


Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is with great pleasure that Goreville School welcomes some of the greatest fans, the parents of our athletes, to a new school year!

Although our athletes are being taught to be competitive, always bear in mind that rivalry should always be displayed as “friendly” rivalry.

We encourage you, as fans and spectators, to demonstrate good sportsmanship and cooperation to insure continued success this year and in the years ahead.

Please remember….the reputation of Goreville School lies with all of our actions. Let’s make the 2020-2021 athletic season one of the best yet!



The Goreville Athletic Staff


Participation in athletics at the Goreville Community Unit #1 School District is a privilege, not an absolute right of students. With this privilege go certain responsibilities. The rules set forth are for all Goreville School students who participate on any athletic team or cheerleading squad.

Athletics offer experiences for encouraging desirable habits of discipline, for developing qualities of self-sacrifice and dedication for common goals and for promoting an atmosphere of acceptable ethical and moral attitudes.

To accomplish these goals for athletics, it is necessary to develop and maintain attitudes that are based on rational regulations and standards for personal appearance, public image, and training rules that help to promote excellence in performance.

The nature off competitive athletics makes it possible for individual development of character, personality, and discipline in a manner that is difficult to obtain by other means.

Athletics, being an elective part of the school curriculum, may not be for everyone. It is available for those who desire to abide by the conditions established for the program and who desire to derive the qualities available in the program.

Sports offered at Goreville Community Unit District #1 include: baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, football, bass fishing, track, and golf. The high school belongs to the Black Diamond Conference and the grade school belongs to the Southern Illini Conference. The school colors are black and gold and the teams are named the Blackcats and the Jr. Blackcats.

Cheerleading is available for both high school and Jr. High. Cheerleaders are expected to follow the same rules and criteria as the team players.


Superintendent Dr. Steve Webb

J.H. and H.S. Principal Mrs. Jeri Miller

Elementary Principal Mrs. Christina King

Athletic Director Mr. Todd Tripp

High School Baseball Coach Mr. Shawn Tripp

Assistant Mr. Bryan Webb

High School Softball Coach Mrs. Shanna Green

Assistant Ms. Johnie Edwards

High School Boys’ Basketball Coach Mr. Todd Tripp

Assistant Mr. Gary Glidewell

High School Girls’ Basketball Coach Mr. Mike Helton

Assistant Mrs. Brittany Runge

High School Cheerleading Coach Mrs. Melissa Wachter

High School Golf Coach Mr. J.R. Russell

High School/JH Cross Country Coach Mr. Eric Messmer

High School Track Coach Mr. Theron Rushing

High School Volleyball Coach Mrs. Abbey Fischer

Assistant Miss Madison Sopczak

Jr. High Baseball Coach Mr. Bryan Webb

Assistant Mr. Matt Blue

Jr. High Softball Coach Ms. Teresa Cash

Assistant Ms. Shanna Green

Jr. High Boys’ Basketball Coach Mr. Eric Messmer

Assistant Mr. J.R. Russell

Jr. High Girls’ Basketball Coach Ms. Teresa Cash

Assistant Mrs. Cindy Harner

Jr. High Cheerleading Coach Miss Madison Sopczak

Jr. High Track Coaches Mrs. Cindy Harner

Mrs. Missy Darnell

Jr. High Volleyball Coach Mrs. Cayla Oslay and Mrs. Cindy Harner


Training rules are established so that everyone knows what is expected of him/her. The following rules and regulations have been established by the coaches and the Athletic Department. The head coach of a sport may establish additional special training rules for the sport. These rules must be brought to the attention of the athletic director and the athletes in the sport.

1. The coaches hold the right to expect the students to meet grooming and clothing standards that will represent Goreville Community Unit School District in a positive way.

2. Hair should be well groomed

3. Jewelry of any kind cannot be worn.

4. No use, distribution, or possession of tobacco in any form. (This rule is applicable on or off campus). Offenses could result in:

a. 1st Offense – Suspension from a minimum of 2 games

b. 2nd Offense – Loss of participation in sport for the remainder of the season.

5. No use, distribution, or possession of alcohol. (This rule is applicable on or off campus). Offenses could result in:

a. 1st Offense – Suspension from a minimum of 2 games

b. 2nd Offense – Loss of participation in athletics for the remainder of the school year. Any evidence obtained may be delivered to the local authorities for prosecution.

6. No use, distribution, or possession of unauthorized drugs, harmful drugs, marijuana look-alike drugs or unauthorized drugs. (This rule is applicable on or off campus)

a. 1st Offense – Loss of participation in athletics for the remainder of the school year. Any evidence obtained may be delivered to the local authorities for prosecution.

b. 2nd Offense – Loss of participation in athletics for the remainder of the elementary and/or high school career.

7. The display, possession, and transportation of dangerous and illegal weapons is prohibited.

a. 1st Offense – Loss of participation in athletics for the remainder of the elementary and or high school career. Any evidence obtained may be delivered to the local authorities for prosecution.

8. Fighting is prohibited. Grounds for disciplinary action apply whenever a student’s conduct is reasonably related to school or school activities, including, but not limited to:

a) On school grounds before, during, or after school hours and at any other time when school is being used by a school group.

b) Off school grounds at a school activity function, or event.

c) Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event.

d) Anywhere if the conduct may reasonable is considered to be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a staff member, or an interference with school purposes or an education function.

a. 1st Offense – Suspension from a minimum of 1 game.

b. 2nd Offense – Loss of participation in sport for the remainder of the season.

9. An act of criminality can be held against student because it constitutes actions of non-desirable character. The source verification will be made by reciprocal reporting between the school officials and the law enforcement officials. Each offense will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis with the penalty resulting in suspension from a minimum of 1 game though the loss of participation in athletics for the remainder off the elementary and/or high school career. A felony may result in the most severe penalty.

10. Theft of athletic equipment or possession of stolen equipment from the Goreville Community Unit School District or another school is forbidden.

a. 1st Offense – Suspension from a minimum of 2 games and the school reserves the right to press criminal charges.

b. 2nd Offense –Loss of participation in athletics for the remainder of the school year and the school reserves the right to press criminal charges.

11. Vandalism of Goreville Community Unit District facilities or vandalism while a guest at another school is forbidden.

a. 1st Offense – Suspension from a minimum of two (2) games plus restitution must be made to the school district involved. Criminal charges may also be sought.

b. 2nd Offense – Loss of participation in athletics for the remainder of the school year, plus, restitution to the school district involved, plus criminal charges may be sought.

12. Unexcused absence from a class. Unexcused absences are to accumulate per semester.

a. 1st and 2nd Offense – Report made to coach by office personnel.

b. 3rd Offense – Verbal warning to student from coach.

c. 4th Offense – Student must attend but cannot dress for one (1) game.

d. 5th Offense – Student must attend but cannot dress for three (3) games.

e. 6th Offense – Loss of participation in sport for the remainder of the season.

13. Any lost or damaged equipment or uniform must be paid for at the end of the season. If payment is not made, the athlete will not be allowed to participate in a future sport until the equipment/uniform is returned or restitution is made to the school district. Students no longer attending Goreville Community Unit School will be expected to pay for any equipment or uniforms not returned

14. Athletes are expected to attend every practice and game unless excused by the coach in advance. Promptness is also imperative if a person is to succeed as an athlete.eme importance to athletes.

15. Rest habits are of extreme importance to athletes. Athletes will be expected to maintain regular hours and to restrict outside activities so that their physical performances will not be hampered in any way.

16. Students are expected to ride the bus to and from out of town ballgames. Exceptions to this rule must be made in advance by the parent/guardian, documented in writing, and approved by the team coach.

17. Any student athlete who quits a team may not be allowed to participate in the same sport for the remainder of the year. Further participation in subsequent years will be allowed on approval off the Athletic Activity Council on a case-by-case basis.

18. Athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner toward teachers and other school authorities. Athletes are expected to abide by all school rules. Penalties could result in a range from verbal reprimand to ballgame suspension.

19. Unsportsmanlike conduct will NOT be tolerated. Illinois High School Association by-laws read as follows:

“Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next inter scholastic contest at that level of competition, and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim, in addition to other penalties the IHSA or school may assess.”

This rule will apply to all Goreville School athletes both grade and high school.

20. Any person not approved or sanctioned by the Board of Education is NOT allowed to sit on the bench nor in the dugout while the team is participating in an athletic contest.


• Suspension is defined as: The student will not be allowed to participate in one or more games.

*This will be enforced by the individual coaches.

• If an offense penalized by suspension occurs during the off season, the suspension will become effective the next time the participant begins his/her activity.

• If an activity ends before the entire punishment is served, it will be carried over to the participant’s next activity.


An Athletic Activity Council will act in situations, which do not have clear guidelines for appropriate action. The Council shall include as members the following: The Principal, Athletic Director, one Coach, one Teacher, and a member of the Student Council. The person presenting the alleged violation to the council shall not have a vote in determining the penalty.


A student accused of a violation will be informed of the charges and given the opportunity to explain or respond.

Athletic codes can be enforced immediately upon submission of parent signature form and/or a physical form. Refusal of a parent signature will result in refusal for child to participate.

The Athletic Code will be uniformly imposed on participants, whether the student is a star athlete or a bench warmer.


1. An athlete serving out-of-school suspension will not be allowed to

participate in practices or games during the suspension period.

2. An athlete serving in-school supervision or after –school detention

will be allowed to participate in practices and games, pending

approval of the head coach.

3. An athlete serving in-school supervision or after-school detention

will NOT be allowed to participate in practices or games if time served

coincides with activities. (i.e. student is assigned after-school detention during scheduled practice time and/or student assigned in-school

supervision and bus leaves for away game at 2:30 P.M.)


Student participation in any athletic performance requires a student to be in attendance at school all day the day of the performance or game.

Students participating in athletic activities should not schedule routine doctor/dentist appointments or college visits on the day of a performance or game. All requests for exemption from this rule must be approved by the building principal.


Athletes and parents should recognize the risks of physical injury from athletic participation. While not every injury can be prevented, the coaching staff makes every effort to prevent these injuries from occurring. Through the teaching of proper skills, technique, training/conditioning of athletes, establishment and enforcement of training rules, and execution of safe practices the coaches work to maintain a safe environment for their athletes. For the most part, athletics are a healthy, positive experience for our young men and women; on occasion, however, injury may occur. All participants – athletes, coaches, and parents – must be aware that these incidents may occur.


• The coach should submit an accident form to the school office within 24 hours.

• Following an injury or illness, the coaches may request a doctor’s release prior to allowing participation in the sport.

• The school assumes neither responsibility nor obligation for the payment or treatment of injuries.

• Each athlete must have on file an emergency medical waiver, which gives consent for the administration of emergency medical treatment by the physician, coach, or other hospital personnel designated by the Goreville School staff.


All participants must have an annual physical exam submitted in the school office before participating in athletics.


All students participating in athletics will be required to purchase school-sponsored insurance or provide adequate coverage. A form must be signed to show that insurance coverage is provided for the student.


The head coach of each sport is responsible for the organization of the awards presented for their individual sport. An Athletic Reception is held in the spring of each year. Individual awards are presented at this time. Students ending the season with a suspension status may not be eligible for a sports award.


There may be occasions when an athlete will be approached by college coaches in efforts to recruit for a particular college. The high school coach can offer valuable assistance in counseling as to a college which might best meet the needs and abilities of the athlete.


To be eligible to participate in athletics, a student must pass all classes of school work per week. The athletic director, coach, and classroom teachers will be responsible for academic eligibility checks at the beginning of each week. A student found not meeting this requirement will be suspended for one week pending the following week’s grade check. Special circumstances will be reviewed by administration. A student athlete must have passed and received credit toward graduation the previous semester, according to IHSA rules, in order to be eligible at all during the ensuing semester.


To be eligible to participate in athletics, a student must be passing all classes. The coach and teachers will be responsible for academic eligibility checks on a weekly basis. A student found not meeting this requirement will be suspended for one week pending the following week’s grade check. Special circumstances will be reviewed by administration.


In order that athletics represent a positive experience in a student-athlete’s life, parental support and encouragement is of the utmost importance. It is imperative that parents understand and support the policies outlined in this document. The parental role is certainly a most difficult one, but with parents, coaches, and athletes working together, the benefits for everyone will be maximized. Parents can check grades at any time using the STI Information System.







I have read and I understand the rules and regulations as stated in the Athletic code Handbook. I agree to abide by all conditions in this agreement including the IHSA rules. I acknowledge that with the best coaching and strict observance of rules, injuries may still occur, and on rare occasion cause disability or death.

Athlete’s Signature:________________________________________________________



My son/daughter has my permission to practice and compete in the Goreville School Athletic program. I also approve of my son/daughter abiding by all conditions as set forth in the Athletic Code Handbook, including the IHSA rules. I acknowledge that with the best coaching and strict observance of rules, injuries still occur and on rare occasion may cause disability or death.

Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________


Goreville C.U.S.D. #1 7:300


Extracurricular Athletics

Student participation in school-sponsored extracurricular athletic activities is contingent upon the following:

1. The student must be enrolled full-time in the District.

2. The student must meet the academic criteria set forth in the School Board policy on school sponsored extracurricular activities.

3. The parent(s)/guardian(s) must provide written permission for the student’s participation, giving the District full waiver of responsibility of the risks involved.

4. The student must present a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, an advanced practice nurse, or a physician assistant who assures that the student’s health status allows for active athletic participation.

5. The student must show proof of accident insurance coverage either by a policy purchased through the District-approved insurance plan or a parent(s)/guardian(s) written statement that the student is covered under a family insurance plan.

6. The student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete forms required by the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) concerning its performance-enhancing substance testing program, implemented in accordance with State law, before the student may participate in an athletic competition sponsored or sanctioned by IHSA.

The Superintendent or designee shall maintain the necessary records to ensure student compliance with this policy.

LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.30, and 25/2.

23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.530(b).

CROSS REF.: 4:100 (Insurance Management), 4:170 (Safety), 6:190 (Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities), 7:240 (Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities), 7:330 (Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access), 7:340 (Student Records)

ADOPTED: December 16, 2013

Goreville C.U.S.D. 1_______________________________________________________


Name______________________________________BIRTH DATE_______________________



Home Address______________________________________________Phone_______________

To Whom It May Concern: In the even reasonable attempts to contact me at the locations listed below have been unsuccessful, I, as parent or legal guardian of the above student, do hereby authorize (1) the treatment by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of my child/ward in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment, or undue discomfort if delayed; and (2) the transfer of my child/ward to any hospital reasonably accessible.

This release form is completed and signed by my own free will with the purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances in my absence.




Phone Numbers:


Emergency Contact:_____________________________________________________________

Phone Numbers:



Specific medical allergies, medicines, or other conditions:


Sign, Detach, and Return


All students participating in any school sports activities or cheerleading squad are required by the Goreville Unit #1 School district to have accident insurance coverage.

Please fill out the form below indicating proof of accident insurance provided for your child during the present school year.

Student’s Name_________________________________________________________________

Sport/squad for which accident insurance is required:___________________________________

Coach’s Name:_________________________________________________________________

Check one:

1._________My child is covered by the accident insurance made available by the Goreville Unit #1 School District.

2._________My child is covered by accident insurance which is provided by an insurance company other than the one available through the school.

If #2 was checked, please provide the following information:

Insurance Company Name:________________________________________________________

Policy Number:_________________________________________________________________

Primary Policy Holder’s Name:____________________________________________________

I agree that the above information is true and can be verified.

Parent signature:_____________________________________Date:_______________________

Sign, Detach, and Return

Goreville C.U.D. ________________________________________________________



Sport or Activity:_______________________________________________________________

I am the parent/guardian of the above student. I certify that my child/ward is in good physical health and is capable of participation in the above mentioned sport or activity. No need exists to limit his/her participation. I assume full responsibility for his/her physical condition and participation. I will notify you of any changes in his/her physical condition.

Home Address:_________________________________________________________________

Phone:_____________________Cell:___________________Date of Birth:__________________

Parent/Guardian Name:________________________________Work Phone:________________


Medical History:

yes/year yes/year yes/year

Heart Condition__________________Epilepsy__________________Allergies______________

yes/year yes/year yes/year


1. Injuries and/or operations during the past year? (Include Dates) ________________________


2. Has your child/ward’s physical activity been restricted during the past year? (Reasons and durations) _________________________________________________________________________________


3. Is your child/ward taking any medication?___________________________

If yes, why?_________________________Name of medication________________________

Parent/Guardian signature________________________________Date_____________________

Sign, Detach, and Return


A concussion is a brain injury and all brain injuries are serious. They are caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or by a blow to another part of the body with the force transmitted to the head. They can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally works. Even though most concussions are mild, all concussions are potentially serious and may result in complications including prolonged brain damage and death if not recognized and managed properly. In other words, even a “ding” or a bump on the head can be serious. You can’t see a concussion and most sports concussions occur without loss of consciousness. Signs and symptoms of concussion may show up right after the injury or can take hours or days to fully appear. If your child reports any symptoms of concussion, or if you notice the symptoms or signs of concussion yourself, seek medical attention right away.

Symptoms may include one or more of the following:

• Headaches

• “Pressure in head”

• Nausea or vomiting

• Neck pain

• Balance problems or dizziness

• Blurred, double, or fuzzy vision

• Sensitivity to light or noise

• Feeling sluggish or slowed down

• Feeling foggy or groggy

• Drowsiness

• Change in sleep patterns

• Amnesia

• “Don’t feel right”

• Fatigue or low energy

• Sadness

• Nervousness or anxiety

• Irritability

• More emotional

• Confusion

• Concentration or memory problems

(forgetting game plays)

• Repeating the same question/comment

Signs observed by teammates, parents and coaches include:

• Appears dazed

• Vacant facial expression

• Confused about assignment

• Forgets plays

• Is unsure of game, score, or opponent

• Moves clumsily or displays incoordination

• Answers questions slowly

• Slurred speech

• Shows behavior or personality changes

• Can’t recall events prior to hit

• Can’t recall events after hit

• Seizures or convulsions

• Any change in typical behavior or personality

• Loses consciousness

What can happen if my child keeps on playing with a concussion or returns too soon?

Athletes with the signs and symptoms of concussion should be removed from play immediately. Continuing to play with the signs and symptoms of a concussion leaves the young athlete especially vulnerable to greater injury. There is an increased risk of significant damage from a concussion for a period of time after that concussion occurs, particularly if the athlete suffers another concussion before completely recovering from the first one. This can lead to prolonged recovery, or even to severe brain swelling (second impact syndrome) with devastating and even fatal consequences. It is well known that adolescent or teenage athletes will often fail to report symptoms of injuries. Concussions are no different. As a result, education of administrators, coaches, parents and students is the key to student-athlete’s safety.

If you think your child has suffered a concussion

Any athlete even suspected of suffering a concussion should be removed from the game or practice immediately. No athlete may return to activity after an apparent head injury or concussion, regardless of how mild it seems or how quickly symptoms clear, without medical clearance. Close observation of the athlete should continue for several hours. IHSA Policy requires athletes to provide their school with written clearance from either a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches or a certified athletic trainer working in conjunction with a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches prior to returning to play or practice following a concussion or after being removed from an interscholastic contest due to a possible head injury or concussion and not cleared to return to that same contest. In accordance with state law, all IHSA member schools are required to follow this policy.

You should also inform your child’s coach if you think that your child may have a concussion. Remember it’s better to miss one game than miss the whole season. And when in doubt, the athlete sits out.

For current and up-to-date information on concussions you can go to:

Student-athlete Name Printed Student-athlete Signature Date

Parent or Legal Guardian Printed Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date

Sign, Detach, and Return


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