Topic: The Individual and the Group

Content: Social Identity Theory

• Social _______ Theory = refers to the way someone thinks about _________ and __________ themselves in relations to groups. SIT assumes that a person’s sense of who they are is based on their _________________ of social groups.

➢ In-group vs _______-group

✓ Refers to groups with which an individual identifies (in-group) or does not identity with (out-group)

• SIT = based upon the following ____________ assumptions

➢ Individuals strive to maintain or __________ their self-esteem (positive self-concept)

➢ Membership to social groups can have both ______ and negative associations

➢ An individual will assess the value of ____ or ____ in-group (us) membership via a process of social comparison with an out-group (them)

Key Researcher of Psychology

Henry Tajfel et al 1971 (SIT) = aimed to demonstrate that when individuals are allocated to groups based on minimal characteristics- merely belonging to an in-group or an out-group – it is possible to create ______________ despite there being no existing prejudice.

Class Activity:

Identify examples related to Tajfel’s aim:

Psychological Research (pg. 242)

Tajfel et al 1961 (Social Identity Theory) Study #1

1. Describe (Aim, Method, Procedure, Results, Conclusions, Evaluate)

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Psychological Research (pg. 243)

Tajfel et al 1961 (Social Identity Theory) Study #2

1. Describe (Aim, Method, Procedure, Results, Conclusions, Evaluate)

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