Continuing Professional Education Requirements


This document contains the mandatory Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements for Certified Internal Auditors (CIAs). It also specifies the method of reporting by CIAs who wish to keep their designation in good standing.

Continuing Professional Education

Internal auditors are responsible for:

▪ Maintaining their knowledge and skills.

▪ Updating their knowledge and skills related to improvements and current developments in internal auditing standards, procedures, and techniques.

CPE Reporting Requirements for CIAs

Certificate holders are required to self certify as to the completion of the required continuing education hours. It is the CIA's responsibility to assure that the CPE hours claimed conform to the guidelines established by The IIA's Board of Regents. Forms are submitted by CIAs on a biennial basis and serve as signed statements that all applicable Continuing Professional Education requirements have been met.

At the beginning of each year, notification letters are sent to all CIAs who are scheduled to report in that year. CIAs may submit CPE reporting forms via mail, fax or electronically.

CPE hours for the prior two-year period must be reported by May 31 of the year determined by the CIA's IIA member or customer number. If a CIA's IIA member or customer number ends with an even number, the CIA will report in even years. If the CIA's IIA member or customer number ends in an odd number, the CIA will report in odd years.

The Institute will issue an acknowledgment of compliance to each CIA meeting the requirements of this guidance. The Institute will keep information on the active/inactive status of CIAs.

The Board of Regents of The Institute, upon request, may grant partial or complete exemption from CPE requirements for individuals when good cause exists, such as military service or individual hardship.

Each CIA should submit to The Institute an appropriate CPE reporting form, without supporting documentation, in compliance with CPE requirements. Each CIA should maintain a copy of the CPE reporting form, along with all supporting documentation, for at least three years after the records no longer apply to filed CPE reports. Records must be made available to The Institute or its designee at The Institute's request. The records maintained by the CIA in support of the reporting form filed with The Institute should include, as appropriate, the following information:

a. Title of program and/or description of content.

b. Dates attended.

c. Location of course or program.

d. Sponsoring organization.

e. Contact hours of credit as recommended by the course sponsor.

f. A letter, certificate, or other written independent attestation of course completion.

g. Documentation supporting publications, oral presentations, and committee or other participation.

Practicing CIAs

A CIA who is performing internal auditing functions must complete a total of 80 hours of acceptable CPE every two years.

Non-practicing CIAs

A CIA who is not performing internal auditing functions may request non-practicing status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Non-practicing CIAs must complete a total of 40 hours of acceptable CPE every two years. As long as their CPE requirements are met, non-practicing CIAs may use the CIA designation but may not practice internal auditing.

Pending CIAs

Candidates who have passed the examination but have not yet met all the requirements to become a CIA must be in compliance with CPE requirements (80 CPE hours for the prior two-year period) when applying for a certificate. Eighty CPE hours will be awarded when the CIA examination is passed (40 hours in the year the examination is passed and 40 hours in the subsequent year).

Retired CIAs

A CIA who is not performing internal auditing functions because of retirement may request retired status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Retired CIAs are not responsible for completing CPE requirements. Retired CIAs may use the CIA designation but may not practice internal auditing.

Inactive Status

A CIA is automatically placed in inactive status by the Certification Department when the CIA fails to meet established CPE requirements. CIAs in the inactive status may not use the CIA designation. Any wrongful use of the CIA designation will be reported to The IIA's Ethics Committee for disciplinary action.

Restoration to Active CIA Status

Inactive CIAs may request a return to active CIA status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Inactive CIAs must report 80 CPE hours for the prior two-year period when applying for restoration to active status.

Qualifying CPE Activities

It is anticipated that CIAs will maintain the high standards of the profession in selecting quality educational programs to fulfill the CPE requirements.

The following general criteria are to be satisfied in order for a continuing education program to be accepted:

1. The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program is acceptable is that it shall be a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of a CIA.

2. Acceptable formal programs should:

▪ contribute to the professional competence of participants;

▪ state program objectives which specify the level of knowledge the participants should have attained, or the level of competence to be demonstrated upon completing the program;

▪ state education or experience prerequisites, if appropriate for the program;

▪ be developed by individuals qualified in the subject matter and instructional design;

▪ provide program content which is current;

▪ be on a professional level and related to the Common Body of Knowledge.

The following general subjects are acceptable as long as they meet other CPE program criteria:

1. Auditing and accounting.

2. Management and communication (oral and written).

3. Computer science.

4. Mathematics, statistics, and quantitative applications in business.

5. Economics.

6. Business law.

7. Specific business topics such as finance, production, marketing, and personnel.

8. Specialized industry areas such as government, banking, utilities, or oil and gas.

Activities other than those listed in this guidance may be deemed acceptable if the CIA can demonstrate that they contribute to professional competence. Substantiating that a particular activity qualifies as acceptable and meets the requirements is the responsibility of the CIA.

CPE credit will be awarded for whole hours only with a minimum of 50 minutes constituting 1 hour. As an example, 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for 2 hours; however, more than 50 minutes but less than 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for only 1 hour. Only class contact or acceptable self-study hours are allowable. For continuous conferences and conventions when individual segments are less than 50 minutes, the sum of the segments should be considered one total program. For example, five 30-minute presentations would equal 150 minutes and should be counted as 3 contact hours.

CIA Examination

80 CPE hours are awarded for the year in which the CIA examination is passed (40 hours in the year the examination is passed and 40 hours in the subsequent year).


A maximum of 80 CPE hours may be awarded in the education category for each two-year period reported.

Educational activities include:

1. Professional education and development programs, such as seminars and conferences, provided by national, state and local auditing, and accounting organizations.

2. Technical sessions at meetings of national, state and local auditing, accounting organizations and chapters.

3. Formal in-house training programs.

4. Programs of other sponsors (industrial, professional societies, etc.).

5. College or university courses passed (credit and non-credit courses), except for those courses which a CIA must take in order to meet the CIA examination requirement of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.

▪ Fifteen hours of CPE credit are awarded for each semester hour of college/university credit earned; ten hours of CPE credit are awarded for each quarter hour of college/university credit earned.

6. Other certification examinations passed.

▪ A maximum of 80 hours may be awarded in the year passed.

▪ 20 CPE hours are awarded for passing each part of another accounting or auditing examination (for example, the CPA or CA examination).

▪ The Institute should be contacted for information concerning the number of CPE hours awarded for the successful completion of other professional certification examinations.

7. Formal correspondence and self-study programs relevant to internal auditing that include evidence of completion.


A maximum of 50 hours may be awarded in the publications category for each two-year period. Generally, one full journal page of single-spaced print is equal to 2 hours of CPE credit, with the following limits on one publication:

▪ Books - 50 hours

▪ Articles - 25 hours

▪ Research papers - 25 hours.

Contributions to publications should pertain to internal auditing or disciplines related to the Common Body of Knowledge. Published articles or books not related directly to internal auditing are acceptable if CIAs are able to demonstrate that these activities contribute to their professional audit proficiency.

Oral Presentations

A maximum of 50 CPE hours may be awarded in the oral presentations category for each two-year period.

▪ The hours reported for the first presentation will be based on the presentation time, plus credit for preparation time equivalent to three times the presentation time.

▪ Subsequent presentations of the same material may be reported as presentation time only, up to a maximum of 10 CPE hours in each two-year period.


A maximum of 25 CPE hours may be awarded in the participation category in each two-year period for:

▪ Participation as an officer or committee member in a professional industry organization related to internal auditing. One CPE hour for each hour of qualifying participation will be awarded.


The Institute will verify on a test basis the records of CIAs and/or course sponsors in the manner it deems appropriate to determine compliance with the requirements set forth in this guidance. The potential penalty for submitting false information will be determined in accordance with the administrative directive, Disciplinary Policies and Procedures.

External Quality Assessments

A maximum of 40 CPE hours may be awarded in each two-year period in the category of external quality assurance review activities. One CPE hour will be awarded for each hour spent on site, with the following limits on any one quality assurance review activity:

1. Independent (external) validation of an internal audit activity’s self-assessment (as defined in the Professional Practices Framework): maximum of 10 CPE hours per review.

2. One-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 20 hours per review.

3. Two-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 40 hours.

No CPE hours will be awarded for activities such as preparation time and writing the report.


CPE Requirements for CCSAs

This document contains the mandatory Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements for Certification in Control Self-Assessment Professionals (CCSAs). It also specifies the method of reporting by CCSAs who wish to keep their designation in good standing. Note: If you are a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), the CPE reporting that you complete for the CIA program satisfies the CPE reporting requirements for the CCSA and all other IIA specialty certifications.

CCSA professionals are responsible for:

▪ Maintaining their knowledge and skills.

▪ Updating their knowledge and skills related to improvements and current developments in internal auditing standards, procedures, and techniques.

New CPE Requirement Regarding IIA International Standards

1. In order to encourage understanding of and compliance with The IIA's International Standards, the Board of Regents has instated a requirement that CCSAs stay abreast of The IIA's International Standards as part of their CPE.

2. CCSAs must review or receive training on The IIA's International Standards at some point during their CPE reporting period.

3. If you are completing your CPE reporting form and have not already met this requirement, please take a moment to review the International Standards before submitting your form.

4. While there, we also encourage you to review the Practice Advisories (accessible with an IIA member password) and other sections of The IIA's Professional Practices Framework.

5. Certificate holders are required to self-certify as to the completion of the required continuing education hours. It is the CCSA's responsibility to assure that the CPE hours claimed conform to the guidelines established by The IIA's Board of Regents. Forms are submitted by CCSAs on a biennial basis and serve as signed statements that all applicable continuing professional development requirements have been met. 

At the beginning of each year, notification letters are sent to all CCSAs who are scheduled to report in that year. CCSAs may submit CPE reporting forms via mail, fax or electronically. CPE hours for the prior two-year period must be reported by May 31 of the year determined by the CCSA's membership or customer identification number. If a CCSA's membership or customer identification number ends with an even number, the CCSA will report in even years. If the CCSA's membership or customer identification number ends in an odd number, the CCSA will report in odd years.

In order to facilitate reporting, CCSAs who also hold the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation can satisfy the requirements of both programs by reporting appropriate CPE for the CIA designation only. The Institute will issue an acknowledgment of compliance to each CCSA meeting the requirements of this guidance. The Institute will keep information on the active/inactive status of CCSAs. The Board of Regents, upon request, may grant partial or complete exemption from CPE requirements for individuals when good cause exists, such as military service or individual hardship. 

Each CCSA should submit to The Institute an appropriate CPE reporting form, without supporting documentation, in compliance with CPE requirements. Each CCSA should maintain a copy of the CPE reporting form, along with all supporting documentation, for at least three years after the records no longer apply to filed CPE reports. Records must be made available to The Institute or its designee at The Institute's request. The records maintained by the CCSA in support of the reporting form filed with The Institute should include, as appropriate, the following information:

1. Title of program and/or description of content

2. Dates attended

3. Location of course or program     

4. Sponsoring organization

5. Contact hours of credit as recommended by the course sponsor

6. A letter, certificate, or other written independent attestation of course completion

7. Documentation supporting publications, oral presentations, and committee or other participation

CCSA Reporting Categories

Practicing CCSAs

A CCSA who is practicing control self assessment must complete a total of 40 hours of acceptable CPE every two years.

Non-practicing CCSAs

A CCSA who is not practicing control self assessment may request non-practicing status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Non-practicing CCSAs must complete a total of 20 hours of acceptable CPE every two years. As long as their CPE requirements are met, non-practicing CCSAs may use the CCSA designation; however, if they resume practicing control self assessment, they must report as a practicing CCSA.

Pending CCSAs

Candidates who have passed the examination but have not yet met all the requirements to become a CCSA must be in compliance with CPE requirements (40 CPE hours for the prior two-year period) when applying for a certificate. The CPE requirement is waived for the year the exam is passed and for the subsequent year.

Retired CCSAs

A CCSA who is not practicing control self assessment because of retirement may request retired status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Retired CCSAs are not responsible for completing CPE requirements. Retired CCSAs may use the CCSA designation; however, if they resume employment, they must report as a practicing or non-practicing CCSA, as appropriate.

Inactive Status

The Certification Department automatically places a CCSA in inactive status when the CCSA fails to meet established CPE requirements. CCSAs in the inactive status may not use the CCSA designation. Any wrongful use of the CCSA designation will be reported to the IIA's Ethics Committee for disciplinary action.

Restoration to Active CCSA Status

Inactive CCSAs may request a return to active CCSA status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Inactive CCSAs must complete and report 40 CPE hours for the prior two-year period when applying for restoration to active status.

Qualifying CPE Activities

It is anticipated that CCSAs will maintain the high standards of the profession in selecting quality educational programs to fulfill the CPE requirements. The following general criteria are to be satisfied in order for a continuing education program to be accepted: 

1. The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program is acceptable is that it shall be a formal program of learning that contributes directly to the professional competence of a CCSA.

2. Acceptable formal programs should:

▪ Contribute to the professional competence of participants;

▪ State program objectives which specify the level of knowledge the participants should have attained, or the level of competence to be demonstrated upon completing the program;

▪ State education or experience prerequisites, if appropriate for the program;

▪ Be developed by individuals qualified in the subject matter and instructional design;

▪ Provide program content which is current;

▪ Be on a professional level and related to the CCSA Topic Outline.

The CCSA Examination Topic Outline includes: 

1. CSA fundamentals

2. CSA program integration

3. Elements of the CSA process

4. Business objectives and organizational performance

5. Risk identification and assessment

6. Control theory and application

Activities other than those listed in this guidance may be deemed acceptable if the CCAS can demonstrate that they contribute to professional competence. Substantiating that a particular activity qualifies as acceptable and meets the requirements is the responsibility of the CCSA.

CPE credit will be awarded for whole hours only with a minimum of 50 minutes constituting one hour. As an example, 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for two hours; however, more than 50 minutes but less than 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for only one hour. Only class contact or acceptable self-study hours are allowable. For chapter meetings throughout the reporting period or continuous conferences/conventions when individual segments are less than 50 minutes, the sum of the segments should be considered one total program. For example, five 30-minute presentations would equal 150 minutes and should be counted as three contact hours.

CCSA Examination

To acknowledge the study time required to successfully complete the CCSA examination, the CPE requirement is waived for the year the exam is passed and for the subsequent year.


A maximum of 40 CPE hours may be awarded in the education category for each two-year period reported. At least 10 of the 40 CPE hours required must be in this category. Educational activities include: 

a. Professional education and development programs, such as seminars and conferences, provided by national/federal, state, and local auditing and accounting organizations.     

b. Technical sessions at meetings of national/federal, state, and local auditing and accounting organizations and chapters.     

c. Formal in-house training programs.     

d. Programs of other sponsors (industrial, professional societies, etc.).     

e. College or university courses passed (credit and non-credit courses).

▪ Fifteen hours of CPE credit are awarded for each semester hour of college/university credit earned;

▪ Ten hours of CPE credit are awarded for each quarter hour of college/university credit earned.     

f. Other certification examinations passed.    

▪ A maximum of 40 hours may be awarded in the year passed.    

▪ 20 CPE hours are awarded for passing each part of another appropriate professional certification examination. 

g. Formal correspondence and self-study programs relevant to control self-assessment that include evidence of completion.


A maximum of 20 hours may be awarded in the publications category for each two-year period for books, articles, research papers, and training materials. Generally, one full journal page of single-spaced print is equal to 2 hours of CPE credit. Contributions to publications should pertain to control self assessment audit disciplines related to CCSA Examination Topic Outline. Published articles or books not related directly to control self assessment audit are acceptable if CCSAs are able to demonstrate that these activities contribute to their professional proficiency.

Oral Presentations

A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in the oral presentation category for each two-year period. 

a. The hours reported for the first presentation will be based on the presentation time, plus credit for preparation time equivalent to three times the presentation time.     

b. Subsequent presentations of the same material may be reported as presentation time only, up to a maximum of 10 CPE hours in each two-year period.


A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in the participation category in each two-year period for participation as an officer or committee member in a professional industry organization related to control self assessment auditing. One CPE hour for each hour of qualifying participation will be awarded.


The Institute will verify on a test basis the records of CCSAs and/or course sponsors in the manner it deems appropriate to determine compliance with the requirements set forth in this guidance. The potential penalty for submitting false information will be determined in accordance with the administrative directive, Disciplinary Policies and Procedures.

External Quality Assessments

A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in each two-year period in the category of external quality assurance review activities. One CPE hour will be awarded for each hour spent on site, with the following limits on any one quality assurance review activity:

1. Independent (external) validation of an internal audit activity’s self-assessment (as defined in the Professional Practices Framework): maximum of 5 CPE hours per review.

2. One-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 10 hours per review.

3. Two-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 20 hours.

No CPE hours will be awarded for activities such as preparation time and writing the report.

CPE Requirements for CGAPs

This document contains the mandatory Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements for Certified Government Auditing Professionals (CGAPs). It also specifies the method of reporting by CGAPs who wish to keep their designation in good standing. Note:  If you are a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), the CPE reporting that you complete for the CIA program satisfies the CPE reporting requirements for the CGAP and all other IIA specialty certifications.

CGAP professionals are responsible for:

▪ Maintaining their knowledge and skills.

▪ Updating their knowledge and skills related to improvements and current developments in internal auditing standards, procedures, and techniques.

New CPE Requirement Regarding IIA International Standards

1. In order to encourage understanding of and compliance with The IIA's International Standards, the Board of Regents has instated a requirement that CGAPs stay abreast of The IIA's International Standards as part of their CPE.

2. CGAPs must review or receive training on The IIA's International Standards at some point during their CPE reporting period.

3. If you are completing your CPE reporting form and have not already met this requirement, please take a moment to review the International Standards before submitting your form.

4. While there, we also encourage you to review the Practice Advisories (accessible with an IIA member password) and other sections of The IIA's Professional Practices Framework.

Certificate holders are required to self-certify as to the completion of the required continuing education hours. It is the CGAP's responsibility to assure that the CPE hours claimed conform to the guidelines established by The IIA's Board of Regents. Forms are submitted by CGAPs on a biennial basis and serve as signed statements that all applicable continuing professional development requirements have been met.

At the beginning of each year, notification letters are sent to all CGAPs who are scheduled to report in that year. CGAPs may submit CPE reporting forms via mail, fax or electronically. CPE hours for the prior two-year period must be reported by May 31 of the year determined by the CGAP's membership or customer identification number. If a CGAP's membership or customer identification number ends with an even number, the CGAP will report in even years. If the CGAP's membership or customer identification number ends in an odd number, the CGAP will report in odd years.

In order to facilitate reporting, CGAPs who also hold the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation can satisfy the requirements of both programs by reporting appropriate CPE for the CIA designation only.  The Institute will issue an acknowledgment of compliance to each CGAP meeting the requirements of this guidance. The Institute will keep information on the active/inactive status of CGAPs. The Board of Regents of The Institute, upon request, may grant partial or complete exemption from CPE requirements for individuals when good cause exists, such as military service or individual hardship.

Each CGAP should submit to The Institute an appropriate CPE reporting form, without supporting documentation, in compliance with CPE requirements. Each CGAP should maintain a copy of the CPE reporting form, along with all supporting documentation, for at least three years after the records no longer apply to filed CPE reports. Records must be made available to The Institute or its designee at The Institute's request. The records maintained by the CGAP in support of the reporting form filed with The Institute should include, as appropriate, the following information:

1. Title of program and/or description of content     

2. Dates attended

3. Location of course or program

4. Sponsoring organization

5. Contact hours of credit as recommended by the course sponsor

6. A letter, certificate, or other written independent attestation of course completion

7. Documentation supporting publications, oral presentations, and committee or other participation.

CGAP Reporting Categories

Practicing CGAPs

A CGAP who is practicing government auditing must complete a total of 40 hours of acceptable CPE every two years.

Non-practicing CGAPs

A CGAP who is not practicing government auditing may request non-practicing status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Non-practicing CGAPs must complete a total of 20 hours of acceptable CPE every two years. As long as their CPE requirements are met, non-practicing CGAPs may use the CGAP designation; however, if they resume practicing government auditing, they must report as a practicing CGAP.

Pending CGAPs

Candidates who have passed the examination but have not yet met all the requirements to become a CGAP must be in compliance with CPE requirements (40 CPE hours for the prior two-year period) when applying for a certificate. The CPE requirement is waived for the year the exam is passed and for the subsequent year.

Retired CGAPs

A CGAP who is not practicing government auditing because of retirement may request retired status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Retired CGAPs are not responsible for completing CPE requirements. Retired CGAPs may use the CGAP designation; however, if they resume employment, they must report as a practicing or non-practicing CGAP, as appropriate.

Inactive Status

The Certification Department automatically places a CGAP in inactive status when the CGAP fails to meet established CPE requirements. CGAPs in the inactive status may not use the CGAP designation. Any wrongful use of the CGAP designation will be reported to the IIA's Ethics Committee for disciplinary action.

Restoration to Active CGAP Status

Inactive CGAPs may request a return to active CGAP status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Inactive CGAPs must complete and report 40 CPE hours for the prior two-year period when applying for restoration to active status.

Qualifying CPE Activities

It is anticipated that CGAPs will maintain the high standards of the profession in selecting quality educational programs to fulfill the CPE requirements. The following general criteria are to be satisfied in order for a continuing education program to be accepted: 

1. The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program is acceptable is that it shall be a formal program of learning that contributes directly to the professional competence of a CGAP.

2. Acceptable formal programs should:

3. Contribute to the professional competence of participants; 

▪ State program objectives which specify the level of knowledge the participants should have attained, or the level of competence to be demonstrated upon completing the program

▪ State education or experience prerequisites, if appropriate for the program;

▪ Be developed by individuals qualified in the subject matter and instructional design;

▪ Provide program content which is current;

▪ Be on a professional level and related to the CGAP Topic Outline.

The CGAP Examination Topic Outline includes: 

1. Standards and control/risk models   

2. Government auditing practice   

3. Government auditing methodologies & skills   

4. Government auditing environment

Activities other than those listed in this guidance may be deemed acceptable if the CGAP can demonstrate that they contribute to professional competence. Substantiating that a particular activity qualifies as acceptable and meets the requirements is the responsibility of the CGAP. 

CPE credit will be awarded for whole hours only with a minimum of 50 minutes constituting one hour. As an example, 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for two hours; however, more than 50 minutes but less than 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for only one hour. Only class contact or acceptable self-study hours are allowable. For chapter meetings throughout the reporting period or continuous conferences/conventions when individual segments are less than 50 minutes, the sum of the segments should be considered one total program. For example, five 30-minute presentations would equal 150 minutes and should be counted as three contact hours.

CGAP Examination

To acknowledge the study time required to successfully complete the CGAP examination, the CPE requirement is waived for the year the exam is passed and for the subsequent year.


A maximum of 40 CPE hours may be awarded in the education category for each two-year period reported. At least 10 of the 40 CPE hours required must be in this category. Educational activities include: 

a. Professional education and development programs, such as seminars and conferences, provided by national/federal, state, and local auditing and accounting organizations.     

b. Technical sessions at meetings of national/federal, state, and local auditing and accounting organizations and chapters.     

c. Formal in-house training programs.     

d. Programs of other sponsors (industrial, professional societies, etc.).     

e. College or university courses passed (credit and non-credit courses).

▪ Fifteen hours of CPE credit are awarded for each semester hour of college/university credit earned;

▪ Ten hours of CPE credit are awarded for each quarter hour of college/university credit earned.     

f. Other certification examinations passed.    

▪ A maximum of 40 hours may be awarded in the year passed.    

▪ 20 CPE hours are awarded for passing each part of another appropriate professional certification examination. 

g. Formal correspondence and self-study programs relevant to government audit that include evidence of completion.


A maximum of 20 hours may be awarded in the publications category for each two-year period for books, articles, research papers, and training materials. Generally, one full journal page of single-spaced print is equal to two hours of CPE credit. Contributions to publications should pertain to government audit disciplines related to CGAP Examination Topic Outline. Published articles or books not related directly to government audit are acceptable if CGAPs are able to demonstrate that these activities contribute to their professional proficiency.

Oral Presentations

A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in the oral presentation category for each two-year period. 

a. The hours reported for the first presentation will be based on the presentation time, plus credit for preparation time equivalent to three times the presentation time.     

b. Subsequent presentations of the same material may be reported as presentation time only, up to a maximum of 10 CPE hours in each two-year period.


A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in the participation category in each two-year period for participation as an officer or committee member in a professional industry organization related to government auditing. One CPE hour for each hour of qualifying participation will be awarded.


The Institute will verify on a test basis the records of CGAPs and/or course sponsors in the manner it deems appropriate to determine compliance with the requirements set forth in this guidance. The potential penalty for submitting false information will be determined in accordance with the administrative directive, Disciplinary Policies and Procedures.

External Quality Assessments

A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in each two-year period in the category of external quality assurance review activities. One CPE hour will be awarded for each hour spent on site, with the following limits on any one quality assurance review activity:

1. Independent (external) validation of an internal audit activity’s self-assessment (as defined in the Professional Practices Framework): maximum of 5 CPE hours per review.

2. One-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 10 hours per review.

3. Two-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 20 hours.

No CPE hours will be awarded for activities such as preparation time and writing the report.

CPE Requirements for CFSAs

This document contains the mandatory Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements for Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSAs). It also specifies the method of reporting by CFSAs who wish to keep their designation in good standing. Note:  If you are a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), the CPE reporting that you complete for the CIA program satisfies the CPE reporting requirements for the CFSA and all other IIA specialty certifications.

CFSA professionals are responsible for:

▪ Maintaining their knowledge and skills.

▪ Updating their knowledge and skills related to improvements and current developments in internal auditing standards, procedures, and techniques.

New CPE Requirement Regarding IIA International Standards

1. In order to encourage understanding of and compliance with The IIA's International Standards, the Board of Regents has instated a requirement that CFSAs stay abreast of The IIA's International Standards as part of their CPE.

2. CFSAs must review or receive training on The IIA's International Standards at some point during their CPE reporting period.

3. If you are completing your CPE reporting form and have not already met this requirement, please take a moment to review the International Standards before submitting your form.

4. While there, we also encourage you to review the Practice Advisories (accessible with an IIA member password) and other sections of The IIA's Professional Practices Framework.

Certificate holders are required to self-certify as to the completion of the required continuing education hours. It is the CFSA's responsibility to assure that the CPE hours claimed conform to the guidelines established by The IIA's Board of Regents. Forms are submitted by CFSAs on a biennial basis and serve as signed statements that all applicable continuing professional development requirements have been met.

At the beginning of each year, notification letters are sent to all CFSAs who are scheduled to report in that year. CFSAs may submit CPE reporting forms via mail, fax or electronically. CPE hours for the prior two-year period must be reported by May 31 of the year determined by the the CFSA's membership or customer identification number. If a CFSA's membership or customer identification number ends with an even number, the CFSA will report in even years. If the CFSA's membership or customer identification number ends in an odd number, the CFSA will report in odd years.

In order to facilitate reporting, CFSAs who also hold the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation can satisfy the requirements of both programs by reporting appropriate CPE for the CIA designation only. The Institute will issue an acknowledgment of compliance to each CFSA meeting the requirements of this guidance. The Institute will keep information on the active/inactive status of CFSAs. The Board of Regents, upon request, may grant partial or complete exemption from CPE requirements for individuals when good cause exists, such as military service or individual hardship.

Each CFSA should submit to The Institute an appropriate CPE reporting form, without supporting documentation, in compliance with CPE requirements. Each CFSA should maintain a copy of the CPE reporting form, along with all supporting documentation, for at least three years after the records no longer apply to filed CPE reports. Records must be made available to The Institute or its designee at The Institute's request. The records maintained by the CFSA in support of the reporting form filed with The Institute should include, as appropriate, the following information:

1. Title of program and/or description of content

2. Dates attended

3. Location of course or program

4. Sponsoring organization

5. Contact hours of credit as recommended by the course sponsor

6. A letter, certificate, or other written independent attestation of course completion

7. Documentation supporting publications, oral presentations, and committee or other participation

CFSA Reporting Categories

Practicing CFSAs

A CFSA who is practicing financial services auditing must complete a total of 40 hours of acceptable CPE every two years.

Non-practicing CFSAs

A CFSA who is not practicing financial services assessment auditing may request non-practicing status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Non-practicing CFSAs must complete a total of 20 hours of acceptable CPE every two years. As long as their CPE requirements are met, non-practicing CFSAs may use the CFSA designation; however, if they resume practicing financial services auditing, they must report as a practicing CFSA.

Pending CFSAs

Candidates who have passed the examination but have not yet met all the requirements to become a CFSA must be in compliance with CPE requirements (40 CPE hours for the prior two-year period) when applying for a certificate. The CPE requirement is waived for the year the exam is passed and for the subsequent year.

Retired CFSAs

A CFSA who is not practicing financial services auditing because of retirement may request retired status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Retired CFSAs are not responsible for completing CPE requirements. Retired CFSAs may use the CFSA designation; however, if they resume employment, they must report as a practicing or non-practicing CFSA, as appropriate.

Inactive Status

The Certification Department automatically places a CFSA in inactive status when the CFSA fails to meet established CPE requirements. CFSAs in the inactive status may not use the CFSA designation. Any wrongful use of the CFSA designation will be reported to the IIA's Ethics Committee for disciplinary action.

Restoration to Active CFSA Status

Inactive CFSAs may request a return to active CFSA status by notifying the Certification Department in writing. Inactive CFSAs must complete and report 40 CPE hours for the prior two-year period when applying for restoration to active status.

Qualifying CPE Activities

It is anticipated that CFSAs will maintain the high standards of the profession in selecting quality educational programs to fulfill the CPE requirements. The following general criteria are to be satisfied in order for a continuing education program to be accepted: 

1. The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program is acceptable is that it shall be a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of a CFSA.

2. Acceptable formal programs should:

▪ Contribute to the professional competence of participants;

▪ State program objectives which specify the level of knowledge the participants should have attained, or the level of competence to be demonstrated upon completing the program;

▪ State education or experience prerequisites, if appropriate for the program;

▪ Be developed by individuals qualified in the subject matter and instructional design;

▪ Provide program content which is current;

▪ Be on a professional level and related to the CFSA Topic Outline.

The CFSA Examination Topic Outline includes: 

1. Financial services auditing

2. Banking

3. Insurance

4. Securities

Activities other than those listed in this guidance may be deemed acceptable if the CFAS can demonstrate that they contribute to professional competence. Substantiating that a particular activity qualifies as acceptable and meets the requirements is the responsibility of the CFSA. 

CPE credit will be awarded for whole hours only with a minimum of 50 minutes constituting one hour. As an example, 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for two hours; however, more than 50 minutes but less than 100 minutes of continuous instruction would count for only one hour. Only class contact or acceptable self-study hours are allowable. For chapter meetings throughout the reporting period or continuous conferences/conventions when individual segments are less than 50 minutes, the sum of the segments should be considered one total program. For example, five 30-minute presentations would equal 150 minutes and should be counted as three contact hours.

CFSA Examination

To acknowledge the study time required to successfully complete the CFSA examination, the CPE requirement is waived for the year the exam is passed and for the subsequent year.


A maximum of 40 CPE hours may be awarded in the education category for each two-year period reported. At least 10 of the 40 CPE hours required must be in this category. Educational activities include: 

a. Professional education and development programs, such as seminars and conferences, provided by national/federal, state, and local auditing and accounting organizations.     

b. Technical sessions at meetings of national/federal, state, and local auditing and accounting organizations and chapters.     

c. Formal in-house training programs.     

d. Programs of other sponsors (industrial, professional societies, etc.).

e. College or university courses passed (credit and non-credit courses).

▪ Fifteen hours of CPE credit are awarded for each semester hour of college/university credit earned;

▪ Ten hours of CPE credit are awarded for each quarter hour of college/university credit earned.     

f. Other certification examinations passed.    

▪ A maximum of 40 hours may be awarded in the year passed.    

▪ 20 CPE hours are awarded for passing each part of another appropriate professional certification examination. 

g. Formal correspondence and self-study programs relevant to financial services auditing that include evidence of completion.


A maximum of 20 hours may be awarded in the publications category for each two-year period for books, articles, research papers, and training materials. Generally, one full journal page of single-spaced print is equal to two hours of CPE credit. Contributions to publications should pertain to financial services audit disciplines related to CFSA Examination Topic Outline. Published articles or books not related directly to financial services audit are acceptable if CFSAs are able to demonstrate that these activities contribute to their professional proficiency.

Oral Presentations

A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in the oral presentation category for each two-year period. 

a. The hours reported for the first presentation will be based on the presentation time, plus credit for preparation time equivalent to three times the presentation time.     

b. Subsequent presentations of the same material may be reported as presentation time only, up to a maximum of 10 CPE hours in each two-year period.

External Quality Assessments

A maximum of 20 CPE hours may be awarded in each two-year period in the category of external quality assurance review activities. One CPE hour will be awarded for each hour spent on site, with the following limits on any one quality assurance review activity:

1. Independent (external) validation of an internal audit activity’s self-assessment (as defined in the Professional Practices Framework): maximum of 5 CPE hours per review.

2. One-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 10 hours per review.

3. Two-week external quality assurance review: maximum of 20 hours.

No CPE hours will be awarded for activities such as preparation time and writing the report.



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