

NOV 2015 – APR 2016 REPORT


Brothers and Sisters,

This report represents my activities as UNDE Executive Vice President from November 2015 to April 2016.

Nov 2 Travel to Edmonton Local 902 & 905 AGMs

Nov 3 Cold Lake Local 903 AGM

Nov 4 Wainwright Local 908 AGM

Nov 5 Suffield DRDC Local 907 AGM

Nov 6 Suffield Local 910 & 911 AGMs

Nov 9 Travel to Yellowknife

Nov 10 Yellowknife Local 1201 AGM

Nov 11 Travel to Ottawa


Nov 16 Moose Jaw Local 40802 AGM

Nov 17 Moose Jaw Aramark/Sodexo Local 40800 & 40807 AGMs

Nov 18 Snow day in Moose Jaw

Nov 19 Winnipeg 705 AGM

Nov 20 Travel to IFEBP conference

Nov 22 – 27 IFEBP Conference

Nov 30 – Dec 4 Annual Leave

Dec 5 HR Sub Committee UMCC


Jan 12 - 14 UNDE/PSAC Investigation Training

Jan 13 Andrew Leslie (Liberal Party Whip) meeting

Jan 18 NBoD Collective Bargaining committee meeting

Jan 25 Transformation of Pay Administration meeting

Jan 27 Lansdowne/Interserve meeting

Jan 28 Minister PWGSC Foote meeting

Feb 2 50th Anniversary committee meeting

Feb 3 Performance review of Pension Investment

Feb 5 All Teams Bargaining meeting

Feb 29 DND Director of Policy, James Cudmore meeting

Mar 3 DND Union Leadership meeting

Mar 6 HR Sub Committee UMCC

Mar 9 National Executive Teleconference

Mar 16 UNDE/AEU Collective Agreement ratified

Mar 31 Broadbent Progress Summit


COMTRA – We have a number of initiatives underway including:

• The Local Presidents Conference agenda has been organized with input from the LPC planning committee. I would like to thank Sister Colleen Girard who volunteered to Chair the 2016 LPC planning committee and to the rest of the committee members for all of their efforts and thank the staff for accommodating them in an effort to make this a very successful conference.

• Regional Training is ongoing, if you would like to have training in your region please do not hesitate to request assistance. Sandra is available to secure contract with hotels, equipment, etc. Kim will put to kits together and have them sent to the location of your choosing and Amanda will ensure the advances are available and the claims are paid (with appropriate advance notice). Please ensure you advise my office when you request staff attendance so that I can arrange operations to cover their absence. The database has been corrected to accurately reflect all the training and participants that has previously occurred. Steps have been taken to ensure future training and participants are correctly recorded however please provide my office with any missing information you are aware of.

• Grievance Handling Module 8 content update by Brendalee is complete; we are now in the process of translating the document. I would like to thank Sisters Brendalee Blaney and Kim Brackhahn for their efforts towards this project.

• PSAC Investigations Training was held in Ottawa Jan 19-21 2016. English and French courses were held concurrently at the same location but in different meeting rooms to allow a consistent approach to the education in both languages. The training was offered in an effort to meet the growing demand for trained investigators of complaints. Thank you to Sisters Mona Simcoe and Josée Bergeron for facilitating and to Brothers Tony Tilley and Yvan Thauvette for agreeing to provide their subject matter expertise. The course material was very well received by the participants who also made comment they were quite pleased with the English/French courses run concurrently, COMTRA will consider this method in future workshops.

• The Local Module 1 modification to include Intervener training, incorporation of tax implications addendum and a few housekeeping items have been addressed. Thank you to Sister Carolyn Handley for insights and recommendations upon facilitating the modified version.

• New Employee Orientation kits have been developed for Local Presidents feedback at the 2016 LPC. The kits were developed to allow Locals the option to personalize and utilize for those times they are meeting with new members.

• UNDE Website has a survey which allows visitors to comment on what they like and dislike about the website to give us some perspective to what needs to be changed when we purchase the new software for a more dynamic, robust user-friendly website. Please encourage the members in your regions to fill out the short survey so we can be confident the changes we make create the website the membership wants. PPT presentation to follow reflecting survey responses.

• Membership Lists / Contact Information for AGMs due to the delay in the information the Locals receive, last year we provided a list for Locals to use at their AGM to ensure they only have members in good standing in attendance and give the members an opportunity to correct their contact information. We also provided a new Executive contact form to be completed and sent to Sister Kim Brackhahn. Upon receipt of this contact list Sister Sandra Montpetit updated the Local’s webpage to reflect the new or returning officers.

Thank you to Sisters Mona Simcoe and Tamara Lindsay for their work and enthusiasm during this period. I would like to extend further gratitude to all the staff for their hard work and dedication, going the extra mile in an effort to make all the events as beneficial as possible; the events would not be nearly as successful without the extra effort extended by each of the staff members.


• LMCC – A LMCC was held November 12, 2015 with minimal input received from members employed within CFHA. Please see attached minutes.


• Please encourage your members to address their concerns through their Union chain of command and have them voiced at the appropriate UMCC. I don’t often receive feedback when I callout for agenda items and yet I hear rumors of ongoing workplace issues. We have no chance of resolving these issues if they are not brought up at the appropriate venue.


• See Annexe A minutes of the DRDC National UMCC meeting held Dec 14, 2015.

• Next meeting scheduled for Jun 2, 2016

• Please encourage your members to address their concerns through their Union chain of command and have them voiced at the appropriate UMCC. I don’t often receive feedback when I callout for agenda items and yet I hear rumors of ongoing workplace issues. We have no chance of resolving these issues if they are not brought up at the appropriate venue.

• Please continue to encourage your DRDC Local Execs to forward their UMCC meeting minutes to myself.


• No activity to report

TB Exclusions

• No exclusions were proposed during this reporting period.

TB Essential Services

• Apparently DND a manager is now going straight to the members with their ESA proposals and qualifying them based on responsibility and value as opposed to essential to the health and safety or security. The manager is not actually declaring the members essential service providers and that designation cannot be completed until such time that all the steps are followed. My concern is that the manager is telling his employees that they will be considered for that designation based on the fact that he appreciates their work responsibility and the value of the service they provide which has nothing to do with the criteria outlined in the PSLRA. This comment introduces the concept to members that being labeled as an essential service provider is an indication of performing duties which are valued higher than their colleagues who are not designated essential service providers which in turn makes the designation a coveted designation. If members start recognizing the designation as such, human nature says they may begin to actively pursue the designation for themselves which results in a weakening of the union’s ability to exercise their right to strike. We feel the email is inappropriate and UNDE is addressing this with the department and PSAC.

AEU Negotiations

• The two contracts have been ratified.


• Please forward all joint committee meeting minutes to my office

• Please forward a synopsis and org chart of each portfolio you hold to my office

• Please advise my office of any resistance by the employer to allow union meetings, include all relevant material, dates and written documentation

National Officer Portfolios


|Newfoundland, Labrador & New |Dan Frost |Dennis Sheppard |B. Blaney |

|Brunswick | | | |

|Nova Scotia |Terry Kiley |Gerald McEachern |B. Blaney |

|Quebec |Philippe Turcq |Michel Allard |D. Verreault |

|Ontario |Serge Desbiens |Rose Smith-Gimblet |B. Gallagher |

|National Capital Region |Paulette Barker |Enza Ricci |B. Gallagher |

|Manitoba & Saskatchewan |Mona Simcoe |Glen Johnston |P. Dignan |

|Alberta & The North |Brenda Ebear |Robyn Westgarth/ Richard |P. Dignan |

| | |Parenteau | |

|British Columbia |Mark Miller |Lance Jesson |P. Dignan |

|Non-Public Funds |Tamara Lindsay |Charley Paul |D. Verreault |

|Communications Security |Monty Montgomery |Eugene Stone |P. Dignan |

|Establishment | | | |

|Classifications & |All TB Locals | |P. Dagenais |

|Work Descriptions | | | |

|PSST Complaints |All TB Locals | |L. Bisson |

|Separate Employer |All Separate Employer Locals | |L. Bisson |

|Human Rights |Gloria Kelly |Paul Jones |P. Dignan |

Joint Employer Committees


| |

|Air Staff |Mark Miller |Alternate – Serge Desbiens |As required / requested |

|Apprenticeship Program |Mark Miller | |B. Gallagher |

|ADM/IE |Mark Miller |Terry Kiley |As required / requested |

| | |Philippe Turcq | |

|CANOSCOM / Ammo Committee |Philippe Turcq |Gerry McEachern | |As required / requested |

|CF Housing Agency |June Winger | |As required / requested |

|CF Health Services |Paulette Barker | |As required / requested |

|DG ADR |June Winger | |B. Blaney |

|Land Staff |Philippe Turcq Dan |Regional | |

| |Frost |Dan Frost – 5th Div | |

| | |Terry Kiley – 5th Div | |

| | |Philippe Turcq - LFQA |As required / requested |

| | |Serge Desbiens - LFCA | |

| | |Mona Simcoe – 3rd Div | |

| | |Brenda Ebear – 3rd Div | |

|TB Exclusions |John MacLennan | |P. Dagenais |

| |June Winger | | |

|TB Essential Services |June Winger | |P. Dagenais |

|TB Collective Bargaining |John MacLennan | |D. Verrault |

| |June Winger | | |

|DRDC |June Winger | |As required/requested |

|EAP |Brenda Ebear | |D. Verrault |

|FR Steering |Serge Desbiens |Neil Perry |NL/NB |B. Blaney |

|Committee | | |NS | |

| | |Don Martin |PQ | |

| | |Steve Fortier |MB/SK | |

| | |Orlando Hamm |AB & The North | |

| | |Bill McKeown |BC | |

| | |Len Iansom |NCR | |

| | |Blair Winger | | |

|FR Fitness Evaluation | |Orlando Hamm | |B. Blaney |

|Ad Hoc Committee | |Neil Perry | | |

| | |Jason Elder | | |

|FR Wellness |Serge Desbiens |Jason Elder |AB |B. Blaney | |As required / requested |

|Committee | | |TBD | | | |

|GLMC (ADM Mat) |Philippe Turcq | |As required / requested |

|Health and Safety & |Terry Kiley | |As required / requested |

|Return to Work | | | |

|MARLANT |Terry Kiley | |As required / requested |

|MARPAC |Mark Miller | |As required / requested |

|NPF UMCC |Tamara Lindsay | |D. Verrault |

|UMCC |John MacLennan |June Winger |As required / requested |

|UMCC HR Sub-Committee |John MacLennan |June Winger |As required / requested |

UNDE Standing Committees



|Bylaws |Mark Miller |Paulette Barker |Bev Gallagher |

| | |Monty Montgomery | |

|Communications & Training |June Winger |Mona Simcoe |Kim Brackhahn |

|(COMTRA) | |Tamara Lindsay | |

| | | | |

|Finance |Philippe Turcq |Dan Frost |Brian Loshuk |

| | |Serge Desbiens | |

|Honours and Awards |Terry Kiley |Tamara Lindsay |Sandra Montpetit |

| | |Brenda Ebear | |

|Human Rights |Gloria Kelly | | |Paula Dignan |

| |(Alternate: Paul Jones) | | | |

| | | | | |

|PSAC NBOD |John MacLennan |June Winger (technical advisor or member in |Not Applicable |

| | |absence) | |

|Staff Negotiations |June Winger |Philippe Turcq |Not Applicable |

| | |Mark Miller | |

|Young Workers |Mona Simcoe | | |As required / requested |

Labour Relations Officer Reports

For period: nov. 30 2015 to March 31, 2016

Labour Relations Officer – NPF and Quebec

Dan Verreault

1. Meeting /Training and Conferences

• Nil for this period

2. Range of services to membership

• Maintained a contact information format for Quebec & NPF locals Reps;

• Continued discussions with all unions representatives;

• Provided language for Bargaining demands for NPF tables as well as grievances;

• Regular conversation with the Quebec Vice-President & Non Public Funds Vice-President;

• Gathered representation info for Health & Safety issues across NPF;

• Acted as LRO replacement when requested;

• Participated at a number of Grievances hearings; NPF and Treasury Board members;

• Assisted in mediations for Treasury Board & NPF members:

• Visits to different locals in the Quebec region either for mediation or grievances purposes.

These only reflect some of my activities but are not limited to, as the position requires many adjustments has a normal day progresses

3. Representation

I have continued conversations with the employer’s representatives in reference to a number of grievances/complaints at 3rd level.

Represented / dealt with/ongoing:


|NPF 581 St-Jean |2015-10-31 |Ongoing |1 |Labour relation grievances |

|NPF 583 Bagotville |2015-11-30 | | | |

|NPF 682 Ottawa |2014-02-28 |Ongoing |1 | |

|NPF 580 Valcartier |2015-06-30 | |1 | |

|NPF 683 Trenton |2015-11-30 | | | |

|NPF 680 Petawawa |2016-04-30 | |4 | |

|NPF 681 Kingston |2015-06-30 | | | |

|NPF 380 Gagetown |2014-02-28 | |1 | |

|NPF 912 Suffield |2016-03-31 | | | |

|NPF 181 Goose-Bay |2016-06-30 | | | |

| |Treasury Board Grievances | | | |

|T.B. Québec | |Ongoing |38 ++ |Labour relation/investigations |

|T.B. Local 629 |Ontario |Ongoing |2 |Labour relation/investigations |

|T.B. Local 625 |Ontario |Ongoing |1 |Labour relation/investigations |

|T.B. Local 303 |New-Brunswick |Ongoing |1 |Labour relation/investigations |


Labour Relations Officer – NCR and Ontario

Bev Gallagher


Labour Relations Officer – NL/NB and Nova Scotia

Brendalee Blaney

Reviewed/represented files under the following subjects:

Discrimination Performance Expectations

Harassment Discipline

Injury-on Duty Leave Duty to Accommodate

Medicals Paid Parking Disabled Employee

Overtime and the use of Casuals Abuse of Authority

I continue to represent the Atlantic Region during this review period.

I continued to review Module 8 – Grievance Handling Course and was able to provide a updated draft version of the module to the chair of the COMPTRA Committee.

I continued to attend several PSAC Component Representative’s meetings during this review period and discussions covered a number of subjects such as leading adjudication on revocation of enhanced reliability and security clearances. This item will be revisited in an upcoming meeting. We also spoke about the anticipated staffing occurring in the Representation Branch and the impending appointment of a new Director of Representation in an acting capacity for the next year. We also briefly discussed best practices for MOAs and this item will be revisited in an upcoming meeting.

I have had numerous conversations with folks in the Region on a great many subjects such as discipline, acting, harassment, etc.


Labour Relations Officer - Prairies and the North, BC and CSE

Paula Dignan

My portfolio includes files for BC, the Prairies/North and CSE and the Component representative for Human Rights.


My main duties focused on providing guidance regarding workplace issues and communicating with both Local Union representatives and members by phone and email.

At the end of March there began an influx of pay issues that were forwarded to UNDE’s EVP for review and action. Several members are without supplemental pay.

When possible I attend professional development sessions mainly through Lancaster House presentations to keep up with current trends in Labor relations and conflict management.

I was also able to attend a Canadian Human rights Commission Web Seminar entitled the investigation process at the Canadian Human Rights Commission.


The remaining Market Allowance grievances were finally resubmitted and brought to the Alliance for referral to adjudication.

At CSE there has also been some issues regarding CSE’s interpretation of the Foreign Service Directive (NJC) part of the Collective Agreement. Second level hearings were held regarding CSE’s refusal to pay commuting assistance and rent share.


I am in communication with Local representatives and Presidents and assist regularly in strategizing on how to handle workplace issues whether through consultation or filing grievances.

Of note are some individual grievances brought forward regarding harassment from management vis à vis a Local president’s role as a Union representative. There are instances of Local management not fully understanding the Unions roles and their obligation to allow Union representatives some latitude to investigate and carry out their Union duties.

Inequitable distribution of overtime and excessive overtime scheduling is also a big issue and some members fear being put on variable schedules to accommodate managements need to staff weekends when in the past they received on call and overtime.


Main issues surround RTW and accommodation. Several UNDE members are asked to stay home pending Fit to Work evaluations and management advises that they cannot find accommodated positions. This leaves members in difficult situations because their doctors are stating they are fit to work and management refuses to reintegrate them to their positions pending FTW evaluations they are without pay and because their doctors say they are fit they cannot easily obtain disability benefits. Nor so they want to apply as the members feels they are fit to work and management has no proof otherwise.


I have recently received several grievances regarding long suspension for harassment. In some specific cases management has condoned inappropriate workplace behavior and then when an individual has finally had enough of the inappropriate comments management disciplines severely when up to the day before the behavior was accepted.

Not that inappropriate workplace behavior should be allowed, disciplining our members when management has failed to manage in the past is not the solution either.


Labour Relations Officer – Classifications

Paul Dagenais

Classification Grievances: from November 1 2015 to March 31, 2016 within this period, I represented 41 grievances in 35 hearings.

BC: 2, MBSK: 3 NS:10, ON:12 QC:17, NCR:5 = TOTAL 41

In these 41 hearing 8 were reclassified: 3 in QC, NS, 1, NCR 2 and 2 in BC.

0 were withdrawn, 18 remained the same and the rest have not been responded as of this date.

In addition, I represented 13 staff relations on work descriptions/ effective dates. I also provided advice and guidance on classification and subjects including interpretation of collective agreements, harassment and discrimination.

Furthermore, I responded to numerous e-mails as required.


Labour Relations Officer – Separate Employers & Staffing

Louis Bisson

1) Public Service Staffing Tribunal

Decision issued since my last report

No UNDE related decision issued by the PSLREB since my last report.

Waiting for a decision:

1 from the Ontario region

1 from the Quebec region (WFA related decision on a jurisdiction issue)

Waiting to be scheduled for a hearing

7 complaints are waiting to be scheduled for a hearing.

Alberta / North: 5

New Brunswick: 2

NCR: 1

New Staffing complaints since my last report

21 new PSST complaints:

British Columbia: 2

Alberta / North: 3

Nova Scotia: 3

Newfoundland, Labrador and New Brunswick: 2

Québec: 3

NCR: 8

2) Grievances Separate Employers

New grievances at final level or arbitration during this reporting period are listed on this report.

Newfoundland, Labrador and New Brunswick

IMP Gander:

4 grievances (1 termination, 2 for discipline and 1 on harassment) are scheduled to be heard at arbitration on May 16-18 and June 8-10, 2016.

8 grievances (5 on staffing procedures, 1 schedule change and 2 on proration of vacation leave) are scheduled to be heard at arbitration on January 11, 2017.


Koprash - KFS (Local 636 - Borden):

1 group grievance was heard on April 21, 2016



1 new grievance on family related leave


1 new grievance for a suspension

British Columbia

IMP Comox

1 new grievance on staffing


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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