IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language test.

Everything you need to know about IELTS is summed up below.

Enjoy. Sylvie VASLIN. 2015, January.

Information taken from:

More than 8,000 organizations worldwide accept IELTS, including government, academic and employment institutions. IELTS is the only English language test accepted for immigration purposes by all countries that require one.

Check who may require the Test here:


• BRITISH COUNCIL : In Tunisia : ONE session each month. When you feel you are ready to take the test, you need to register with British Council. You will need to pay the test fee when you register

• Easy booking: You can book your IELTS test online.

• Fast results: online / 13 days. You will receive only 1 copy of the Test Report Form. keep it safe : no other Forms can be issued. !!!!

Test Report Form validity= 2 years

Your Test Report Form reports a score for each of the four skills (listening, reading,

writing and speaking), as well as an overall band score.

Half band scores may be awarded to indicate a strong performance within a particular band. Score processing : researchers/score_processing_and_reporting.aspx


From 0 to 9: 5/Modest, 6/competent, 7/good, 8/very good, 9/expert.

Many schools require a 7.

Familiarize yourself with the format of the test HERE: teachers.aspx

Find samples of IELTS test material HERE :


learning-ielts.htm exams/academic-english/ielts.html


In less than 3 hours, you will be able to assess all your English skills in The Academic module for candidates wishing to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels, and for those seeking professional registration.

4 PARTS= Listening, Academic reading, Academic writing, and Speaking (a face-to-face conversation to assess your English language communication skills). 




LISTENING / 4 parts/ 30 minutes (+ 10 minutes’ transfer time) / 40 questions (multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labelling, form completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, summary completion, sentence completion, short-answer questions) / Each section is heard once only / in a variety of voices and native-speaker accents. Time to read the questions first. Write your answer on the question paper when listening . + 10 minutes to TRANSFER your answers on the ANSWER SHEET IN PENCIL. + respect the WORD LIMIT (2 words IS NOT 3 words!). + Write the exact word you hear! + mind the spelling and grammar!

Skills assessed: understanding main ideas; specific factual information; opinions, attitudes and purpose of a speaker; following the development of an argument

Marking: 1 mark per each correct answer / out of 40 => converted to the IELTS 9-band scale. Scores are reported in whole and half bands

Section 1: a conversation between two people set in an everyday social context (ex: a conversation in an accommodation agency)

Section 2: a monologue set in an everyday social context (ex: a speech about local facilities or a talk about the arrangements for meals during a conference)

Section 3: A conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context (ex: a university tutor and a student discussing an assignment, or a group of students planning a research project)

Section 4: a monologue on an academic subject (e.g. a university lecture)

READING / 60 minutes / text length : 2,150-2,750 words / 3 parts / Each part contains 1 long authentic descriptive, or factual, or discursive, or analytical text (from books, journals, magazines, newspapers). + added diagrams, graphs or illustrations. Written for a non-specialist audience; topics of general interest.

40 questions :multiple choice, identifying information (True/False/Not Given), identifying writer’s views/claims (Yes/No/Not Given), matching information, matching headings, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, diagram label completion, short-answer questions. You may write DIRECTLY on the Answer Sheet IN PENCIL as NO EXTRA TIME is given!!! + Write the exact word found in the text + mind the spelling and grammar!

Skills assessed: reading for gist; for main ideas; for detail; understanding inferences and implied meaning; recognizing a writer’s opinions, attitudes and purpose; and following the development of an argument

Marking: 1 mark per correct answer out of 40 => converted to the IELTS 9-band scale.

WRITING in formal English: 2 tasks / 60 minutes: Skills assessed in both tasks: ability to write an appropriate response (content, organisation of ideas, accuracy, range of vocabulary and grammar). issues of general interest to, suitable for and easily understood by candidates entering undergraduate or postgraduate studies or seeking professional registration.

Marking: 4 criteria of the IELTS Writing Test Band Descriptors (task achievement/response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy). researchers/score_processing_and_reporting.aspx

Full sentences (no notes!), mind spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Task 1: coeff 1. 150 words min. ABOUT 20 minutes / A graph, table, chart or diagram = describe, summarise or explain the information in their own words . Assessed skills: ability to organize, present and compare data; a process or procedure; an object or event or sequence of events; explain how something works.

Task 2:coeff 2: 250 words min. ABOUT 40 minutes / write an essay in pencil or pen.Assessed skills: ability to present a solution to a problem; to present and justify an opinion; to compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications; to evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument.

SPEAKING / 11-14 minutes / 3 parts: a 3-part face-to-face oral interview with an examiner. The Speaking test is recorded.

Skills assessed: ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences and situations (with Q/A); ability to speak at length on a given topic using appropriate language and organizing ideas coherently; ability to express and justify opinions, to analyze, discuss and speculate about issues

Marking: 4 criteria : fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation). researchers/score_processing_and_reporting.aspx.

Part 1 Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes)

The examiner introduces him/herself + asks the candidate to introduce him/herself and confirm his/her identity; + general questions on familiar topics (home, family, work, studies and interests…)

Part 2 Individual long turn (3-4 minutes)

The examiner gives the candidate a task card to talk about a particular topic + includes points the candidate can cover in their talk.

- 1 minute to prepare (given a pencil and paper to make notes).

- 1-2 minute talk on the topic.

- one or two questions on the same topic

Part 3 Two-way discussion (4-5 minutes)

Further questions connected to the topic of Part 2 = opportunity to discuss more abstract issues and ideas.

Sylvie Vaslin / 2015, January.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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