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eibbeD ,retabeD ,shtaeD ,rettel OFC raeD ,yrreB annaeD ,laeD ,rekraP etnaVe ,oisalB eD ,notyaD ,divaD ,tropnevaD ,namrevliS evaD ,gnoK evaD ,retnepraC evaD ,silbahC tassivuaD ,neddaFcM nerraD ,adanaK irabraD ,naD ,nospmoh nomaD ,sucsamaD ,sallaD ,ellaV allaD ,tsaeB yliaD ,IWD ,sreMAERD ,tehcartnoM CRD ,PD ,JOD ,CND ,JD ,02D ,drocer

gnitov sunim-D ,smoidi D ,serneg D ,dnuorgkcab D ,rewsna D ,sthgieH agohayuC ,smotsuC ,tcA seruC ,sekacpuC ,sa erutluC ,ecl reffid larutluC ,abuC ,nicorC ,latsirC ,ecitsuj lanimirC ,seirotS waL lanimirC ,ytivitaerC ,sevitaerC ,elpoep evitaerC ,hsarC ,tsilsgiarC ,syobwoC ,notgnivoC ,truoC ,egaruoC ,noskcaJ namowlicnuoC ,etoC ,yroC ,ecipsoH

enotsrenro C ,thgirypoC ,sreynoC ,yawnoC ,retneC noitnevnoC ,moor lortnoC ,omocaiG onretnoC ,onidatnoC ,noitutitsnoC ,enitnatsnoC ,oizrosnoC ,tucitcennoC ,ssergnoC ,msinaicufnoC ,snoissefnoC ,tnemilpmoC ,ytinummoC ,seitinummoC ,htlaewnommoC ,O -yddaD nommoC ,eroC nommoC ,srenoissimmoC ,rednammoC ,elbatrofmoC ,submuloC

,genitoohs enbmuloC ,rollC ,egelloC ,nigloC ,selttob ekoC ,aloC-acoC ,yap-oC ,ynapmoC ertaehT po-oC ,xorolC ,staoC evilC ,notnilC ,egnahc etamilC ,sproC etamylC ,egnahC etamylC ,dnalevelC ,nosmelC ,thgif enitnemelC ,dirG lacirtcelE naelC ,yalC ,sgnos desab-cisum lacissalC ,tcudorP ssalC ,ecivreS liviC ,licnuoC ytiC ,olleiraciP oriC ,ydniC

,itannicniC ,hcruhC ,ddoT kcuh C ,sklaT kcuhC ,remuhcS kcuhC ,sirhC ,ylleK pihC ,raeY weN esenihC ,anihC ,elihC ,feihC ,tengam kcihC ,raey tsal ogacihC ,naf ogacihC ,itnaihC ,alapmI yvehC ,ezurC yvehC ,reilavaC yvehC ,telorvehC ,cnalB ninehC yenehC ,netsahC ,leets retrahC ,ettolrahC ,eilrahC ,notselrahC ,selrahC ,eziretcarahC ,soahC ,amam

adnahc adnahC ,sarkahC ,secorp ihdduhs arkahC ,riahC ,oiqereC ,ycnegA ecnegilletnI lartneC ,sretneC ,suisleC ,rekcarTralleC ,engapmah C drahcuB cirdeC ,sdnalsI namyaC ,msicilohtaC ,dneirf cilohtaC ,yarG enirehtaC ,ottellaF Eslaf, Htiaf, RIAF, KooBECAF, SOLIBAF, POF, THGF, AEVITEXE, NOIFXE, EVITCEPSREP LECXE, EVER, EROMO ,

noissimmoc naepolue, edart dsu-oru-orue, educales erutluc lacihte, elbac tenrehte, gicjuw kcire, pmurt cire, renrag cire, srewolf kcere, tca ytilaqi, Lauqe, Hcruhc Nailapoclipe, Lohcavar Haidipe, Nepipe, Ycnega Noitcetorp Latnemnorivne, HSELGREME, Sivere, Surenegreme, Sivle, Sorene, Nagak, Rodavlas Le, OSAP LE, mocrie, puc hcni-thgie,

snaitpyge, noitacude, htide, egde-egde, nalwons, nikrab eidde, Nedwons de, setsais PPA NPSE, Are, tme, PME, Ipe, SCCE, Foor Nnalyd, Apivd, Etretud, IBUV, YP-TAGUD, GIB MAERD, TCA Maerd, SONAHP Daeh Erd, Yimaf Erd, Nalp Ssalguod, Nalp Ssalguod, Ecallaw Guod, Irod Dlanod, ROINUD, Deer NODRUOM, RotTatnemuCod, Rotcod ,

EUHALOD COD, Reklaw Kaod, ECiffo Cniytisrevid, Pot Cniytisrevid, Yresid, Lortnoc, tored, Gnipporc-ERED, SENEID, SNEID, SNEAD, SENIOD SED, rrac kered, elbarolped, tnemtraped, revned, etiromed, free starcomed, snaicomed, royamwal tarcomed, etabed tarcomed, etabed adnega tarcomed, lacidem yarled, lled, erawled, latipsoh los led, eussi

tneicimmoc snoitairporppa esnefed, arpohc, noisice, eviralced, eussi Fame, Family, Fanatical atheists, Farewell, Faridabad, Faris, Farmers, Fast, Fate Core, Father, Features, February 3rd, February 4th, FedEx, Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Trade commission, Federal judges, Federal office, Federal role, Feet, Fellowship,

Ferguson, Feria, Festival, Fiano di Avellino, Fifth Avenue, Fighting, Final Solution, Finit, Fire, First Amendment, First Lady, First Light, First Place Non-Fiction, First Step Act, First caucus, First feeling, First notes, First raga, First reference, First session problem, First story, First two-and-a-half years, Flay-Garces, Fleet Street lodgings, Flight, Flint,

Florida, Flying, Fontanafredda, Fonz, Foot soldiers, Football, Ford, Foreign Relations, Foreign policy, Forest, Forever Son, Forex trading, Forgotten Realms, Fort Worth, Fortran, Fortune, Forum, Fossil Fuels Act, Fourth Grade, Fox, Fran Par, France, Frank Viola, Franklin Roosevelt, Fred, Free Dreamers, Free advertising, Free college, Free public

college, Free puppies, Free trade, Freedom, Fremont, French Bulldog, Freud, Friday night, Friend, Fugazi, Fulford, Fun, Fusion girls, G-20 last night, G20, G7, GBP-USD, GE, GM, GOP, GURPS game, GURPS stories, Gabe Brown, Gail, Galileo, Gallup poll, Gambero Rosso, Gandalf, Gandhi, Gantt chart, Garbage, Garner case, Garner family, Gary,

Gavin, Gaza Strip, Geez, Gene Bertoncini, General, Genesis chapter, Genetics, George, Georgia, Germany, Giacosa Red Labels, Giant, Gilded Age, Gilroy, Gino, Girl, Glen, God awful, God head right, God love, Godless, Gods, Goebbels, Golan Heights, Gold Plan, Golden Farm, Goldman, Good God, Good Lord, Goodnight, Google, Gordon, Gorgon,

Gorsuch, Gospel, Gotcha, Governor, Grand Cru Burgundy, Grand Cru vineyards, Grand Hyatt hotel, Grand Rapids, Grant, Grass, Great Depression, Great Doubters, Great Pendragon Campaign, Great guy, Great job, Great ladies, Great movie, Great ones, Great state, Great story, Greater ,noitavonnI ,tcejorP ecneconnI ,ecitsujnI ,tsylanA erutcurtsarfnI

,ymrA lairtsudnI ,egA lairtsudnI ,aisenodnI ,etanirtcodnI ,ogogeidnI ,aidnI ,tnednepednI ,ecnednepednI , elbarucnI ,elb??ercnI ,sosergni ed dadlaugiseD ,soiD nE ,otcefrepmI ,tnemhcaepmI ,n??icutitsed ed otneimivoM ,n??icargimnI ,saretnorf ed selageli securC ,selageli sorejnartxE ,ramO nahlI ,ajarayalI ,citamoidI ,naI ,maharG niaI ,CWI sasoc ,CWI

n??icisiuqda ,senuTI ,SISI ,CRI ortneC ,BRI n??ises ,OPI ,LPI ,rupnaK ed setnaidutse TII ,DI ,RMCI ,ECI ,WBI ,MBI ,WEBI ,dabaredyH ,edyH adneimnE ,edyH adneimnE ,nosihctuH ,ydnaS n??caruH ,yevraH n??caruH druH ,yeltnuH ,retnuH ,a??rgnuH ,seevmuH ,okmuH ,airatinamuh n??itseuc ,sanosrep ed atart ,uluH ,repoR-roverT hguH ,notsuoH

,asac ,anera ed joler ,letoh ,selbirroh senem??rc ,zumrO ,ahcupac noc saredadus ,gnoK gnoH ,sarudnoH ,daetsemoH ,otnas omuh ,otnaS utir??psE ,otsuacoloH ,doowylloH ,gnidloH ,ralutit ,oboH sa¡À?ara ,tibboh ,o¡À?agne ,reltiH ,snehctiH ,ocir??tsih otod??tna ,sonapsih ,anapsih aicnereh ,??dnih atneirgnas avitcepsrep ,??dnih acis??M ,inatsudnih

oren??g ,yralliH ,areterraC ,airadnuces aleucsE ,a??uqrarej ed opiT ,hallobzeH ,liarT nesyeH ,an??oreH ,yrneH ,swodaeM neleH ,yhporT namsieH ,rehtaeH ,n??zaroC ,dulaS ,seyaH ,iawaH ,oido ed senem??rc ,asaR aysaH ,yrraH ,sirraH ,otseupmoc smraH ,etatsE nalraH ,olpmet anhsirK eraH ,ratuceje sinaqqaH ,zileF ,dadicileF al ed otiM ,rotceL

labinnaH ,annaH ,gnaH ,llaH ,riaH ,liaH ,poodaH ,DUH ,STH LMTH oreicnanif odatse ,LMTH ovihcra ,PH ,SHH ,n??icinifed atla ed allatnap ,N-O-S-I-R-R-A-H ,a??golocenig ed latipsoh ,suG ,samra ed aicneloiv ,samra ed soirateiporp ,samra ed omsivitca ,sseuG ,alametauG ,sG ,VT rekcaH htworG ,dnuorG ,etnioP essorG ,oturB onretnI otcudorP ,niffirG

,kcoldirG ,notnuH rogerG ,ecneP gerG ,yhpruM gerG ,sgninneJ gerG ,ydraH gerG ,ellivneerG ed edlacla ,ecaepneerG ed sognar ,aidnalneorG ,taoCneerG ,sedrev soelpme ,sedrev satejrat ed seralutit ,ogeirg ,aicerG Instagram, Insurance Company, Embedded Editor, Intel Core, Intel Processor, Intern Company, Internet, Iowa, Ir? n, Iraq, Ireland Ireland

Iron Chef, Iron Range, Islam, Israel, J month, JT Eberhard, Jack L, Jacksonville Jaguars, Jadeveon Clowney, Jake, Jameis Winston, James, Jana Gana Mana, Jancis Robinson, Jane, January 1 and 20, Jap? ? n, Jared Sorensen, Jason, Jay, Jeff Bezos, Jefferson Chalmers neighborhood, Jefferson lives, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jennifer Michael Hecht, Jeremy,

Jerome Powell, Jerry, Jessica, Jes?os, Jud? or, Jill, Jim, Jingles, Joan, Joaquin, Job, Jocelyn, Joe, Hotel Johannesburg, John, Jonathan Trott, Jorge Ramos, Jos??, Josh Freeman, Josh McCown, Josh Reynolds, Journey, Jowa, Joy, Ju Comit?? Judicial, Judy French, Juliet, June 26, June 27, June 3, June 6, June revival, J?piter, Justice, Justin Bieber, education ?

n K-12, schools K-12, K-O-N-G, Kai, Kakus, Kamala, Kant, Karina, Kathleen, Kedar, Keith Faber, Keith Lowell Jensen, Kelham Vignet, Ken Wapnick, Kennedy, Kent State, Kentucky, Kevin White, Kevlar body blind, Kid, Kierkegaard, Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong-Un, Kim Jong-un, Kimber, Kindle, King, Kinkos, Kirk, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kitchen Stadium, Kitten

pictures, Wlo Off, Koch brothers Kool-Aid, Kristallnacht, Kurds, Kurt Waldheim, Kylie, Kyoto agreement, LAX, LG G2, LG G3, LG offering something, LGBT community, LGBTQ activists, LGBTQ community, LGBTQ equality, LGBTQ people, LGBTQ member subject, LGBTQ service members, La Lub La Morra, La Sera, La Spinetta, LaGuardia Airport,

Laboratory, Ladies, Laid, Landon Collins, Lara, Laredo, Larry, ? ? Murltima Mentsch, Last September, Latavius Latin, Latinas, Latinos, Latinx, Latvia, Law Enforcement, Laya, Le Bernardin dish, Liga, Lean, Lee-ma, Leena Left Eye L? ? pez, Leftist Mayors, Legacy, Lehman, lim? ? n juice, Lenovo, Leonard, Lester Holt, Levi, Lexic? n, Liberty, Libya,

Surprises of Life, Lima, Linda TerBurg, Lindsay Lohan movie, Lindsey Altman, Lindsey Graham, Lindsey Sea, LinkedIn, Linsey Davis, Linux, Loeb, Lithuania, Little Rock, ni?¡Àos peque?¡Àos, Los ni?¡Àos peque?¡Àos peque?¡Àos smoM ,liv??M ,mmH hctiM ,llehctiM ,llennoCcM hctiM ,irussiM ,ippississiM ,ippississiM ssiM ,oidaR enoselcariM ,acitc??rp

n??icacilpA anoselcariM ,aicnerefnoC sorgaliM ,aicnerefnoC sorgaliM , atosenniM ,silopaenniM ,oiretsiniM ,notliM ,seliM ,oopmoP ekiM ,ecneP ekiM ,ireiniaM ekiM ,eeL ekiM ,eniweD ekiM ,tsewdiM ,bulC eviD thgindiM ,dnaldiM ,elddiM ed euqofnE ,etneirO oideM ,oidem ognar ed soledoM ,tsaE-diM ,tsaE diM ,tfosorciM ,epocsorciM ,nagihciM

,ellehciM ,ilehciM ,ilehciM ,nnamhcaB elehciM ,yelhtahW leahciM ,maJ nnaM leahciM ,J leahciM ,nworB leahciM ,inaiim ,imaim ,ocixem ,sonacixem ,onatiloportem ,onatem ,sa??sem ,nilrem ,lekrem ,otir??m ,odadaipseD , latneM dulaS ,sihpmeM ,omeM ,a??doleM ,ainaleM ,ivaR ihskaneeM ,oGeeM amrofatalP ,eracideM ,ocid??M ojesnoC ,diacideM

,aideM ,nrevoGcM ,dlanoDcM ,gatyaM ,rednopseR royaM ,kralC royaM ,amacayaM ,oyam ed 61 ,oyam ed 01 ,smailliW xaM ,olleracsA M oruaM ,eciruaM ,wehttaM ,etaM ,inuM agnataM ,retsaM ,srehtorB onilossaM ,otessaM ,rotaneS sttesuhcassaM ,euqsaM ,wolsaM ,epyT naivolsaM , aizraM ,dnalyraM ,nitraM ,etraM ,kraM ,salguoD namenotS

yrojraM ,atoiraM asoC ,noiraM ,airaM ,atoiraM sucraM ,ossuraP ocraM ,yarruM ocraM ,ozram ed 52 ,lecraM ,noraM craM ,ogaL-A-raM ,soelpmE gnirutcafunaM ,gnoS scainaM , retnuhnaM ,nattahnaM ,ydnaM ,dahsinapU aykudnaM ,??maM ,nworB mloclaM ,malayalaM ,rojaM ,lapicnirP tfarD ,yoH ggnojhaM ,trepxE ggnojhaM ,onidranreB ortseaM

,daM ,norcaM ,hsotnicaM arodatupmoC ,retupmoC caM ,senoicacilpA caM ,AHD AP AM ,ONVM ,sorbmeiM GNAG 3-SM ,31-SM ,SM ed ocits??ngaiD ,SIRM ,3PM ed rotcudorper ,TIM ,agaM ,ogrubmexuL ,onaretuL rotsaP ,itnocsiV ekuL ,enarC ekuL ,siuL ,ykcuL ,reficuL ,anordnaS onaicuL ,onaicuL ,ojab s??m sotnemila ed n??puc ,aicnediser ajaB ,

siuoL ,enarC uoL ,selegn?? soL ,lanoicaN somalA soL ,nwotsdroL ,snilloC einnoL ,serdnoL ,nehsodoP sioL ,senaL sioL ,baC yellaV erioL ,daeH beoL ,satsognaL ,aziL ,streboR ziL ,riviV ,eviv ,so¡À?a sies ed o¡À?iN onoM onoM ,onitrofnoM ,oitrofnoM ,yenoM sklaT ,edraT yadnoM ,FDP ed lor ,CAP ,zO ,yO ,drofyO ,drofxO ,snimmuC newO ,yforT dnaltuO ed

rodanag ,rorret ed sairotsih sartO ,racsO ,odnalrO , n??icazinagro ,nogero ,oiranidro nedro ,otcudorp ,socro ,otreuh ,supo ,dadinutropo ,edioipo ,otreiba ,oiratno ,seiseno ,amic??d anu ,saruc mo ,acipm??lo ahcrotna ,ocipm??lo n??taram ed roderroc ,otnematseT ougitnA ,sirg amad ajeiV ,amohalkO ,awanikO ,seikO ,oihO ,anicifO ,edO ,yebO ,eracamabO

,eracamabO ,rojem ,amabO ,amabO ed n??icartsinimdA ,srediaR dnalkO ,dcO ,adnalrI 2O ,grebmerun ,tiun ,rocun ,raelcun n??icarefilorp ,raelcun erbmuc ,erbmeivon ed 8 ,elbaton ,etroN , amroN ,amroN ,ocnalB oN ,potS niS ,sodanimoN sotirtsiD ,leboN setaeremirP ,nagaK haoN ,noxiN ,renruT aniN ,nihsilvaG yalokiN ,atikiN ,ehcon al ed ehcoN

,elociN ,kciN ,augaraciN ,notweN ,notweN ,kraweN ,soelpmE soveuN ,adnaleZ oveuN ,kroY aveuN ,otnematseT oveuN ,snaelrO aveuN , yesreJ aveuN ,erihspmaH weN ,adaveN ,deR ,xilfteN ,nosleN ,lieN ,sodatecer sotnemacidem raicogeN ,soloibbeN ,rodebeB oloibbeN ,lahtnesoR laeN ,sizaN ,niddU mizaN ,izan omsirabraB ,terazaN ,yvaN

,artsahsaytaN ,ediwnoitaN ,dadilanoican ed yeL ,lanoican dadiruges ed oreniD ,selfiR ed lanoicaN n??icaicosA ,lanoicaN n??isiveR ,lanoicaN aidrauG ,nahtaN ,ailgurbmI eilataN ,ellivhsaN ,ahskihS ayidaraN ,adaraN ,selop??N ,yellaV oNaN ,onaN ,ycnaN ,reldaN ,aluM ihbaN ,aniV anedaN AN ,UYN ,DPYN ,ASN ,ARN ,RPN ,PFN ed saicitoN ,LFN al ed

saicitoN ,LFN al ed sopiuqE ,LFN al ed o¡À?amaT ,LFN al ed sffoyalP ,LFN al ed senoiccerroC ,LFN al ed n??icarapmoC ,LFN ,AACN ,ABN ,ABN AL ED ACILPA PPA ,ATFAN ,majaR N ,eropalyM ,ecapSyM ,senamlusuM ,lacisum odinoS ,aiparecisuM ,acis??m al ed n??icnevretnI ,orobseerfruM , selpitl??m satneuC ,nosrekliW demmahuM ,tropeR

relleuM ,tropeR relleuM ,aludirM ,acilb??P aicneciL allizoM ,otneimivoM ,notaR ed aidrauG ,serdaM ,emA leunamE erdaM ,hctiM ??csoM ,tfihS dooM ,irossetnoM ,anatnoM ,soniclatnoM ,yoH oniclatnoM ,enirtcoD eornoM ,otavirpnoM ,arpnoM PIN number, PJ Connelly, PNTR, PR SIGNATURES, PTO, PTSD reaction, Pac?fic ?, Pac?fic Island, Pac?fic

Nations, Packers, Pakist?? n, Pamela Turner, Panama Canal, Panama?!, City, Pandit Jasraj, Pandora, Para Pashyanti, Paradox, Paris Accord, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate accords, Paris Global Climate, Paris climate accord, Parkinson, Parkland, Parmalat, Partake, Party, Pascal, Pastor, Pat, Paul, Peace, Pearl Harbor, Pearson, Pelaverga, Pelosi,

Pendragon campaign, Pendragon stuff, Pentagon, Pentatonic ragas, Percentage-wise, Person Class, Person Model, Person table, Peru, Pete, Peyton Jones, Pfft, PhD, Pharaohs, Philadelphia, Philip Rivers, Philippe Brun, Philippines, Philistines, Phillip Dorsett, Phowa instruction, Phowa master, Physical strength, Picture, Piedmont Report, Pigs, Pinky toe,

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,adnanananjarP imawS ,nasuS ,yevruS ,namrepuS ,tnatropmi repuS ,yadseuT repuS ,thgin yadnuS ,egassem yadnuS ,ytnuoC retmuS ,ellivremmuS ,artamuS ,sediciuS ,sretsulc ladiciuS ,bmuccuS ,tcA ecbirsbuS ,ecbirdsbu sbuS ,emilbuS ,kcutS ,trautS ,dnomruhT mortS ,wartS ,stiartS ,stsiehta tudo-thgiartS ,ekaL mrotS ,rehctitS ,kcitS ,reyetS ,nevetS

,hguaW evetS ,reznaT evetS ,htimS evetS ,ecraeP evetS ,ittehgenoM evetS ,setroC evetS tobahC evetS ,hpetS ,nosrep llec metS ,leetS ,eutatS ,setatS ,iggaiB rotaneS etatS ,kerT ratS ,drofnatS ,dradnatS ,rotanes yb-dnatS ,ffatS ,nekopS ,emit tnepS ,rotatcepS ,secrof snoitarepO laicepS ,treboC laicepS ,niap ,maJ ecapS ,hctuoS ,fehC suoS ,duolCdnuoS

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,msitkahS ,ajoop itkahS ,anahdaS itkahS ,eraepsekah ahS ,dahahS ,spuorg gniw-thgir ywodahS ,agaR avadahS ,ytfiFsnowS ,nitrebmahC-semrahC nifareS ,raey tsal rebmetpeS ,ts1 rebmetpeS ,ht21 rebmetpeS ,skcatta ht11 rebmetpeS ,retsinimdA roineS ,rewsna rotaneS ,silliT mohT rotaneS ,remuhcS ,ztahcS rotaneS ,srednaS rotaneS ,llennoCcM

rotaneS ,niaCcM rotaneS ,rahcubolK rotaneS ,dnarbilliG rotaneS ,ortsaC rotaneS ,etaneS ,eihcet-imeS ,keeS ,yraterces ytiruceS ,licnuoC ytiruceS ,eettimmoC ytiruce S ,yraterceS ,sklat terceS ,tnemdneA dnoceS ,elttaeS ,snosaeS ,sraeS ,effilcyW naeS ,neW naeS ,eibircS ,wercS ,nosahC ,elbappotsnU ,nosivinU ,ytisrevinU ,K-erp lasrevinU ,erac dlihc

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pmurT ,ycnediserp pmurT ,htap pmurT ,erom pmurT ,stah pmurT ,yrtnuoc pmurT ,ngiapmac pmurT ,snottub pmurT ,gnidliub pmurT ,srennab pmurT ,noitartsinimda pmurT ,rewoT ,noitartsinimdA pmurT ,gnitniap llubmurT ,enirtcoD urT ,idurT ,uaedurT ,elpirT ,noillirT ,nemow elgnairT ,erif elgnairT ,yrotcaf elgnairT ,yrotcaF tsiawtrihS elgnairT

,ydwoG yerT ,eklaaB tnerT ,ttelmerT ,eerT ,llimdaerT ,nosaM erT ,ireihcciT ,ytiC ,mrofsnarT ,pihsrentreP cificaP-snarT ,senyaW earT ,sraw edarT ,otnoroT ,nroT ,koob reraebhcroT ,sharoT ,ynoT ,thginoT ,skciH ymmoT ,yesroD ymmoT ,namweN moT ,esiurC moT ,yotsloT ,neikloT ,odeloT ,oykoT ,yelruT ,yelruT ddoT ,T enohptrams neziT ,stesdnah neziT

,repoleved neziT ,arviT ,spiT ,citarcomeD semiT ,ecilop rellevart emiT ,kcehc emiT ,enizagaM emiT ,wobeT miT ,kooC miT ,sregiT ,ynaffiT ,ssalc thgin yadsruhT ,orez-eerhT ,samohT ,rotaneS silliT mohT ves-ytrihT ,hcieR drihT ,sgniht y-egdew kcihT ,msihdduB adavarehT ,tnemelpmI citueparehT ,oehT ,tnemeganaM ertaehT ,tsacenoFehT ,evoL tenserP

ehT ,saxeT ,naxeT ,nameloC niveT ,rotanimreT ,essenneT ,gniht pmeT ,odnumeleT ,ecivreS gnicnerefnoceleT ,tlevesooR yddeT ,eniocdeT ,zurC deT ,enioC deT ,srehcaeT ,rolyaT ,latipac xaT ,nrevaT ,sisaruaT ,sisaruaT tsacdop ,lihp ,revilO egduJ desiarp-revo ,acin ,ortsaC n ,sAND lairdnohcotim ,pmurT evol ,sodinU sodatsE sol ,aK ,riA daPi ,regnaR

ymrA-xe ,snilloC lE ,sniugneP bangaD ,notgnihsaW asuaC ,miT maC ,osoredopodoT soiD ,SPRUG oiranecse opmeit le odot ,ela ,ytnuoC anA a ,noitacifibmoZ ,araZ ,regrebnetteM hcaZ ,ycatS caZ ,itkuY ,nwotsgnuoY ,ebuTuoY ,erihskroY ,arreB igoY ,anasA agoY ,nemeY , yaY ,seeknaY ,gaar namaY ,ACMY ,iX ,xobX ,ZYX ,gnivihcra LRBX ,yarW ,zoW

,yhtroW ,dlroW ,sarodajabarT sailimaF ,yadoT gnikroW ,sarodajabarT sailimaF ,ooW ,nemoW ,namoW ,rehcamrihcS gnagfloW ,ekoW ,draziW ,rehctiW ,nisnocsiW ,elttab ecI retniW ,renniW , wobeniW ,etacovdA eniW ,rosdniW ,J mailliW ,aidepikiW ,iFiW ,oohW ,ycamerpus etihW ,sda etihW ,elissiM sdnaS etihW ,wehW ,sadeuR ,adeur al ed QH

,ppAstahW ,tseW ,semloH lledneW ,sodot a sodinevneiB ,sa¡À?artxE sairotsiH ,o¡À?artxE laneP ohcereD ,lanameS ,sadoB ,retsbeW ,oicivres yawAbeW ,azeuqir al erbos otseupmI ,taW ,notgnihsaW ed odatsE ,notgnihsaW ed socit??lop ,notgnihsaW ed adaigelivirp n??icamrofni ,notgnihsaW ed rodanrebog ,notgnihsaW ed aicneirepxe ,notgnihsaW ed

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