This booklet lays out the academic curriculum for the Lower School pupils (Years 7 - 9) at Kent College. It presents what parents and guardians can expect teachers to teach and pupils to learn, while still leaving staff sufficient scope to vary the programme so as to suit the needs of individual classes. If you have any comments or queries, the Heads of the various departments will be pleased to respond. Any general comments on the whole curriculum, its philosophy or composition, are always welcome and should be addressed to me or to the Head Master.

At Kent College a strong emphasis is placed on the quality of pastoral care which underpins all aspects of the school including the academic curriculum. Full details of the Pastoral System are detailed in the Parents’ Handbook.

As an independent school, Kent College does not have to follow the requirements of the National Curriculum and at present departs from it to some extent. Nevertheless, we have decided that we agree with its basic philosophy, namely, that every pupil is entitled to study a central core of subjects, that certain skills and areas of knowledge should be specifically included, and that each pupil’s progress should be carefully monitored and regularly reported to parents. In addition, certain areas of knowledge, which cut across subject boundaries, such as Information Communication Technology (ICT), should be positively promoted throughout the curriculum, as well as in specialist lessons.

In two areas of the curriculum, ICT and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), there will be the opportunity to take GCSE qualifications at the end of Year 9. If pupils are ready to take these GCSEs by the end of Year 9 this will enable them to have greater choice and flexibility with their GCSE options for Year 10 and 11. MFL students that take their GCSE early may have the opportunity to study the same language to a higher level during years 10 and 11 or start a new language at that point. To facilitate this, pupils will study the same Modern Foreign Language from Year 7 until the end of Year 9. This will be the pattern of study for those pupils joining Kent College in Year 7, the languages being offered will be confirmed by the Head of Modern Foreign Languages over the summer.

English, Mathematics, Science and Modern Foreign Languages form the core and continue until GCSE level. (Dyslexic and EAL students are not required to take a modern foreign language). History, Geography, Technology, ICT, Music, Drama and Art are compulsory until the end of Year 9. Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an important part of the Lower School curriculum and is compulsory for all pupils. PE/Games and Religious Studies (RS) are standard sections of the curriculum until the end of Year 11, though parents are allowed to withdraw their children from RS lessons if they wish to do so.

G Letley

Director of Studies



The following table states the number of lessons allocated to each subject per week in the different year groups.

| |YEAR 7 |YEAR 8 |YEAR 9 |

|Mathematics |5 |5 |5 |

|English |6 |5 |5 |

|Science |6 |6 |9 (3+3+3) |

|MFL |6 ( or Dys / EAL ) |7 ( or Dys / EAL ) |8 ( or Dys / EAL ) |

| |Spanish or French |French or German |2 of French or German or |

| | | |Spanish |

|History |3 |3 |3 |

|Geography |3 |3 |3 |

|R.E. |2 |2 |3 |

|ICT |4 |4 |2 |

|Electronics |- |- |2 periods for 1 term |

|Design Technology |2 |2 |2 periods for 1 term |

|Music |2 |2 |1 |

|Art |2 |2 |2 |

|Drama |2 |2 |2 periods every other week |

|P.E. |2 |2 |2 |

|P.S.H.E. |1 |1 |1 |

|Games |3 |3 |3 |

|Farm |2 (2 periods for 1 term) |2 (2 periods for 1 term) |- |

|Food Technology |2 (2 periods for 1 term) |2 (2 periods for 1 term) | |

Most of the subjects in Key Stage Three are organised into one of three groups of subjects.

Setted classes

Pupils will be organised into setted classes within each group of subjects. They will be taught all the subjects in that group in the same setted class. Which class a pupil is placed in will be determined by their ability in the lead subject of that group. The lead subject for each group will be a core subject: English, Mathematics or Science. This system allows for a pupil to be taught in classes that are most appropriate to their level of ability in a number of different areas, rather than just one streamed class through the whole year.

Movement between sets

This system also allows for pupils to be moved between classes of different ability throughout Key Stage Three. Decisions about moving a pupil between teaching groups will be made by the Head of the Department leading a subject Group following consultation with the other teachers in the Group and the Head of Year. The movement of pupils could be to a group that will offer greater challenge or more support. There will be fixed points in the year when movement can take place, normally following a reporting session or key assessments.


|English |Mr S Gant |PSHE |Mrs D Joy |

|Mathematics |Mr S Wiles |Art |Mrs M Montague |

|Junior Science |Mr F Sochacki |Design Technology |Mr T Williams |

|Biology |Mr F Sochacki |ICT |Mr B Rothwell |

|Chemistry |Mr S Fell |Music |Mr J Ross |

|Physics |Mr S Worth |RE |Mrs E Jameson |

|Modern Languages |Miss H Valentine |PE |Mr N Clark |

|Geography |Miss A McCardle |Drama |Mr H Jones |

|History |Mr G Noble |SEN/Dyslexia |Mrs G Bunyan |

|EAL |Mrs K Plumb | | |

Head of Lower School: Mrs C A Baker

Head of Year 7: Mrs K L McGibney

Year 6 / 7 liaison: Mrs. A Macdonald

To contact any member of staff please refer to Parents’ Handbook where all e-mail addresses are listed in Chapter 8.



At one level, the justification for the study of English is simple to state: as it is the medium of instruction for most other subjects, it is essential that pupils have the required skills to discuss fluently, read a wide variety of texts, and write effectively and correctly on a range of topics, using the appropriate style for the task in hand. However, it is also reasonable to make larger claims for the study of English and the tradition of English literature. Both can be considered essential for the self-development of the pupil, for putting him or her in touch with the best that has been thought and expressed, both ancient and modern, and for putting her or him in the position of having to make moral judgements. By reading texts from other nations, we also intend to foster tolerance, and it is to be hoped that the true value of literature will be a civilising influence as well as an enjoyable way of passing the time and expanding awareness.

Pupils’ progress is regularly reviewed during the course of the year, and end of year examinations in Years 7, 8 and 9 will provide a summative assessment of pupils’ achievements and help to determine teaching groups.

1 Years 7 and 8


• Written comprehension of prose and poetry of steadily increasing sophistication.

Pupils will experience a range of texts, both C20th and pre-C20th, reading both for pleasure and to develop analytical skills.

• Pupils will have one 35-minute reading lesson per week (in Year 8, one lesson per fortnight) dedicated to developing their own personal reading. Pupils will keep a reading record – which they will discuss with their teacher – and are encouraged to broaden their tastes and experiences.

• Pupils will be shown to use the school library and will be encouraged to use it as a resource, both for reading for pleasure and for reference.


• Simple letter writing: letters of thanks; letters to friends; in Year 8, letters of protest.

• Different kinds of imaginative writing; specific teaching of the differences between narrative and descriptive writing.

• Varieties of factual writing: giving a report or account of an event; in Year 8, possibly using simple statistics and numerical charts to illustrate; writing a book or film review; writing newspaper and magazine articles.

• In Year 8, analytical writing in response to a variety of sources.

• Writing poems of various types

• Pupils will be encouraged to develop their writing skills through the drafting process – drafting their work, assessing it critically and redrafting in order to develop and improve the quality of their work.

Oral Work:

• Pupils will be encouraged to read a variety of texts out loud (dyslexic pupils are treated sympathetically).

• Giving a short talk or set of instructions to the class.

• Taking part in a small discussion group, a class debate or dramatic performance,

learning to listen as well as speak, and learning to collaborate with and respond to

others appropriately.

• Developing the confidence to become increasingly fluent and assured in their speaking skills.

• When suitable, pupils may be asked to illustrate their oral work with the use of PowerPoint and Interactive Whiteboards.

Language Work:

• Recognition of different types of simple sentence; developing writing styles through use of varied sentence structures.

• An introduction to parts of speech.

• The use of paragraphs; the paragraphing of speech and the required use of speech marks.

• Spelling of both old and new vocabulary; constant revision of their, they’re, and there!

• Revising and developing punctuation skills – commas, direct speech, colon and semi-colon.

• Familiarity with figurative techniques used by writers (imagery, sound effects etc.) and using these in their own work.


Pupils will read a variety of literary texts, both pre- and post-1900, and learn to discuss and write about them. They will be introduced to simple literary terms; they will learn about rhyme and metre. In Year 7, pupils will read and study a range of Greek myths and legends. During Year 8, they will be required to tackle more demanding literature, often with serious basic themes, and they will be shown how to use quotation as evidence. Pupils will read and study Arthurian legends and they will also be introduced to Shakespeare through project work.

Year 9

Year 9 can be considered as a watershed for most pupils and the intention is to continue to prepare for the end of Key Stage 3 examinations and to look ahead to Key Stage 4, GCSE. The following syllabus therefore follows the National Curriculum very closely, but in one or two areas we aim to do more than is required. However, we are aware that many pupils come new into the school at thirteen plus, and that they may require some revision of basic skills. In the end of year examination, pupils’ reading and writing skills will be tested, as will their understanding of the Shakespeare play studied on the course.

Novels and Short Stories:

All Year 9 pupils should read and write on, at least one novel or set of short stories over the year. They should be shown how to begin writing a more critical essay and be given a revision course of how to use quotation as evidence for their opinions. They should be given further critical vocabulary, and where suitable, taught how to compare texts on similar themes. They may be set comprehension questions on sections of the text and be introduced to how meaning is constructed.

Argumentative and Informative Writing:

Pupils should be asked to tackle a range of tasks, which test the skill of clear, logical argument. This is an area only lightly dealt with in Years 7 and 8, so for many pupils this will be new ground. Through this they will be introduced to less literary passages [possibly taken from current magazines or newspapers] and shown how to begin to précis, or summarise, the argument. They will be reminded of the importance of paragraphing and planning and introduced to the idea of drafting and re-writing. Simple charts and graphs may be inserted into these exercises and IT skills will be positively encouraged. It is probable that the Internet will furnish information on a wide range of topics under this heading and all pupils will be encouraged to find out more about topics through new media. However, we do not intend to neglect the old virtues of reading!

Imaginative Writing:

Pupils are encouraged to continue to develop their creative writing skills, through completing a range of tasks. We also consider that the writing of poetry is vital under this heading and this too will be encouraged. The best will find their way into the school magazine!


The study of a whole Shakespeare play is compulsory for Key Stage 3 and one whole exam paper is devoted to this extended study. Often pupils will focus on the key scenes of their chosen play and their study will be supported by film versions of the complete text. Indeed they may be asked to write on the fidelity to the original of the film version. Clearly the topics most in evidence will be based on character, key themes and issues related to staging in the 16th/17th Century. All pupils will thus have to learn to read some of the text in the original and tackle a wide variety of critical and imaginative tasks.

We also firmly believe that pupils should see the text as a performance piece, and so drama work is a vital element to our teaching of the play. Pupils’ final assessment will be based not only on a written response that demonstrates their understanding of the play, but on a practical performance of a scene or extract also.

Oral Skills:

While there is no direct requirement to test oral skills at Key Stage 3 beyond a minimal level, we believe that they are important and pupils will be given a variety of opportunities to speak and listen, as this area of their work in English accounts for a significant proportion of their final assessment at GCSE level. Obviously, the Shakespeare study lends itself to some dramatic performance and the acting out of key scenes will be encouraged. Pupils will also be introduced to further exercises involving collaborating verbally in groups and this activity runs parallel to skills needed in arguing a case on paper. Pupils will take turns in controlling their group and introducing their chosen topic to a wider audience. Some solo performances will be asked for, but increasingly the stress will be on collaboration. When suitable, pupils may be asked to illustrate a talk with the use of PowerPoint and use Interactive Whiteboards.

Language Skills:

Here too we shall follow the requirements of the National Curriculum. As there will be pupils new to the school, we shall attempt to revise some of the basics of punctuation, spelling and paragraphing and introduce new terms, like the soliloquy. Further language exercises will be based on the Oxford Key Stage 3 series, or its current equivalent.

ICT in English.

Pupils will be encouraged to use and develop their ICT skills in English, particularly in terms of:

• Presenting their written work. With tasks such as writing newspaper reports, appropriate layout and presentation is explored.

• Drafting and redrafting their written work, and using ICT as a tool to develop and enhance these skills.

• Using ICT as a reference resource – appropriate and considered use of the Internet as a reference and information resource.

• Presenting their oral work, encouraging them to enhance their talks through the use of PowerPoint presentations and Interactive whiteboards.


The Dyslexia Support Centre provides support and tuition for those students who have been identified as dyslexic prior to their entry to the school and also for students who have been referred for assessment by members of staff or parents. The majority of these students attend the Dyslexia Support Centre for lessons, which replace those timetabled for Modern Foreign Languages. Lessons will be in small groups and take place in the specialist Dyslexia Support Centre. One-to-one support, where appropriate, may also be available.

Tuition is multi-sensory and structured, using a wide variety of materials to promote the development of reading, spelling, writing and study skills, in preparation for the demanding work of public examinations.

Pupils with dyslexia in years 7 and 8 are required to attend a weekly Touch Typing class, which is held in the Dyslexia Support Centre as an activity. The ability to word process work is actively encouraged. The computers within the Dyslexia Support Centre are connected to the school network and are used, where appropriate, for a variety of functions. The Maths department provides an Additional Maths class specifically for students with dyslexia in Years 7-11 who may need extra support in this subject.

The support given by the Dyslexia Support Centre aims to encourage self-esteem and confidence, allowing pupils to make good progress towards attaining their potential in all areas of education. An awareness of their individual strengths and difficulties therefore, is essential in order for each student to develop appropriate strategies for dealing with weaker areas, which can hamper their achievement. An important component of lessons will be to encourage students to identify their preferred learning style and develop strategies that help them become independent learners.

Throughout Years 7-9 the students follow a similar structure within lessons, which is tailored to their individual needs and to the demands of the mainstream curriculum. Teaching methodology, content and style of delivery, is adapted accordingly to suit the changing needs of the students as they progress through the Lower School towards the GCSE years. Reinforcement of concepts taught plays an important part of the learning process for students with dyslexia and this is catered for by the use of a variety of teaching methods, materials and activities, including computer and DVD software.


Includes essay planning techniques, paragraphing, proof-reading, punctuation, letter writing and summaries. Students are also encouraged to expand their descriptive vocabulary skills by creative writing, using a variety of subjects. Good presentation is encouraged both in hand-written and word-processed work.


A variety of spelling strategies are taught using multisensory methods. These include the use of a structured, phonic based programme suitable for secondary students, together with additional techniques for learning homophones and irregular words.

The use of mnemonics, memory aids and specific help with subject-based vocabulary are taught. Where appropriate, students will be given the opportunity to learn particular spellings, which are important to them as individuals, using a variety of methods including S.O.S. (simultaneous oral spelling), a spelling approach found to be particularly successful for students with dyslexia. Segmentation skills and syllable analysis are an essential component of every spelling programme.

Speaking and listening skills:

Students are encouraged to participate in-group discussions on a range of subjects, often linked to current reading and comprehension materials. Care is taken to encourage student’s self-confidence in taking part in oral debates, presentations and discussions. Audio tapes may also be used to further develop listening skills.


Wide ranges of resources are used to encourage reading accuracy, comprehension and fluency. Short stories, poetry, and both classic and modern fiction are studied. ‘Reciprocal reading’ within the setting of a small group can often assist in raising the students’ confidence, and helps to ensure further progression. As the students progress through these early years, reading techniques of skimming and scanning are practised.

Study skills:

Study skills include techniques that help an individual student to develop the following:

• Extracting information - identifying key-words and main ideas

• Essay planning

• Revision and examination techniques

• Note taking techniques

• Mind mapping

• Timetables

• Analytical thinking and writing

• Information retrieval

• Organising course work

• Summary skills

• Oral presentations

• Current affairs

General organisational skills, filing etc.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

The International Study Centre provides language support for international students who are in the mainstream. The lessons take place at the same time as Modern Foreign Languages or/and English. .

Our aim is to identify individual needs and provide the means for students to improve their accuracy and fluency as well as develop their general reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Teaching takes place in small groups and individualised programmes are designed depending on the level and rate of progress made.

Our objectives are:

• To develop the English required for participation in all subjects across the curriculum. The appropriate language and vocabulary needed for different subjects is taught alongside general English.

• To develop the skills needed for academic and general English in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

• To raise awareness of aspects of culture in language and literature as well as everyday life in England.

• To develop strategies for self-correction and proof reading of written work.

• To gain confidence in speaking to native speakers in different situations.

• To have fun with language.


Year 7 and 8:

It is assumed that students who come to the ISC for language support in Year 7 will follow an elementary or pre-intermediate language level syllabus until they are able to join all lessons in the mainstream. The period of integration depends on the initial level and rate of progress during a term. Support is also given with the language they need to succeed in other subjects. When students join Year 7 they all attend Modern Foreign Languages lessons unless when they are assessed on arrival, the results indicate that they may need EAL support.

Year 9:

EAL students in Year 9 who come to the ISC for language support tend not to be integrated into mainstream Modern Foreign Languages lessons if they have no previous knowledge of the relevant language, or mainstream English. They therefore remain in the ISC for EAL lessons throughout the year. The EAL lessons support students who have a pre-intermediate level of English. They follow a syllabus to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills as well as grammar/syntax and vocabulary for general and academic purposes. The programme of study includes a lesson in which they read a set reader and another which focuses on study skills and cross-curricular language support. At the end of the year the students are assessed to establish whether they can follow a GCSE English course in Year 10 or whether they should do the IGCSE ESL course in the ISC.


The aims of the department are:

o To provide a mathematical education of the highest quality:

that involves the provision of challenging courses in Mathematics and its applications for the whole range of pupils, taking into account of age, gender, ethnicity, capability, special educational needs, giftedness and those for whom English is an additional language;

o To instil an understanding of the nature of Mathematics:

also the confidence and skill to use mathematics to solve problems both within mathematics and in the real world;

o To provide teaching of consistently high quality:

yet tailored to the needs of individual pupils;

o To provide a stimulating learning environment:

which challenges and encourages pupils with their differing needs, interests and aspirations, to develop their skills and enthusiasms to their full potential;

o To develop in pupils the capacity to learn mathematics:

including confidence and enjoyment, the ability to communicate mathematics precisely and accurately, the capacity for clear logical thinking and a strong personal sense of number;

Pupils are set in Mathematics from the beginning of Year 7 based on entrance test scores, SAT results and teacher assessment from end of Key Stage 2. The department continuously reviews individual progress and where appropriate, movement between sets takes place during the school year.

The syllabus for Years 7 - 9 is based on levels 5 to 8 of the National Curriculum. The department follows the SMP Interact Course, which uses a variety of teaching approaches in order to stimulate pupils and foster their understanding and enjoyment of mathematics.

Assessments take place on a class basis throughout the year. In Years 7 - 9 at the end of each year, pupils take nationally recognised tests that allow close monitoring of pupil’s progress compared with students nationally, the results are reported to parents at the end of the summer term. Prep is used to either reinforce or extend class lessons or allow pupils to continue with investigational work.

Mathematics clinics are run twice a week after school for pupils who feel they need extra help.

All pupils are given the opportunity to sit a UK Mathematical Challenge, a national problem solving competition. For Years 7 and 8 there is a team problem solving competition at Sutton Valence School.

Topics covered in Year 7 include:

Metric and imperial units.

Angles, triangles and parallel lines.

Fractions and decimals.

Displaying data.

Formulae and equations.

Topics covered in Year 8 include:

Probability and scatter graphs.

Areas of triangles, parallelograms and circles.

Simultaneous and linear equations.

Graphs and scale drawing.

Using spread sheets.


Topics covered in Year 9 include:

Percentages, ratio and proportion.

Inequalities, algebraic products and factors, quadratic equations.

Statistics: organisation of data, cumulative frequency, histograms, probability.

Trigonometry in right angled triangles.

Areas, volumes of prisms, nets.


Science in the Lower School is taught in a modular fashion. There is a series of modules each of which concentrates on a particular discipline – Biology, Chemistry or Physics. However, links are made between the three main disciplines wherever appropriate.

Each pupil is given a colourful and easy-to-use resource book designed for Key Stage Three. This enhances the transition from primary school science to Year 7 science, and enables development of ideas in a smooth progression through key stage 3.

In years 7 & 8 emphasis is on How Science Works. This involves understanding and learning the main scientific principles:


Asking questions

Thinking up hypotheses to answer the questions

Designing fair tests to see if the hypotheses are correct

Carrying out the tests

Interpreting the results

Evaluating the tests and the results

• Communicating

Most topics are taught in a practical and investigative manner and pupils are given many opportunities to plan and carry out practical work. There is also an emphasis on incorporating Science in society and an effort is made to ensure that pupils understand how the science they are learning applies to modern society.

|Topics covered in Year 7 |(Each topic lasts about half a term) |

|Introduction |How should you behave in the lab? |

|- What is Science? | |

|Safety in the Lab | |

|Investigating | |

|Particle Model of States of Matter and Solutions |All substances are made from particles |

| |The state of matter depends on the way these particles behave and how they interact |

| |with each other |

| |Solutions are mixtures of different types of particles |

|Acids, Alkalis & Simple Chemical Reactions |Are all acids dangerous? |

| |Can we tell how strong or dangerous an acid is? |

| |How do chemicals react together? - simple reactions |

|Energy Resources & Electrical Circuits |Types of Energy |

| |Sources of Energy |

| |Electrical circuits |

|Forces |What is a force? |

| |How can we use forces to our advantage? |

| |Continued… |

|Cells & Reproduction |Plant & Animal cells |

| |Are all cells the same? - Specialised cells |

| |Reproductive cells and how is new life is created |

| |Growing up |

|Organisms and their environment |Where do different organisms live |

| |What environmental factors may change in different |

| |places and how organisms adapt |

|Topics covered in Year 8 |(Each topic lasts about half a term) | |

|Atoms, Elements, Compounds & Mixtures |Particles revisited |

| |The difference between atoms and molecules |

| |What is an element? |

| |Combinations of elements to make compounds |

|Heating, Cooling, Magnets & Electromagnets |The difference between heat and temperature |

| |How does energy move? |

| |What is magnetism? |

| |How does it occur? |

|Food, Digestion & Respiration |What do we need to eat? |

| |What is in a balanced diet? |

| |How do we use the food we eat to gain energy? |

| |How do we use that energy? |

|Light, Sound and Hearing |How does light behave? |

| |How does it allow us to see? |

| |Why can’t we see round corners? |

| |But we can hear round corners! |

|Microbes & Disease, |Bacteria, viruses and fungi |

| |Things that cause disease and how to avoid them |

|Ecological Relationships |Organisms in their environment revisited |

In both years 7 & 8 extension topics are made available to those pupils who are well motivated and enthusiastic. These topics tie in with the school’s extra curricular activities through the science club and entries to a variety of regional and national competitions.

In year 9, pupils will be taught for the GCSE in Basic Core Science. There are separate teachers for each main discipline. Treating the three sciences separately in year 9 allows pupils to make the very important choice at the end of year 9 regarding which sciences they wish to continue studying to GCSE and beyond.

Topics covered in Year 9 Science (OCR ‘Gateway’ Core Science course)

|Biology |Chemistry |Physics |

|B1 |C1 |P1 |

|Understanding Organisms |Carbon Chemistry |Energy for the Home |

|a Fitness and Health |a Making crude oil useful |a Heating houses |

|b Human Health and Diet |b Using carbon fuels |b Keeping homes warm |

|c Staying Healthy |c Clean air |c A spectrum of waves |

|d The nervous system |d Making polymers |d Light and lasers |

|e Drugs and You |e Designer polymers |e Cooking and communicating using waves |

|f Staying in Balance |f Cooking and food additives |f Data transmission |

|g Controlling Plant Growth |g Smells |g Wireless signals |

|h Variation and Inheritance |h Paints and pigments |h Stable Earth |

| B2 | C2 |P2 |

|Understanding our environment | |Living for the Future |

| |Chemical Resources | |

|a Classification |a The structure of the Earth |Collecting energy from the Sun |

|b Energy flow |b Construction materials |b Generating electricity |

|c Recycling |c Metals and alloys |c Global warming |

|d Interdependence |d Making cars |d Fuels for power |

|e Adaptations |e Manufacturing chemicals: making ammonia |e Nuclear radiations |

|f Natural selection |f Acids and bases |f Exploring our Solar System |

|g Population and pollution |g Fertilisers and crop yields |g Threats to Earth |

|h Sustainability |h Chemicals from the sea: the chemistry of |h The Big Bang |

| |sodium chloride | |

In addition to the topics listed above, the Physics syllabus includes a small amount of Electricity and Electronics. This introduction is useful for studying Physics at GCSE and is intended to allow pupils to make a more informed decision about following the GCSE Electronics course in Years 10 and 11.


Kent College pupils enjoy the advantage of a thriving Modern Languages Department. The emphasis in the classroom is upon communication and much of the lessons are conducted in the target language. However, the importance of an understanding of grammar remains high on the agenda, so that pupils are well equipped to communicate with confidence and accuracy.

Pupils will study one language during these three years, with the aim of taking GCSE at the end of Year 9 or Year 10. The choice of language on offer in any one year should be checked carefully with the school directly. For those who would like to maximise the accelerated expertise achieved by this stage they may be able to study for the AS examination in the same language in Years 10 and 11, which will provide an excellent foundation for A-level or IB study in the sixth form. If they wish they may also be able to take up another language ab initio (beginner) in Year 10, hopefully taking GCSE in that language in Year 11.

In all three languages pupils cover the same topic areas and linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. They learn about such areas as: Home and Family Life, Holidays, Free Time and Entertainment, Shopping, Travel and Transport, School Life, the World of Work, Eating Out, Media and the Environment.

Pupils are also encouraged to develop their ICT skills. All classes make regular use of material on interactive websites, pupils often present word-processed material, and they use the Internet as a learning resource.

In order to promote the language skills acquired in the classroom and to develop a cultural awareness of the target language country we do all we can to develop opportunities for our pupils to travel to France, Germany and Spain. We have links and annual exchanges with the Immaculée Conception Beau-Frêne in Pau, the Georgii Gymnasium in Esslingen, near Stuttgart, and with the Colegio Apostol Santiago in Vigo, Galicia. We also organise an annual visit to the Rhineland and the Christmas markets for Years 8 and 9.


The Geography Department keenly promotes the following aims throughout the school:

• The enjoyment of Geography.

• An understanding of the topicality of the subject, using current global events.

• The acquisition of basic skills in the subject including map reading, weather watching, statistical analysis and critical thinking.

• An awareness of the range of cultures and levels of economic development found in different countries.

A feature of the courses is that we have continuous assessment in each year. Assessments are completed throughout each year rather than having an end of year examination. ICT underpins much of our work and this is delivered through our department computer suite. At least one of the assessed pieces of work is aimed at Independent Learning Skills and one at making presentations.

The content of the Key Stage 3 programme in Geography is outlined below. This is constantly being updated to reflect global, national and local issues that occur throughout the year.

1 Year 7

Favourite places Presentations of favourite places.

Making connections OS maps skills and World Geography.

UK Geography Physical and Human characteristics.

Settlement Land use patterns in E Kent and in urban areas.

Retail changes Spatial changes in retailing, death of the CBD, growth of edge of town and out-of-town locations.

Kent College Farm Mapping the land of the farm and considering possible uses in the future.

Tropical Rainforest A look into the rainforest and how the animals and vegetation have adapted to the conditions as well as understanding the vulnerable nature of the ecosystem.

2 Year 8

Development A look at LEDCs and MEDCs

Geography of Crime Understanding the connection between geography and criminal activity

Economic Development Case studies of countries in the less economically developed world to examine: housing, health, rural and urban environments.

Demography Population patterns globally, nationally and locally.

Rivers Processes, features and flood risk.


3 Year 9

Volcanoes &

Earthquakes Theory of plate tectonics and the structure of the earth. Case

studies of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Group presentations and independent research projects.

Hurricane investigations and presentations.

Tornadoes in nature and movies

2012 A look at the impact of the Olympics on the UK: Urban

decline and regeneration in London

Extreme Geography Tsunami

Killer Lakes

Killer Waves

Super volcanoes

Extreme Weather


History is taught within a broadly chronological framework in the first three years at Kent College, focusing on the British Isles but diverting into other important and stimulating topics. The course leads naturally on to the Modern World, a twentieth century GCSE, which many pupils opt to take at Key Stage 4.

Pupils at Key Stage 3 are encouraged to improve their literacy skills and think for themselves about the historical issues that arise. There are videos, ICT work, dedicated textbooks, sources and trips. We encourage pupils to bring in any artefacts, which they may have at home. There is also an annual award, the Anstey Prize, for the pupil in Years 7 to 9 who produces the most interesting and well-researched project.

2 Year Seven

In Year 7, we begin with an introduction to the subject. Why do we study History? What can we learn from the past? What sources are available? How does a historian work out what can be trusted?

Now that everyone understands the foundations, we move to some real history with a study of Medieval Realms. Starting with the Norman Conquest, we build up an ever more complex picture of life in the Middle Ages. We don’t just concentrate on Kings and Queens. What was it like to be a peasant, a knight, a monk and a lord or lady of the manor? Among the topics studied are Thomas Becket, Magna Carta, the Black Death, the Peasants’ Revolt and the Crusades. Towards the end of the course, pupils are given an opportunity to look at the rich history of our own city, with a study of St. Augustine and the reintroduction of Christianity to England from 597. Our Medieval studies are complemented, during Activities’ Week, with a trip to Dover Castle and a historical treasure hunt around Canterbury.

Pupils end the year with a contrasting study of a non-European civilisation, the Native Indians of North America. We examine the very successful social structures of the various tribes and how European settlers destroyed, in a few decades, a society which had lasted a millennium.

3 Year 8

Year 8 brings us back to Britain in the time of the Tudors and Stuarts. One of the most studied periods in our history is brought to life as we chart the social and religious changes of the sixteenth century: the King’s Great Matter; the Reformation; the so-called mid-Tudor crisis and the apparent stability of Elizabethan England, threatened from without by the Spanish Armada. A trip to Hampton Court gives a glimpse of the dazzling life of Henry VIII.

In the Spring Term, we turn to the maelstrom of the seventeenth century, complete with the English Civil War; regicide; the Restoration of the monarchy; plague and fire.

Moving forward a hundred years in the summer term, we find the ancien régime of France, set up for one of the most dramatic moments in European History, the French Revolution. We analyse the roots of the uprising and make comparisons with the execution of another monarch after the English Civil War. How was the idealism of the Revolution lost in an orgy of violence and terror? How was the way prepared for the arrival of Napoleon?

4 Year 9

In Year 9 we move forward to the twentieth century and World War I. Our work focuses on the causes of the conflict and then the gruesome conditions in the trenches of the Western Front. We use the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website to research those Old Boys of the school who were killed in the conflict. A trip to the region of Ypres, in Belgium, or the Somme, in France, with their cemeteries, memorials and preserved trenches, gives pupils a first hand experience of the costs of the Great War.

In the Spring and Summer terms, we study Nazi Germany and Era of the Second World War. We examine the collapse of German democracy and the rise of totalitarianism, to address the questions: ‘How did the Nazi regime operate?’ and ‘Why did the Second World War break out just twenty years after the ‘War to End Wars’ had ended?’. We analyse the Holocaust, the Blitz, Pearl Harbour and the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan.

An understanding of this period helps to put modern events into perspective. In recent years, Year 9 pupils have been fortunate to attend highly engaging and interactive lectures on both World Wars.

Design Technology (D.T.)

This is an area of practical and creative activity that aims to prepare young people for life in a changing technological society. The modern approach to teaching this subject emphasises areas such as graphic design, pneumatics and computer applications alongside the more traditional skills of realisation in wood, metal and plastics. Few subjects have seen such rapid and far-reaching changes during the last few years and the subject has great potential to excite and challenge pupils of secondary school age.

Over the last few years in the Design Technology department at Kent College, we have carefully structured a course which encompasses the statutory requirements for Design Technology at Key Stage 3 whilst retaining the best of the traditional aspects of the subject.

Years 7 and 8: During the first two years the course follows a similar pattern. All pupils undertake a range of small projects lasting between 8 - 10 weeks. This enables a good selection of Design Technology processes to be covered:

Expert tuition on the manipulation of resistant materials - including the safe use of small machinery.

Experiencing and developing a comprehensive range of design methods from abstract to detailed design processes and the introduction to CAD/CAM.

The introduction of basic control systems in the form of electrical and pneumatic circuits.

An 8-week introductory course on digital photography and image manipulation.

Early in the course, the design briefs given to pupils are structured fairly rigidly for the benefit of building pupils' knowledge and confidence; however, as pupils become more confident in the use of equipment and materials, they are presented with wider design briefs. This policy is developed further during Year 9, where the project work set is designed to prepare pupils for the courses at Key Stage 4 GCSE in Design Technology.

Year 9: The following information sets out the educational purposes of the Design / Technology syllabus we have created for Year 9 pupils at Kent College. This work prepares candidates for the syllabuses we have selected for Key Stage 4 / GCSE.

The basic principles learned in all areas in Years 7 and 8 are now built upon. The 12 week session is spent specifically on increasing the pupils' knowledge of designing and developing new practical skills. This consists of formal instruction on basic pictorial drawing and making using a selection of resistant materials. The use of CAD and DTP is encouraged in all areas to aid the process of design. At the end of this year the pupils are given the option to continue with Design Technology at GCSE level.


Homework is not set on a regular basis for Years 7, 8 and 9 but pupils are expected to keep up with class work between lessons, especially if this involves completing design work before the next lesson. They are also expected to carry out any research which may be required for the projects they are working on, in their own time. If pupils fall behind with their practical coursework, they are encouraged to attend the open workshop session on Monday at 4:30 p.m. to catch up.

All work at Key Stage 3 is continually assessed and a final mark is given on the completion of the exercise. These marks are recorded and used to determine half-term grades, end of term report grades and selection for GCSE courses. This method of assessment is continued throughout GCSE and 'A' level coursework, so establishing consistency for the pupils and staff within the department.

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

The use of computers in schools has radically changed over the past 5 years. Students expect to have access to ICT tools in every lesson and for home use. Discrete knowledge of ICT facts and techniques has given way to generic skills and the notion of capability, i.e. the way to use these tools in real situations, has come to the fore. At Kent College the use of ICT is important across the curriculum as an enabling skill as well as an interest and academic subject in its own right. With the introduction of the Apple MacBooks there is now a far greater emphasis on using ICT across all curriculum subjects to enhance teaching and learning.

During their time at Kent College, students will study towards an OCR National in ICT Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) qualification. This qualification may be completed by the end of Year 9. This is a modular course which encompasses a variety of different topics, shown below:

Group A

Unit 1 ICT skills for business

Group B

Unit 2 Webpage creation

Unit 3 Digital imaging

Unit 4 Produce multimedia products

Unit 5 Desktop publishing

Unit 6 Spreadsheets - design and use

Unit 7 Databases - design and use

Unit 8 Technological innovation

Unit 13 IT systems and user needs

Unit 17 CAD and CAM

Unit 18 Computer control

Group C

Unit 19 Application of data logging

Unit 20 Creating animation

Unit 21 Creating computer graphics

Unit 22 Creating sound using ICT

Unit 23 Creating video

The qualification is assessed at Pass, Merit and Distinction, which is equivalent to GCSE Grades C, B and A respectively. 

Students work across all curriculum subjects can be assessed against the criteria to achieve the qualification. Beginning in Year 7 students will build an online e-Portfolio to exhibit their best examples of ICT based work. It is anticipated that this will be an evolving record as their skills and capabilities improve.

Each student will have access to an online tracking and assessment tool which will enable them to measure their progress against OCR National assessment objectives. This encourages a “stage not age” approach to learning and enables students to achieve fair credit for their work irrespective of when it was produced.

In Year 7, ICT as a discreet subject looks at the development of skills in word processing, spreadsheet manipulation, creating sound, creating video and creating computer graphics.

In Year 8, students will look at relational databases, multimedia presentations, website development, computer control and creating animation.

In Year 9 students will look at desktop publishing, data logging, digital imaging, ICT systems and user needs and technological innovation.

Homework will be given to Year 7 and Year 8 students to consolidate their learning and provide them with background knowledge about ICT.


The Art Department aims to build the confidence of each student entering this first phase of KS3 in Art and Design. This will allow individual pupils to enjoy an exciting, creative environment and to be able to express themselves within it.

Projects are carefully structured across the Key Stage in order to allow every child to achieve success. The basic visual elements of line, colour, shape, pattern, texture, tone and form are introduced and explored through projects designed to stimulate the student through the use of a variety of media and techniques. By the end of Year 8, pupils will find they have a good understanding of their environment through this visual exploration.

Pupils will experience working from direct observation, as well as from imagination and memory. Given firm guidance and encouragement, they will learn to explore a wide variety of possibilities and outcomes designed to emphasise that there is no single correct answer and that all things are accepted in art.

Reference will be made to the work of other artists and craftspeople working in related areas, materials or styles. The aim is to encourage a greater understanding and knowledge of the wider world of art.

The basic principles taught in Years 7 and 8 are further developed in Year 9, as pupils are prepared for the GCSE course.

Below are examples of some projects, although these are reviewed on a yearly basis to ensure variety of teaching and learning. However all project are designed to incorporate Art History and within each year group, pupils will learn the formal elements of Art & Design, building on these skills in a more sophisticated way as they progress through Key Stage 3. All pupils are given an A5 sketchbook in which to record their weekly prep, which is carefully planned to ensure pupils build on what they have learnt in class.

Examples of projects – Year 7

‘Impressionism, Colour & Light’ drawing & painting

3D Egyptian Mummies

Collograph printing

‘The Green Man’ clay relief or ‘African’ inspired clay masks

Examples of projects – Year 8

‘Rousseau in the Jungle’ drawing, painting and lino printing

‘Mithila’ art, silk painting

‘Greek’ or ‘African’ coil pots in clay

Examples of projects – Year 9

‘Me Time’ ICT work/Identity Clocks


Totem Poles 3D work

Mixed media ‘Cartoonscape’

3D Venetian masks


The Drama curriculum in the lower school aims to stimulate pupils’ curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Drama through a wide range of practical activities in the fully-equipped Drama Studio, backed-up by written homework assignments.

Among the principal aims of the work undertaken are:

• developing communication skills through the effective use of

o voice and language

o stillness and movement

o mime and facial expression

o spatial awareness

o effective listening

• developing performance skills to create dynamic and meaningful theatre for a variety of target audiences

• developing a range of desirable personal qualities such as

o self-confidence

o self-discipline and perseverance

o initiative and leadership

o co-operation and concern for others

o independent and creative thinking

o effective problem-solving

• developing an awareness that effective group learning depends on individual discipline and dependability

As Drama is both a subject in its own right, and a learning method, a wide range of topics and issues is explored. Activities will include

a. responding creatively to a variety of stimuli

b. exploring issues through the medium of drama

c. developing creative, physical use of face and body

d. concentration and trust-based games

e. creating and sustaining a variety of character roles

f. presenting dramatic situations and stories to others

g. responding to pupils’ own and others’ work through discussion and evaluation, with opinions supported by reasoned argument

h. improvising and devising dramas

i. rehearsing and performing play-extracts

j. developing performance skills through the imaginative use of character, action, atmosphere, tension, emotion, dialogue, pace and narrative

k. performing rehearsed work to an audience

Associated written work asks pupils to report/reflect on practical class work undertaken, or develop them into further creative ideas, such as script-writing or writing-in-role.

Assessments are based on graded observations during practical activities and grades awarded to written work. By the end of Year 9, pupils will have a thorough grounding in the language and techniques of Drama, to enable them to move forward with confidence to GCSE Drama.


The Music Department aims to increase pupils’ understanding and appreciation of music of every kind through listening, composing and performing. The subject is taught as a series of topics focusing on the elements of music e.g. pitch, rhythm, harmony, etc., their application in a variety of styles and group practical work with appraisal. The course is designed to cater for all abilities, enabling every pupil to experience a sense of achievement in this wide-ranging subject.

Two periods each week are allocated for Music in Years 7 and 8 with one period per week in Year 9. Year 9 classes are taught by two teachers, enabling every student to have the fullest participation in the subject irrespective of ability.

Practical music making plays an important part in the cultural life of Kent College. A large number of pupils in the Lower School study a musical instrument and new students are always welcome. Tuition is offered on a wide range of instruments and any inquiries should be made to the Director of Music in the first instance. For all singers and instrumentalists, there is the opportunity and encouragement to perform in the numerous extra curricular choirs, orchestra and ensembles, as well as in the regular Lower School recitals.

Year 7 pupils study pitch, major and minor modes, duration, tempo and dynamics - leading to an understanding of melodic construction. Simple musical forms are also investigated. The historical and cultural role of music is examined. We also investigate the acoustical properties of western orchestral instruments and look at the work of a variety of musical ensembles in Europe and around the world. Classes will also begin the study of composition partly through the use of our highly sophisticated Music computers.

Year 8 covers harmony, texture, timbre and devices such as ostinato, irregular metre and variation as well as the music of Africa, India and the Caribbean. We also examine the musical styles of the classical and Romantic era and the main trends of the twentieth century. Musical composition continues to a much higher level in Year 8. Students continue to work with Music computers to an ever more sophisticated degree. Some basic recording techniques are also taught.

Year 9 is tailored to the needs of a group which may have a very wide range of ability and experience. Pupils are able to work at their own level within the group. Special emphasis is placed on notated composition and the use of computer sequencing programmes. The work begun in Year 8 on recording techniques is continued in Year 9. A programme of directed listening and ensemble playing is also followed. The aim in Year 9 is to prepare all students to be able to take GCSE courses that begin in Year 10. The Music Department has an inclusive policy for GCSE.


The Religious Studies department aims to encourage pupils to develop positive attitudes to their learning and to the beliefs and values of others by promoting:

• self-awareness

• respect for all

• open-mindedness

• appreciation and wonder.

Year 7

1. What is Belief?

Pupils will find out what belief is and what it means to some people to have religious beliefs. They will also explore the link between belief and faith. Discover reasons for studying RS and the impact of religion in the world.

2. Code Breaking

Pupils will examine the ways in which religions express their beliefs through symbols and stories. Understanding religious language and practice is like breaking a code.

3. What do People Believe About God?

Whether pupils believe in God or not, it is important that for millions of people ‘God’ means the most powerful and important force in the world. We will be exploring reasons for believing and not believing in God, and what difference this might make to people’s lives and behaviour. Exploring these ideas will help pupils reflect on their own beliefs and how these might affect what they do.

4. What Happens When We Die?

Death has been said to be the only certainty in our lives. But it is also something we know little about. There are many questions surrounding death. Do we enter into a different realm or do we return to live on earth again in the same form or different forms? Can belief in life after death affect the way we live our lives? These are questions that pupils will explore.

5. What does Justice mean?

Pupils look at key figures in Christianity who taught about justice, including Jesus and St Paul.

A consideration of issues of justice and injustice in the world today.

How Christian leaders show justice today.

6. Understanding the Scriptures

We endeavour to show pupils the influence of the Jewish and Christian scriptures on people today. To show how the Jewish Scriptures and the Christian bible are used in Judaism and Christianity. Students will study a brief synopsis of Old Testament history with specific reference to the call of Abraham and the concept of the Jews as ‘the chosen people’; the Exodus from Egypt under Moses and the giving of the Ten Commandments.

7. A Study of the life of John Wesley and the origins of Methodism.

In the final half term we undertake a study of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. We will consider his influence and the influence of Methodism both in England and worldwide. During the second half of the summer term all Year 7’s will be taken to London where they will visit Wesley’s Chapel and St Paul’s Cathedral.

Year 8

1. Putting Belief and Faith into practice.

Pupils will investigate the difference between belief and faith. They will study two areas in which they affect the actions of religious believers: worship and the treatment of other people.

2. Prejudice

In this unit pupils will explore key religious traditions about prejudice and, in particular, racism. They will discover how different people have challenged racism. Pupils will be encouraged to understand why racism develops and to reflect on their own ideas.

3. Poverty

Pupils will be learning about poverty, its causes and some religious responses to it. They will investigate how poverty affects people and the choices they make. Students will study key ideas about wealth and poverty from a variety of religious traditions.

4. War and Peace

In this section of the course pupils will explore different religious views on war and peace in Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. Finally, pupils will reflect on whether pacifism is a possibility in today’s world.

5. Evil and Suffering

Pupils will learn about different types of suffering and the reasons for them, including the possible existence of evil. Pupils will also have a chance to explore what can be done to limit suffering.

6. The Life and Teachings of Jesus.

Pupils study key events in the life of Jesus in the form of a project using IT.

An investigation into why Jesus became the founder of Christianity and an examination of his impact upon the world.

An investigation into how the principle beliefs and teachings of Jesus affect the lives of believers today.

An exploration of the main beliefs Christians hold about Jesus.

Year 9

We begin to cover the content for the first module and skills for the OCR GCSE full course (Philosophy and Applied Ethics) in relation to Christianity and secular viewpoints.

1. Introduction

• Pupils are introduced to Ethics and explore aspects likely to arise in most topic areas.

• Denominations - Pupils will learn about the variety of Christian denominations and explore differing Christian attitudes to various ethical issues.

• Scripture - Pupils consider different ways of interpreting the bible.

• Important people - Pupils consider the impact of key figures in Christianity.

2. Religion and Human Relationships

• Roles of men and women

• Marriage

• Divorce and remarriage

• Sexual relationships

3. Religion and medical ethics

• Sanctity of life

• Abortion

• Fertility treatment

• Cloning

• Suicide

• Euthanasia

• The use of animals in medical research

4. Belief about deity

• Nature of God

• Belief in God

• Miracles

5. Religion and Equality

• The principle of equality

• Christian attitudes towards racism

• Christian attitudes towards gender

• Attitudes to religion

• Forgiveness and reconciliation


Physical Education is taught in order to introduce every pupil to a broad range of physical skills, knowledge and understanding, which are essential to their future participation and achievement in physical activity.


To provide a broad balanced programme of physical education in a co-educational environment.

To develop physical competence and help to promote physical development.

To teach pupils through experience to know about and value the benefits of participation in physical activity while at school and throughout life.

To develop an appreciation of skilful and creative performances across the areas of activity.

To introduce the pupils to both a theoretical and practical understanding of the importance of exercise to their health and future well-being.


The department covers the six areas of activity contained within the National Curriculum (athletic activity, games, gymnastic activities, outdoor adventurous activities and swimming).


| |Fitness training-6 |Swimming - 3 |Athletics - 10 |

| |Gymnastics - 3 |Gymnastics – 3 |Tennis (Girls) - 10 |

|YEAR 7 |Minor Games – 3 |Minor games-3 |Cricket (Boys) - 10 |

| |Swimming-3 |Netball (Girls) - 10 | |

| |Rugby (Boys) - 12 |Hockey (Boys) - 10 | |

| |Hockey (Girls) - 12 | | |

| |Fitness training-6 |Orienteering - 3 |Athletics - 10 |

| |Gymnastics - 3 |Badminton - 3 |Tennis (Girls) - 10 |

|YEAR 8 |CVE – 3 |Basketball-3 |Rounders (Girls) - 3 |

| |Swimming-3 |Netball (Girls) - 10 |Cricket (Boys) - 10 |

| |Hockey (Girls) - 12 |Hockey (Boys) - 10 | |

| |Rugby (Boys) - 12 | | |

| |Fitness training-6 |Gymnastics - 3 |Athletics - 10 |

| |Basketball - 3 |Minor games-3 |Tennis (Girls) - 10 |

|YEAR 9 |Orienteering – 3 |Basketball-3 |Cricket (Boys) - 10 |

| |Swimming-3 |Netball (Girls) - 10 | |

| |Hockey (Girls) - 12 |Hockey (Boys) - 10 | |

| |Rugby (Boys) - 12 | | |

The number represents the number of double lessons.

Safe Practice:

Within the Physical Education programme we place a strong emphasis on safety and personal and social development.

Extra-curricular activities:

Through the extended curriculum we provide clubs and organised activities which are open to all pupils to join and which enrich the social and cultural life of the school. We also encourage school and higher representative activities.


PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education is described in two programmes of study:

• personal wellbeing 

• economic wellbeing and financial capability

PSHE is those aspects of the curriculum that promote pupils' personal, social and emotional development, as well as their health and wellbeing. It provides the knowledge, skills and attributes pupils need to lead healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Pupils learn about businesses and different types of work, how to manage money and budget

The key concepts for PSHE education in personal wellbeing are:

personal identities

healthy lifestyles




and in economic wellbeing and financial capability are:




economic understanding.

The course is delivered through a variety of methods, which gives plenty of opportunity for group work and discussions. The programme on the next page gives some idea of the topics that will be covered within each age group and shows the progression throughout Lower School.






|5 | | | |





|10 |NEEDS / RIGHTS | | |


|12 | |CHOICES | |


|2 | | | CAREERS |


|4 | | | |

|5 | |THE |DRUGS |




|9 |RISKS |CEG | |

|10 | | | |


|2 | | | |

|3 |BULLYING | | |

|4 | | | |

| | | |SRE |


|6 |BEING A | | |

| |TEENAGER | | |

|7 | |SRE | |

|8 |SRE |PUBERTY | |

|9 |PUBERTY | | |

|10 | | | |


The Year 7 programme is focused on integrating new pupils into the school and is supported by a bonding exercise at the beginning of the school year.

In Year 8 ‘The Real Game’, a web-based exercise has been introduced where the pupils are given jobs and salaries and have to learn the art of budgeting and coping with the unforeseen ups and downs of life. Many issues are dealt with in this part of the course including teamwork, gender issues, managing money and coping with change. It is a very exciting course and staff and pupils alike enjoy it.

From Year 9 onwards the element of Careers Education and Guidance is introduced.

Health Education is an integral part of many subjects in the curriculum at Key Stage 3, but some specific issues will be covered in PSHE. The course remains flexible to meet the changing needs of the students.


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