4: The Fluent Reader & WriterLearn about exclamation marks, complex sentences, subjects, collective nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, commands, statements and questions. ACELA1491ACELA1493ACELA1496Year 5: The Fluent Reader & WriterLearn to spell words using their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, uncommon plurals and irregular spelling. ACELA1513ACELA1514Year 6: The Independent Reader & WriterLearn about subjects, predicates, connectives, synonyms and antonyms.ACELA1434ACELA1506Matching LiteracyPlanet READING Exercises to National Minimum StandardsYear LevelNational Minimum StandardsHow to use Literacy Planet Exercises to personalise learning and match learner needsMatch learner needs to year level. Is the learner working below, above or at year level?Develop reading comprehension skills Develop reading accuracy skills (for readers struggling with reading fluency)Comprehension ExercisesReading FluencyReading Exercises and E-booksPhonics ExercisesPhonological Awareness Exercises5When reading short narratives, information texts, biographies and persuasive texts students can:locate directly stated informationconnect and interpret ideasrecognise the relationship between text and illustrationsinterpret the nature, behaviour and motivation of charactersconnect ideas to identify cause and effectidentify the main purpose for the inclusion of specific information, diagrams and illustrationsidentify the meaning of a phrase in contextinfer the main idea of a paragraph.identify the main purpose of the textmake inferences about the impact of an event on the narratorinterpret an idiomatic phrase or the meaning of a simple figurative expression.identify the main idea of a paragraph or the main message of the text. Year 4The FluentReader & WriterRead texts such as short stories, historical, information and scientific reports biographies, myths and instructions Answer questions with a focus on the comprehension strategies; main idea; facts and details; sequencing; author’s purpose; figurative language; cause and effect; comparing and contrasting; inferring and drawing conclusions.ACELA1489; ACELA1490; ACELY1692Read texts such as short stories, newspaper articles, novel extracts, historical and scientific reports autobiographies, poetry and discussions. Answer questions with a focus on the comprehension strategies; main idea; facts and details; sequencing; author’s purpose; figurative language; cause and effect; comparing and contrasting; inferring and drawing conclusions.ACELA1501; ACELA1502; ACELA1504; ACELY1702; ACELY1703; ACELY1797The learner will listen to a model of fluent reading of texts repeatedly and then re-read the texts independently using text processing strategies to increase their reading rate. ACELY1691ACELY1793The learner will listen to a model of fluent reading of texts repeatedly and then re-read the texts independently using text processing strategies to increase their reading rate. ACELY1702Spelling Exercises – Appendix 1Spelling ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise descriptionAlphabetical Word MonsterreadingdecodinggraphiccategorisingSelect the words in the correct alphabetical order Word OrderreadingdecodinggraphiccategorisingSelect the words in the correct alphabetical order Static Wordsreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the written word that matches the spoken word.Word Snapreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the pairs of written words Floating Wordsreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the written word that matches the spoken word Word Finderreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the written words in a word find puzzle Sentence Jumblereadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Listen to the spoken words and organise the corresponding written words into the correct word order. Word Builder 1writingencodinggraphicblendingBuild the correct word by choosing the correct grapheme and position to spell wordsWord Builder 2writingencodingphonemicblendingBuild the correct word by choosing the grapheme from the keyboard and typing it to spell words.Spell This WordwritingencodingphonemicsegmentingListen to the spoken word, segment the phonemes and choose the correct graphemes from the keyboard to spell the words DictationwritingencodingphonemicsegmentingListen to the spoken word, segment the words and choose the correct graphemes from the keyboard to spell the words and reproduce the spoken sentencesFlash Cardwritingencodingword recognitionPractise spelling the words from visual memory using the Look, cover, write, check strategyMemory Gamereadingfluencygraphicword recognitionGame- identify the pairs of written words from memory JigsawwritingencodingphonemicblendingBuild the correct word by choosing the correct pairs of grapheme to spell words Grammar and Punctuation Exercises – Appendix 2Grammar/Punctuation ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working above the expected YEAR 3, or below the expected YEAR 5 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesSubstituting Contractions in Sentenceswritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select a contraction that matches its meaning in the sentenceYear 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesIdentifying Singular and Plural Contractionswritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select singular or plural for the word containing the apostrophe Year 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesSelecting Contractions in Sentences - 1writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select a word that uses an apostrophe in the correct place to complete the sentence Year 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesSelecting Contractions in Sentences - 2writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select a word that uses an apostrophe in the correct place to complete the sentence Year 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesCorrect Use of an Apostrophe in a Sentencewritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Read the sentence and decide if the apostrophe has been used correctlyYear 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesIdentifying Apostrophes as a Contraction or in Possessive Casewritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Read the sentence and decide if the apostrophe is an example of a contraction or the possessive case Year 4grammarPunctuationApostrophesCorrect Use of Apostrophes in Sentences - 3writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select a word that uses an apostrophe in the correct place to complete the sentence Year 4grammarNouns (Participants)Compound wordsSeparating Compound Nounswritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitioncompound nounsSeparate the compound noun in to two wordsYear 4grammarNouns (Participants)Collective NounsPeople and Thingswritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitioncollective nounsSelect a collective noun to complete the sentenceYear 4grammarUnderstanding SentencesParts of SpeechIdentifying Parts of Speech - 1writinggrammarparts of speech??Highlight verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives in a sentenceYear 4grammarUnderstanding SentencesParts of SpeechIdentifying Parts of Speech - 2writinggrammarparts of speech??Highlight verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives in a sentenceYear 4grammarUnderstanding SentencesWhat is a sentence?Punctuating Sentenceswritingpunctuationgraphiccapital lettersend punctuationType the capital letters and end punctuation in the sentenceYear 4grammarKinds of SentencesDeclarativesWords to Begin a Declarativewritinggrammarsentencesdeclarative?Decide whether the word can be used as a declarative Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesDeclarativesMaking Declaratives - 1writinggrammarsentencesdeclarative?Create a declarative sentence using all the words on the screenYear 4grammarKinds of SentencesDeclarativesMaking Declaratives - 2writinggrammarsentencesdeclarative?Create a declarative sentence using all the words on the screenYear 4grammarKinds of SentencesDeclarativesIdentifying Declaratives - 1writinggrammarsentencesdeclarative?Decide if the sentence is a declarative Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesDeclarativesIdentifying Declaratives - 2writinggrammarsentencesimperatives?Decide if the sentence is a declarative Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesImperativesIdentify the Imperativewritinggrammarsentencesimperatives?Identify the imperative sentences Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesImperativesIdentifying Imperativeswritinggrammarsentencesimperatives?Identify the imperative sentences Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesInterrogativesIdentify the Interrogativewritinggrammarsentencesinterrogatives?Identify the interrogative sentences Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesInterrogativesIdentifying Interrogativeswritinggrammarsentencesinterrogatives?Identify the interrogative sentences Year 4grammarKinds of SentencesExclamatoryCreating Exclamatories - 1writinggrammarsentencesexclamatory?Create a exclamatory sentence using all the words on the screenYear 4grammarKinds of SentencesExclamatoryCreating Exclamatories - 2writinggrammarsentencesexclamatory?Create a exclamatory sentence using all the words on the screenYear 4grammarKinds of SentencesExclamatorySpot the Exclamatorywritinggrammarsentencesexclamatory?Select the exclamatory sentenceYear 4grammarSentences BeginningsVerbs (Process)Sentence Jumble - 1writinggrammarparts of speechverbs (process)?Unjumble the sentence, making sure the sentence starts with a verbYear 4grammarSentences BeginningsVerbs (Process)Sentence Jumble - 2writinggrammarparts of speechverbs (process)?Unjumble the sentence, making sure the sentence starts with a verbYear 4grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Sentence Jumble - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)?Unjumble the sentence, making sure the sentence starts with an adjectiveYear 4grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Sentence Jumble - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)?Unjumble the sentence, making sure the sentence starts with an adjectiveYear 4grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Adverb Match - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadverbs (circumstance)?Choose an adverb to complete the sentenceYear 4grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Adverb Match - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadverbs (circumstance)?Choose an adverb to complete the sentenceYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesSimple SentencesIdentifying Simple Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencessimple sentences?Identify the simple sentenceYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesSimple SentencesSentence Jumblewritinggrammarsentencessimple sentences?Create a simple sentenceYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesFinding Joining Wordswritinggrammarsentencescompound sentences?Find joining words in a sentenceYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesJoking Aroundwritinggrammarsentencescompound sentences?Creating compound sentencesYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesSubordinating Conjunctions - 1writinggrammarsentencescomplex sentences?Identifying subordinating conjunctions in complex sentencesYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesSubordinating Conjunctions - 2writinggrammarsentencescomplex sentences?Identifying subordinating conjunctions in complex sentencesYear 4grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesIdentifying Complex Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencescomplex sentences?Select the complex sentenceYear 4grammarParts of a Sentence?Identifying the Subjectwritinggrammarsentencessubject?Identifying simple subjects in a sentenceYear 4grammarText Connectives?Cause and Effect Connectiveswritinggrammarsentencestext connectives?Identifying cause and effect connectivesYear 4grammarParagraphs in Narratives?Identifying Beginning and Ending Sentences of Narrativeswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentences?Identifying beginning and ending sentences in a storyGrammar/Punctuation ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working at the expected YEAR 5 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 5grammarPunctuationApostrophesCorrect Use of Apostrophes in Sentences - 1writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select a word that uses an apostrophe in the correct place to complete the sentenceYear 5grammarPunctuationApostrophesCorrect Use of Apostrophes in Sentences - 2writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select a word that uses an apostrophe in the correct place to complete the sentenceYear 5grammarPunctuationApostrophesIdentifying Singular and Plural Possessive Case - 1writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Select the correct use of the word in the possessive case to complete the sentenceYear 5grammarPunctuationApostrophesIdentifying Singular and Plural Possessive Case - 2writingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Identify if the apostrophe used is in the singular or plural formYear 5grammarPunctuationApostrophesIdentifying Contractionswritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marks?Unjumbling letters to form contractionsYear 5grammarNouns (Participants)Compound WordsUnscrambling Compound Nounswritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitioncompound nounsCreating compound words Year 5grammarNouns (Participants)Compound WordsIdentifying Compound Nounswritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitioncompound nounsIdentifying compound wordsYear 5grammarNouns (Participants)Collective NounsCollective Nouns Jumblewritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitioncollective nounsCreating collective noun phrasesYear 5grammarNouns (Participants)Abstract NounsIdentifying Abstract Nouns - 1writingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitionabstract nounsIdentifying abstract nounsYear 5grammarNouns (Participants)Abstract NounsIdentifying Abstract Nouns - 2writingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitionabstract nounsIdentifying abstract nounsYear 5grammarDemonstrative Pronouns?Pronouns Referring to Nouns Outside the Text - 1writingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitionpronounsSelecting the correct pronouns to create a sentenceYear 5grammarDemonstrative Pronouns?Pronouns Referring to Implied Nouns - 2writingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitionpronounsIdentifying singular and plural pronounsYear 5grammarUnderstanding Sentences?Identifying Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencesimperatives?Knowing what a sentence looks likeYear 5grammarKinds of SentencesImperativesCreating Imperatives - 1writinggrammarsentencesimperatives?Creating imperative sentencesYear 5grammarKinds of SentencesImperativesCreating Imperatives - 2writinggrammarsentencesimperatives?Putting words in order to create imperative sentencesYear 5grammarKinds of SentencesInterrogativesRiddle Timewritinggrammarsentencesinterrogatives?Decoding interrogative riddles Year 5grammarKinds of SentencesInterrogativesInterrogative Orderwritinggrammarsentencesinterrogatives?Identifying interrogative sentencesYear 5grammarKinds of SentencesExclamatoryExclamatory Punctuationwritingpunctuationgraphicexclamation marks?Enter missing punctuation in an exclamatory sentenceYear 5grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Identifying Sentences - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)?Identifying sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 5grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Identifying Sentences - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)?Identifying sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 5grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Identifying Sentences - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadverbs (circumstance)?Identifying sentences that begin with an adverbYear 5grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Identifying Sentences - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadverbs (circumstance)?Identifying sentences that begin with an adverbYear 5grammarTypes of SentencesRevisionIdentifying Typeswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentences?Revising types of sentencesYear 5grammarTypes of SentencesRevisionPunctuating Sentenceswritingpunctuationgraphicexclamation marks?Revising how to punctuate different types of sentencesYear 5grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesIdentifying Compound Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencescompound sentencesIdentifying compound sentencesYear 5grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesClauses in Complex Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencesclauses in compound sentencesSelecting dependent/subordinate and independent/subordinate clauses in a complex sentenceYear 5grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesConnecting Complex Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencessubordinating conjunctions in complex sentencesUsing subordinate conjunctions to form a complex sentenceYear 5grammarParts of a Sentence?Select the Predicatewritinggrammarsentencessubjects and predicates?Finding predicates in a sentenceYear 5grammarParts of a Sentence?Missing Partswritinggrammarsentencessubjects and predicates?Finding missing subjects or predicates in a sentenceYear 5grammarParts of a Sentence?Subject and Predicate Matchwritinggrammarsentencessubjects and predicates?Matching subjects with appropriate predicates to make a sentenceYear 5grammarText Connectives?Cause and Effect Connectives in Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencestext connectivescause and effect (CE)Selecting cause and effect connectives to complete a sentenceYear 5grammarText Connectives?Compare and Contrast Connectiveswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencestext connectives - comparing and contrastingIdentifying compare and contract connectives Year 5grammarText Connectives?Comparison Connectiveswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencestext connectives - comparingIdentifying comparative connectives in a sentence to show similarityYear 5grammarText Connectives?Contrast Connectiveswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencestext connectives - contrastingIdentifying contrasting connectives in a sentence to show differenceYear 5grammarWord Associations?Related Synonymswritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitionsynonymsSelecting synonyms for words in a sentenceYear 5grammarWord Associations?Antonym Analogieswritingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitionantonymsSelecting antonyms to complete an analogy sentenceYear 5grammarWord Associations?Collocation - 1writingvocabularyparts of speechword recognitioncollocationsSelecting words to complete a collocation Grammar/Punctuation ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working above the expected YEAR 5 level or below the expected YEAR 7 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 6grammarPunctuationApostrophesSelecting Contractionswritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marksMatching words to their contractionsYear 6grammarPunctuationApostrophesInserting Contractions in Sentenceswritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marksInserting suitable contractions in to a sentence correctlyYear 6grammarPunctuationApostrophesCorrect Use of an Apostrophe in a Sentencewritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marksIdentifying the correct use of an apostropheYear 6grammarPunctuationApostrophesLocating Apostropheswritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marksUsing apostrophes in a sentence correctlyYear 6grammarPunctuationApostrophesIdentifying the Correct Use of the Apostrophewritingpunctuationgraphicapostrophe marksRe-arranging sentences to use apostrophesYear 6grammarUnderstanding Sentences?Identifying Sentenceswritinggrammarsentences?Identifying sentencesYear 6grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Sentence Jumble - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)Re-arranging sentences so they start with an adjectiveYear 6grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Sentence Jumble - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)Re-arranging sentences so they start with an adjectiveYear 6grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Sentence Jumble - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadverbs (circumstance)Re-arranging sentences so they start with an adverbYear 6grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Sentence Jumble - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadverbs (circumstance)Re-arranging sentences so they start with an adverbYear 6grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesCoordinating Conjunctionswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencesSelecting co-ordinating conjunctions to create a compound sentenceYear 6grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesSimple to Complexwritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencesTurning simple sentences in to complex sentences using dependent/subordinate clausesYear 6grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesComplex Sentence Structure Variationwritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencesUsing independent and dependent clauses to make sentencesYear 6grammarTypes of SentencesComplex-Compound SentencesIdentifying Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencestypes of sentencesIdentifying complex-compound sentencesYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceSubject and PredicateIdentifying the Simple Subjectwritinggrammarsentencessubjects and predicatesIdentifying the simple subject of a sentenceYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceTheme and RhemeIdentify the Theme - 1writinggrammarsentencesThemeIdentifying theme in a sentenceYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceTheme and RhemeIdentify the Theme - 2writinggrammarsentencesThemeIdentifying theme in a sentenceYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceDirect and Indirect ObjectIdentify the Direct Objectwritinggrammarsentences?Identifying the direct objects of a sentenceYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceDirect and Indirect ObjectIdentify the Indirect Objectwritinggrammarsentences?Identifying the indirect objects of a sentenceYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceTransitive/Intransitive VerbsTransitive Verbswritinggrammarsentences?Identifying transitive verbs of a sentenceYear 6grammarParts of a SentenceTransitive/Intransitive VerbsIntransitive Verbswritinggrammarsentences?Identifying the intransitive verbs of a sentenceYear 6grammarWord AssociationsAnalogies and Word Associations?readingvocabularysentencesword associationsSelecting the correct word to complete an analogy sentenceReading Comprehension Exercises – Appendix 3Reading Comprehension ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working above the expected YEAR 3 level or below the expected YEAR 5 level, should attempt the following exercises:Year 4Reading Comprehension After listening to text being read, answer comprehension questions PM levels 28 - IndependentTopicTitleComprehension Strategies CoveredText TypeGenreCreaturesZany ZebrasMain Idea (MI)Predicting (P)Author's Purpose (AP)Compare And Contrast (CC)Facts And Details (FD)Conclusions & Inferences (CI)Words In Context (WC)Sequencing (S)Fact & Opinion (FO)Cause And Effect (CE)ReportInformation ReportCreaturesThe Goliath Bird-Eating Spider - Part 1NarrativeShort StoryCreaturesThe Goliath Bird-Eating Spider - Part 2ReportInformation ReportDisastersRecipe for DisasterReportInformation ReportDisastersMushrooms - Part 1RecountStoryDisastersMushrooms - Part 2NarrativeShort StoryDisastersStuck on the RocksRecountStoryDisastersWormy SpaghettiNarrativeShort StoryDisastersKrakatoaRecountBiographyDiscoveriesCoca-ColaReportInformation ReportDiscoveriesThe First NeedleNarrativeLegendDiscoveriesThe First Balloon FlightNarrativeLegendMysteriesThe Key - Part 1NarrativeLegendMysteriesThe Key - Part 2RecountBiographyPeoplePele the HeroNarrativeFolk TalePeopleElvis PresleyRecountBiographyPeopleJane GoodallNarrativeShort StoryPeopleNim's IslandNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleNim's Island - A storm is comingNarrativeNovel ExtractBizarreBalloon TwinsNarrativeShort StoryBizarreElephantsNarrativeShort StoryBizarreThe Gorgan - Part 1NarrativeShort StoryBizarreThe Gorgan - Part 2NarrativeShort StorySportSnappy SwimmingExplanationMagazine ArticleSportIns and Outs of Cricket - Part 1ExplanationEssaySportIns and Outs of Cricket - Part 2ProcedureInstructionsMiscellaneousOwlsRecountStoryMiscellaneousThe BiroExposition Opinionative EssayMiscellaneousWhy Do We Have Skin?ReportInformation ReportReading Comprehension ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working at the expected YEAR 5 level, should attempt the following exercises:Year 5Reading Comprehension After listening to text being read, answer comprehension questions PM levels 28 - IndependentTopicTitleComprehension Strategies CoveredText TypeGenreCreaturesThe MoleMain Idea (MI)Predicting (P)Author's Purpose (AP)Compare And Contrast (CC)Facts And Details (FD)Conclusions & Inferences (CI)Words In Context (WC)Sequencing (S)Fact & Opinion (FO)Cause And Effect (CE)DescriptionShort StoryCreaturesThe Loch Ness MonsterReportInformation ReportCreaturesDeep Sea DragonfishReportInformation ReportCreaturesWhale SharksReportInformation ReportDisastersWheel AwayNarrativeShort StoryDisastersA Day To RememberNarrativeShort StoryDisastersThe 1976 Tangshan EarthquakeReportInformation ReportDiscoveriesThe Discovery of Blackie - Part 1NarrativeShort StoryDiscoveriesThe Discovery of Blackie - Part 2NarrativeShort StoryDiscoveriesGlassReportInformation ReportDiscoveriesFire Is DiscoveredReportInformation ReportDiscoveriesClay ArmyReportHistorical ReportDiscoveriesCryptography ReportInformation ReportMysteriesBeware the Midas TouchNarrativeMythMysteriesMothmanReportInformation ReportMysteriesThe Mary CelesteReportInformation ReportPeopleSusiePoetryNarrative PoemPeopleVanishedNarrativeShort StoryPeopleFloat Like a Butterfly; Sting Like A BeeRecountBiographyPeopleMarie Antoinette RecountBiographyPeopleThe Grimstones 4: Music SchoolNarrativeNovel ExtractBizarreTransformed or TransferredNarrativeShort StoryBizarreStepping Up in the World NarrativeShort StoryBizarreWalking in CirclesReportScientific ReportSportMarcy Takes the Shot NarrativeShort StorySportThe Fosbury FlopReportSport ReportSportFormula One RacingReportSport ReportSportThe Mounted Archers of JapanReportSport ReportSportLawn BowlsReportSport ReportMiscellaneousThe First MacDonald'sRecountBiographyMiscellaneousQueenstownReportTravel ReportMiscellaneousVisiting Queenstown's High Country RecountJournal EntryMiscellaneousThe Great Blue HoleReportInformation ReportReading Comprehension ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working above the expected YEAR 5 level or below the expected YEAR 7 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 6Reading Comprehension After listening to text being read, answer comprehension questionsTopicTitleComprehension Strategies CoveredText TypeGenreCreaturesKenyan Mountain GorillasMain Idea (MI)Predicting (P)Author's Purpose (AP)Compare And Contrast (CC)Facts And Details (FD)Conclusions & Inferences (CI)Words In Context (WC)Sequencing (S)Fact & Opinion (FO)Cause And Effect (CE)NarrativeShort StoryCreaturesThe World's First Diving BellReportInformation ReportDisastersBuried AliveArticleNewspaper ArticleDisastersOut of ControlReportInformation ReportDisastersThat Fateful DayNarrativeNovel ExtractDisastersThe StadiumNarrativeNovel ExtractDisastersDear MenziesNarrativeNovel ExtractDiscoveriesThe Germ Killer - Part 1RecountBiographyDiscoveriesThe Germ Killer - Part 2RecountBiographyDiscoveriesBrailleReportInformation ReportDiscoveriesSir Douglas MawsonRecountAutobiographical SpeechMysteriesThe Man in the MaskRecountBiographyMysteriesThe Burnt Tree that Saved LivesReportInformation ReportMysteriesMysterious ArchitectReportInformation ReportMysteriesHigh Crime in Milk BayNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleGenghis KhanRecountBiographyPeopleWolfgang MozartRecountBiographyPeopleAmelia Earhardt - Part 1RecountBiographyPeopleAmelia Earhardt - Part 2RecountBiographyPeopleMrs PratchettRecountAutobiographical ExtractPeopleMonsieur ShepardNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleThe Diary of a Young Girl - Part 1RecountAutobiographyPeopleThe Diary of a Young Girl - Part 2RecountAutobiographyBizarreShopping TrolleysReportInformation ReportBizarreFed UpExpositionLetter to EditorBizarreMadame GuillotineReportHistorical ReportBizarreAdvice from a CaterpillarNarrativeNovel ExtractBizarreI'm Addicted to TVPoetryFree VerseBizarreHobbitsDescriptionNovel ExtractSportThe Father of SurfingReportHistorical BiographySportPipe Dream No MoreReportNewspaper ArticleSportMountaineeringReportSports ReportMiscellaneousThe Wannabe Knight - Part 1NarrativeFolk TaleMiscellaneousThe Wannabe Knight - Part 2NarrativeFolk TaleMiscellaneousThe WindmillPoetryNarrative PoetryMiscellaneousSurvivors of GreatnessReportInformation ReportMiscellaneousHigh Crime in Milk BayResponseBook ReviewMiscellaneousThe Second TaleNarrativeNovel Extract ................

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