




Step 1

Find five different opinion/comment pieces on any five themes below from the editorial columns of the daily newspaper that you read.

Step 2

Cut and paste the five pieces on five different pages of your FLE notebook.

Step 3

Write a response to any three pieces in about 450 words discussing your views on the same issue.

You can choose from the themes given below

1. Technology and our planet.

2. Environment and conservation.

3. Education and childhood.

4. Parenting and peer influence.

5. Sports and achievement.


1. All students should create a blog and share their links with the students and the teacher. Write a minimum of two entries in your blog per week – it should describe your feelings, what you are doing/ learning, your views on different topics etc. Share your blog details with your friends and teachers. Read the following blogs maintained by your seniors:

2. Go through the links given below.

• .pk/epaper

• britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

• timesofindia.

Read articles on environment, teenage problems, health etc regularly.

Read and take printouts of two articles on each of the following topics:

1. Effects of climatic changes on environment

2. Junk Food: A Growing Menace

In about 200 words write a newspaper article giving your views on each of the above topics.


3. Assignment:

You are going to read about parents educating their children at home instead of sending them to school.

I want to educate my children at home

From the day your child was born you have been home educating – assisting him in his quest for knowledge of the world around him, answering his questions, teaching him to walk and talk. You have already done the hard stuff, and without a curriculum. In fact, if you truthfully look back at this stage, you yourself have not had much of a hand in all the wonderful things your child has accomplished. Our children are born with the ability to teach themselves everything they need to know about surviving in the world they live in, and they do it well. School interrupts this natural flow of learning and eventually kills it. If you leave children alone and just provide lots of resources, encouragement and a caring environment, that is all you will ever need. Trust them and they will get the job done.

Home school is an option open to families in Australia and often the decision to home educate your child is made well after your child has started school. Schools are a fairly recent invention of man as they have only been around for about 150 years or so. Before that, parents always taught their children at home, and it was a natural part of life. Going to school is not the natural way for a child to learn and many children struggle with the concept of school. As a result, parents often see a change for the worse in their children. They become unhappy, angry little people unable to communicate with parents and siblings as they once did.

An Australian lecturer in education, who has been researching home education for ten years, has found that children who have structured lessons at home as well as children who have had absolutely no structure at home have both turned out to be socially and academically ahead of schooled peers. The only drawback he found that he found in the ten years of study was the lost wages of one parent.

Children do not need to be placed in artificial situations so that they can ‘become socialised’. Socialisation forced upon children in schools and playgroups is not true socialization. Real socialisation happens all the time, every minute of the day with parents, siblings, shopkeepers, in the park and best of all, children with themselves and their dreams. It happens all the time and we do not need to set it up. The type of socialisation that does happen in the schoolyard is not the type most of us want for our children (the bullying and the peer pressure and the bad language) and children that grow up in charge of their own socialisation grow strong and confident and able to communicate with a wide range of people.

Q1. Read the above passage and based on your reading answer the following questions:

a. Who plays a more important role in a child’s development, according to the writer?(1)

b. Why does the writer think that schools interrupt the ‘natural flow of learning’? (2)

c. When do parents usually start to think about home schooling for their children? (1)

d. What sort of ‘little people’ are schools seen to produce? (1)

e. What according to the writer are the benefits of home schooling? (1)

f. What negative socializing does a school have on a child? (1)

Q2. In about 120 words summarize why home education is better than school education. (11)

Q3. It is a trend these days that parents send their children to boarding schools. Write a letter to your local newspaper giving your views about this trend (words 200) (19)

a. why are parents sending their children to boarding schools.

b. best places to bring up the children in today’s hectic schedule.

c. children should be brought up under parental care and guidance.

d. parents should know about day to day activities of their child

4. Assignment:

Read the following article and answer the questions that follow:

| |

|Parmesan cheese, without which your plate of spaghetti just does not taste right, has for many years been used as a security for loans by banks in the |

|north of Italy. In a vast warehouse near the town of Parma, owned by the Banco Credito Emiliano, there are literally hundreds of thousands of wheels of |

|cheese, each one ripening by the day, and increasing in value as they mature. |

|The cheeses offer short-term financing for local people until the cheese is ready to sell. Most banks will provide loans of between 65% and 70 % of the |

|value of the cheese when it enters the warehouse. A fresh wheel of parmesan usually weighs about 50 kg, but as it matures it will lose about 20% (or 10 |

|kg) of its initial weight. However, the more mature a cheese becomes, the greater its value. |

|After the first 12 months in the warehouse, parmesan cheese is worth about $10.50 per kilo, whereas after two years the price has more than doubled. In |

|some large London stores, two-year-old parmesan sells to the public for $45 per kilo. |

|For the banks around Parma, parmesan cheese has offered a very low security risk for more than 70 years. The process itself is painstaking, and dates back|

|to the 14th century when the Benedictine monks first made the now world-famous cheese. While the machinery as well as the financing has changed over the |

|years, the love and care which goes into the production of parmesan cheese remains unique. Rows of large copper containers, called vats, steam as warm |

|milk bubbles and froths; the cheese mixture is whipped, heated, and then cooled; finally the soft cheese is placed in a net-like bag, and then into a |

|mould. |

|But modern technology now provides each wheel of parmesan with its own personal air-conditioning system, which ensures that the air surrounding it is |

|cooled to 18 – 20 degrees centigrade, with an air humidity level of 80%. There is even a special room where cheeses which have suffered some kind of |

|superficial damage can receive special attention. |

a. What happens to the value of a wheel of parmesan as it ripens? [1]

b. How much does a full-size parmesan weigh once it has matured? [1]

c. Who were the first people to make parmesan cheese? [1]

d. What happens to the cheese mixture after it is cooled? [1]

e. What has been the effect of modern technology on the parmesan cheese making process?[1]

f. Make a list of four pieces of information about the financial value of parmesan cheese. [4]

Q2. In not more than 120 words summarize the importance of cheese down the ages. (11)


1. Create a Shakespeare ‘playlist’.

Choose 10 songs and write a commentary of the play they relate to and why/how you think they do so. Do not give a run down of the current top 40 chart. For this, you need to research Shakespear’s plays.

2. Read any one of these novels:

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

The Hound of the Baskervilles by A. C. Doyle

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Create an interactive app based on the story for a Smartphone. Look at the link below to get an idea of how to make an app

Use the Internet to research – do not print off the Internet!




For component A :

• Please use loose sheets and do this work day wise on different sheets. (Do not do these in your math notebooks)

• Please ensure that diagrams are made and processes shown wherever required. Do not just give answers.

• Please ensure that you complete the whole work and it is neat and tidy


Process/ Content: 2 Marks

Accuracy 2 Marks

Presentation: 1 marks

For component B:

Please follow the guidelines provided.

This component would be used for an Exhibition or the Math day. Needless to say neatness and creativity would be the key factors for your work to be selected and exhibited.


Creativity: 1 marks

Innovation: 1marks

Research : 1 marks

Content : 2 marks



1. How many minutes longer does it take Morowa to complete a job in three-quarters of an hour than Osei who completes the job in five-twelfths of an hour?

2. Casilde and Oziel walk from a restaurant in the same direction. If Casilde has walked five-eighths of a mile and Oziel has walked seven-tenths of a mile, how far apart are they?

3. A photo measures 7[pic]cm by 7[pic]cm. Both its dimensions are increased by a factor of [pic]. Find the area of the enlarged photo.

4. Convert[pic] into a recurring decimal.

5. By changing each fraction into a decimal, write the following fractions in

order of size, starting with the smallest.


6. Express 0· [pic] in the form a/b where a and b are integers (whole numbers).

7. Althaia and Dilraj are racing each other. Althaia takes 5 minutes to complete one lap. Dilraj takes 7 minutes to complete one lap. After how many minutes will Althaia and Dilraj pass the starting point at exactly the same time?

8. Baz saves $105 each week for x weeks. Landon saves $147 each week for y weeks. If Baz and Landon end up saving the same total amount of money, write down the smallest possible values for x and y.

9. The first five terms of a sequence are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, . . .

The 9th term in the sequence is 512. Write down the 10th term of the sequence.

10. [pic]

Draw the next shape in the sequence.

Let n=shape number and s=number of sticks. Complete a table of values for n and s.

Use the table and 1st difference to find a formula for the number of sticks (s) for the shape number n

Use the formula to find out how many sticks are in shape number 40

11. A series of rows of tins are piled on top of one another. The bottom row has 35 tins and each row has two fewer tins than the row below it.

a How many tins are there in the nth row from the bottom?

b What is the maximum number of rows of tins?



Here is a sequence of rectangles made from squares.

Let n = shape number and s = number of squares

a Find a formula for s in terms of n.

b How many squares in shape number 25?

12. In a 200 m race a runner is timed at 23·46 seconds to the nearest 0·01 second. Write down the greatest possible time.

13. A person weighs 64 kg, correct to the nearest 4 kg. The lower bound is 62 kg. Write down the upper bound.

14. The width of a lake is measured at 280 m, correct to the nearest 20 m. Write down the upper and lower bounds.

15. The area of a square is given as 70 cm2, correct to the nearest cm2. Find the upper and lower bounds for the length x of one side of the square.

16. . Pythagoras’ theorem states that a2 + b2 = c2 where a, b and c are the three lengths of a right-angled triangle and c is the hypotenuse. If a = 4·3 cm and c = 12·1 cm, both correct to 1 decimal place, find the upper and lower bounds for b.

17. The adult population of a country is 60 million. The average annual income per adult is $27 000. Find in standard form the total annual income from the adult population.

18. In 2000 the population of a country was 9·2 x109. Over the next five years the population rose by 15%. Find the population in 2005.

19. The diameter of the earth is 1·3 x 107 m. Assuming that the earth is a perfect sphere find the circumference of the earth. Give your answer in standard form to 2 significant figures.


1. The angles p, q and r are in the ratio 7 : 2 : 3. Find the sizes of angles p, q and r.

2. The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 6 : 5. How many girls are there in the class if there are 18 boys?

3. Paint is mixed by using yellow and blue in the ratio 7 : 2.

a How much yellow is used if 8 litres of blue are used?

b How much blue is used if 35 litres of yellow are used?

c How much yellow and how much blue must be used to make 72 litres of the paint?

4. A pencil costs 42c. Its price increases by 9% over the next 12 months. How much will the pencil cost now? (Remember to give your answer to the nearest cent.)

5. A new tyre costs $88+tax. If tax is 17·5%, work out the total cost of the tyre.

6. The length, width and height of this cuboid are each increased by 15%.What is the percentage increase in the volume ofthis cuboid?

7. Indira’s ideal body weight is 57 kg. During a period of six months her weight increases by 10%. During the next three months her weigh treturns to its ideal 57 kg. What was the percentage decrease from her heaviest weight back to her ideal weight?

8. Vikram invests some money in a bank at 12% p.a. compound interest. After how many years will his money have trebled?

9. A company had to reduce their workforce by 12·5%. If 70 people now work for them, how many people worked for them before the job cuts?

10. A map has a scale of 1 : 60 000.

a What is the actual area (in km2) of the shape ABCD shown opposite?

b What is the real size of angle ABC?

11. Solve

a. 6(2m + 3) 2 + 5(m + 3)

b. 4(5y + 6) 2 - 2(4y + 3)

c. 2(8b + 9) + 4(4b - 6)

d. 8a+ 3(2a - 5) + 6

e. 7x + 4(x +1) – 3

12. Find the value of x in this rectangle.

13. Adrianna thinks of a number and then adds 10. If the answer is 5, what number did she think of?


a. 5x+7/ 2x + 2= 3

b. 8/w +3 = 7

15. The area of this rectangle is 60 cm2.

a Write down an equation involving x.

b Find x.


a. 10x = 3y = -14 ;4x 5y = -17

b. 3p - 2q + 18 = 0 ; 5p + 7q = 32

c. 8c + 3d = 35 ; 5c = -22 - 2d

17. A straight line passes through the points (2, 11) and (-1, 2). The equation of a straight line is y = mx + c. Find the values of m and c.

18. Factorise completely :

a. 25a 2 b + 15abc b.6x2y + 15x3

c. 21m3 - 28mn2 d.a2 - 6a -27

e. c2 - 8c – 20

19. Write x2 - 14x + 49 in the form (x -d)2. Write down the value of d.

20. The total area of this shape is 2x2 -10x + 29 Find an expression for y in terms of x.

Component B ( Do any one)

Option 1 :


What is the minimum number of colours required , if we wanted to colour a map.

A map may not work when a country has two or more separate areas, such as Alaska (part of the US, but with Canada in-between) or Kaliningrad (part of Russia, but also not joined). But let's ignore that here.

Here is a map of part of Europe, showing nine countries and how they border on each other:


Try colouring in the map and see what is the fewest number of colours you need.

➢ Now enlarge a map of any continent of your choice( one chart paper) and colour the map and verify the four colour theory.

Option 2 :

In this dangerous cyber world where everything is computerized people need to be more informed on how to keep their private information private.


Using four letters and or four numbers as the foundation of your investigation, password hacker called Free Word Excel Password Wizard which recovers encrypted word documents and Brute force recovery try crack a word document encrypted with one of the variable passwords. Use several different combinations of randomly generated passwords for each alpha-numeric code such as the combination of three letters and one number, two letters and two numbers, three numbers and one letter, four letters and four numbers.

On the basis of your research, generalize which type of password seems to be most hacker free.

Option 3:

Pick up any game (Chinese checker, Othello, Rubik’s cube , chess , etc) and create a strategy for winning the game against your opponent. The same would be tested after school reopens . You may visit and learn the same from some you tubes videos online.

Option 4

View some Brain games episode from the you tube , online and recreate a game which can be played in a group of people.

Option 5:

Visit some sites online and recreate an illusion on an A3 sheet of cartridge sheet.

Option 6:

Create a 2d/ 3d solid depicting Fractals pyramid/ cube.

Option 7:

Create the Game “Amazing race “ for a team of 5 people of grade 8 level wherein the clues use some Mathematical skill learnt in grade 8 and also involves the school premises for the clues to be put . The objective of the game should be to reach the final position , cracking a clue and then going onto the next clue.


1. Make a list of five things you did yesterday and any items you purchased. What was the opportunity cost of each? If your fellow students are doing this question, have a look at some of their lists and see if you agree with their estimates of their opportunity costs.

2. Choose two current economics news items reported in the newspapers. Choose two newspapers of opposing political views which report this item. Analyse the issues being discussed in 200-250 words each.

3. Make a list of some current problems that are the concern of economists. Are they microeconomic or macroeconomic problems, or a bit of both? How do they relate to the problem of scarcity?

4. Make a powerpoint presentation on any ONE of the topics given below: (Maximum 15 slides)

Students are required to select any item from the categories mentioned below:

1. Food item: ice cream, a packet of noodles, a sandwich, a cola etc.

2. Toiletries: shampoos, bathing soap, cosmetics, toothpaste etc.

3. Apparels: jeans, t-shirt, formal wear, under garments etc.

4. Transport cost: cab/taxi, airways, bus ways etc.

5. Fees : could be school, entertainment etc.

a. The students will have to

• Analyze the price change over a period of time.

• Relate it with reasons for the change in prices.

• Make an elaborate list including factors like:

➢ Change in the petrol prices.

➢ Change in the seasons.

➢ Change in the economic policies.

➢ Change in the import policies.

➢ Change in the export policies.

➢ Change in the government.

➢ Banning of a particular item.

➢ Restrained relations between two countries.

➢ Even if the prices remain constant, they should be able to find the reasons for the same.

5. Prepare a cartoon on Economic Growth of your economy.


Case Study 1:



COW WOW CEREAL MILK is a two-year-old company that makes milk in breakfast cereal flavors. Founded by Christopher Pouy, a former advertising copywriter seeking to capitalize on a childhood love, it is based in Los Angeles a. By putting a child-friendly cow on the package and giving his flavors names like Fruity Trudy and Chocolate Chip Cathy, Mr. Pouy branded his product for 5- to 12-year-olds.

Knowing he’d be selling to parents and wanting to “do it in a responsible way,” Mr. Pouy insisted on 1 percent organic milk, no artificial flavors or colors, and organic cocoa powder and cinnamon. With six grams of added cane sugar, each 8.5-ounce serving had 150 calories. For packaging, he chose Tetra Paks that did not need refrigeration and had a shelf life of up to a year.

He started the business with $175,000 of his own money, 9,000 borrowed from his brother and 20,000 as bank loan.

He also uses his godown and factory worth $55000, for the purpose of production. The factory is well equipped with modern gadgets and machinery, furniture and fittings, five computers, three telephone connections. He has 8 delivery vans, 2 lorries and 2 cars for business purpose.

In this task he is assisted by 25 factory workers, 2 supervisors, 4 housekeepers , 2 security guards 4 members of administrative staff and his own as amanager.

His present turnover is around $75,000 annually. He has started with various promotional strategies to boost his revenues. Some of these are:

• Stick with young children, who are, by far, the biggest consumers of milk. This option was appealing because high schoolers and college students are notoriously fickle. What if Cow Wow was a fad? To pursue this option, Mr. Pouy’s next step would be to target private and charter schools and expand national sales in Kroger and other grocery stores with a marketing push to educate mothers about the benefits of flavored milk and alert children to Cow Wow’s flavors. The expected cost: $100,000.

• Mr. Pouy would rebrand, redesign, repackage and reformulate. He would try to hook 18- to 35-year-olds with hipper cows and a larger package with a resealable cap instead of a straw. To cut costs, he would switch to a nonorganic formula. He would focus on selling to colleges and convenience stores. Cost: $100,000.

Accounting Applications:

Instructions: Now that you have reviewed the case study above, answer the following questions on your own.

1. What are some investments Mr. Pouy has probably made in her business and how would each affect the basic accounting equation?

|Name of Investment |Effect on accounting equation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

2. What assets might this business have?

|Non Current Assets |Current Assets |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

3. What Liabilities might this business have?

|Non Current Liabilities |Current Liabilities |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

4. Identify and classify the accounts affected if Mr. Pouy receives a cash payment for a visit.

| |Account to be debited |Account to be credited |

| | | |

5. . What kind of revenue do Mr. Pouy receive?






6. What kinds of expenses COW WOW CEREAL MILK might incur?




Case Study II


David, a web designer, after working for many years with IT companies, has recently started a new web design company to provide website design and other related services to local businesses in his location. The company is named “Web Design Inc.”

Running a web design company can pose many challenges. You need to get involved in all the aspects of the business, including renting the place, setting up the infrastructure, buying the required software, recruiting trained staff, marketing and promoting your business, and most importantly managing their finances.


• The business was started on June 1, 2012.

• The business follows the accounting period April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013.

Transactions at Web Design Inc.

|S. No. |Date |Transaction |

|Transaction 1 |June 1, 2012 |Started business with cash $ 50,000 |

|Transaction 2 |June 5, 2012  |Purchases furniture $500.  |

|Transaction 3 |June 12, 2012 |Transfers $ 1200 to his bank account in Bank of America  |

|Transaction 4 |June 17, 2012 |Bought material amounting to $ 500 |

|Transaction 5 |July 25, 2012 |Rent is paid $500. |

|Transaction 6 |July 26, 2012 |Bought office vehicle for $4000 |

|Transaction 7 |July 30, 2012 |Completed the project and receive the payment through cheque of $2,000 from the |

| | |client. |

Make ledger for the above transactions, balance them and prepare the Trial Balance on June 21, 2012. (attach an extra sheet for making ledgers and Trial balance)

2. Prepare PPT on Timeline of Accounting as a subject. The presentation should cover the following aspects:

• A brief history of accounting… who invented, when was it used in businesses officially……etc.

• Types of accounting

• A brief on software used to maintain accounting records in current times

• Make your presentation interesting with snapshots of various books, documents, used in the old times, videos on history of the subject, etc.

• The presentation should not be more than 10 slides.


PROJECT: Activity 1

❖ Use the Internet to research about the private and public sector in your country

❖ Draw Bar Graphs/Pie Charts showing how important is each sector in your country’s economy for example how many people are employed, output of each sector, etc.

❖ Identify the different organisations in the public sectors and the product and services provided by them.

❖ Which of these products/services are provided free to the public and which ones the consumers pay for?

❖ Are there any products/services provided both by private and public sectors

❖ Why do you think both sectors provide these products?

The project can be presented in PPT /Video or as a project report


Cartoon making

"Chemistry– Our life, our future."

Draw cartoons with text in English which is expected to convey the meaning intended with clarity and good humor. However, only submissions pertaining to chemistry principles will be accepted.

The cartoon must contain original work and not contain any copyrighted material.

The five best will be printed in the school magazine.


Make a chart and write all possible chemical formulae and name of compound using following Cations and Anions.



Prepare a working model explaining a concept in Physics which you have studied before. Research the topic well before starting and also highlight its usefulness in the field of science.

No thermocol should be used. Your model will be exhibited in the science exhibition.

Related topics like - Optics, Magnetism, Electricity, Forces, Heat transfer etc.


The study of biology covers a wide range of interesting topics that include genetics, cells, photosynthesis, microbiology, ecology, stem cells, evolution, DNA, microorganisms, classification of the living world, diseases, new techniques in medical science. Challenge your knowledge of these topics by preparing a detailed report on any one topic of your choice. Make it interesting by adding pictures, diagrams and visuals. The project should be submitted in the form of a ppt.

• Explore career options in Biology and present it as PPT.

• Email the PPT to seemakapoor2364@


Panel Discussion -British-Indian Votes, Game Changer For UK General Election-2015


Indians have shown it once again that they cannot be ignored any more in Global contexts. In United Kingdom before the elections, political parties worked hard to rope in the British-Indian vote bank. Conservative party leader David Cameron and Labour party leader Ed Miliband made tall promises to Indian diaspora in their manifestos. More than 50 candidates of Indian origin were in the fray for the UK polls .Finally; as many as 10 Indian-origin candidates have been elected into the House of Commons. In 1987, there were only two members of Indian origin in both the houses of parliament. Today, there are over 25.


• You are a political commentator speaking in a panel discussion on a TV programme. Topic is :British-Indian Votes, Game Changer For UK General Election.

• You have to present a HAND WRITTEN position paper on your analysis/ views/ opinions on the theme.

• Minimum words – 250, A 4 size sheets

• The paper must focus on following aspects:

A] How and why the Indian diaspora has become politically important

b] What it means for Indians in United Kingdom

c] What it means for India


A. Content and research – 3 marks

B. Application & Analytical skills - 3 marks

C. Oral presentation - 4 marks

Suggested links

• ibtimes.co.in › Society › Politics

• › News › International


• › world › indians-abroad › UK Elections 2015

• You tube links:

Leaders Debate Live | UK Election 2015 | Sky News 

BBC Election Debate 2015 (UK General Election 2015) 16th April 2015 

DNA: British-Indian votes, game changer for UK general election 

BBC Hindi: Indian voters in British elections


All the students have to do the Case Study Analysis (PPT) of the following Case Studies given in the book Cambridge IGCSE Geography by Paul Guinness and Garrett Nagle-

1. Hard Engineering- The Three Gorges Dam – Page 111

2. Soft Engineering- the Kissimmee River Restoration Project – Page 112,113

3. The Hwang Fe River – Page 115, 116,117


Make a PPT on “Earthquakes in Nepal-2015”

• Include the following in the PPT- Location of the Earthquakes, Magnitude on Richter Scale, Reasons for its occurrence in detail (movement of tectonic plates), effects of the devastating earthquake (Death toll, infrastructure destroyed, and economic impact), countries and International Organizations which provided aid.

• Maximum number of slides should be 8-10.

It is to be made individually and is to be presented in the class in the month of July. Soft and hard copy of the PPT is to be submitted to the concerned teacher.

Assessment Rubrics-

1. Extent of Research-5 marks

2. Organization of the content -2 Marks

3. Presentation skills-3 Marks


1. Préparez un dépliant sur votre collège. Regardez page 12, Metro, Unité 1 pour secours.

2. Ecrivez un article sur un des sujets donnes ci-dessous et envoyez par email à moi. Ecrivez 80 mots.

• L’environnement et la pollution

• Mon collège

• La vie d’un adolescent

Question 1 doit être faite comme un dépliant, sur une feuille de papier. Pour question 2, envoyez-en à moi par email.


1. Writing Skill : The idea is to be able to use appropriate language structure and tense while reporting a past event.

You are a reporter covering PM Modi’s visit to Germany. The headline / content / presentation for this news is to be decided by you,

Some pointers (heading & content) are given below to guide you to build the report :

a) Indien in Deutschland…….

b) PM Modi in Deutschland….

Wann? Wo? Wie lange? Warum? Programm? Was gemacht? Was gesagt? Erwartungen?

Bilder machen ein Report interessant. Benutzen Sie auch viele Bilder.

2. Solve past papers – 2013 - 2014 - IGCSE German Paper 2 Reading & Directed Writing

3. Complete Assignment booklet exercises till July.


Assignment Booklet:

Comprehension :Lecturas Largas – 2 & Lecturas cortas - 2

Writing Skills: 90 words, 140 words (Choose ONE each)

 b) Comparative Study of the epochs of Hispanic History or the mysterious civilizations. (200 words)

Range of Topics:

Discoveries: Los descubrimientos 

Ex. El viaje de Colón, La primera vuelta al mundo de Magallanes

Important dynasties in the past : Las dinastías de los tiempos pasados

Ex. a) Pre-historia y el imperio romano: El legado romano en Iberia, Las invasiónes bárbaras

b)Al Andalus: Califato de Cordoba, Taifa de Granada

c)Reconquista y Los reyes Católicos: Alfonso X el sabio, La Unión Castilla y Arragón 

 · Lost civilizations: extent and myths of indigenous cultures: Las épocas perdidas: trascendencia y mitología de las culturas indígenas y sus sitios misteriosos.

Ex. Mayas, Aztecs, Olmecs, Incas etc.

Ex. Altamira, Alhambra, Machu Picchu, Teotihuacán, Chitzen Itza, Tikal, Palenque, Cuzco, Lineas de Nazca, Rapa Nui etc.

 c) Building a Vocabulary Bank:

They will have to search and memorize Spanish Proverbs (Dichos ,Refranes y Frases Hechas) & prepare a list.(About 10)

IT and CS


• Visit to An Amusement Park

• Visit to an Airport

• Visit to a Hotel

• Visit to a Shopping Mall

The report should contain the following:

• Hardware / input/output devices used 

• Software used 

• Maintenance of the database

• What are the important fields in the table

• How do they solve a query?

• Design the home page of their website using html or dreamweaver

• Different applications

• How do these organisation work?

• What is the effect of automation on employees and the customer of these organisations?

• What is the feedback of customers and employees about the services provided.

• How will you suggest an improvement in the way these organisation work.

• Suggest some new technology to improve the functioning of these organizations.


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