SKANDA Kumarasingam

? Skanda Kumarasingam 2009

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In memory of my father

Viswalingam Kumarasingam

? Skanda Kumarasingam 2009

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Contents in Brief


About the Author

Part 1- Micro Economics

Chapter 1- Basic Concepts and Ideas of Economics

Chapter 2- Price Theory

Chapter 3- Price Elasticity and Marginal Revenue

Chapter 4- Cost of Production

Chapter 5- Product Price and Output in Pure Competition

Chapter 6- Product Price and Output in a Pure Monopoly

Chapter 7- The Prices and Employment of Resources

Part 2- Macro Economics

Chapter 8- National Income Accounting

Chapter 9- Macroeconomic Analysis- Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Chapter 10- National Income Analysis

Chapter 11- International Trade and Balance of Payments

Chapter 12- Money and Banking: Fiscal and Monetary Policy

? Skanda Kumarasingam 2009

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Contents in Detail


About the Author

Part 1- Micro Economics

Chapter 1- Basic Concepts and Ideas of Economics


Problem of scarcity


Needs and wants


Resources or factors of production


Goods and services


Efficient economies


Production possibilities


Law of increasing opportunity cost


Efficient and inefficient points on the production possibilities curve


Circular flow diagram


The economic questions


Review (chapter summary)


Answers to review questions

Chapter 2- Price Theory




Law of demand


Differences between demand and quantity demanded( compiling the determinants of





Law of supply


Differences between supply and quantity supplied( compiling determinants of supply)

? Skanda Kumarasingam 2009

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Demand and supply( finding the market equilibrium for an individual product)


Changes in the equilibrium


Review( chapter summary)


Answers to review questions

Chapter 3- Price Elasticity and Marginal Revenue


Elasticity and its calculation




Elasticity of supply


Marginal revenue


Review( chapter summary)


Answers to review questions

Chapter 4- Cost of Production


Economic costs and economic profits


Cost schedules and curves


Marginal cost and marginal product


law of diminishing returns


Average costs


Long run cost curves


Review (chapter summary)


Answers to review questions

Chapter 5- Product Price and Output in Pure Competition


Features of perfect competition and assumptions


Short run cost of production


The firm¡¯s supply curve

? Skanda Kumarasingam 2009

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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