How to Be a Better Deacon

[Pages:2]How to Be a Better Deacon

TEXT: "For they that have served well as deacons gain to themselves a good standing, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 3:13).

INTRODUCTION Jesus said, "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant" (Matthew 23:11). The Holy Spirit took that word servant and applied it to a special group of men whom we call deacons. Far from being a lesser office, one of minor importance, the deaconship is a work that will make or break a congregation. It is not even remotely possible to build a growing church without having a dynamic group of deacons doing the work God meant for them to do. It may well be the case that churches grow because someone other than those wearing the name "deacon" do the work of the deacon, but someone must do that work for a church to grow over the long haul.

I. THE NEED FOR DEACONS The apostles were good men, doing their best and working as hard as they could. But they were doing all the work themselves. A lack of servants produced grumbling in the church (Acts 6:1). Anytime grumbling starts in the church, check to see if enough work is being delegated to others. The apostles were being spread too thin. They needed help. It was not right for them to leave the Word of God to serve tables. The work of serving tables was important, but when the teaching of the Word is left to serve the members, the Great Commission is dead. What was the solution? The apostles said, "You, the congregation, choose seven men whom we may appoint over this business." The apostles did not do the choosing in a back room somewhere, but told them how many were needed, what the job was, what the standards were for picking them, and allowed the people to do the choosing. Deacons are not supposed to be the elders' choice but the congregation's choice.

When servants were appointed the complaining stopped, teaching started again, and people began again to be reached (Acts 6:5). A fussing membership is never conducive to converting the world.

II. THE QUALIFICATIONS OF DEACONS A deacon is to be a man of good reputation or

respected. He is to be full of the Spirit. This is supposed to be demonstrated by his fruit (Galatians 5:21-23). He is to be full of wisdom or good judgment. One place to test this is in his family. He is one who can be put in charge of a task. Some good men cannot lead, cannot take charge. They do not need to be deacons. Deacons are not just to do the work, but they are to involve members in the work. Everyone is to have a part. Elders must let them take charge of works.

III. THE WORK OF DEACONS Good deacons work hard. They will eventually outgrow assigned tasks. Serving tables was not enough for Stephen. He went out to teach others. It was not enough for Philip. He went to Samaria to preach. The diaconate is not to stifle a man. It is to help him grow. The work of a deacon is often a training ground for the eldership. Does one do a good job in charge of a task as a deacon? Can his interest be lifted to total work? If one cannot serve well as a deacon, he will not serve well as a bishop. The work of a deacon is also a training ground for the evangelist. Both Stephen and Philip became great evangelists. If all the work around deaconing were just physical and material, this would not happen. Good deacons do not wait to be asked to do some other work. They plan. They have ideas. They develop them. They ask for permission to carry them out. Deacons should exemplify fervency of spirit. Enthusiasm is derived from a word meaning "to


kick up the dust by haste." A deacon who looks and acts like death warmed over is a contradiction of terms. The challenge and work then of being a deacon is to grow, lead, bring unity to the church, make it easy for pastors to oversee and evangelists to preach, and demonstrate enthusiasm.

CONCLUSION We will have more dynamic, growing churches as soon as we have more qualified deacons. The office of a deacon is ordained of God.

--Leon Barnes

?Copyright, 1985, 2004 by Truth for Today ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



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