
Republika e Kosov?sRepublika Kosova - Republic of KosovoQeveria - Vlada - GovernmentMinistria e Financave dhe TransfereveMinistarstvo za Finansije i Transfere– Ministry of Finance and TransfersKKRF - K?shilli i Kosov?s p?r Raportim FinanciarKSFI - Kosovski Savet za Financijko Izve?tavanje KCFR - Kosovo Financial Reporting CouncilGuidance on submission of financial reports for 2019In accordance with the Law on Accounting, Financial Reporting and Auditing and Administrative Instructions in force, the following is a checklist for all documents that must be submitted to each category of enterprises.Category of enterprise Documents that must be submitted at KCFR Signature of Financial Statements Legal Basis -Micro-enterprises are enterprises that do not exceed the limits of at least two (2) of the below mentioned criteria:(a) statement of financial position of three hundred and fifty thousand euros (350,000.00 €);(b) net turnover of seven hundred thousand euros (€ 700,000.00); and(c) average number of employees during the financial year: ten (10).-Micro-enterprises (class I - with net turnover up to € 50,000)-Income statement-Disclosures -Executive Director or the Owner -Article 9 (Law no; 06/L- 032);-Article 6, paragraph 1 and 4, Article 7 & 8 (AI 01/2020);Article 7;-Micro-enterprises (class II - net turnover over € 50,000 and under € 300,000)-Statement of the financial position-Income statement-Disclosures-Compliance statementExecutive Director - Financial Director OR certified accountant-Article 9 (Law No. 06 / L-032);-Article 6, paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 4, Article 7 & 8 (AI 01/2020);-Micro-enterprises (class III - Net turnover over € 300,000)-Financial statements according to IFRS for SMEs- Compliance statement-Executive Director -Financial Director (if the financial director is not certified as an accountant, then the statements must be signed by the certified accountant)-Article 9 (Law No. 06 / L-032);-Article 6, paragraphs 3, 3.1 and 4, Article 7 & 8 (AI 01/2020);-Small and medium enterprises (with net turnover over € 4,000,000)- Small and medium enterprises are enterprises that are neither micro-enterprises nor large enterprise but do not exceed two (2) of the following criteria:(a) statement of financial position of twenty million euros (€ 20,000,000.00);(b) net turnover of forty million euros (€ 40,000,000.00); and(c) the average number of employees during the financial year: two hundred and fifty (250).-Financial statements according to IFRS for SMEs-The audit opinion from the licensed audit firm-Compliance statement-Executive Director -Financial Director (if the financial director is not certified as an accountant, then the statements must be signed by the certified accountant)-Article 8 (Law No. 06 / L-032);-Article 7, paragraph 1.1, Article 9 (AI 07/2019);-Small and medium enterprises (with net turnover below € 4,000,000)- Small and medium enterprises are enterprises that are neither micro-enterprises nor large enterprises, but do not exceed two (2) of the following criteria:(a) statement of financial position of twenty million euros (€ 20,000,000.00);(b) net turnover of forty million euros (€ 40,000,000.00); and(c) the average number of employees during the financial year: two hundred and fifty (250).-Financial statements according to IFRS for SMEs-Review report by independent auditor-Executive Director -Financial Director (if the financial director is not certified as an accountant, then the statements must be signed by the certified accountant)-Article 8 (Law No. 06 / L-032);-Article 7, paragraph 1.2, Article 9 (AI 07/2019)-Large enterprises and other entities of public interest.-Large enterprises are those enterprises which on the dates of their balance sheet exceed at least two (2) of the following three (3) criteria:(a) statement of financial position of twenty million euros (€ 20,000,000.00);(b) net turnover of forty million euros (€ 40,000,000.00); and(c) the average number of employees during the financial year: two hundred and fifty (250).-Financial statements according to the full IFRS-The audited opinion given by a licensed audit firm-Management report-Statement of Corporative governance -Opinion if the management report is in accordance with the financial statements for the same financial year and if the management report has been prepared in accordance with the legal provisions in force- Compliance statement-Executive Director -Financial Director (if the financial director is not certified as an accountant, then the statements must be signed by the certified accountant)-Article 7 (Law No. 06 / L-032);-Article 6, paragraph 1, Article 9 (AI 07/2019);All enterprises that have not had business activity during the reporting year-Declaration on the inactivity of the enterprise's activity for the respective reporting year.n/a-Article 18, paragraph 4 (Law No. 06 / L-032);Prishtina Chairman 13.05.2020 Afrim Maloku ................

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