IDSA Emerging Infections Network

IDSA Emerging Infections Network

Report for MRSA Skin and Soft Tissue Infection Query

Overall response rate: 486/1016 (47.8%) physicians responded

358 physicians with adult ID practices

110 physicians with pediatric ID practices

18 physicians responded by indicating they did not see (or did not treat) MRSA SSTI and were unable to answer

Numbers for some questions may add to less than 110 because not all respondents answered all questions.

Pediatric Survey Responders (N=110):

Of patient-care time, percent spent providing inpatient care:

Mean 65.1% (SD 28.1)

Median 75%

Mode 80%

Range 5 (N=2) to 100% (N=4)

Of patient-care time, percent spent providing outpatient care:

Mean 31.0% (SD 26.9)

Median 25%

Mode 10% and 20%

Range 0 (N=5) to 95% (N=2)

Are you seeing more MRSA SSTI in the past 12 months compared with the previous year?

Many fewer cases 0

Somewhat fewer 1 (0.9)

About the same 24 (21.8)

Somewhat more 51 (46.4)

Many more 34 (30.9)

Are you seeing more MRSA SSTI in the past 12 months compared with 2003?

Many fewer cases 1 (0.9)

Somewhat fewer 0

About the same 3 (2.7)

Somewhat more 28 (25.5)

Many more 78 (70.9)

What percentage of your ‘curbside consults’ now involve MRSA SSTI?

Mean 19.7% (SD 14.3), range 0-70%

Is there a predominant body site(s) at which you are seeing MRSA SSTI?

No 50 (45.5)

Yes 60 (54.5) Buttocks/diaper area/perineum 40

Lower extremities 15

Axilla or abdomen 2

Other (e.g., skin) 3

Are you seeing more MRSA SSTI in the following specific groups? No (%)

Yes No N/A

Neonates 58 (53) 46 (42) 5 (5)

Children in daycare 63 (59) 41 (38) 3 (3)

Sports participants 61 (57) 41 (39) 4 (4)

Household contact with MRSA 94 (85) 16 (15) 0

Healthy children 95 (86) 6 (6) 9 (8)

Other groups:

Skin conditions (eczema, atopic dermatitis) 5

Adolescents/young adults 6

Infants/toddlers 3

Prison exposure/parent incarcerated 2

[(N=1) HIV-infected adolescents, household contact with DM, skin wounds, teens with bath gel, adolescents who shave body hair, cystic fibrosis, healthy elementary school-age, secondhand cigarette exposure and poor hygiene]

How many cases have you seen in the last 3 months in the following age groups? Mean (range)

Cases No. requiring drainage by a surgeon

Neonates 1.7 (0-10) 0.7 (0-8)

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