Cambridge IGCSE

Cambridge IGCSE?



For examination from 2020

Paper 3 (Core)

2 hours


You must answer on the question paper.

You will need:

Geometrical instruments



Answer all questions.


Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.


Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.


Write your answer to each question in the space provided.


Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.


Do not write on any bar codes.


You should use a calculator where appropriate.


You may use tracing paper.


You must show all necessary working clearly.


Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place for angles in

degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.


For ¦Ð, use either your calculator value or 3.142.



The total mark for this paper is 104.


The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 18 pages. Blank pages are indicated.

? UCLES 2017

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(a) The table shows part of a bus timetable.

Town Hall

10 15

10 35

10 55

11 15

City Gate

10 32

10 52

11 12

11 32

Beacon Hill

10 58

11 18

11 38

11 58

Kingswood Park

11 10

11 30

11 50

12 10

(i) Yana leaves home at 10 50.

She takes 14 minutes to walk to the bus stop at City Gate.

At what time does she reach the bus stop?

................................................ [1]

(ii) She gets on the next bus at City Gate and travels to Kingswood Park.

At what time does this bus arrive at Kingswood Park?

................................................ [1]

(iii) Work out how many minutes the bus takes to get from City Gate to Kingswood Park.

......................................... min [1]

(b) Ivan walks 1.5 km from his home to Kingswood Park.

He takes 20 minutes.

Work out Ivan¡¯s average speed in kilometres per hour.

........................................ km/h [1]

? UCLES 2017



(c) The scale drawing shows a map of Kingswood Park.

There are two straight paths and one circular path.

The scale is 1 cm represents 200 m.


North Gate

East Gate

West Gate

Scale: 1 cm to 200 m

South Gate

(i) Yana walks along the straight path from East Gate to West Gate.

Work out the distance she walks.

Give your answer in kilometres.

........................................... km [2]

(ii) Measure the bearing of South Gate from North Gate.

................................................ [1]

(iii) The entrance, P, to a children¡¯s play area is 500 metres from North Gate on a bearing of 195¡ã.

Mark the position of P on the map.


(iv) Ivan runs once around the circular path.

Calculate the distance Ivan runs.

? UCLES 2017


............................................. m [4]

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(a) The diagram shows five number cards.






Put two cards side by side to show

(i) a two-digit number that is a multiple of 7,


(ii) a two-digit square number,


(iii) a two-digit cube number,


(iv) a two-digit prime number.


(b) Insert one pair of brackets into this statement to make it correct.











(c) (i) Write 60 as a product of its prime factors.

................................................ [2]

? UCLES 2017



(ii) Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 36 and 60.

................................................ [2]

(d) Find the value of


0.729 .

................................................ [1]

? UCLES 2017


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